
This document will guide you in creating a geofencing application that will operate in the GPS and Sierra Wireless ALEOS AF enabled modems. A geofence defines an area that can be monitored to determine when a vehicle exits or enters the defined area. The geofence area is specified using GPS points or a GPS point and a distance. As the GPS location is updated by changes in latitude and longitude variables, the current location can be checked to determine if it is inside or outside of the defined fence. The functions to facilitate creating geofences and determining if a point is in or out of a fence area are in the geolocation library, geoloc.

For the code snippets used in examples below, the following modules are needed:

local sched      = require 'sched'      -- Lua scheduling and synchronization library
local geoloc     = require 'geoloc'     -- Geolocation library
local devicetree = require 'devicetree' -- Access to the device's variables

Specifying a geofence area

A geofence area can be specified as a circle, rectangle, or polygon. You can also specify 'everywhere' to mean that the whole earth is inside the fence, or 'nowhere' to imply that there is no way to be inside a fence.


A circular fence is specified by a point and a radius. The argument string to create a circular fence is:

circle_fence_string = "circle center_latitude; center_longitude; radius_in_meters"


A rectangular fence is specified by a pair of latitudes and longitudes. The argument string to create a rectangular fence is:

rectangular_fence_string = "rectangle latitude_1; longitude_1; latitude_2; longitude_2"


A polygonal fence is specified by a list of points. At least three points are required to define the fence. The argument string to create a polygonal fence is:

polygonal_fence_string = "poly latitude_1; longitude_1;...; latitude_n; longitude_n"

everywhere and nowhere

In the event it is desired to declare that a vehicle is "always inside a fence", simply use the fence string:

And, likewise, to declare that the vehicle is never inside a fence, use:

These two fences can be useful to exercise your code to simulate moving into and out of a fence by changing the fence type between everywhere and nowhere.

Creating a fence

A fence is created with the geoloc.newarea function.

local my_fence, err_msg = geoloc.newarea (fence_string)

Where fence_string is one of the above fence forms.

Location Updates and the Callback function

Register the GPS variables

To receive GPS updates for your location, register to receive the GPS variables for latitude and longitude.

function main()

The register variable function takes a list of variables and a callback function to handle the updates. This callback function, check_for_fence_breaches, is called each time an update occurs and will determine if the updated location has entered or exited the fence.

local gps_vars = { 'aleos.gps.latitude','aleos.gps.longitude','aleos.gps.fix' }

devicetree.register (gps_vars, check_for_fence_breaches)

Note that the register function causes an immediate update to occur for each of the listed variables.

The callback function

The callback function receives the GPS updates, which could occur as often as once a second, and takes the appropriate actions based on the new position.
For this callback function, we'll need a state table that will contain the variables that will be used to determine if the vehicle has made a transition across the fence boundaries.

The state table

This table will keep the current state of the application.

local state = {
    fence = geoloc.newarea 'everywhere';
    last_reported_position = false;
    was_in_fence = true;
    lat = 0;
    long = 0;
    fix = 0;

fence is the current fence area. Later, a function will be implemented to allow the fence to be set.

last_reported_position is the last GPS point reported and is used to determine if the vehicle has moved beyond a minimum distance in order to be considered as a change. When a vehicle is sitting still, the GPS coordinates constantly "jitter", indicating small movements. So a new position is tested against the last position to determine if the vehicle is really moving.

was_in_fence notes whether the last position reported was inside or outside the fence. true = inside the fence.

lat and long are the current latitude and longitude values. If an update contains only the latitude, for example, then the state.long value did not change and is valid for the current position.

fix is the current state of the GPS fix which indicates whether valid location values are being received. Values are:
0 = No fix, while values > 0 indicate that enough satellite signals have been acquired to calculate valid positions.

Initial callback function implementation

This is a simple implementation that demonstrates how to detect movements in and out of a fence.

local function check_for_fence_breaches (gps_data)

    -- update the GPS fix if changed
    local fix = gps_data ['system.gps.fix'] or state.fix
    state.fix = fix
    if fix == 0 then return 'ok' end - Bail out if no GPS fix

    -- Get the new GPS position
    local lat = gps_data ['system.gps.latitude'] or
    local long = gps_data ['system.gps.longitude'] or state.long

    -- Update the state table = lat
    state.long = long

    local p = geoloc.newpoint(lat, long)

    -- Detect moves across the geofence
    local is_in_fence = state.fence:contains(p) -- Check if new point is inside fence

    if state.was_in_fence and not is_in_fence then
        -- Moved out of fence
        -- Implement desired action here

    elseif not state.was_in_fence and is_in_fence then
        -- Moved back into fence
        -- Implement desired action here

    -- Update the state table
    state.was_in_fence = is_in_fence

    return 'ok'

The control variables

Now, add tracking the vehicle. A control table is added for the necessary variables.
The control table contains several variables that are used to determine the behavior of the application.

local control = {
    started = true;
    always_track = false;
    track_outside = true;
    delta = 100;

started notes whether fence activity, the exits and entries, should be reported or not. true = yes.

always_track notes whether position changes should always be reported, both inside and outside the fence. true = yes.

track_outside notes that a change in position should be reported when outside the fence.

delta is the distance in meters that a vehicle needs to move before it is considered as a change in position.

Callback function with the control variables implemented

In this example, the control.started variable has been added and is checked to see if any reporting is desired. If its value is false, then the function exits without checking anything else. Following the tests for fence crossing, if tracking is desired for the current state of being in or out of the fence, the current position is checked to see if it has moved a distance greater than delta. If it has moved greater than delta, then the variable, state.last_reported_position, is updated and the desired action is executed.

local function check_for_fence_breaches (gps_data)

    -- update the GPS fix if changed
    local fix = gps_data ['system.gps.fix'] or state.fix
    state.fix = fix
    if fix == 0 then return end -- Bail out if no GPS fix

    -- Get the new GPS position
    local lat = gps_data ['system.gps.latitude'] or
    local long = gps_data ['system.gps.longitude'] or state.long

    -- Update the state table = lat
    state.long = long

    local p = geoloc.newpoint(lat, long)

    -- Bail out if disabled
    if not control.started then state.last_reported_position=nil; return end

    -- Detect moves across the geofence
    local is_in_fence = state.fence:contains(p) -- Check if new point is inside fence

    if state.was_in_fence and not is_in_fence then
        -- Moved out of fence
        -- Implement desired action here

    elseif not state.was_in_fence and is_in_fence then
        -- Moved back into fence
        -- Implement desired action here

    -- Update the state
    state.was_in_fence = is_in_fence

    -- Check if tracking is enabled
    if always_track or (track_outside and not is_in_fence)then
        -- Test if have moved more than the 'delta' distance
        local l_pos = state.last_reported_position

        if not l_pos or l_pos:distance(p) > then
            state.last_reported_position = p -- Only update after moving greater than 'delta'
            -- Implement desired action here
    return 'ok'

The Set Fence Function

The setfence function for this command is implemented as follows:

-- The 'setfence' command is invoked
-- with one argument that is a string describing the new fence
function handle_command_setfence (fence_string)
    -- Convert the fence description string into an area object
    local fence, err_msg = geoloc.newarea (fence_string)
    if not fence then
        -- Invalid fence specification
        -- Implement desired action here
        -- Update new fence
        state.fence = fence
        -- Fence changed

    -- Because the fence has changed, the vehicle may now be
    -- outside of the fence, or back inside the fence
    -- Check whether the fence state changed

    check_for_fence_breaches {}

    return 'ok'


The log function is used to both print a message and store it in the system log file. The print functionality will display the message immediately if testing the application in a Lua shell. The system log can be viewed in the AAF IDE. The system log file may also be viewed directly.

The logging library is included using the statement:

local log = require 'log'    -- logging library

The log message

A log message is created using the statement:

log ('module or app name', 'level', 'message to be logged')

The 'module or app name' is a single word to describe the source of this message.

'level' is the logging level or severity of the message.

The 'message to be logged' is the message string that describes whatever you like. The message string format is the same as string.format, which is similar to printf formatting.

A couple of examples are:

log('GEOFENCE', 'INFO', "Asset tracked: reporting position")
log('GEOFENCE', 'ERROR', "Invalid fence specification: %s", msg_string)

Logging Levels

The logging level or verbosity determines which log messages will be logged.

The logging level in the log statement must be one of the following:


Setting a logging level will cause that level and the levels preceding it to be logged. If the level is set to 'INFO', then all messages at that level and the ones preceding it will be logged, which means that the 'ERROR', 'WARNING', and 'INFO' levels will be logged, and the messages at the 'DETAIL' and 'DEBUG' levels will not be logged.

Setting the log level

The log level is set using the setlevel command.

log.setlevel 'INFO'

Putting it all together

Here is a complete geofence application that includes all the elements described above.

You will need to define a fence with real location values. It's easy to get latitude and longitude values off a Google map by right-clicking a point and selecting "What's here?" in the context menu.

-- Geofencing Application
-- ======================
local sched      = require 'sched'      -- Lua scheduling and synchronization library
local geoloc     = require 'geoloc'     -- Geolocation library
local devicetree = require 'devicetree' -- Access to the device's variables
local log        = require 'log'        -- logging library
log.setlevel 'INFO'

local state = {
    fence                  = geoloc.newarea 'everywhere';
    last_reported_position = false;
    was_in_fence           = true;
    lat                    = 0;
    long                   = 0;
    fix                    = 0;

local control = {
        started        = true;  -- Proceed with fence checking and trackng? Yes
        always_track   = false; -- Always track inside and outside of the fence? No
        track_outside  = true;  -- Track only outside the fence? Yes
        delta          = 100    -- Minimum distance to be a change in position: 100 meters.

-- Will register to receive updates for these GPS variables
local gps_vars = {

-- callback function for GPS changes
local function check_for_fence_breaches (gps_data)
    -- update the GPS fix if changed
    local fix  = gps_data ['system.gps.fix'] or state.fix
    state.fix = fix
    if fix == 0 then return 'ok' end  -- Bail out if no GPS fix

    -- Get the new GPS position
    local lat  = gps_data ['system.gps.latitude']  or
    local long = gps_data ['system.gps.longitude'] or state.long

    -- Update the state  = lat
    state.long = long

    local p    = geoloc.newpoint(lat, long)

    -- Bail out if disabled
    if not ra.tree.control.started then state.last_reported_position = nil; return 'ok' end

    -- Detect moves across the geofence
    local is_in_fence = state.fence:contains(p) -- Check if new point is inside fence

    if state.was_in_fence and not is_in_fence then
        log ('GEOFENCE', 'INFO', 'Reporting exit from fence')
        -- Implement desired action here

    elseif not state.was_in_fence and is_in_fence then
        log ('GEOFENCE', 'INFO', 'Reporting entry into fence')
        -- Implement desired action here

    -- Update the state
    state.was_in_fence  = is_in_fence

    -- Check if tracking is enabled
    if ra.tree.control.always_track or (ra.tree.control.track_outside and not is_in_fence)then
        -- Test if have moved more than the 'delta' distance
        local l_pos = state.last_reported_position

        if not l_pos or l_pos:distance(p) > then
            state.last_reported_position = p  -- Only update after moving greater than 'delta'
            log ('GEOFENCE', 'DETAIL', 'Tracking: updating position')
            -- Implement desired action here

    return 'ok'

-- The 'setfence' command is invoked
-- with one argument that is a string describing the new fence

function handle_command_setfence (fence_string)

    local fence, err_msg = geoloc.newarea (fence_string)

    if not fence then
        log ('GEOFENCE', 'ERROR', 'Invalid fence specification: ' .. err_msg)
        state.fence = fence
        log ('GEOFENCE', 'INFO', 'Fence changed to ' .. fence_string)

        -- Because the fence has changed, the vehicle may now be
        -- outside of the fence, or back inside the fence
        -- Check whether the fence state changed

    return 'ok'

function main()

    log('GEOFENCE', 'INFO', "Application starting")


    -- Register to receive updates to the GPS variables
    -- The callback function will check for fence events and tracking
    devicetree.register (gps_vars, check_for_fence_breaches)

    log('GEOFENCE', 'INFO', "Application started: waiting for GPS movements.")

    -- example command to set a fence
    -- change this fence string to define a new fence
    handle_command_setfence ('circle 37.498193;-121.912836; 100')
end; sched.loop()