
Applied Informatics @ Sierra Wireless Developer Day 2014

20 Oct. 2014
Author: Sierra Wireless


During Sierra Wireless Developer Day 2014, Günter Obiltschnig from Applied Informatics presented a Javascript framework to develop applications for M2M and IoT systems.

Günter demonstrated it on a simple Legato embedded application running a web server on a Sierra Wireless WP7 dev kit, that sends data wirelessly to AirVantage M2M Cloud.

In this blog post, Günter details how this framework (recently named allows you to simply develop your embedded connected M2M/IoT applications, and give code sample: few lines of javascript code allows your applications to periodically acquire sensors data, deal with a local database, run a local web server to server data and commands from the device, send data to the cloud using AirVantage, etc.

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