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1. New Features
No new features have been introduced in this release.
2. Software Release Description
2.1. Software Identification
Software Specification
Software Identification
Date of generation
2012-Dec-17 09:52AM
Binary Size
2223904 Bytes
Bootloader X-modem
WMP/GL Series: 0x74 Q2686 Refreshed/Q2687 Refreshed: 0x18 SL6087: 0x17 Q2686/Q2687/Q2687 Classic: 0x09
Flash type
32/8 Mbits / 32/16 Mbits / 64/16 Mbits
2.2. Compatibility
AirPrime compatibility list
Q2686 Refreshed/Q2687 Refreshed
Q2686/Q2687/Q2687 Classic
AirLinkTM GL Series
AirLinkTM Fastrack Xtend EDGE (FXT009)
2.3. Certifications
This section summarizes the certifications passed for this software version
WMP100 (Hardware 500.x and 201.x)
WMP150 (Hardware 500.x and 201.x)
WMP50 (Hardware 500.x and 201.x)
Q2687 Refreshed
Q2686 Refreshed
2.4. Upgrade Files
The following table summarizes the files needed to upgrade your AirPrime with this Firmware version.
Upgrade Option
Upgrade through Developer Studio (1.2.0 or upper release) (*)
Upgrade through DWLwin (from DWLWin or more)
WMP Series
Q268x/Q268x Refreshed/SL6087
Upgrade through X-modem
Upgrade through DOTA2 (*)
(*): It is assumed that the former Firmware 7.x has been already installed on your AirPrime.
Note: Embedded Application built with a version before Open AT Application Framework 2.10 has to be rebuilt with this Open AT Application Framework.
Embedded Application built with a version before Open AT Application Framework 2.31 (and sending +IPR or +ICF command on a physical port) has to be rebuilt with this Open AT Application Framework.
Embedded Application built with a version before Open AT Application Framework 2.35 (and using I2C or SPI APIs in asynchronous mode) has to be rebuilt with this Open AT Application Framework.
For the upgrade procedure, you can refer to:
3. Known Restrictions
Description (What/When)
Impacted Domain
Impacted Sub Domain
When <User> and <Pwd> parameters are set to maximum length, then while using AT+WDSS? Command, junk characters received at end of <User> and <Pwd> parameters.
+CME ERROR:3 is received on entering UserPin of size greater than 16 digits with +WDSB command.
When auto answer is activated on a closed port, a reset may occur when an incoming call is received. This reset should not happen on target because S0 command is working on the port on which is sent and auto answer is reset when the port is closed. This is only observed when a bad E2P file is downloaded on an AirPrime.
When AT+CPWD command is used to change the password for FDN facility, +CME ERROR: 3 is received.
When Li-Ion algorithm is used on AirPrime WMP100 embedded SIM (with ATMEL WAP 3.1) to charge old batteries, charging maybe suddenly stopped (no more current draw) but charging indicator (+WBCI:2, XXXX) continue to be displayed. This problem can be solved by inserting a Schottky diode between power supply (charger) and the AirPrime.
59934 58510
AT commands cannot be issued to the AirPrime over any DLC if sleep mode is enabled before CMUX session is established.
Data flows are often corrupted or interrupted if AirPrime is being used with two simultaneous data flow on the both UART in CMUX mode.
Whenever UART2 is opened by Embedded application using ADL API at AUTO BAUD RATE, baud rate of the UART will get fixed after the first communication with hyper terminal or any other application. The baud rate will not get changed after that which will lead to an erroneous communication with different baud rates.
AirPrime shows wrong week day value after transitions from Saturday to Sunday or from Sunday to Monday.
Workaround: Uncheck "Send AT commands requests in development mode" option in Developer Studio 2.3.0
AirPrime resets if a large DLE/ETX sequence is transferred using TCP/UDP socket which is created on UART or USB bearer using Internet Application.
AirPrime gets reset when ATQ1 command is sent from AirPrime Management Services server to AirPrime.
Embedded RDMS
Decrease in monitoring of network coverage is displayed with AirPrime Management Services, instead of +CME ERROR: 10 error, when the SIM is removed.
Using AirPrime Management Services, the SMS counter in roaming is not correctly incremented when the device is registered in Roaming on a PLMN where the MNC is 0 (like HK_CSL network: MCC: 454 , MNC: 00) This SMS counter in roaming should be correctly increment on all network.
Using AirPrime Management Services, the AirPrime can send an automatic report to the AirPrime Management Services server when a trigger is configured for coverage. When the triggered value is reached, the value sent to the AirPrime Management Services server can be out of range (range = [0-100]). The value should be always in range and correct.
Workaround: On server side, when an automatic report is received for coverage in case of trigger, a GET command can be requested for coverage (the value is always correct in this case).
When a manual fallback is asked with the +WDSF command whereas no install succeeded before, the manual fallback should be failed and +WDSF should be answered an error.
If AirPrime is not attached to GPRS service, AT+CGDATA=1 does not perform the necessary actions to set up communication between the AirPrime and the network. Instead, it returns +CME ERROR: 3.
No +WGPRSIND indication is received when AirPrime Management Services are activated, after enabling the GPRS/EGPRS network technology capability and (modulation &) coding schemes indication using AT+WGPRS=9,1,1 command.
If the slow CONNECT mode (+WGPRS=5,1) is activated, the UART1 gets blocked after issuance of ATD*99***1# command. Response is not received for any AT command after this.
OK is not received, when AT+WREGC is used to activate spy mode immediately after receiving OK for the ATH for an active call in an embedded application. Also, thereafter AirPrime hangs and no other command can be processed after this.
When trying to manually select the different PLMNs available, sometimes the selection fails with a +CME ERROR: 529 ("PLMN selection failure, Emergency calls only").
PCM recording from the Tx path is muted when PCM playing to the Rx path is stopped.
Workaround: The highest priority task in an embedded application should not do any heavy blocking computations unless really needed, since that will block AT commands. If the application needs to be responsive of AT commands, the connection should be managed from a task that is not the highest priority.
AirPrime is able to go into the sleep mode even when the API adl_pwrdwnSubscribe and adl_pwrdwnForbidden() returns OK if called from LOW-LEVEL INTERRUPT HANDLER. Workaround: Service subscription MUST be done in task context.
After full unsubscription of Power Down services (no task has an active subscription), the subsequent subscription fails.
When using GDB with maximum of allowed breakpoints (2), and pressing Step Return, Developer Studio will sometimes insert an extra (3rd) breakpoint. This will stop further GDB debugging session from working. Workaround, do not use maximum of allowed breakpoints when doing step return.
After a FTP transfer is completed in boost mode (AirPrime at 104Mhz), the AirPrime gets out of boost mode and the AirPrime frequency is returned to 26MHz.
Using AT+CPOF=1 with the ON_OFF pin set to ON might reset the AirPrime instead of leaving it locked up until the pin is set to OFF.
ADL_RET_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED error is received instead of ADL_RET_ERR_PARAM when TCU service is subscribed using an invalid PIN ID for Event Capture and Event Detection services.
The ADL_INIT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR error is received while trying to write into an already finalized A&D Cell. Error ADL_INIT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR is rightly returned as it is not possible to write into a finalized cell. The finalized Cell_ID should be deleted first in order to write into it and then used to download and install the application.
The response to the 'AT+CCID' command is mismatched with the ICCID number written on the SIM card in case it contains any alphabet between 'A' and 'F'.
+CME ERROR: 515 is received for AT commands if the SIM is removed before the reception of OK after issuing AT+CGACT=1,1.
On inserting and removing some specific SIM card "WIND:1" is missing after some iteration.
While using a SIM with ASCI Voice Broadcast service activated, on interrogating the CPHS status it shows the service as deactivated.
Even if SIM card contains CPHS_INFO file with all services (NON, MBN, CSP, SST, "Information Numbers") activated, CPHS considers "Information Numbers" service as deactivated.
When Open SIM Access services are stopped and if the 'AT+CPIN?' command is issued after switching back to local SIM, '+CME ERROR: 10' is returned signifying the absence of local SIM.
4. Interface Modifications
This section lists the interfaces that have been modified from the Firmware 7.47.4.
5. Corrections & Improvements
Fixed in
‘OK’ response for ATH command is not received when a concatenated command is issued immediately after ATH, if the first command of the concatenated list is a high priority command
Issuing ATI9 may cause the AirPrime to reset if the size of the embedded application is very large.
61775 61069
Sometimes the data written on the terminal is not received properly, when AirPrime is switched to data mode on USB port using an embedded application.
Sometimes the download of dwl files over XModem is unsuccessful when AirPrime is switched to data mode on USB port using an embedded application.
USB PID is resets to firmware defaults (1234) when firmware is downloaded through dwl file.
AirPrime and PC may freeze after several minutes when transferring data on a CSD connection established using windows dialup over the USB port.
Sometimes junk characters may appear in between the command parameters, when a long custom AT command (from embedded application) are issued repeatedly over UART.
AirPrime may sometimes reset when AT commands are written repeatedly in quick succession at 921600 UART baud rate.
'+++' sequence is not sent as data when option AT_WIP_NET_OPT_ESC_SEQ_NOT_SENT is set to 0 using AT+WIPCFG command.
When AT+CFUN=0/4 command is sent from AirPrime Management Services server to AirPrime, this command is correctly executed on device side, but +WDSI: 7 is received and job result is shown as failed on server side.
When asynchronous command provoking a reset (like AT+CFUN=1, or AT+WOPEN) is sent from AirPrime Management Services server to AirPrime, this command is correctly executed on device side, but the +WDSI: 8 might not be received, and job result would be seen as failed on server side.
AirPrime may reset while performing over-the-air update of firmware and embedded application if the size of the package sent using AirPrime Management Services is very large.
61683 61838
APN, username and password, starting with "0" are not taken into account when used with AT+WDSS=0 command. A null value is stored instead of provided value in this case.
60420 61403 61547 61757
PDP context activation may fail if the network does not respond within 6 seconds.
The magic number used for first PPP-LCP negotiation is 0 instead of a random value. As a result, if magic number is enabled, PPP connections on Linux may fail and dial-up connection on Windows will require multiple attempts.
[AirPrime WMP Series with Edge RX support] GPRS/EDGE attach may fail on some specific networks due to incorrect selection of Packet channel access capabilities on Tx path.
Network synchronization may fail if jamming channels appear in the entries of the saved BA list.
62768 62770 62800
Network synchronization would be delayed if jamming channels appear in the entries of the saved BA list.
When behavior of AirPrime is set to display OK immediately after the ATD command and +WIND: 5,x indication using AT+WBHV=2,1 command, then if an outgoing call gets failed, the response (e.g. BUSY, NO ANSWER) is not displayed on terminal.
AT+COPS=0 may not return a response if GSM location update and PLMN selection procedures are triggered concurrently.
If a recorded PCM is played during a voice call alert, RX path will be muted when PCM playing is stopped after the call is established.
Excessive interrupts from peripheral devices (for example, I2C interrupts from XM0110) may lead to loss of network.
Using Embedded application, which has subscribed to call service, if a high priority command is sent for execution immediately after ATH, wrong sequence of events might get generated in the call handler, at a later stage.
Initialization of remote SIM (which does not support ENS) using OSA services may fail if ENS feature is enabled in AirPrime.
When SIM removal feature is deactivated and SIM takes more than 1 sec to respond to SIM Command then the SIM is not initialized properly. If SIM is removed after this then no +CME ERROR 13 is received.
[Embedded SIM AirPrimes] In Embedded SIM mode 1 (AT+WHCNF=4,1), if the time between insertion and extraction is very short, the External SIM may not be detected sometimes.
After a successful DOTA upload, if the AirPrime is reset using AT+CFUN=1 AT command within 5 minutes of the power-up, the AirPrime tries to establish a connection to the AirPrime Management Services server.
The 32K signal at reset on GPIO0 (or GPIO44) will last few milliseconds instead of 1-2 seconds.
On some AirPrime, ATI9 returns incorrect amount of RAM available on the AirPrime. This does not impact Firmware & embedded application's usage of RAM.
When the AirPrime is in DATA mode and if a '+' character is sent from the external application followed by any other character then instead of 1 '+' character, 3 '+' characters are received followed by the other data character that was sent.
"CONNECT xxxx" indication is not received when a GSM (CSD) data call with 8E1 framing type. Moreover, it is not possible to switch to offline mode by using the string "+++".
When receiving data in Data Offline mode using WIPSoft, some unsolicited responses are getting missed until an AT command is issued.
When transferring data from one AirPrime to another, data is not transmitted correctly when 7E1 framing is set on one side and 8N1 on other side.
When an AT command concerning a serial port configuration (like +IPR, +ICF, +IFC commands) is sent to a device using the AirPrime Management Services server and if the +WDSO configuration is set to apply this serial port configuration on a closed port, the device replies to the AirPrime Management Services server that the command succeeds. Whereas in this case, the command fails because the corresponding port is closed, hence the corresponding error should be returned to the AirPrime Management Services server.
When a concatenated AT command is sent to an AirPrime using AirPrime Management Services and if an embedded application is running on it, only the first command of the concatenated command is treated.
When Auto Attach is enabled (AT+WGPRS=0,0) and GPRS is detached (AT+CGATT=0), +CGREG indication shows that the AirPrime is in searching state (+CGREG:2,2) instead of not registered state(+CGREG:2,0).
When no reply is received from network for PDP context deactivation request from MS for four retries, it sends the deactivation request even when timer expires for fifth time. According to 3GPP TC if timer expires for fifth time, the MS shall release all resources allocated and shall erase the PDP context related data.
While sending SMS in a loop and releasing an established call using embedded application, sometimes the command class gets locked and subsequent calls are not successful.
58556 60754
When ATQ1 is issued to suppress the result code and CSD call is established, then data can be transferred only from the call originator to receiver.
It is now possible to camp on PLMN when radio signal is very low (around -90 dBm) and radio signal is jammed by CDMA radio access technologies.
It is not possible to decode the DTMF, after AMR MEMO played.
A MS has to save its ongoing AMR configuration as this configuration will be restored if the MS failed to handover to another cell. It is found that the save and restore mechansim in HWL and the DSP software are imperfect such that the DSP would get stuck after a handover failure under a specific BSC audio configuration.
Stepping with GDB inside an application will have problem for the Thumb Mode Assembler instruction "mov pc, rX". Workaround is to put the breakpoint manually on the next line.
When having a binary with mixed ARM mode and THUMB mode code, it will not be possible while debugging with GDB to step from THUMB mode to ARM mode code.
After entering the sleep mode, the AirPrime randomly resets with RTK Exception 94 (unable to clear an internal timer), if there is an embedded application running which extensively uses the ADL timer service.
CME ERROR: 13 may be received sometimes, when AirPrime repeatedly enters and exits sleep mode
While using OSA service, initialization of remote SIM fails if ENS feature is enabled in AirPrime but not supported by the SIM.
61034 61036
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When disconnecting DUN connection from windows, an existing voice call on other port is also released.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When the "call forwarding" is interrogated with reason as "No Reply”, the "Waiting Time" is not displayed in the response.
Using the +WPOW command, an ARFCN could be chosen. The ARFCN range is different according to the selected band (please refer to the +WMBS command description). When a bi-band with the PCS 1900 band is selected (GSM 850/ PCS 1900, GSM 900/PCS 1900), when the required ARFCN is a valid ARFCN of the other band than PCS 1900, the +WPOW command return a +CME ERROR: 3 instead of treating the command on the required ARFCN of the required Band.
58552 61044
A long data stall may be seen while crossing a BSC border if EGPRS IR configuration is not synchronized between the AirPrime and the network.
AirPrime may reset when large amounts of data are transferred over long periods at high baud rates (460800 baud or higher).
When the AirPrime is used as dial-up modem with AT&D1 setting, the downlink data transfer may stall after switching repeatedly (>60) between AT & DATA modes.
When an embedded application which subscribes to the FCM service through USB port is running on the AirPrime and the AirPrime is in DATA mode, if the USB cable is disconnected and then connected again, the AirPrime enters into AT mode. This notification is not sent to the embedded application.
TLLI value in not randomly generated when random value is requested, so GPRS ATTACH may be unsuccessful in some case, when no valid P-TMSI is present in SIM card.
AirPrime resets after GPRS/EGPRS Test mode A data transfer using Agilent 8960 E5515C.
AirPrime may be unable to register on some specific networks, due to incorrect encoding of 14 digit IMSI.
Reset may occur while voice call if network supports EMR feature.
Power of the signal received by AirPrime in the given channel, as measured by command AT+WPOW is not up-to-date after the GSM stack is turned off and then turned on.
60316 60395
During step by step debugging of embedded applications it is not possible to step over a previous set breakpoint. Also, stepping to deep into Firmware functions results in a reset.
Data loss may occur in the response of AT commands when they are issued in quick succession using Developer Studio.
When wrong cid is given as one of the parameters to AT+CGACT for activation of PDP context, though an error +CME ERROR: 3 is shown, still PDP context corresponding to previous correct cid's is activated. No PDP context corresponding to correct cid should be activated when any of the cid given is wrong/NULL.
60973 61035
When disconnecting DUN connection from windows, an existing voice call on other port is also released.
UDH (Use Data Header) is not displayed, when reading a multi-part message in text mode with character set used by TE is set as "HEX".
In case Flash memory is selected for SMS storage and a stored SMS is sent in PDU format using the command 'AT+CMSS=x', then User Data Header Indication is found as 0 and PDU type as 04. The User Data Header Indication should be 1 and PDU type as 44.
Empty UDP packets are not discarded by the AirPrime leading to a stall in UDP data reception.
DCD of the CMUX DLC does not drop after the GPRS connection is closed with NO CARRIER.
Issuing AT commands on a CMUX DLC and uploading data using DUN on another CMUX DLC may lead to a data stall (CTS of the AirPrime goes high). This is observed when UART is set at 230400 or higher baud.
AirPrime may reset after several hours of I2C communication.
When the AirPrime is used as dial-up modem over CMUX virtual channel, the AirPrime may reset if UART overrun occurs.
If a DLC is opened at a baud rate of 921600, sometimes AT command is not echoed back completely. Lost part of the previous command gets echoed, concatenated with the new command issued. Ideally the AT command should be completely echoed back.
If AHB bus clock is changed ( via AT+WCPS command), the driver based on the SPI interface shall take into account the new max clock value for the SPI buses.
The DCD signal is not asserted when a CSD call is established over the USB port.
On using 'adl_portGetSignalState' or 'adl_portStartSignalPolling' functions, incorrect values are returned if an attempt is made to read the state of the CTS or DTR pins of UART2.
During an incoming call, the RI signal on USB does not blink.
Intermediate unsolicited responses or final response may sometimes be missing for AT command with multiple lines of unsolicited display (eg- AT+CALA?).
[AirPrime WMP Series] AirPrime resets during EGPRS data transfer, due to bad network modulation and coding scheme command received from some EDGE networks.
58029 59542
Using the AirPrime Management Services, it's possible to send AT commands to an AirPrime. However, when the sent command is +IPR, +ICF or +IFC, the command is not treated by the AirPrime even if the job status after the job treatment is PASSED.
When +WDSH is used to update the version of an existing application (already filled by +WDSH command), the AirPrime resets. This command is used by AirPrime Management Services to define/update the application name, version and connection bus for application upgrade.
PPP CHAP authentication fails if user name is longer than 10bytes.
CHAP authentication using WIP/WIPSoft fails.
After a GPRS data session connection gets deactivated by network due to inactivity for a long time, the PDP context cannot be deactivated using AT+CGACT=0,x.
AirPrime resets in the presence of a GSM Jammer.
I2C robustness has been improved.
In noisy environment, the PLMN scan procedure may never end if no suitable cell is found.
When roaming, bad VPLMN reselection may occur if a Forbidden PLMN is listed in Operator Controlled PLMN list.
When the AirPrime is made to auto-power-on and VBATT is applied, WAP3.0 VCORE DC/DC regulator enters the ECO mode if the AirPrime is switched on again before VBATT is discharged below 0.4V.
'AT+WPOW' could not be used repeatedly without reset.
58099 60036
8mA (approximate) increase in current consumption is seen 5 minutes after the AirPrime is put in Fast Idle or Fast standby mode.
High open-AT interruptions activity or open-AT interruptions process out of specification (lasting more than 1ms), can freeze DSP.
On some networks, measured signal strength would be dropped at the end of data transfer when cell synchronization is lost due to the reception of dummy burst.
59261 59275
OK response is not received for AT+CFUN=1 when issued in download mode (+WDWL) after a successful download is performed over the USB port.
CTS of the AirPrime goes low when hardware flow control on UART is disabled. An external hardware may not be able to communicate to the AirPrime over UART if it has hardware flow control enabled.
57354 57944
If ATD and ATH are issued repeatedly in a loop in a quick succession, the execution of the commands may sometime fail.
Floating point routine (snprintf) is not functional when used in OpenAT applications built using ADS or RVDS compilers.
58700 59614
In Sleep mode, strict Timer occasionally does not work.
On some specific SIM cards which are not in compliance with 3GPP TS 11.11, the SIM card may sometimes loose its referencing and return incorrect acknowledgement while performing STK operation. This may lead to failure in the SIM being authenticated by the GSM network.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] +CGEREP unsolicited response ("ME DETACH") is not received on issuing AT+CGATT=0 when GPRS Event reporting is activated.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Whenever a voice call is put on hold using AT+CHLD=2 command and is disconnected using ATH command, the held call is not getting disconnected at the peer end. At peer end also the call should be properly terminated.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] If AirPrime repeatedly switches between UMTS and GSM network, value of ACT field in response of "AT+COPS?" and "AT+CREG?" is sometimes wrong.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Using AT+WMBS, forcing band frequencies to frequencies that are not supported on the network may cause AirPrime to reset after few minutes of operation.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AirPrime may sometimes reset when performing uploads at very high speed (over 1.6Mbps) using dial-up network. This has been seen on some 3G networks only.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When a windows dial up connection is established and if a MT call is received at the AirPrime, the dial up connection gets disconnected and the MT call gets terminated.
59012 59013
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Unable to achieve high speed data transfers using WIPSoft. This restriction is not seen with Dial-up network or PPP connections.
59844 59845 59846 59847 59865
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] PPP CHAP authentication fails on 3G AirPrimes
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When a GPRS dial up network connection is established and then if network is lost, +CME ERROR: 13 is received after reception of NO CARRIER. Further, if an attempt is made to establish another Dial up connection, then it fails with +CME ERROR: 13.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AirPrime may reset when 2 PDP contexts are activated (one of them using WIPSoft) and data is transferred alternatively using the 2 connections.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Activating 2 PDP contexts and then deactivating the first context by issuing AT+CGACT=0,1 causes the AirPrime to reset.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] After successful activation of 2 PDP contexts, activating a third context returns OK instead of ERROR. Only 2 simultaneous PDP contexts are supported.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Sometimes, the AirPrime does not work properly when GPRS connection is disconnected using 'AT+CGACT=0,1' command.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme]The response to the AT+CGACT command is not received in case network loss occurs when the AT+CGACT command is under process.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AirPrime may reset if network is lost during GPRS session activation using AT+CGACT
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When AT+VTS command is sent during an ongoing Voice Call and network is lost then the response to AT+VTS is not received.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] 3GPP 51.010 for SIM certification fails on Firmware 7.44
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When an active call is terminated and then re-established immediately, the response of ATH command is delayed and AirPrime freezes during that time period.
[AirPrimeQ26Extreme] On accepting an incoming call, while 1st party outgoing call is active, the 1st party call switched to unheld state instead of held state. AT+CLCC shows 1st party call in held state which is contradict with the actual state.
59707 59708
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] +CME ERROR:30 is received when trying to send DTMF during the conference call.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Audio quality drops when 3G data transfer and voice call are performed concurrently.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Sometimes SIM is not detected and not initialized and all the AT commands are blocked after an unexpected AirPrime reset.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AirPrime may reset sometimes when an Open SIM Access based customer application starts WIP GPRS connection on a remote SIM.
59040 60294
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Some terminal tools such as Beanie-pro, may not work when AirPrime floods the tool with excessive SIM related information at power up.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AirPrime may reset when we restart the bearer by the WIP command - wip_bearerStart.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Sometimes AirPrime gets reset when downloading a huge file from a FTP server.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AirPrime gets reset during data transfer with 2G network over a USB DUN connection.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] A loud noise may be heard by the calling party just after a Mobile Terminated call is accepted.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When a conference call is held, and if the call of a participant is released, the calls of the remaining participants will be released, too.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When a conference call is held, and if the call of a participant is released, the calls of the remaining participants cannot be reactivated.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AirPrime gets reset when running a stress test on making calls and FTP download.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AirPrime may reset when the antenna is disconnected during a MO call.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When a long SMS (message size is more than 170 characters) is sent to a Q26Extreme, only the first +CMTI is arrived. In the SMS mailbox, only the first SMS message could be read. After a reset, all multiple SMS could be read.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] During SIM initialization, repeatedly changing SIMs may cause AirPrime to reset.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AT+CLCK="FD",1, < pin2>does not activate FDN (Fixed Dial Number) phonebook.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AirPrime resets when reading a USIM with EF-SPN of 17 bytes.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AirPrime resets after user removes the SIM card having extension file into ADN (EF-EXT1), and replace with another SIM card without EXTENSION file.
In some live network, the synchronization can be lost after the end of a data transfer session. That leads to an erroneous AT+CSQ reporting.
57353 58114
When ATD and ATH commands are issued together, the MO voice call is not terminated. MO call should get terminated on issue of ATH command even when it is given together with ATD command.
"+CALA:" indications are not received by AirPrime if the alarm is set and AirPrime enters sleep mode with GSM Stack OFF. Ideally, the AirPrime should wake up, send the +CALA indication and then go back to sleep.
When dial up connection is established using AirPrime and if we disconnect the connection manually, dial up connection cannot be established again without resetting the AirPrime.
58079 58404 58424
On Firmware 7.44, the Auto-quadband feature is implemented. If the Auto-quadband is selected using AT+WMBS=7 command on an AirPrime on which Firmware 7.44 is downloaded, making a downgrade to Firmware 7.43 will keep the Auto-quadband feature activated. On Firmware 7.43, the embedded Auto-quadband mechanism is not a full Auto-quadband mechanism but a double bi-bands mechanism. Please refer to +WMBS command description in the AT User Guide in each product.
The customer cannot issue ATH command after giving ATD command when an embedded application is in execution. Call should be terminated after issuance of ATH.
Transferring data and issuing AT commands simultaneously using CMUX may lead to data transfer stall.
When CMUX session is opened and closed many times then AirPrime may reset.
When trying to send a PDU message with length greater than 128 bytes using the TMT Terminal Emulator, there is no response from AirPrime and it just freezes. Also with hyper terminal and using Normal UART Cable when trying to paste this PDU message after AT command AT+CMGW complete PDU message is not pasted and no response from AirPrime is received and it just freezes.
When AT commands greater than 128 bytes sent to target by using the TMT Terminal Emulator, then command it is not executed successfully.
When a data block of 1024 bytes is sent to the USB port continuously at an interval of 10 ms, the data transfer stops after some time.
57567 57869
During a Management Services for AirPrime session if the monitoring is deactivated, the monitored parameters are ignored (coming from the firmware or the embedded application): they are neither used for the triggers nor updated. Monitoring is required to be functional during Management Services for AirPrime session.
54098 57502
The AirPrime may hang if A&D volume re-compaction is interrupted by a reset (hardware reset or AT+CFUN=1) after a DOTA download.
57461 58131
When PPP connection terminates due to LINK SETUP FAILURE/IP SETUP FAILURE/ERROR CAUSE or there is delay in Release Response from network, AirPrime freezes. It is not possible to create a new PPP Connection successfully.
Cell selection is not possible on 1900 cell when Band Indicator is incorrectly set to 1800. This case can only happen when network is configured incorrectly. This has been seen on some specific test equipments used for product certification.
Emergency call is not possible if some mandatory SIM files are not present.
Impossible to enter spy mode when the MS goes to emergency state just after having entered the request to enter spy mode.
A reset occurs when the reception of Cell Broadcast messages is activated and a RACH access burst is sent shortly after entering access phase.
After moving into area where network strength is very poor, and continuously attaching and detaching to the network once the network conditions are perfect, the AirPrime cannot reattach to the network before executing AT+COPS=0.
PDP Context activation fails in a specific area on Vodafone UK network when Frequency Hopping is used. Problem is observed when Ma Bitmap length (4 bits) passed to function rrc_BuildMaForL1c() becomes too big for CA.
In some specific customer applications where the JTAG pins are not connected, sometimes AirPrime may not start properly. The AirPrime will reset repeatedly and eventually go to the download recovery mode. A power off is needed to exit this state and restart properly.
[AirLink™ FXT003/AirLink™ FXT008] Keypad is enabled by default on AirLink™ FXT Series. It needs to be disabled in order to use Expansion Card plug-in.
Whenever the AirPrime is in sleep mode, with GSM stack off and an embedded application uses a cyclic strict timer to play a buzzer cyclically on the expiry of timer the buzzer gets played continuously. Ideally the buzzer should stop after the specified time.
When "+++" is given to switch to Offline mode, AirPrime will never switch to offline mode if there is data to transfer from AirPrime and AirPrime is also receiving data. AirPrime should switch to offline mode after receiving "+++", once the reception of data is complete.
MS gets configured in 900/1800 band mode by default with Auto-quadband feature enabled. While Auto-quadband feature is enabled MS should be configured in quadband (850/900/1800/1900) by default.
58786 58787 58788 58789
During power-up sequence, EF(IMSI) on SIM is accessed 5 times instead of once.
58208 57193
If a STK event occurs after a STK refresh with SIM reset, the next SIM power on will fail. SIM should be powered on properly and +WIND:1 indication should come after a STK refresh with SIM reset.
In HAPC mode (TMT, Developer Studio) if a command with length more than 128 characters, then command it is not executed successfully. After repeating execution of commands, some commands fails.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] L3MM message is always followed by a “DPRAM RTC POLLING OK” trace. Due to this regular occurrence, backtraces area becomes full after sometime and backtrace is received. It should be treated as warning.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] OK is not received when an outgoing voice call made using ATD is answered at remote side. No other command can be given during this active voice call.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] In the absence of a SIM, the response of the AT command AT+CPMS? is incorrect after performing AT&F. The AT command AT+CPMS? should display the default settings of SM memory instead of ME memory in this scenario.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AT+CPBS=? does not show SM phone book in some specific 3G SIM cards.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When large amount of data is received while opening DLC1 using CMUX, the AirPrime may reset.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Current consumption does not drop after the DTR pin of UART of AirPrime is cleared to enter fast idle mode. Issue is reproduced when the AirPrime is attached to the network.
[AirPrime Q26extreme] The AirPrime will attach to network even if it is in fast or slow standby mode. (AT+WBHV=1,1 or 1,2). This may result in higher than expected power consumption in these two modes.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] DSR signal remains inactive when the AirPrime is in data mode with default setting AT&S1.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] The AirPrime may reset during data transfer using Dial-up Network connection on a 3G network.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] The AirPrime may reset when the WIP GPRS bearer is started and data transfer is performed.
57873 57957 58060
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] During a dial up networking session with 3G SIM, the internet connection may be frozen after heavy download/upload.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AirPrime may reset while performing data transfer using Dial-up network.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] If an embedded application sets an incorrect APN and runs the WIP bearer service (GPRS), after several attach attempts, reset occurs.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] PDP context activation never ends if a wrong APN is set and a username and/or a password is provided while reading message storage area in very quick succession e.g.400ms. Ideally CME ERROR 134 should be received with wrong APN settings.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AirPrime may reset after several PDP context activation due to memory leak.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When PDP context is activated after an incorrect APN set with AT+CGDCONT, the AirPrime resets a few seconds after +CME ERROR: 134 is received.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] With some network operator, the AirPrime may not be able to register to 2G after switching from dual-band mode (900/1800MHz) to quad-band mode.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] switching bands repeatedly using AT+WMBS=4,1 and AT+WMBS=5,1 may cause the AirPrime to reset.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] The A5/3 algorithm is disabled in the AirPrime Q26Extreme if firmware downloaded using dwl file. This issue does not happen if WPK is used for firmware download.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When user configuration for Audio is selected (AT+SPEAKER=9), the user slot will be slot number 2 instead of slot number 4.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Unexpected distortion received on Audio Rx channel due to incorrect acoustic shock setting for AT+SPEAKER=9 or 10
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Audio is unavailable on Firmware 7.43. Speaker and Microphone of handset does not work during a call after setting the configuration to AT+SPEAKER=1.
57890 57960
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AT+WVR command cannot configure voice rate for bearer voice.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When the user enters AT+CCID command to read the EF-CCID file, with some specific SIM cards, the AirPrime may reset.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] After AT+W32k=1 is issued and DTR pin set HIGH, the AirPrime does not respond to AT commands.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] After disconnecting the dial-up-network connection manually, sometimes, it may not be possible to connect again unless the AirPrime is restarted.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Sending AT+CCED=0 does not give Cell information even when network registration is done. AT+CCED=0 should give response for last value used of requested cell parameter for CCED request if any else CCED response with requested cell parameter as 15/239 depending upon network 2G/3G.
57920 58222
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] The response for AT command AT+CCED=0,1 has some field information as zero.
57976 57977
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] The AirPrime resets after an incoming voice call ring indication is displayed in CMUX mode.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] On issuing AT command AT+CCED=1, < x>for enabling automatic shot responses, no automatic responses are received.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] With the customer application, the AirPrime may reset when switching from remote SIM to local SIM.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] With some specific SIM cards, SIM behaves as if it is PUK-locked after the PIN code is entered.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AirPrime may reset with some specific SIM cards when AT+CCID or AT+CRSM is issued.
[AirPrime Q26extreme] AirPrime may reset during startup with some specific SIM cards, if there are some irregularities in elementary file directory of SIM.
No Final response for AT+CGATT=1 command is received in case an MT call is made to the AirPrime and the call is not accepted. +CME ERROR: 515 is received for all the commands issued after the above behavior.
Incorrect AT response of AT+CNUM and AT+CIMI when STLK REFRESH with option is activated.
57170 57171
[AirPrime WMP100 Embedded SIM with ATMEL WAP 3.1] A LI-Ion battery charging doesn’t work.
Reset may occur when unsolicited should wait to be sent to a port which is not ready yet (port not opened via HyperTerminal, port which is still transmitting)
57123 57528
EDGE Autoboost has been enabled by default on all AirPrimes supporting EDGE. This would ensure faster and complete data transfer using EDGE, even when AirPrime is overloaded (example- usage of CMUX). As a result of this change, current consumption is expected to increase by about 37mA while the data transfer is in progress.
Periodic traffic monitoring (GPRS and SMS) using Management Services for AirPrime fails after 9 hours. The device is not able to connect to the server.
Impossible to establish emergency calls on cells having extended AGCH or BCCH.
Backtrace is obtained when AT_CFUN=1 is performed repeatedly.
AirPrime will display numeric response for the "AT+COPS?" command if we give a "AT+COPS?" command after receiving "+CME ERROR: 3" for "AT+COPS=?" command (even if alphanumeric format is selected for the response of "AT+COPS?" command, and PLMN names string exist for the given MCC and MNC code in "mmt_Networks " table.
When Management Services for AirPrime is activated (i.e., an APN is set by WDSS command), a reset may occur when the AirPrime performs network actions with a lot of traffic (like GPRS transfers) or many successive networks actions (GSM call, SMS, DTMF...). The correction has a limitation: the Management Services for AirPrime monitoring is switching off during a connection to the server Management Services for AirPrime.
57496 57482 57467 57453 57450 57486
IDS monitoring is not functional. It is recommended to not activate it through the server in order to avoid unexpected AirPrime resets
56764 57336
If SIM is in "SIM PUK"(SIM PIN is entered wrong for the three consecutive times) and "AT+CPIN= < puk>, < new pin>" command is given to unblock the SIM PIN, AirPrime fails to register.
WIP application in RTE mode doesn't communicate with target
[AirPrime Q26extreme] With some network operators’ SIM, the AirPrime may reset after repeatedly making outgoing voice calls. The issue is especially easy to reproducible when call forwarding is ON.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] SIM card interoperability issue would exist with some 2G SIM card.
54702 56395
When a band change is made with a hot reset (see +WMBS command description), the OK response is returned by the AirPrime while the protocol stack is treating the band change. So when this OK response is returned by the AirPrime, the protocol stack is not ready to treat any request. In this case, sending +CSQ command to the AirPrime just after the OK response of the band change with a hot reset does not return any response and no more AT commands can be sent to the AirPrime (+CME ERROR: 515 response is always return). The AirPrime should return an error to the +CSQ command while the band change is not terminated.
When FCM flow is opened and closed again and again using ADL FCM services by any embedded application, then AirPrime reset is observed due to lack of memory.
CONNECT response is received in middle of data transfer when AirPrime is switched back to ONLINE mode by ATO command in case embedded application is running in the background. Issue is observed when AirPrime with ongoing GSM data call is switched to OFFLINE mode by issue of "+++", once the data transfer is started, and again to ONLINE mode by ATO command. CONNECT response for ATO command should not be received in middle of data. CONNECT Response should be received before data transfer is resumed no matter whether an embedded application is running in the background or not.
When an incoming SMS is received by the AirPrime and if this SMS contains a header (User Data Header), this header is displayed in text mode (see +CMGF command) even if the corresponding characters are not ASCII one. Because the AirPrime does not support any SMS header, it should not be returned in SMS read response (see +CMGR and +CMGL commands) and only the SMS text (User Data) should be returned in text mode (see +CMGF command)
When a UART is used in MUX configuration, during a GPRS transfer, the network is often lost ("+WIND: 8" and "+CSQ: 99,99"). AirPrime never re-registers to operator until next power cycle.
Wrong behavior when AirPrime received a DISC0
When CMUX configuration is set and sleep mode is enabled (AT+W32k=1), sleep mode may not be effective. On DTR drop, PSC (sleep frame) is sent, but AirPrime may not have entered in sleep mode.
When CMUX configuration is set, UART2 is opened, UART1 is closed, and sleep mode (AT+W32k=1) is enabled on UART2, then on disabling sleep mode (Wake Up), it is not able to open UART1 again.
Abnormal reset happens in CMUX during initialization of CMUX.
The UART signal state cannot be get for IOC_UART_SS UART IO command whereas it should be possible to get UART signal states.
In specific cases (for instance after a reset and without SIM card), when sleep mode (AT+32K=1) is requested, AirPrime does not enter low power consumption mode. Though, MUX process is fine (PSC sent).
When an embedded application uses the AT+CPOF command to put the AirPrime into power off mode followed by wake up using the alarm management command +CALA repeatedly, then after few hours the AirPrime wakes up from alarm mode with the InitType value other than ADL_INIT_RTC.
The AirPrime crashes when the handshakes of UART2 are active (AT+IFC=2,2) and nothing is connected to UART2 (free).
RTS signal is followed even when RTS following is disabled with AT+IFC=0,2 command. Ideally RTS signal toggling should not have any effect after AT+IFC=0,2. No Data is displayed e.g. Response for AT, when the RTS signal is set to low with AT+IFC=0,2. AT Response should be displayed as with AT+IFC=0,2 RTS signal should not impact the behavior after setting RTS to Low.
AirPrime resets if an OAT application continuously sends data over a UART and the UART cable is kept unplugged for some time. The issue is reproducible only with both flow control enabled ( AT+IFC+2,2).
When management services for AirPrime update is done with a large patch (patch size higher than 64 kbits for a 32 Mbits flash memory or 256 kbits for a 64 Mbits flash memory), the A&D volume in flash is not available after the update. Commands regarding A&D volume (e.g. at+wopen=6) returns ERROR (e.g. CME ERROR: 561).
When AT+CGATT=1 is sent with correct operator of the SIM card (AT+COPS=0) and after that again sent with an incorrect network operator (only emergency call allowed) then no response is received from AirPrime for AT+CGATT=1 command. For all AT command after that "+CME ERROR:515" is received.
The AirPrime does not go back to automatic PLMN search, after manual registration is rejected with GMM cause #17. Also, there is no prompt for manual selection of network.
An audio loss or strange noise occurs, when switching is done from DAI audio configuration at startup (AT+SPEAKER=9) to analog audio speaker (AT+SPEAKER=1,2,3 or 4) during a voice call.
When we continuously transmit the data every 300ms from the PC to the AirPrime then after 3-5 minutes the CTS stays at low and never comes back to high and also the AirPrime stops receiving the data.
When more than one task are running in an embedded application and some data is read/written on an UART port using raw access mode, the data is sometimes not displayed on the desired UART and is instead displayed on the other UART.
Reset of AirPrime occurs after performing the following operation sequentially through OAT application:
While setting the RTC time (either with AT command “AT+CCLK” using adl_atCmdCreate() API or RTC service), if current time is set to a value more than the alarm time, the previous alarm is not deleted.
When data is continuously transmitted the data from the PC to the AirPrime WMP100 AirPrime then on CTS transition data loss is observed.
The AirPrime will reset, when PPP connection is established again and again using wvdial (On Linux-Debian) .
AirPrimes using the T8 flash does not respond when some device is connected to the parallel port.
While making a GPRS call using the ATD*99***1# command using TE, the CONNECT < speed>string is not displayed in TE data window. In case the hyperterminal is used, the CONNECT < speed>string is displayed while making a GPRS call.
If "+CBM :" indications not containing any CR (Carriage Return) are received and displayed, AirPrime resets. Also, "+CBM" indications displayed are truncated.
Using WIPSoft, if the HTTP sessions are opened and closed consecutively for sometime the AirPrime reset occurs.
With 1st MO call on hold and after the second MO call to an invalid number disconnects, it is not possible to switch back to the held (first) call for about 2 minutes as the AT+CHLD command returns "+CME ERROR: 3". AirPrime should ideally switch back to the held (first) call when the call to invalid number has been disconnected.
AirPrime resets, if function adl_portSendPriorityDataExt() is called from WIPSoft or Embedded application to send the data with priority on CMUX port.
Backtrace "!WRONG SIM CMD PARAMETER: 67xx" is received for SIM command parameter 3 every time an AirPrime is started. The issue is reproducible in case false/wrong information is present in the SIM EF and the AirPrime tries to read the information at startup.
[InSim3 AirPrimes] When a new SIM card is inserted, the pin code is failed
[InSim3 AirPrimes] No proper wind messages, whenever SIM inserted or extracted.
If the delay to wait for ATR is too short then the error "SIMERR_TIMEOUT" is raised. This is because the reset of some SIM cards can be too long (superior to the delay to wait for ATR).
On using AT command AT+STGI=X to accept sending a USSD string, with the customer STK SIM the +CUSD indication is not displayed, during STK operation.
55233 56760 56761 56770
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AT+CSQ process can take more than 1 second to respond. Due to this when AT+CSQ is issued continuously +CME ERROR: 515 is received.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Using WIPSoft, when GPRS bearer is started with wrong APN parameters, no error response is received. In ideal scenario, +CME ERROR: 812 should be received.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When AT command AT+CHLD=0 is passed to AirPrime, it is executed as command AT+CHLD=1 whereas in the ideal scenario, the command behavior should not be changed and should remain as AT+CHLD=0 only.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Audio is opened too early in case of incoming call, and this can lead to white noise before ATA is issued.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] The A5/3 algorithm is disabled in the Q26Extreme if firmware downloaded using WPK. It should be enabled by default.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When SMS-STATUS-REPORT is set using unsolicited result code +CDSI and a SMS is sent then status report +CDSI indication is not received.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] The unsolicited indication +CREG:0 is not displayed after RF is stopped via AT+CFUN=4. As a consequence of this issue, multiple SMS can be received.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] AT+CPIN= < correct password>command takes 35 to 40 sec to respond with OK. During this period, most of AT commands answer +CME ERROR: 515.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] SIM card interoperability issue exists, if a bad TERMINAL_PROFILE response is received from the SIM (from SIM Toolkit Application).
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] When PIN code is disabled, the +WIND: 1 indication takes more than 30 seconds to appear.
[AirPrime Q26Extreme] Parallel bus subscription with adl_busSubscribe() always returns ADL_RET_ERR_PARAM.
The Wireless CPU® returns CONNECT XXXX for AT+CGDATA=1,1 command and produces data flow even it is not located over network.
Wireless CPU® can reset if user wants to enter in DATA mode or exit from DATA mode on a closed port.
If there is only one PLMN entry in the SIM card, the response of command AT+CPOL? results in the infinite loop which eventually deplete all the heap resources.
The Wireless CPU® resets when AT+CUSD command is issued large number of times to send an USSD in UCS2 format.
When repeatedly sending blocks of data for some time with AT+CPOF sent through an application at regular intervals the Wireless CPU hangs up and does not responds to AT commands.
The command AT+WASR=1,1,"GpioId" gives +CME ERROR: 3 instead of expected CME ERROR: 501 when the GPIO is not allocated. Also it returns +CME ERROR: 501 instead of expected +CME ERROR: 3 when the GPIO doesn't lies in the possible range.
When the SIM is removed from the SIM rack while the Wireless CPU is listing the preferred PLMN (see +CPLS and +CPOL command), a reset happens. The Wireless CPU should not reset and a specific error should be returned to AT+CPOL? command (+CME ERROR: 556)
When the Wireless CPU® is registered on a network and camped to a cell supporting GSM and GPRS services, if the Auto-quadband mechanism is launched (using +WMBS command) and if a power off is requested (+CPOF, +CFUN, etc...), the Wireless CPU® launches a new registration sequence instead of making a power off. The Wireless CPU® should not register again to the network until the next start up (hot or cold restart using +CFUN command for example). This doesn't happen with a cell supporting the GSM service only (not linked to the device class)
On issue of AT+WOPEN=2 command, the first argument was erroneous in case of firmware version B74f. For the ideal scenario, the response should be the correct version of the OS that was released with the Firmware i.e. v06.31 for FW version B74f onwards till B74l.
Audio (Melody) is stopped when a Call Waiting indication is received for the second incoming call over an ongoing call. No melody is heard after the BEEP sound of the Call Waiting indication as the audio resource SPEAKER is now allocated to Call Waiting indication and context for audio (Melody) is lost.
In case the Wireless CPU® is in sleep mode the customer is not able to notice the mode as sleep mode because the CTS signal does not follow the DTR signal. CTS signal should not follow the DTR signal in case of normal mode but in case of sleep mode the CTS signal should follow DTR signal.
The Wireless CPU® provides an AT command in order to read the IMEI (see +WIMEI command), using it a large number of times (more than 1000 times) makes the Wireless CPU® reset. Ideally, the Wireless CPU® should not reset in this case.
No +WIND: 9 and +WIND: 2 indications are received in case AT+WAC command is issued after an attempt to make a voice call with the command ATDxxxxxxxxxx; +WIND:9 and +WIND: 2 indications should be displayed as the functionality of AT+WAC command is used to abort only SMS, SS and PLMN selection related commands. AT+WAC should not have any effect on ATDxxxxxxxxx; command.
Although, the phonebook record has not been changed, the phone book status is wrongly displayed in "+WIND 10" indication.
ATDxxxxpxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; calls the number with the DTMF Sequence and this sequence is stored in the LND phonebook wrongly reserving an EXT Record as DTMF sequence (after 'p') should not be stored in the LND phonebook. When the user again dials a similar sequence, the number is not stored in the LND as the EXT record has been reserved by the LND for the previous dialed number.
When the size of the phonebook object is set with 0xFFFF in the Wireless CPU, a watchdog reset is observed few seconds after the SIM PIN code entry (if the SIM PIN code check is enabled) or few seconds after the SIM insertion (if the SIM PIN code check is disable).
The PDU response of the SMS STATUS REPORT is incorrect as some extra bytes are received when status report is stored in FLASH. Also when the status report is stored in the Elementary file of SIM, the response is incorrect.
If a user sends or write the SMS with DCS as default GSM and store it in ME memory where the character set selected is PCCP437, then the SMS data when read is not displayed correctly when ME memory is selected. The bytes in the user data field will be changed. This problem is not reproducible when SM memory is used.
When SIM Tool Kit feature is activated and if an application requires the SETUP MENU using AT+STGI=0 command, the OK response to the command is returned after two +STGI response, even if more +STGI responses have to be returned by the Wireless CPU®. These indications are then returned as unsolicited responses instead of intermediate responses. All +STGI indication for SETUP MENU should be returned as intermediate responses.
Wireless CPU® resets when SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT with large text string is executed.
New option #2 to stop STK SETUP CALL is added. User can accept call and the call is started by applicative software.
If user wants to start the STK SETUP CALL by applicative software. A new option #2 is added (i.e. AT+STGR=4,2), so that user can use ATD to dial a call.
When a large file is transferred through more than 1 UART (physical/virtual) there may be a data loss and data corruption (some junk characters are displayed). The integrity of the transferred data may not be intact.
The UART port becomes unresponsive when large data file is sent using +WIPDATA command using WIPSoft.
Using WIPSoft, if the DTR signal is used to switch from DATA mode (ONLINE) to AT command mode (OFFLINE), in some cases, the V24 request does not go in to OFFLINE. Even after manually trying +++ command the transition does not occur. Wireless CPU® has to be restarted to get out of this state.
If the GSM data call is first accepted and then released at the receiving end before CONNECT indication is received, then the call is just being held there without being connected, and at the dialer side it appears that the call is never answered.
Power consumption does not reduce in off mode after the AT+CPOF command is issued from Open AT® application.
When a MUX session is wake up from a sleep mode (w32k mode), the Wireless CPU® do not respond.
During w32k mode, when an incoming call is made, after receiving "RING" indication, CMUX does not respond.
When the N1 parameter value is higher than 127 in AT+CMUX command, the responses of the AT commands executed on the DLC are not displayed.
On a port configured in CMUX mode with the sleep mode enabled, we can notice the missing of some PSC (sleep frame) frames. The PSC frames are correctly sent only for the first few period.
During an incoming call, when the UART is activated in MUX mode, the physical RI pin is not triggered, ideally the physical RI pin should be triggered.
When the user switches from AT mode to DATA mode using WIPSoft, sometimes CONNECT indication is received in between the data transfer. If any application specifically checks for CONNECT after switching from AT mode to DATA mode, this will result in a failure. To correct this issue, a new OPIC_OAT interface has been opened and called by WipSoft 5.21.
When DTE doesn't send a wake up response, DLC disconnection may lead to a reset.
When the UART speed is set to 9600 baud rate and a MUX session is launched on this UART port, the Wireless CPU® resets.
With UART2 enabled for data transfer and data being transferred using Device services, a reset of the Wireless CPU® is observed when we issue AT command from UART1 immediately after data transfer.
Customer would not be able to subscribe to the parallel bus service when UART 2 is in open state.
When the host closes the USB link, the communication can be broken after restarting it.
Wireless CPU® resets when making a data call over GSM bearer, by using WIP (WIPSoft) APIs.
When typing AT+IPR=XXXXX on the UART3 (UART emulated on the top of the USB stack) the target store the XXXXX speed. In case the application interrogates the target with the AT+IPR? command the target answers +IPR:XXXXX. Such a response might destabilizes the application (its current speed let's say YYYYY and the target speed being different)
With AT&D0 configuration, the Wireless CPU® may not enter in sleep mode on DTR drop.
When the DTR drops to switch in OFFLINE mode (i.e. AT&D1 should be sent earlier), if a data write operation is pending, this operation will be canceled, and so data will be lost.
When the URL set in internal e2p is wrong, the Wireless CPU® doesn't display any +WDSI indications, or it displays a +WDSI: 4 indication (it shouldn't, no socket is opened).
When AT+WDSS=1,0 command is executed to deactivate the IDS PDP context, whereas the IDS PDP context is already deactivated. For any IDS connection done after, always returns error code 652.
On making a connection to the IDS server with the execution of the command AT+WDSS=1,1, there is a possibility of blocking the AT parser when a wrong IDS APN and a valid user APN are configured.
When a download is interrupted by the command AT+WDSS=1,0, sometimes the Wireless CPU® reconnects automatically to the server and postpones the job on the server. The download cannot be resumed anymore.
When the device is added on the server and then when the server sends a SMS bootstrap to the device, the SMS bootstrap is not treated by the device.
Using IDS services, it's possible to configure the Wireless CPU® to initiate an automatic connection to the IDS server using polling mode (see +WDSC command). If the value for the polling mode is higher than 20 minutes, the timer between two automatic connections is not a correct value and the time is shorter than required. Advice: do not use value higher than 20 for polling mode.
When a software or firmware update is launched with IDS whereas the connection was initiated by a generic alert (initiated by a monitored parameter) and a reset occurs during the download of the patch, at the next start of the Wireless CPU®, the generic alert is performed again and the update is failed. The download should be resumed.
In GPRS class CG or class B with automatic GPRS attach, when the patch download is suspended the download is resumed after few minutes which is not appropriate.
When an IDS connection is done (with AT+WDSS=1,1) and then the spy mode is activated (AT+WREGC=1), no IDS connection can be done when the spy mode is resumed (+WDSI: 7 or no response).
In CG class, when an IDS connection is failed (+WDSI: 7) and then the Wireless CPU® goes in spy mode (AT+WREGC=1), the Wireless CPU® may reset (a RTK exception occurs).
Even if the GPRS service is not attached to the MT when AT command AT+CGDATA=1 is issued, it returns CONNECT instead of +CME ERROR: 3.
Subsequent call to start a GPRS Bearer (using wip_bearerStart() or AT+CGACT=1 command) returns error (WIP_BERR_DEV), when a call to stop the previous session (using wip_bearerStop() or AT+CGACT=0,1) is followed by "AT+WAC" command. The issue is reproduced, if "AT+WAC" command is issued after stopping a bearer session and before starting a new bearer session.
Call index in the +WIND: 5,x and +WIND: 6,x is equal to 2 even if +WIND: 6,1 response has been received for the first call and the call has been disconnected. As the first call has been disconnected successfully the call index for the second call should be 1 in +WIND: 5,x and +WIND: 6,x wind responses. The issue is reproduced when ATD for the second call is made before receiving the CC_REL_IND.
When the Wireless CPU® is registered on a cell providing only GSM service (and no GPRS/EDGE service), the auto-quadband mechanism (see +WMBS command) is not correct. The Wireless CPU® will change every time the frequencies (850/1900 < ->900/1800) even if the GSM service is available on one frequency. The Wireless CPU® should launch the auto-quadband mechanism and should stop it when it's registered on cell.
It is not possible to listen to DTMF in Rx, while playing an AMR memo in Rx.
When fast idle mode is activated, the part of the Wireless CPU® is shut down, the audio feature like DTMF cannot be used, when DTR is switch. The correction wakes up the Wireless CPU® each time we need it (for any audio feature).
The generated DTMF tone might be distorted if using GPRS and WADS command at the same time.
The problem occurs when playing AMR memos during a voice call. If several memos are played in a row, memos after the first one may be degraded, it occurs with a 50% rate. The problem is a degradation of the memo played, onto a degradation of the voice call.
When the Wireless CPU® enters sleep mode with GSM stack (slow idle mode) and there is no network coverage, the Wireless CPU® cannot automatically retrieve network coverage i.e. considered as in sleep mode without GSM stack (slow standby mode).
Using low power consumption (at+w32k=1) mode and DTR as a wake-up condition, will freeze the Wireless CPU® (no wake-up) if not network is found.
Launching an Open AT® WIP application in RTE (Vc6 and Eclipse) mode for opening PPP in server mode, resets the Wireless CPU®.
TCU Capabilities indicate that no event capture or detection pin is available in fact two pins are available for the customer applications
The Wireless CPU® can reset when the customer tries to auto answer an incoming call on a closed port.
Reaction of 1,8V only, MEs on SIM type recognition failure, or MEs on type recognition of 3V SIMs, immediately after the ATR only the two commands "SELECT GSM" and "STATUS/GET RESPONSE" shall be send by the ME. The ME shall then deactivate the SIM/ME interface within 5 seconds and reject the SIM. However, ME sends a Select command instead of Status command and doesn’t deactivate the SIM.
The Wireless CPU® crashes when invalid melody is provided to API adl_audioMelodyPlayExt().
When a large file is transferred through UART1 (or any physical port) there is a data loss and data corruption (some junk characters are displayed). The integrity of the transferred data is not intact.
When attempting to use simultaneously CS2 & ADD25 signals (which are multiplexed on the same pin) no error is given to the ADL application
Reading the flash memory using the pointer provided by adl_adInfo after having written data with adl_adWrite can provide a wrong result. Although the data is actually correct in flash memory, this is because of a cache memory inconsistency.
The Wireless CPU® resets when executing the SEND USSD proactive command.
When slow idle mode (AT+W32k=1) is activated and a timer with options (non strict, cyclic and rearmed on expiration) is running and the timer expires twice during sleep period, a reset occurs on Wireless CPU®.
In the RTE mode, the time delay taken to invoke the call back handler of the adl_tmrSubscribe () API is 4 times more than it normally takes.
Response for AT+CPWD command is not received when trying to change the SIM PIN code. Issue is faced when AT+CPWD command is given after unblocking the SIM PIN of a blocked SIM by using SIM PUK and AT+CPIN command.
When we issue AT+CPIN=11111111,3699 and AT+CPIN2=22222222,5678 consecutively, then the AirPrime enters busy state indefinitely.
The internal SIM cannot be selected in SIM_EXT_PREFFERED mode
Some SIM may not be powered on due to which AT+CPIN commands always return +CME ERROR:10.
At high speed of 104 MHz, the Wireless CPU® is in a state where it is switched off immediately when ON/OFF pin is set to OFF, the auto-maintain mechanism doesn't work.
The OPEN AT® application using old Task Init "wm_apmCustomStackSize" can fail on start-up, when u16 value just given after address of wm_apmCustomStackSize differ from 0 (linker dependent).
Data abort happens if an external interrupt occurs (on FIQ) when an ADL functions is called.
Stuck in command mode after +++ when using UART PPP bearer.
wip_netExit () API does not release the memory resources allocated by the API wip_netInit () successfully. Memory leak can be observed by debugging the Open AT® application in remote mode.
User controlled PLMN selector list is not taken into account because the list was added into the wrong address.
Impossible to perform a call when the spy mode is left.
Using IDS services, the customer application can request a user agreement before downloading any update package. In this state, when the Wireless CPU® is not registered to the network and when the customer application accept to download the update package using +WDSR command, the Wireless CPU® returns an OK response but the download is not launched. The Wireless CPU® should return an error (+CME ERROR: 651) in this case because it is not possible to launch the download.
When the inserted SIM supports the PLMNwAct SIM file (user preferred PLMNs with access technologies), getting it using IDS services is not possible. The Wireless CPU® sends an empty list to the IDS server. This list is well sent to the IDS server when the SIM support the PLMNSel SIM File. The user preferred PLMN list should always be sent to the IDS server whatever the inserted SIM
Using IDS server, the IDS server can update the APN used for the IDS PDP context on the Wireless CPU® by sending a SMS (Sent APN feature on the IDS Web portal). If this SMS is sent to the Wireless CPU® before its registration on the server, this SMS is well treated. If this SMS is sent to the Wireless CPU®(r) after its registration on the server, this SMS is not treated. This SMS should be treated in all cases.
When a WIP session is in progress and an IDS session occurred, the end of the IDS session (deactivation of the PDP context) provoke an error on WIP interface ( WIP_CERR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE occurred)
If the command AT+WDSS=1,0 is done just after the response of AT+WDSS=1,1 command, the Wireless CPU® may reset
When an error occurs during a PDP context activation (the error must be different from a bad NAP configuration), the AT+WDSS command does not respond.
Using IDS services, an Open AT® application can subscribe to monitoring mechanism. This application can configure the monitoring for each own parameter. When a trigger is configured and when this trigger is reached, the device makes a reset and the automatic report is not sent. The device should not reset and send the automatic report to the IDS server.
Using IDS services, parameters can be configured to send automatic report to the IDS server when a triggered value is reached. Moreover, a hysteresis can be configured. If this value is negative, the Wireless CPU® changes it to positive value (-9 is replaced by +9). The Wireless CPU® should not change the value sign! This implies that automatic report on hysteresis is not available
Using IDS services, parameters can be configured to send automatic report to the IDS server when a triggered value is reached. Moreover, a hysteresis can be configured. If this value is equal to 0, the Wireless CPU® does not take into account this value. This implies that automatic report on hysteresis is not available. This mechanism should be available
Wireless CPU® reset occurs during Edge transfer on IDEA network using WIP.
When reading on I2C bus in a loop, Wireless CPU® freezes.
The function adl_busSubscribe () for the parallel bus does not work properly when selecting the CS2.
According to 3GPP 27.007 specifications, it should be possible to indicate an access technology in a user preferred PLMN using +CPOL command if the SIM support the PLMNwAct file. It's possible to read PLMNs with access technology but it's not possible to add a PLMN with an access technology
When we enable the OFFWHENUNPLUG feature and allocate any external interrupt to trigger the Wireless CPU® power off, then when the state of the external interrupt changes the Wireless CPU® is not powered off.
PTCRB 27.16 test is failed when SIM returns a Memory Problem error in a message. The Wireless CPU® should return a dedicated response to the command. In this test, +CPBW command is used to add a phonebook entry in the SIM phonebook but no response is returned. In this test, a +CME ERROR: 13 response should be returned
The +CPOL? command allows an application to list PLMNs entries present in different SIM files. When +CPLS command is set to 0 (default value), entries listed by AT+CPOL? command are the ones present in PLMNwAct file or PLMN_SEL file. (If PLMNwAct is not present, PLMN_SEL file will be selected). If these 2 files are not present, AT+CPOL? makes a reset. +CPLS default value should be set according to SIM files presence. If no PLMN SIM files are allocated in the SIM, AT+CPLS? will return +CME ERROR: 3
SIM file 6F60 cannot be updated by AT+CPOL command because wrong record size is set. Record size 3 is used instead of 5.
Updated phone number is not displayed using AT+CPBR command, in case the user updates a phone number in the phonebook having adjacent 0's with a phone number such that the adjacent 0's are still in place before the first difference. The phone number is updated by removing the SIM, updating in another phone and then inserting the SIM again in the Wireless CPU®
When "ME" are selected for SMS storage and read memories, when the Wireless CPU® receive a concatenated SMS which contains a UDH (user data header) and data in UCS2 format, and when the text length of this message is odd, the PDU string returned to the application, using AT+CMGR command, is incorrect.
When a SMS-PP data download is received by the Wireless CPU®, the SIM may ask a refresh with a SIM reset. The Wireless CPU® sends a detach to the network before the network acknowledges the SMS transmission.
52361 52367
Second FAX call cannot be handled due to there is no terminal response send from ATI to OPEN AT®. This cause further AT commands initiate by ADL are saved in the stack waiting for the answer of first ATA command. ATI should send a terminal response to OPEN AT® with a new flag, so that OPEN AT® can unblock the queue and the terminal response will not be displayed in the terminal.
When 2 PPP sessions are opened on USB and UART1 (or UART2), when the USB session is released, the session on UART1(or UART2) is also released, it should not.
Resuming a suspended Open AT® application using an interruption is no more available from R61 FW version.
Wireless CPU® can reset in idle task (generally after starting).
When a NITZ message is received with a negative local time zone, the computer hour is wrong (in the case of the automatic time zone update is set with the +CTZU command)
If an outgoing CSD call is first accepted and then disconnected by the peer before receiving the CONNECT indication, further ATD commands from the Wireless CPU results in "+CME ERROR: 536". The call should be allowed and the error should not be received.
49881 50507
DTMF blank duration corrupted if user change its value during Wireless CPU® is in airplane mode.
The unsolicited responses after the Wireless CPU® is powered off are not completely received by the customer application. For example, if "AT+WIND=255" and "AT+CREG=1" are set before, once the Wireless CPU® is powered off (as described in "How to reproduce it" field), the unsolicited response "+WIND: 8" and "+CREG: 0" are not sent.
Under atlas environment, after CPIN and AT++CMEE=1 commands are entered, AT+WDSA= "" returns OK instead of +CME ERROR 3.
Using +WDSH command, it is possible to define some host application in order to use IDS services for these applications. Declaring a host application when the IDS service is not in ACTIVATED state (see +WDSG command) makes a reset. This command should be allowed even if IDS services are in DEACTIVATED or TO BE PROVISIONED states.
H command allows the application to release calls. This command accepts a parameter (which is 1 or 2). If this parameter is different from 1 and 2, the Wireless CPU® does not return any response and all commands sent to the Wireless CPU® on the same port will always return +CME ERROR: 515 response. +CME ERROR: 3 should be returned to ATHx command with x different from 1 and 2 and should not block the port in +CME ERROR: 515 state
RI signal is pulsed when +WBCI unsolicited event occurred and +WRIM bit 14 is set instead of bit 6.
When using the command +CPBW, the value of TON/NPI only allows 145 and 129. We need to support range from 128 to 255. Therefore, the actual definition of < type>should be: < type>: integer type; Type of address octet. (refer GSM 04.08 sub clause 129 ISDN / telephony numbering plan, national / international unknown 145 ISDN / telephony numbering plan, international number 161 ISDN / telephony numbering plan, national number 128 - 255 Other values refer GSM 04.08 section
+CMS ERROR: 538 is displayed when we try to copy all the messages in Flash to SIM. The SMS of the same replacement type are present in Flash and SIM memory. Also, for reproducing the issue the number of free locations in SIM SMS memory should be less than the number of messages to be copied from Flash.
Some junk characters are displayed in the +CMT indication in case the +CMT indication is enabled by the command AT+CNMI=2,2 on receiving a SMS.
After an UART3 opening and closing sequence, it is not any longer possible to open the UART3. Consequently customer applications opening UART3 should never close it.
52740 53006
Using FCM API in Open AT® application, no flow control configuration is set on the associated UART, receiving data on UART and having a lot of Wireless CPU® load on data reception makes the Wireless CPU® reset.
51974 52009
User data cannot reach TMT/TE in FCM data mode.
When an OPEN AT® parameter is provisioned, a reset can occur.
51347 52164
Open AT® application may not be able to subscribe to 50 parameters for IDS monitoring. That is due to a memory over consumption and it depends on Application use cases. A reset will occur once the limit is reached. A possible workaround is to prefer the use of integer type parameters and if necessary to subscribe to buffer type parameters at the end of parameters subscription phase.
52232 53072
When the SMS bootstrap are received to provision the NAP, the Wireless CPU® resets.
When a power off is made and the protocol stack is "hot" reset using AT+CFUN=1,0, the device can register to the network but no connection to the IDS server is available.
Using IDS service, it is possible to configure a parameter in order to send an alert to the IDS server when a specific value is reached. If the triggered value is reached when the Wireless CPU® is not registered on the network, the automatic report will be sent when the Wireless CPU® is registered again on the network. However, the reported value is the current one (the last updated value). So if the parameter value was changed between the moments when the triggered was reached and the report, the reported value is not the right one. The reported value should be the value when the triggered was reached.
When a device is created in the IDS server, according to the device model used for the creation, a SMS can be sent to the device in order to provision the APN to be used by the Wireless CPU® in order to make a connection to the IDS server. This SMS is not treated by the Wireless CPU® and stored in SIM. This SMS should be treated, should not be stored in SIM and no indication should be returned by the Wireless CPU® to indicate that this SMS was received. Then the APN for IDS services should be updated (see +WDSS command).
Using IDS services, it is possible that the Wavecom IDS server schedules a job in order to allow the device to make a connection to a 3 rd party server (and so the device won't make anymore a connection to the Wavecom IDS server). When the device is configured to make a connection to a 3rd party server to use IDS services and not to make a connection to the Wavecom one, it should be possible for the 3rd party server to update the embedded credentials in the device. This mechanism uses a generated signature which should be checked by the SW public key which is embedded in the device. Using a 3rd party server, this signature was checked by the device using the FW public key and not the SW public key. The right public should be used.
Using IDS services, upgrading a device from FW7.2 to FW7.3 and if a monitoring on timer on MO Call or MT call is configured in the device, after the FW2.20 install, the device makes a reset each time the monitoring timer happens. This reset should not happen.
Using IDS services, the Wireless CPU® makes a connection to the IDS server after an update to acknowledge the install status. If a periodic report for a monitored parameter is scheduled on the Wireless CPU® and if an install status should be sent at the same time, the connection to the IDS server fails and then the install status is never sent to the IDS server. The Wireless CPU® should always send the install status.
52891 52984
When an update is done for R72a00 ->R73_00->R73a00, the last update (R73a00) is not done. The Wireless CPU® is always with the R73_00. This issue can occur when an update is in progress and a reset occurs between the end of the downloader and the call of the update agent.
Using IDS server, the IDS server can update the APN used for the IDS PDP context on the Wireless CPU® by sending a SMS (Sent APN feature on the IDS Web portal). If this SMS is sent to the Wireless CPU® before its registration on the server, this SMS is well treated. If this SMS is sent to the Wireless CPU® after its registration on the server, this SMS is not treated. This SMS should be treated in all cases.
52060 52354
When the objects have been removed, the NAP is also erased but it shouldn't.
When the user try to monitor Open AT® parameters using the triggers, the mechanism is not working (no generic alert are sent when the trigger are reached).
Sometimes, during a connection to the IDS server, some errors can occur because of the network. The device could re launch the connection in these cases.
The actual monitoring of network coverage increases when the Wireless CPU® is in limited services (emergency) or full services (register on a network). It should be only increases when the Wireless CPU® is in full services (and decrease otherwise)
50378 52379
Using IDS service, when the server requests the Preferred PLMN list or set a Preferred PLMN, the format parameter of +CPOL command is set to numeric. When the Preferred PLMN is updated or read by the IDS server, the format parameter of +CPOL command should not be set to numeric.
Using Device services, when the IDS server gets the Preferred PLMN list, if the format parameter of +CPOL is not set to 2 (numeric), the response to the server request is an error. If the format parameter of +CPOL is set to 2 (numeric), the preferred PLMN list is well returned by the Wireless CPU®. The Wireless CPU® should send the list in all cases.
When an IDS session is active, the response to AT+WDSS? Doesn’t display the login and password.
52181 52302
Using IDS services, the IDS server can get the MO and MT voice call error counters in roaming. In this data, a history is present for each VPLMN on which an error was occurred on voice call. If the error is due to an antenna disconnection, the PLMN created in the history is filled with MCC=000 and MNC=00 instead of the real values. The Wireless CPU® should fill this value with the last registered PLMN details.
Using IDS services, it's possible to monitor the battery level of one or several devices. An automatic report can be requested if the battery level reaches a specific value. If this value implies an automatic power off of the device (+WBCI: 0 indication is then returned by the Wireless CPU®), the automatic report is not sent to the IDS server at the next network registration. This automatic report should be sent to the IDS server.
52580 52581
When an IDS session is active, the response to AT+WDSS? doesn't display the login and password
48769 49273
Incomplete resilience of the AD volume re-compaction process to unattended resets or power losses.
Wireless CPU® sends a NO CARRIER indication instead of OK response in case GPRS session is terminated by DTR drop.
Effective application stack size is down casted into a 16-bit integer when a stack size of more than 64k is given in the "adl_InitTasks_t" tasks declaration.
Wireless CPU® resets if we send through OPEN UART more bytes than the buffer size allocated for the read action
When write operations are triggered periodically the OnTxComplete event handler is sometimes not recalled. Consequently the pending write operation never ends.
When the target is camped on a PLMN and a continuous data flow is sent to UART1 or UART2 without any flow control and Open UART is used to manage this data flow in reception, it may lead to a target reset.
When UART1 or UART2 is directly used by an Open AT® application with flow control option disabled at speeds greater than 57600 bps and the target is camped on a PLMN data loss (in reception way) may occur.
After starting an Open AT® application Wireless CPU® may reset in idle task.
The InitType of adl_main after the reset doesn't indicate ADL_INIT_REBOOT_FROM_EXCEPTION for API adl_errHalt ().
If flash objects need to be deleted we have to use AT+WOPEN=3. This command always returns ERROR 548 "No flash objects to delete" even if a flash object exist.
Attempting to gather UART1 or UART2 capabilities by using io_control operation is not functional. However user application is allowed to gather this information at the opening stage by filling in the capabilities field of the sUartSettings_t structure which shall be provided to the adl_odOpen function.
No response to AT+CPWD command, after the GPRS context is activated and ATI automation freezes.
When a SIM card doesn't respond, a fatal error occurs after approximately 2 hours, the Wireless CPU® resets.
After a SIM refresh, the proactive polling command for the SIM presence detection is not sent anymore
Wireless CPU® may not wake up or may not stop after the "AT+CPOF" command when an alarm is used
When an application, using ADL event service, is running RTE mode, an error message is raised about RPC protocol.
When the command "AT+WASR?" is executed on the WMP50, invalid GPIO (GPIO24) is returned, as the GPIO range of WMP50 only supports GPIO0 to GPIO10.
ADL application cannot set the UART (1 or 2) speed to 921600 bps by using the UART_RATE_921600 enumerated provided in the wm_uart.h header file.
When we use the adl_audioTonePlay API to play a single tone, (by setting the second frequency equals 0), the Wireless CPU® return the ADL_RET_ERR_PARAM error.
Wireless CPU® can reset when a lot of bytes are being sent on UART and the AT+CPOF command is received from one port
It is not possible to play a tone using adl_audioTonePlay () with a second gain equals 0
TMT always displays incorrect backtraces when a fatal error or an exception occurs or replayed from flash memory.
Interrupts (e.g. SPI or External IRQ pin) could interfere with Open AT® tasks initialization. This could result in an increase of one Open AT® task stack usage.
When the PLMN name search using E-ONS is activated by AT+WOPN=4,31 and if the inserted SIM contains PNN and OPL files related to E-ONS feature, the PLMN name returned by the Wireless CPU® can be wrong if in OPL files, the D character (wild card) is used for the MNC code only (and not for the MCC code). The Wireless CPU® should well manage this case and return the correct PLMN name.
The ADL software watchdog timer seems to be inaccurate when a software watchdog reset is triggered
CME ERROR 13 is sometimes received when using SPI or UART.
The MS may perform a non-optimized PLMN selection, since it may not use the list of Equivalent PLMNs provided by network operators.
Reset can occur when a call disconnection is performed while a handover procedure is on progress.
When an Open AT® Application tries to write in FLASH, if another task is scheduled which modifies the FLASH space memory, then adl_flhWrite() function may return ADL_FLH_RET_ERR_MEM_FULL or ADL_FLH_RET_ERR_NO_ENOUGH_IDS error
Packet PDCH Release wrongly managed during two phases access. This case leads in a GPRS blocking state.
DTMF detection is not available when the Wireless CPU® is not synchronized to the network (used in Audio Diagnosis mode)
Response of ATA command is not received when the ATA and call disconnection (ATH) command at the peer end are issued simultaneously after a successful call is made and hooked. The issue is reproducible when before receiving a call confirmation message from the network at the called end the call is disconnected from the calling end. Also the response to the next AT command includes the buffered response for ATA command which was not received.
Wireless CPU® registers to a wrong PLMN after recovering from No service state during a GPRS transfer (it was manually registered previously).
When an Open AT® Application subscribes to a provisioned parameter using IDS services, when the server gets the provisioned value, callbacks for getting length and getting data are called twice. It should be better to call 2 times the callback for data length (in order to well allocate memory) and call only one time the callback to get data.
The Location Area Code (LAC) of the cell on which the Wireless CPU® is camped on, is wrongly displayed when using the Radio Spectrum Monitoring channel interface for Open AT® Applications.
Using IDS services, if the IDS server tries to get the preferred operators list stored in the SIM using the provisioning mechanism, the WIRELESS CPU® can return a truncated list if at least one unknown operator code exists in this list. An unknown operator is an operator code which is not associated to a long and a short name in all memories storage for operator names (see +WOPN command for more details). The WIRELESS CPU® should return the whole list even if the operator name is unknown.
Activating +ILRR notifications (AT+ILRR=1), being in Autobaud mode (AT+IPR=0) and having a CSD call established (ATD... or ATA => CONNECT), then the +ILRR intermediate response does not notify upon the current UART speed : it reports Autobaud mode (+ILRR:0) whereas it should report the current speed (e.g. at 115200 Bauds/s +ILRR: 115200).
When an application closes all the physical ports, after a reboot, the SIM full initialization event is never received in the Open AT® application, and the SIM state remains "ADL_SIM_STATE_INIT".
49965 49966
After an upgrade using DOTA2, the Open AT® application present in the Wireless CPU® does not start (AT+WOPEN? returns "+WOPEN: 0"). Ideally, after the DOTA process, the WOPEN state should not change and the application should start.
+CME ERROR:3 is presented for a valid pin code following steps: 1) Download the MCC list allowed E2P file to the Wireless CPU®. 2) Activate CNL lock on Network1 (MCCMNC1) and Network2 (MCCMNC2) by AT+WLCK. 3) Insert Network1 SIM and enter pin code, can make a call. 4) Insert Network3 SIM (MCCMNC3) and enter pin code, fail to make a call. It is expected behavior. 5) Insert Network4 SIM (MCC not contained in MCC List allowed) and enter pin code, display SIM NOT ALLOWED FOR THIS AIRPRIME. It is expected behavior. 6) Insert Network1 SIM and enter pin code by AT+CPIN, the response is +CME ERROR: 3, it should be "OK".
48947 50323
When attempting to modify the preferred operator list using the "AT+CPOL" command, the user is prompted with +CME ERROR: 13, which is the correct behavior. However after this 1.When the PLMN list is read using the "AT+CPOL?" command, instead of the old values, the new values attempted to write are returned. Ideally, since the attempted write failed, the read command should return the old values. 2. Second or any further attempt to use "AT+CPOL" write command returns "OK" instead of "+CME ERROR: 13". 3. AT+COPS command returns "+CME ERROR: 13" instead of the normal functionality.
DOTA and IDS updates fail if a special volume configuration is set in the production bench (typically for Q268x with integrated flash). Downloader update cannot be performed by 1K-XModem. A workaround consists in configuring again A&D volume from Open AT® Application
If an unauthorized SIM has been inserted once, the WIRELESS CPU® is blocked in +CME ERROR: 515 error state after pin code is entered but network lock is activated for a network lock SIM. If an unauthorized SIM and then a valid SIM 1 have been inserted, the SIM status does not update after inserted a valid SIM 2. The SIM status kept in valid SIM 1 and can make a call.
When a RDMS context activation is asked during a RDMS context deactivation, it is not possible to activate this context anymore
Since Oasis2, when a GPRS session is opened using windows dial up, the server IP address is if it was not received during the connection establishment. It was in older version.
RTE stability enhancement
Remote SIM is not accessible after OSA subscription is done.
With OSA application the WMP100 resets if the SIM is absent from the rack.
The Wireless CPU® is not able to register to the network when using SIM cards with missing EFad file. The Wireless CPU® should be able to register to the network even if the EFad file is missing from the SIM card.
50250 50251
IDS Server interface display of monitored value is incorrect
On WMP50, when the IDS server gets the embedded version, a useless space is returned at the data end. This space should not be returned by the WIRELESS CPU®.
When trying to connect to the server with a specific SIM card (Smartone-Vodafone), the network seems to send some cookies, the connection to the IDS server failed. In this case, the Wireless CPU® should proceed with the connection.
When a generic alert is done and an update job is present at this moment on the IDS server, the job will be executed. After the download and before the call of the update agent, a reset occurs, the patch is not installed. The job should be well executed.
[IDS] When the data monitoring values present in a generic alert are too long, the wbxml string is badly formatted.
If the communication socket is closed during a session, the session fails. But the device is supposed to re-open the socket and finish the session.
Using IDS services, if the package install is automatic (default behavior and see +WDSC command) and if the battery is removed between the package download end and before the install, the install won't be launch at the next start up. Because the install is in automatic mode, the install should be launched at the next start up.
On Q64 Wireless CPU®, when an Open AT® application is under execution and "+CMT " indication is activated (AT+CNMI=2,2), the +CMT indication is not received after sending an SMS.
A reset occurs when several SIM insertion/extraction are done when RDMS credentials are present
The day field of the AT+CCLK command is always set to zero instead of range (1-to-7) during the error case. Because of this, when an alarm is set using AT+CALA command to a date different from the current date, the alarm does not occur.
The Wireless CPU® resets in the following scenarios: - When "ME" extended phonebook entry is read using AT+CPBN or AT+WPGR command with selected phonebook as "MT". - When "ME" extended phonebook entry is read using AT+WPGR command with selected phonebook as "SM".
When the user sets the phonebook characters to Hex or custom mode with +WPCS and saves the configuration with AT&W, the Wireless CPU® always reboots after the execution of AT+STGI=0.
When a setup call proactive command is performed using the command "AT+STGR=4,1 " to get the billing information and the call is released before the connection, no terminal response is sent to the SIM.
When CMUX protocol is launched on one port and auto answer is set using ATS0 command on a logical port, during an incoming call, the Wireless CPU® resets. The Wireless CPU® should not reset and the incoming call should be automatically accepted.
When using the opcode and/or address fields of the SPI bus API, a freeze may occur. E.g. using Ethernet over SPI driver, the Ethernet bearer gets stuck after few minutes.
The IDS feature doesn’t work with a delta patch having size greater than 65kB. Erratic reset is observed during the installation of 64KB+ update packages
It is not possible to manage 2 devices (using CS2 and CS3) on the parallel bus.
When an Open AT® application is running, after a reset (AT+CFUN=1), +WIND: 0/13/13/14 indications are sent to the external application, even if the application has not configured the WIND indication by AT+WIND= < value>. These indications should not be sent to the external application (only internal to Open AT® ).
After entering the correct PIN code, when a forbidden PLMN is selected using AT+COPS=1,2,xxxx, the selection fails with the error code - +CME ERROR: 547 (Emergency call is allowed without SIM). Instead, the error code +CME ERROR: 32(Network not allowed-Emergency call only) should be displayed.
In 14,4 kbits V.110 connection (+CBST: 75,0,1), the CONNECT response is not sent as DATA but as AT intermediate response. Because of which, in 7E1 framing, the CONNECT string is not in the right format (framing issue). The CONNECT response should be correctly returned by the Wireless CPU® and in the right framing.
When an Open AT® application sets the auto answer using ATS0 command, the Wireless CPU® resets when an incoming call is automatically accepted. This reset does not happen when the auto answer is activated by an external application. The Wireless CPU® should not make a reset and the incoming call should be automatically accepted.
When “AT+WOPEN=6” command indicates zero A&D memory size (for example “+WOPEN: 6,0,832”), it is not possible to perform DOTA anymore on the Wireless CPU®.
48217 48328
Sometimes, when a windows remote network connection is released, it is not possible to open a new session anymore when the disconnection is detected by the DTR (ATD*99***1# responds +CME ERROR: 3). After some time, opening a new session is possible.
When a GPRS session is activated and when the &D configuration is set to 2, dropping the DTR signal releases the GPRS session but NO CARRIER indication is not returned by the Wireless CPU®. This indication should be returned.
- Response to the AT+CLCC command is not correctly displayed in case there is no alpha field associated with the number or the number is not stored. - An extra byte is appended in the response string for AT+CLCC if HEX character set is selected and the string is not UCS2. - In case if a UCS2 string starts with "90", the alpha field displayed with AT+CLCC is not correct.
When the current call list is read by “AT+CLCC”, if a current call name is in UCS2 format and a "00" is present within UCS2 byte string, the current call name display is wrong and stopped at first appearance of "00".
When two calls are active, an extra 0x00 byte appears at the end of Name field of second call. This happens when character set is HEX.
When a GPRS session is launched using ATD*99***1# or +CGDATA command and session is deactivated using +CGACT command during GPRS transfer, the response to the +CGACT command is not returned by the Wireless CPU®. The response should be returned and the GPRS session should be terminated.
When the character set used by the TE is set to CUSTOM using the AT+CSCS="CUSTOM " command, the USSD messages received by the Wireless CPU® are not displayed in accordance to the CUSTOM character set.
When the self-diagnostic activation mode is activated (with AT+WDIAG=1,1,1,0,0,0) and 0v is supplied to the AUX-ADC pin, the diagnostic unsolicited indications are stopped (no +WDIAG indication received).
Value of +CRSL command changed when performing an outgoing call if traffic channel is not allocated.
No call possible if the Kc file is missing or corrupted in the SIM
44547 47409
If a SIM supports CPHS file and if a mail box number (6F17 SIM file) is composed of more than 20 digits (so EXT1 SIM file is used), the whole number is not returned using AT+CPHS=2,2 command but it's truncated to 20 digits. The complete number should be returned.
When a GPRS session is released by dropping the DTR signal, sending ATO command to the Wireless CPU® does not return any response. In this case, a +CME ERROR: 3 should be returned because no GPRS session is active (DTR signal released the GPRS session)
If a CCID number containing digits between A and F is read with AT+CCID command, the digits are not displayed correctly.
When a SIM card is PUK locked and unblocked, and then this SIM is replaced by another one, the second SIM is rejected by the network.
No event is generated from the call service when a call is released by toggling the DTR.
For AT+CGACT=1 command, an OK is returned even if no PDP context exists.
The Wireless CPU® resets, if the Phonebook in the ME is full ( or almost ), and if the SIM is replaced by another SIM.
The phone book record size, retrieved by "AT+CPBR=?" can be wrong when a SIM with the EXT1 file is replaced by a SIM without EXT1.
After a phonebook entry in SIM card has been read by Wireless CPU®, the SIM card is removed and the phone number's length and TON/NPI are filled with 0XFF by using the SIM card reader. Now, when the SIM card is re-inserted in the Wireless CPU® without resetting the Wireless CPU®, the phonebook entry in RAM is not updated. The RAM is updated when SIM card with different IMSI is inserted.
When a phone number length in a SIM phonebook is set to more than actual phone number length and the associate number is set to FF (after a first insertion of the SIM in the Wireless CPU®), the phonebook is not well displayed.
When the SIM PIN is blocked after 3 unsuccessful attempts to enter the PIN, the phonebook can still be accessed.
When ADN, FDN and LND phonebook are missing, the response to AT+CPBS=? is +CPBS: (,"MC","ME","RC","EN") and OK. It should be +CPBS: ("MC","ME","RC","EN") and OK (no comma before MC).
Wild card 'D' is saved incorrectly in the Phonebook by using +CBPW command.
When the phonebook character set is selected as CUSTOM or HEX and if the name field of the phonebook entry has a Ctrl^@ character (0x00) at the end, then this character is not displayed when reading the phonebook entry.
42508 44230
When a SIM with a phone book record having a wrong value in the "Length of BCD numbers" field is used, the Wireless CPU® resets.
45922 46331
Name associated to a FDN phonebook number will not be displayed when user reads an SMS coming from this number.
When SMS is written in CUSTOM and HEX mode (using AT+CMGW command), then the SMS is stored incorrectly. When AT+CMGR command is used to read this message, it is incorrectly displayed.
SMS Replace type is not available for Flash SMS. If a SMS is received with the same PID and same OA as another already stored in flash, the 1st SMS is not overwritten by the 2nd one. The SMS Replace functionality is available for SIM SMS and should also be available for Flash SMS.
The "+CIEV: 7,1" SMS storage full indication is received only when the 1st SMS storage memory (SIM or ME) is full. So the application is not informed when the 2nd SMS storage memory will be full.
SMS reception is blocked if memory was full and a place has been released. (Memory available message not sent when SMS erased from full Memory). /span>
The last character of the Originating Address (OA) field in the SMS is lost when the OA field is in alphanumeric format. For example, if the OA field is "Voicemail ", then on reading the SMS, the alphanumeric OA is displayed as "Voicemail". The last character is lost.
In a SIM Tool Kit Session, when a GET INPUT proactive command is sent by the SIM to the Wireless CPU® with a Text String field present but with an empty text and a Default Text field, the Wireless CPU® makes a reset when the +STGI is returned. The Wireless CPU® should not reset and the +STGI with the right fields should be returned.
No STIN indication is sent to user if alpha ID is not present during a send SS and a send DTMF.
In a SIM Tool Kit Session, when a GET INPUT proactive command is received from the SIM by the Wireless CPU®, if the Text string field is empty and the Default text field is present, a coma is missing in +STGI command. The Wireless CPU® returns in this case: +STGI: < inputformat>, < echomode>, < sizemin>, < sizemax>, < helpinfo>, < defaulttext>instead of +STGI: < inputformat>, < echomode>, < sizemin>, < sizemax>, < helpinfo>,, < defaulttext>response.
Specific batteries might shut down because the charging duration of pulses is sometimes too long ( 1s in our static configuration) whereas some battery specifications say that maximum pulse should be lower.
If keys are pressed and released too quickly or simultaneously, keyboard can be blocked. And no new keyboard indication will be received until a Wireless CPU® reset.
Configuring DTE-DCE connection with 7E/O1 framing both on Wavecom Wireless CPU® and analog modem, establishing a CSD connection between the two of them, and sending data from Wireless CPU® to analog modem will fail. The parity bit is not transmitted and "Odd/Even" characters are not received on analog modem side.
When a data connection is established on a serial port (connected/online after a successful ATD replied with a CONNECT), if data is being received on radio downlink side, "+++" escape sequence on that port will fail to switch to offline/connected mode (AT command mode). It is systematic for a CMUX port (even if no data is currently being received).
When A\ is sent for retrieving the previous command, an unexpected < cr>is echoed irrespective of echo mode and verbose mode.
When the UART speed is less than 9600bps, then it is not possible to make an outgoing data call (CSD) from the Wireless CPU®.
If the Wireless CPU® is switched on with automatic GPRS ATTACH disabled, if a PDP context activation is requested, the PDP activation procedure will take a long time if the network does not release the downlink TBF established to send the ATTACH_ACCEPT, and send the ACTIVATE_PDP_CONTEXT_ACCEPT on the same TBF.
41986 41886
If an incoming call is received and at the same time the user requests for a GPRS DETACH with "AT+CGATT=0", no response is received for the DETACH command. Also, "+CME ERROR: 515" is received when trying to answer the call.
GPRS transfer blocked (reset needed) under specific network configuration.
When GPRS data transfer is active, sending of SMS over GPRS is not possible if the SAPI 7 priority is lower than the active SAPI user data priority.
The "NO CARRIER" response is not sent to the application when a call, set on hold, is disconnected (by a network loss).
If a call or SMS is done during a routing area update procedure, the Wireless CPU® may not leave the non DRX mode on paging channel. The impact is a loss of GSM service in some rare cases.
Layer 3 info service reports incorrect cell synchronization information when the GCC compiler is used.
If the EF Kc SIM file is corrupted, Wireless CPU® is not able to register to the network.
No location updating procedure is performed in Network Mode of operation III when the class is changed from CG to B, and the Update Status is not updated, and the current LAI is the LAI stored in SIM.
Reset occurs in some specific network in Italy when cell broadcasting channel is activated (Vodafone and TIM carriers)
Wireless CPU® can reset during an FTP transfer if the RF signal is attenuated.
In case of cell update in idle state, Wireless CPU® fails to select the best neighbor cell and can lose synchronization.
If SIM files containing preferred PLMN lists are badly formatted, the Wireless CPU® resets just after entering PIN code.
When the Wireless CPU® is registered for GSM service, if AT+COPS=2 is entered, followed by AT+COPS=0, receipt of calls/SMS becomes impossible.
A Wireless CPU® reset occurs when frequency-hopping parameters are not valid in Packet Transfer establishment request.
Even if the < oa>Originating Address or < da>Destination address is present in the phonebook, the < alpha>field of the "+CMGR" response is always empty. The < alpha>field should contain the correct details corresponding to the < oa>or < da>present in the phonebook.
46278 47515
When the Wireless CPU® performs an Interrogate SS operation, and receives a SS_RELEASE_COMPLETE with RETURN RESULT Component having a wrong content of Interrogate SS operation PARAMETERS, no error shall be generated because the PARAMETERS are optional.
AT+CUSD=1,*770*078186480*100*00000# does not succeed because the Wireless CPU® sends a wrong SS version "SS-Protocol version 3" instead of "phase 2 service" in the message REGISTER.
Low level "click" noise is audible at speaker when Wireless CPU® is switched to low consumption mode (32K) .
When waking up the target with an external interrupt, the wake up time is too long (35 ms). It should be reduced to a lesser value (up to 10 ms).
After a voice call, the Wireless CPU® does not re enter sleep mode. It happens per 100 calls.
48239 47317
In ADL, using adl_fcmUnsubscribe(...) API to unsubscribe to a subscribed UART flow (ADL_FCM_FLOW_V24_UART1, ADL_FCM_FLOW_V24_UART2, ADL_FCM_FLOW_V24_USB) makes the WIRELESS CPU® resets. This is NOT the case for GSM and GPRS flows.
When the Wireless CPU® has been started by an RTC alarm, ADL does not inform the application with the start cause (the initialization type is detected as a normal one).
The ATR is not valid with one specific Schlumberger SIM card when SIM speed enhancement is On.
Using FCM APIs, un subscribing to a subscribed flow makes the Wireless CPU® reset. This is the case for OSA sample also.
The SIM cannot be detected when the SIMREMOVE feature is disabled and if the SIMPRES is low.
When the SIM REMOVE feature is de-activated, the PTS_EXT_INT_8 which is multiplexed with the SIM_PRES signal is not available for the user. However, GPIO18 (which is multiplexed with PTS_EXT_INT_8 too) is available for the user. The PTS_EXT_INT_8 should be available once the SIM REMOVE feature is de-activated.
"+WIND: 0" indication is not displayed after resetting the Wireless CPU® when SIMREMOVE feature is de-activated/disabled.
AT&T test SIM 4A (Schlumberger 32k Non-GAIT Retail SIM) is not detected. On issuing AT+CIMI command, the Wireless CPU® returns CME ERROR: 10.
44691 48193
Wireless CPU® resets when SIM is removed and inserted into the SIM rack (stress test).
While waiting for the user input for SIM toolkit functionalities, the Timeout, set by the "AT+STSF" command, expires before the expected time when the Timeout duration is greater than 2 minutes.
Wireless CPU® does not switch to slow idle mode when FCM is switched to data mode and then DTR is toggled to low.
It is not possible to execute an Open AT® application signed (SDS) with IDE 1.06. AT+WOPEN=7 status remains 15 forever and adl_main () is never called.
[IDS] Impossible to install a DOTA/RDMS update if UART1 port is opened and if the UART1 cable is unplugged
[IDS] When the GPRS session is closed (by the user or by the network), the connection to the IDS server is not possible after around one hour of inactivity
New flash driver for management of flash ST 65nm
The delay between the deactivation of the SIM and the new class selection is less than 10 ms (recommended by the specification 7816-3).
SIM interface is not turn off when the ME is using an unsupported class SIM. FTA tests are failed : (3V only), (1V8 only)