C-GPS Library 3.08 Release note

Aug 31, 2010 - Author: Sierra Wireless - Version 3.08 - 3932 Views

2.1. Software Identification.
2.2. Compatibility.




1. New Features.

This section lists the features added added since C-GPS 3.04 plug-in.

New ATS3625 automotive grade module support: All samples support the newly released ATS3625 module. This eRide’s Opus III based module is automotive grade, and offers a simple integration.

Open UART: The use of Open UART by the C-GPS sample applications avoid any loss of GPS data that was occurring sporadically on previous releases when the CPU was heavily loaded.

Robustness improvements : The samples recovers automatically in case of communication failure with the GPS companion.

Easy start-up with ready to use GPS sample applications: The C-GPS package comes now with dedicated samples for each type of supported GPS companion hardware (eRide’s Opus III Chipset, eRide’s nanoRide module and ATS3625 module), and associated binary that can be directly downloaded to the W-CPU target without any development nor compilation task.

2. Software Release Description

2.1. Software Identification
Software Identification
C-GPS Package 3.08.2014
C-GPS Core Library
Reported eRide SW version

+ERSWV: OPUSIIIWAVECOM_GCC,<WBR>ENP320I903301_11631805_000,1,0

2.2. Compatibility
Wireless CPU® compatibility list
WMP1xx / Q2687 / Q2686 / Q26Ex

GPS hardware compatibility list
eRide’s Opus III Chipset (eRide ePV3600B-AAI –BB - & ePR3036Q – RF -)
eRide’s nanoRide module
AT&S ATS3625 module

OS and other Plug-Ins compatibility
C-GPS Core Library Open AT® OS 6.30, 6.31
Simple Sample, QueryApp Open AT® OS 6.30, 6.31
QueryAppAiding Open AT® OS 6.30, 6.31 and associated WIP Plug-In

Tools compatibility list
Wavecom IDE v1.x
Wavecom M2M Studio 1.x
GCC and ADS generation tools chain

3. Known restrictions

Id Description (What / When) Impacted Domain Impacted

Sub Domain

Known since…
48333 Reset occurs when a Circuit Switch Data Call is done if NMEA frames are enabled on debug UART Samples GPS 3.04
48345 When Simple Sample application is running, if AT+CMGS command is sent then WCPU is blocked in SMS edit mode. No problem on QueryApp. Samples GPS 3.04
51371 Can't make an RTE build (Real Time Environment for debug). - Debug 3.04
56584 There may be a shift in the UTC time between the GPZDA sentence and the GPRMC and GPGGA sentences in the NMEA outputs. This may occur during extended runs (more than 12 hours). Library NMEA frames 3.04
56585 Occasional First Fix position outliers greater than 100 meters on "Cold" and "Factory Cold" starts. Occurrence is ~ 1 out of 1000 starts. Library GPS 3.04
53312 In the NMEA sentence "$GPZDA", the date field that indicates calendar date is occasionally wrong for one epoch.
- Incorrect sentence (3rd sentence) looks like this ( note date 15,02,2009 is incorrect):
Library NMEA frames 3.08
55235 C-GPS samples not working when used on Q26 Extreme Dev Kit when using UART2 to connect to GPS. This is due to GPIO01 state (high) after reset. Application must initialize GPIO01 to low level at startup (using adl_ioSubscribe, or using AT+WIOM=1,"GPIO01",1,0 command) Samples GPS 3.08
56333 C-GPS QueryAppAiding sample is not functional with Q26Ext module. The CCED command answer is not correctly process by the sample. Samples A-GPS 3.08

4. Interface modifications

This section lists the C-GPS Library interfaces changes since C-GPS 3.04 Library.

API Comment
erNmeaGetNumPartsGSV, erNmeaGetGSV.

RENAMED / MODIFIED: erNmeaGetGSV has been changed to be consistent with the other NMEA generation functions, modifying the argument list. It is recommended to use the updated erNmeaGetGSV function. An example is provided below:

Original code snippet (for C-GPS plug-in 3.04):

if (gpsDataAvailMask & ER_SVSTAT_AVAIL) {
int num_sats, num_msgs, loop;
unsigned char nmeaStr[NMEA_STRING_SIZE];
num_msgs = erGetNumPartsGSV(&num_sats);
for (loop = 1; loop <= num_msgs; loop++) {
len = erNmeaGetGSV(num_sats, num_msgs, loop, nmeaStr); // write out nmeaStr

New implementation snippet (for C-GPS plug-in 3.08):


if (gpsDataAvailMask & ER_SVSTAT_AVAIL) {
unsigned char nmeaStr[NMEA_STRING_SIZE];
while ( erNmeaGetGSV(nmeaStr) ) {
// write out nmeaStr

However, if preferred, two additional functions erNmeaGetNumPartsGSV0 and erNmeaGetGSV0 have been temporarily created and behave exactly like their original counterparts, simply replace all of the old calls with the ‘0’ version.

erNmeaInit, erNmeaPerRunInit, erNmeaProcessGPQ, erNmeaUpdateRate, erNmeaVerifyChecksum, erNmeaAddChecksum. DEPRECATED & STUBBED: These functions related to NMEA have been deprecated and stubbed. They may be called, but does not execute any code.
erRequestNvDataUpdate DELETED: This test function has been removed of the API set.
erSetFreqDiff, erSetFineFrequency, erSetTimeTransferPacket, erSetTimeTransferParam, erSetGpsChipset, erSetPrevRun, erSetPrevRunDefaults, erSetSbasConfig, erSetSbasMsgType, erGetSatWaasStatus, erSetEtPosition, erSetDynMode, erSetPosition, erSetFirstFixIntegrityParams, erSetPowerSavings, erSetClientId, erUpdateWatchdog, erNmeaSetHoldState, erNmeaCheckHoldState, erNmeaSameDateTime. DON’T USE: The Opus III GPS Library API document eTM-3100Q0001-00E associated with this release has following inconsistencies with some header files:

- the source header files contain additional function definitions that are not included in the API document.

- the API document includes functions in an intermediate state and are temporarily not supported for this release.

All these functions should be ignored and not called.

5. Corrections & Improvements

This section lists the corrections and improvements since C-GPS 3.04.

Id Description (What / When) Impacted Domain Impacted Sub Domain Fixed in
48517 W_CPU reset when the application tries to switch-on "pass thru" mode while it changes UART baud and re-subscribes to GPIOs. Sample Init 3.08
52598 W-CPU reset is AT+ERSTART is invoked before AT+CGPS Sample AT command 3.08
54570 The gcc_sprintf function provide incorrect output of floating point numbers.

The most impacting issue for the cgps application occurs any time the floating point NMEA output includes a number with leading zeros in the decimal fraction part of the number.

for example:
attempting to print 3564.0789 using a %f format gives 3564.789
attempting to print 3564.0009 using a %f format gives 3564.9

This function is only used on SimpleSample, not on QueryApp samples.

Sample NMEA frames 3.08

6. Memory requirements

The C-GPS Plug-In memory footprint depends on the tool chain used:

Tool chain C-GPS
Library only
Open AT® Application
GCC ROM 367 kBytes 472 kBytes
RAM (Static) 72 kBytes 94 kBytes
ADS ROM 300 kBytes 374 kBytes
RAM (Static) 71 kBytes 91 kBytes

NB: For Memory footprint: The ADL library RAM and ROM sizes should be added to the C-GPS Plug-In sizes to estimate the global RAM and ROM footprint.

NB: When using GCC sample with a 32Mb Flash size, platform must be configured with "AT+WOPEN=6,640" to allow enough room for the sample image for the download. Otherwise the platform does endless resets, repeatedly issuing "Fault 0400000000 !" after download.




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