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The GX400 supports exposing the USB OTG interface as a USB Ethernet device. This allows users to connect to their GX400 via USB.
PC support for connecting to the GX400 via USB is as follows:
1 OS X 10.7.0 has a bug which breaks support for USB Ethernet devices, this is resolved in 10.7.1 and later. Drivers and instructions for installation can be found in <AAF-Package>/tools/drivers.
A few important notes regarding connecting to the GX gateway.
To enable Embedded Application Framework support in your GX400 you will need to apply a firmware update. The update can be found in <AAF-Package>/firmware/. There are two .bin files located in this directory, both effectively can update the device to the same version.
To apply the update, connect to your GX400 and load the AceManager Web UI (either or depending whether you are connected via USB or Ethernet (respectively).
ALEOS AF is disabled by default in ALEOS firmware that supports it. Enabling ALEOS AF can be done two ways: (1) via AceManager and (2) via AirVantage Management Services.
To enable ALEOS AF via AceManager follow the following steps: