GPS Troubleshooting Guide

Jun 30, 2015 - Author: Sierra Wireless - 8049 Views


This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to identify and correct common GPS related problems.


The technician will need to gather specific data from the oMG via the user interface (LCI). Accessing the LCI can be done when connected locally to the oMG or by using the onBoard Mobility Manager (“oMM”) remote LCI option.

Common Symptoms

The end user may report GPS issues when the current location of a specific vehicle equipped with an oMG is not displaying on the mapping software in use. This mapping software could be either the oMM or a third-party vendor mapping solution known as an Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) application.

Troubleshooting Steps

The first step is to assess the current condition of the GPS module by accessing the LCI.

From the LCI, navigate to Status -> General and note the current state of the GPS Position Lock and GPS Satellites Found :


Use the following list to interpret the state and troubleshoot the GPS issues:

  • GPS Position Lock is set to False: indicates no lock to any satellites. The vehicle is probably parked under cover. Position Lock will be corrected when the vehicle changes location.
  • GPS Satellites Found with a value of less than 4. Indicates a poor signal and will be corrected when the vehicle changes location.
  • GPS Position Lock is set to No Fix, Antenna open:
    • The antenna connected to the GPS module needs to be physically verified to ensure the connector is securely fastened.
    • If the connector is securely fastened, the antenna may be damaged and needs to be replaced. In this situation, connecting a new antenna may be required.
  • GPS Position Lock is set to True and you have over 4 GPS Satellites Found. The GPS module is behaving normally. If the oMG is not showing up on the map, a configuration review of the GPS module is needed.
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