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First time install Please use the provided installer and just follow the steps in order to install Developer Studio for the first time.
Upgrade Updates are automatically checked at each Developer Studio launch, and it is possible to upgrade to the new version just by following the instructions. It is also possible to start the updates checking job by using the Help > Check for Updates menu. Important note concerning workspace compatibility: From 1.2.0, Developer Studio uses a new metadata format for handling Open AT projects. When reusing an existing workspace which was created with an older version (i.e. 1.1.2 or older), projects are automatically converted to this new format, but won't be compatible anymore with former versions. If you plan to still handle projects with former versions, it is recommended to start a fresh new workspace with Developer Studio 2.0.0, and to import the needed projects from the former workspace to the new one. Note concerning upgrade from 1.1.0 release or older: If you are currently using Developer Studio version 1.1.0 or older, it is not possible to upgrade it to 2.0.0 release; you have to use the provided Software Installer instead, in order to install it in an empty new directory.
Installation over an Eclipse platform
It is possible to install Developer Studio as a set of plug-ins over an existing Eclipse platform.
Installation of Developer Studio source code (advanced users only)
Developer Studio source code is available for Eclipse developers. Please follow the steps above to install Developer Studio plug-ins over an Eclipse SDK. Developer Studio source code can be retrieved by checking the whole Source code category, before selecting the Install button.
1. Packages management
2. Develop
3. Build
4. Target Connectivity
5. Debug
6. Miscellaneous
1. Build system / Open AT Projects management
2. Target management
3. Run & Debug
Release 2.0.0
1. Miscellaneous
2. Packages Management
4. Target Management
Release 1.2.0
4. Run & Debug
5. Miscellaneous
6. Target management
7. Headless mode / Packages integration
Release 1.1.2
6. Headless mode / Packages integration
Release 1.1.1
1. Install / General
2. Build system / Open AT Projects management
Release 1.1.0
3. Target management
Release 1.0.2
Release 1.0.1
1. Install