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This page contains AirLink RV50 and RV50X ALEOS 4.16.0 and RMFW images.
Please also see the ALEOS 4.16 Availability Bulletin.
Applicable to ALEOS 4.9.0 and later releases As part of Sierra Wireless’s continued commitment to ensuring the highest level of security on all AirLink devices, the upgrade process for this release will detect the following potentially insecure device configurations and make corresponding configuration changes to mitigate the potential security impact:
If a device has already been upgraded these services can be re-enabled using ACEmanager or AirLink Management Service (ALMS). In addition to the above changes, the viewer account has been removed and will no longer be accessible in this release.
North America
Radio Modules:
-RV50 Radio Module Firmware for Generic Operators
-RV50 Radio Module Firmware for ATT
-RV50 Radio Module Firmware for Verizon
-RV50 Radio Module Firmware for Sprint
-RV50 Radio Module Firmware for Telstra
North America & EMEA
-RV50X Radio Module Firmware for Generic Operators
-RV50X Radio Module Firmware for ATT
-RV50X Radio Module Firmware for Verizon
-RV50X Radio Module Firmware for Sprint
-RV50X Radio Module Firmware for Sierra
-RV50X_Radio Module Firmware for DOCOMO
-RV50X Radio Module Firmware for KDDI
-RV50X Radio Module Firmware for Telstra
Provides the ALEOS 4.18.0 Software Configuration User Guide for AirLink RV50X.
ACEmanager access method using HTTPS