Extended AT Application 1.21 Release note

Jun 06, 2012 - Author: Sierra Wireless - Version 1.21 - 4716 Views
  1. Extended AT Application
    1.1 Contents
    1.2 Location Features
  2. Software Release Description
    2.1 Software Identification
    2.2 Compatibility
    2.3 Software Installation
  3. Known restrictions
    3.1 Extended AT specific restrictions
    3.2 Internet Application restrictions
    3.3 Location AT restrictions
    3.3 eCall Inband Modem restrictions
    3.4 Jamming Detection restrictions
    3.5 Network Scan restrictions
  4. Interface modifications
    4.1 Internet Application
    4.2 Location AT
    4.3 eCall Inband Modem
  5. Corrections & Improvements
    5.1 Internet Application
    5.2 Location AT

1 ExtendedAT Application

1.1 Contents

The ExtendedAT Application 1.21 offers, in a single application, the combination of all AT commands provided by:

  • TCP/IP and Internet: Complete IP connectivity by AT Commands, bringing TCP, UDP, FTP, HTTP and POP3/SMTP services
  • MMS: Ability to send text, photo and/or sound file through Multimedia Messaging Service
  • Location Service: Ability to handle GPS positioning with the combination of AirPrime XM0110 to get NMEA frame, PVT data and TTFF
  • eCall-InBandModem: Ability to manage emergency call and send MSD data to PSAP server through AT Commands
  • Jamming Detection: New AT Commands (AT+WJAM) to detect jamming proximity and its level
  • Network Scan: Ability to monitor and get the best network environment at a given location by AT Command (AT+NWKSCAN), to ease device installation.

1.2 Location Features

  • Host RTC: Location library/XM0110 use the Embedded Module RTC time to build its clock reference. Pay back is BOM saving (extra hardware to generate/maintain the clock is useless) without any TTFF performance degradation.

2 Software Release Description

2.1 Software Identification

Extended AT Package
Version string reported by the Wip Library (AT+WIPCFG=3) WIP Soft v554 on Open AT OS v641
Apr 23 2012 10:28:40
Version string reported by the Location Library (AT+GPSVERS?) GPSAT.1.5.1 -GPS-LocLib.1.5.1-Mar 28 2012-08:35:15-SiRFHostIV-4.1.2-P3

c1a GSD4t_4.1.2-P3 02/22/2012 053

Note: Open AT OS v641 is identical to Open AT OS v651

2.2 Compatibility

Embedded module compatibility AirPrime WMP Series,
Q2686 Refreshed, Q2687 Refreshed, SL6087
Location Library
eCall InbandModem Library
Security Library
Internet Library
Open AT® OS
Tools compatibility Developer Studio 2.2.1

RVDS and GCC EABI tools chain

ARM_ELF_GCC is not supported

2.3 Software Installation

To download the Extended AT Application, you must install the software package using latest Developer Studio. The download menu is directly accessible from Installed package view.

3 Known Restrictions

3.1 Extended AT specific restrictions

The specific Extended AT known restrictions of this release are:

Id Description (What / When) Impacted Domain Impacted Sub Domain
Embedded module may reset when TCP data transfer operations are performed while GPS is running over I2C.
Workaround: Increase AHB bus clock to maximum value using AT+WCPS=1,1. Please note that this boost also increases consumption.
60375 Embedded module may reset if large amounts of TCP/IP based data is displayed on one UART using offline mode feature while GPS based data is displayed over another UART. OTHER OTHER

3.2 Internet Application restrictions

Id Description (What / When) Impacted Domain Impacted Sub Domain
59405 CME ERROR: 837 is received when ‘AT+WIPDATA’ command is issued even without starting a GPRS bearer and creating a TCP/UDP socket. ‘CONNECT’ indication is received in earlier versions of Internet Application. Ideally, CME ERROR: 831 (BAD STATE) should be received in such case. OTHER OTHER

3.3 Location AT restrictions

Id Description (What / When) Impacted Domain Impacted Sub Domain

If task for DEE is not statically declared (see simple sample to get an exemple), error event occurs during start transition or stop.

please notice that start or stop event will occur anyway.

GPS AT cmd. Others

3.4 Jamming Detection restrictions

Id Description (What / When) Impacted Domain Impacted Sub Domain

3.5 Network Scan restrictions

Id Description (What / When) Impacted Domain Impacted Sub Domain

4 Interface modifications

API Comment
ATI9 Information for application i.e. Application name, version, and Company Name are now filled in response of ATI9 command.

4.1 Internet Application

API Comment
AT+WIPCFG=3 Response for AT+WIPCFG=3 command has been slightly changed to remove Internet Library and Internet Application version information.

4.2 Location AT

Backward Compatible Change Comments
Yes New CW Removal parameter for +GPSCONF command
No Remove Debug Core trace value for <debug_data> field
No Replace aee_svtime with aee_SvValidity in +GPSEVAID unsolicited response for AEE
No Remove dee_dwl_time field in +GPSEVAID unsolicited response for DEE

4.3 eCall Inband Modem

All eCall InBandModem AT Commands interface remain identical

5 Corrections & Improvements

5.1 Internet Application

Id Issue Description Fixed In
55455 +CME ERROR: 800 is received instead of +CME ERROR: 851 when Server Address, Username and Password parameters are missing in the internet application command AT+WIPCREATE=4,1 to create the FTP server. 5.54
59087 When trying to set the data representation type at UART2 using Internet Application command AT+WIPOPT=4,1,2,40,x, after the FTP connection is made the expected OK response is not received. 5.54
59200 Unable to open server socket again, after closing the server socket and client socket (in this order). 5.54
61424 Embedded module cannot switch from DATA mode to AT mode if [ETX] character is encountered after HTTP POST method. 5.54
62074 When API wip_close() is called after successful HTTP GET/POST, HTTP GET/POST fails on next attempt. 5.54
62628 Embedded module goes into DATA mode even when issuing the AT+WIPDATA command with unused (inactive) socket. Escape sequence "+++" needs to be given to come out of DATA mode. 5.54

5.2 Location AT

Id Description (What/When) Fixed In
61415 The first start is failed from Sleep state / IDLE mode when GPS position is not fixed within 10 sec, before going to Sleep state / IDLE mode 1.5.1
62737 GPSEVAID: 0,2 is not available 1.5.1



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