AirPrime - XM1210 - Product Technical Specification

Aug 13, 2020 - Author: Sierra Wireless - Version 3.0 - 10947 Views

The AirPrime XM1210 is a multi-GNSS receiver that is capable of tracking different systems simultaneously. It provides an external antenna interface that supports both active and passive GNSS antennas, and is one of the smallest multi-GNSS modules on the market.


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The GNSS Tool is a graphic user interface (GUI) used with AirPrime XA, XM, XP, and XS modules to monitor GNSS information and execute commands for analysis.

AirPrime - XA12xx and XM1210 - Development Kit User Guide

This document describes the AirPrime XA12xx and XM1210 Development Kit and how it simplifies the evaluation process for GNSS modules.

AirPrime - XA12xx and XM1210 - Software User Guide

This document includes an extensive list of all NMEA Standard and PMTK extended messages and commands used by the AirPrime XA12xx and XM1210 GNSS modules.

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