Sierra Wireless FX30 Firmware Cat1

May 29, 2023 - Author: Sierra Wireless - Version 3.0 - 6357 Views

This page contains the Sierra Wireless FX30 Cat1 firmware packages


For current FX30 releases (based on Legato 18+), the Legato application development environment and FX30 source code are available through the Legato Leaf workspace manager. Run leaf search fx30 to get a list of available FX30 packages.


FX30 Cat1


Release 16.0.2

- R16.0.2 Firmware for Generic Operators
- R16.0.2 Firmware for AT&T
- R16.0.2 Firmware for Sierra
- R16.0.2 Firmware for Sprint
- R16.0.2 Firmware for T-Mobile
- R16.0.2 Firmware for Verizon
- R16.0.2 release notes


Release 10.1

- R10.1.1.004 Firmware for Generic Operators 
- R10.1.1.004 Firmware for Sierra 
- R10.1.1.004 release notes 
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