RC76xx Approved Firmware Packages Summary

Jan 12, 2025 - Author: Sierra Wireless - Version 2 - 5180 Views

On this page, the latest RC76xx firmware packages are recommended with regards to the configurations of Firmware and Config, which are recently approved by MNO's  for the RC7611[-1], RC7612, RC7620[-1], and RC7630[-1] .


Please check with your Sierra Wireless sales contact to identify and determine which production SKUs of RC76xx, configured in FW and Config, are currently available. 


RC7611, RC7611-1

Modem Firmware Config Base Legato System Approved FW Package
AT&T SWI9X07H_00.09.10.00 001.096_000   22.10.0.ThreadX.rc10  AT&T Approved: Release 10
Generic–PTCRB, GCF SWI9X07H_00.09.10.00 001.164_000 22.10.0.ThreadX.rc10 PTCRB/GCF Approved: Release 10
T-Mobile SWI9X07H_00.09.10.00 001.068_000  22.10.0.ThreadX.rc10 T-Mobile Approved: Release 10
Verizon SWI9X07H_00.09.10.00 001.090_000 22.10.0.ThreadX.rc10 Verizon Approved: Release 10
Sierra Wireless SWI9X07H_00.09.10.00  000.107_000  22.10.0.ThreadX.rc10 Sierra (Data Only) Approved: Release 10




Modem Firmware Config Base Legato System Approved FW Package
AT&T SWI9X07H_00.09.10.00 001.096_000  22.10.0.ThreadX.rc10  AT&T Approved: Release 10 
Generic–PTCRB, GCF  SWI9X07H_00.09.10.00  001.164_000  22.10.0.ThreadX.rc10  PTCRB/GCF Approved: Release 10


RC7620, RC7620-1

Modem Firmware Config Base Legato System Approved FW Package
Generic–GCF SWI9X07H_00.09.10.00 001.164_000 22.10.0.ThreadX.rc10 GCF Approved: Release 10
Telstra SWI9X07H_00.08.44.07 001.024_000 22.10.0.ThreadX.rc4 Telstra Approved: Release 9.6.1
Sierra Wireless  SWI9X07H_00.09.10.00  000.107_000  22.10.0.ThreadX.rc10  Sierra (Data Only) Approved: Release 10 


RC7630, RC7630-1

Modem Firmware Config Base Legato System Approved FW Package
Sierra Wireless SWI9X07H_00.09.10.00   000.107_000  22.10.0.ThreadX.rc10  Sierra (Data Only) Approved: Release 10  
KDDI SWI9X07H_00.09.10.00  001.053_000  22.10.0.ThreadX.rc10  KDDI Approved: Release 10   
DOCOMO  SWI9X07H_00.09.10.00   001.043_000  22.10.0.ThreadX.rc10   DOCOMO Approved: Release 10   
SKT (Data Only) SWI9X07H_00.08.43.01  001.020_000  22.10.0.ThreadX.rc12  SKT (Data Only) Approved:  Release 9.4
KT  SWI9X07H_00.08.41.00  001.051_000  22.10.0.ThreadX.rc12  KT Approved: Release 9.4 
Generic–Korea* SWI9X07H_00.08.43.07   001.082_000  22.10.0.ThreadX.rc12  Generic (Korea) Approved: Release 9.4.1  
LGU+* SWI9X07H_00.08.43.07  001.082_000  22.10.0.ThreadX.rc12  LGU+ Approved: Release 9.4.1 
LGU+ (Data Only)* SWI9X07H_00.08.43.07  001.082_000   22.10.0.ThreadX.rc12  LGU+ (Data Only)  Approved: Release 9.4.1  
LGU+ (Data Only) SWI9X07H_00.08.43.07  001.014_000  22.10.0.ThreadX.rc12  LGU+ (Data Only) Approved: Release 9.4 

* for RC7630 modules only

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