EM759X Linux Drivers and User Guide

Sep 06, 2023 - Author: Sierra Wireless - Version 2 - 5588 Views

EM759X modules uses the following Linux open source drivers:

  • QMI_WWAN driver — Used by RmNet data and control driver
    Note — Patch required (applies to EM7590 and EM7595) — EM7590 qmi_wwan patch
  • QCSerial driver — Qualcomm USB serial port used by the Modem AT command port, diagnostic DM serial port, and NMEA GPS port
    Note — Patch required (applies to EM7590 and EM7595) — EM7590 qcserial patch
  • MBIM driver — Default build-in CDC_MBIM (Patch not required)

EM759X modules also use the following libraries for the user space control application:

The following EM759X-specific documentation for libQMI is available:

For more information, refer to the Linux User Guide (use the Download link below).


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