Internet Library 5.10 Release note

Jan 01, 2010 - Author: Sierra Wireless - Version 5.10 - 3335 Views

1. New Features
2. Known Restrictions
2.1 For WIPLib Users
2.2 For WIPSoft Users
3. Corrections & Improvements
3.1 For WIPLib Users
3.2 For WIPSoft Users
4. Software Release Description
4.1 Software Identification
4.2 Compatibility

1. New Features

No new feature has been added in this last version.

2. Known restrictions

1. Known restrictions for WIPLib users

Id Description (What / When) Impacted Domain Impacted Sub Domain Submitted Date
36615 When 100 mails are stored in the maildrop, the getList() may result in a reset of the Wireless CPU®.
36804 In some cases, writing on a socket already shut down doesn’t cause any error.
35171 When GSM bearer is used, ATH from external terminal stops the bearer link.
39557 GSM data call not handled properly when a TCP data channel is already established.
41717 When AT+WIPCFG=0 is executed to stop the stack, the Wireless CPU® resets if the FTP/SMTP/POP3/HTTP session is active.
Work Around: before closing stack using +WIPCFG=0, sockets/sessions should be closed first (using +WIPCLOSE AT command), then bearers should be stopped (using +WIPBR AT command), then bearers should be closed (using +WIPBR AT command) then IP stack can be closed (using +WIPCFG=0 AT command).
42797 Wireless CPU® will reset when WIP _CEV_READ event occurs while reading a file from POP3 Server over GPRS.
47516 [WIP/RTE] RESET when launching an WIP application by RTE using ECLIPSE
49267 Customer may be limited on the number of connexion that can be simultaneously handled.
48818 Cant go back in data mode after +++ when using UART PPP bearer

2. Known restrictions for WIPSoft users

Id Description (What / When) Impacted Domain Impacted Sub Domain Submitted Date
36519 When TCP or UDP data flow unmapping is issued through "AT+WIPDATA=<proto>, <idx>, 0" on another port than the mapped port, it succeeds without any OK response to the command is received on this port.
36615 When 100 mails are stored in the maildrop, the getList() may result in a reset of the Wireless CPU®.
36530 Socket opening through AT+WIPCREATE is not possible if the Wireless CPU® is not connected to the outside world by an initialized bearer (an IP "connection" has been established and exists, using AT+WIPBR).
36600 In GSM bearer, after dial up, the PPP authentication sometimes fails; workaround consists on setting the GSM server bearer side in Listening again and on redialling the number for the GSM client bearer side until the PPP connexion is established properly.
36810 When creating a socket with the AT+WIPCREATE just after the call of AT+WIPCLOSE of that socket (same address and port) , that created socket could not function properly as expected
The socket open call should not be called just after a socket close call: After a call to AT+WIPCLOSE to close a socket, a delay of one second is necessary before calling again the AT+WIPCREATE to open a new socket If due to that asynchronous process the socket open call is too close to the socket close call and that issue is encountered , another workaround is to close and reopen that socket.
36804 In some cases, writing on a socket already shut down doesn’t cause any error.
35171 When GSM bearer is used, ATH from external terminal stops the bearer link.
37004 Closing a socket with AT+WIPCLOSE responds OK even if the socket has already been closed.
38556 When an UDP connection is set, some error traces (WIP_CERR_RESOURCES ) are shown even if the file transfer is OK.
38499 Using +WIPCREATE AT command to create several server sockets, Index ranges must not be the same. Using +WIPCLOSE AT command to close a server socket, it is to be noticed that any spawned client socket that were created before the closure are not closed and thus their communication indexes are not free.
36576 Using AT+WIPFILE to put/get files on/from a Debian Server fails (returns "+CME ERROR: 841") on specific operator. E.g. in France, using Bouygues Telecom results in put/get failure whereas SFR and Orange are OK.
39557 GSM data call not handled properly when a TCP data channel is already established.
40606 Data can be lost if an attempt is made to write large amount of data to an UDP socket.
43776 OK is not received when values are read using +WIPOPT command for FTP protocol.
37900 When +WIPCLOSE command is executed for closing UDP/TCP sockets,
-+CME ERROR: 831 is not received when socket is already closed or not opened yet
-+CME ERROR:830 is not received when it is executed with invalid index
43737 The “WIP_CERR_NOT_SUPPORTED” error code is received when an attempt is made to map an UDP socket to continuous mode of data transmission.
44583 ETX character is not sent to the external application in case of an unsuccessful FTP file download.
44584 Wireless CPU® switched to Data mode even when the requested file is not present in the FTP server, while downloading a file from the FTP server.
51725 While uploading a file, if “+++” is issued to switch to AT mode, two “OK” responses are received in case of FTP protocol. A work around consists in sending an “ETX” instead of “+++” to switch to AT mode.
51726 It’s not possible to set DNS IP address when using GSM Bearer.
When AT+WIPCFG=0 is executed to stop the stack, Wireless CPU® resets if the FTP/SMTP/POP3/HTTP session is active.
Work Around: before closing stack using +WIPCFG=0, sockets/sessions should be closed first (using +WIPCLOSE AT command), then bearers should be stopped (using +WIPBR AT command), then bearers should be closed (using +WIPBR AT command) then IP stack can be closed (using +WIPCFG=0 AT command).
43438 On 32 Mbits flash memories, DOTA2 operation (full FW download) is not possible when the application embeds the WIPSoft library.
42797 Wireless CPU® will reset when WIP _CEV_READ event occurs while reading a file from POP3 Server over GPRS.
50922 DLE-DTX is lost when receiving a pattern of DLE-DTX ( more of 25)
51054 Data can be lost if an attempt is made to write large amount of data to an UDP socket.
51563 Trying to get a non-existing file whose name is longer or equal to 16 characters from a FTP server leads to a wireless CPU® reset.
51693 WIP_CEV_ERROR event is not generated on UDP channel when trying to open a channel towards an invalid address.
53546 OK is received before the CONNECT indication while downloading a file from FTP server over UART PPP bearer.
52313 Data loss observed when uploading a file to the FTP server on using GPRS bearer.

3. Corrections & Improvements

1. Corrections & Improvements for WIPLib users

Id Description (What / When) Impacted Domain Impacted Sub Domain Fixed in
46367 WIP_COPT_POP3_MAILSIZE option will return the value received by the 'LIST n' command and not the 'RETR n' command. WIPLib 5.10
47094 When an attempt is made to change the "Data representation TYPE" for FTP protocol using “AT+WIPOPT” command, the type is not set successfully for the FTP session. WIPLib 5.10
47660 Invalid value read from WIPSoft for option 7 (WIP_COPT_NODELAY) for TCP Channels. WIPLib 5.10
48994 With current implementation, application can't manually set the Ethernet link configuration and each try will set 10 Base T always.
Next version will set correctly the link speed.
WIPLib 5.10
Currently, customer can't read back value that was configured. After change, value of this option will be correctly returned. WIPLib 5.10
49268 Application can set a 32bits value for NAT timeouts but can't read value if >65535.
Correction will correct this problem.
WIPLib 5.10
49873 Result of ping function is a multiple of 500ms. WIPLib 5.10
49918 Wireless CPU® reset is observed while setting options with NULL MMS structure pointer. WIPLib 5.10
50009 If you get an HTTPS page without initialized WIPSSL library, you get a reboot. WIPLib 5.10
50410 WIP does not fully release memory it was allocated.
Customer app will consume 272 bytes of heap memory as soon as WIP was initialized.
After correction, these 272 bytes will be freed.
WIPLib 5.10
50446 In a HTTP Client, an event WIP_CERR_CSTATE is generated at the final call of WIP_CEV_READ event. WIPLib 5.10
50640 When the WIP sample applications are compiled with the Eclipse environment, the compilation fails. WIPLib 5.10
50656 It is not possible to use specific socket parameters with high level protocol (such as FTP). WIPLib 5.10
50657 Customer application doesn't receive a DONE event for a file operation and so, it must wait sometimes after a PEER_CLOSE event on the data channel before issuing the next operation. WIPLib 5.10
50679 A WIP_CEV_WRITE event is actually generated at the opening of an FTP file download channel. Filter in wrapper channel should allow application to receive only relevant events according the file operation. WIPLib 5.10
50806 If an UART is switched to DATA mode with wip_fcmCreate() then switched back to AT mode with "+++" escape sequence, no further subscription to that FCM port will succeed. WIPLib 5.10
51257 The HTTP method used is not traced properly. WIPLib 5.10
51261 Can not send mms using vodafone or tim operator in Italy, as their service center reject anonymous message sending. WIPLib 5.10
51437 unable to compile the TCP_CLIENT sample application in RTE mode using ECLPISE IDE WIPLib 5.10
46887 Application can't set the ethernet interface link configuration nor the promiscuous mode. WIPLib 5.00
48103 When a finalizer is specified for the HTTP SESSION channel, it is called prematurely. WIPLib 5.00
42734 No response is received if an attempt is made to exchange data for the second time for FTP/HTTP/SMTP/POP3 protocols. WIPLib 4.00
45232 When An email is sent using SMTP protocol from an SMTP server, the body is not received correctly or the e-mail is not received at all. WIPLib 4.00
47095 SMTP doesn't respect the RFC requirements for addresses encoding WIPLib 4.00
47097 "AT+WIPPING" does not work for the first time when used with a DNS name WIPLib 4.00
44666 It is not possible to create a PPP client on the Wireless CPU® which connects with the PPP server on the PC. WIPLib 4.00

2. Corrections & Improvements for WIPSoft users

Id Description (What / When) Impacted Domain Impacted Sub Domain Fixed in
52786 Data loss is observed in the UART when a file is downloaded from the FTP server at lower baud rates especially at 9600 baud/s or below. WIPSoft 5.12
51799 Data corruption occurs when a binary file is sent from a utility (UdpPktTest.exe) to the Wireless CPU®, (with WIPSoft application) in case of UDP protocol. WIPSoft 5.12
53038 The “+WIPFILE” indication is not received after switching to AT mode on completion of get file request, through a HTTP session. WIPSoft 5.12
52859 It is not possible to create an HTTP session without specifying the server address in WIPSoft. WIPSoft 5.12
51445 Two CONNECT indications are received when file is uploaded using FTP protocol. WIPSoft 5.12
43776 OK is not received when values are read using +WIPOPT command for FTP protocol. WIPSoft 5.12
40606 Data can be lost if an attempt is made to write large amount of data to an UDP socket. WIPSoft 5.12
51285 NET 10 level traces are not displayed in TMT to get the debug information when WIP Soft application is used. WIPSoft 5.12
48612 In Wireless CPU®, during FTP download data loss is experienced. WIPSoft 5.12
52861 Debug traces are not sent to USB port when activated using +WIPCFG command in WIPSoft. WIPSoft 5.12
52224 Closing the PPP connection after creation of TCP socket leads to WCPU reset. WIPSoft 5.12
51725 While uploading a file, if “+++” is issued to switch to AT mode, two “OK” responses are received in case of FTP protocol. WIPSoft 5.12
50028 When the +WIPFILE command is used to retrieve data from server, the first chunk of data is not received. WIPSoft 5.12
48164 Incorrect +CME ERROR codes are sent by WIPSOFT for PPP LINK failure and PPP Terminate requests. WIPSoft 5.12
47657 Wrong error code is being displayed for the +WIPCREATE command. WIPSoft 5.12
44320 Responses for file session are not sent to the port on which the file session is created for SMTP and POP3 protocols. WIPSoft 5.12
43737 The “WIP_CERR_NOT_SUPPORTED” error code is received when an attempt is made to map an UDP socket to continuous mode of data transmission. WIPSoft 5.12
52318 Unexpected "OK" indication is received before “+WIPPEERCLOSE” indication, in case of SMTP and POP3 protocol. WIPSoft 5.12
51910 It is not possible to delete or retrieve a mail for the second time when the first attempt returns an error in case of POP3 protocol. WIPSoft 5.12
47949 +WIPDATA, +WIPFILE and +WIPACCEPT unsolicited indications are not received with UART2, CMUX and USB ports. WIPSoft 5.12
44436 Error codes returned by the “AT+WIPOPT” command for setting/retrieving different options for UDP, TCP server and TCP client sockets are not uniform. WIPSoft 5.12
44364 No response is attained if an attempt is made to create/start a socket/session with less than/more than minimum/maximum number of mandatory parameters for any protocol.
No error code is returned if the specified number of parameters is more than the maximum number of mandatory parameters for starting/closing stack and saving/erasing TCP/IP stack configuration parameters into/from flash.
WIPSoft 5.12
44363 Negative option value for the FTP session returns “+CME ERROR: 800” error code instead of “+CME ERROR: 801”. WIPSoft 5.12
44362 Zero value for the “WIP_BOPT_GPRS_CID” option returns “OK” response though the valid value ranges from 1 to 4. WIPSoft 5.12
44370 Not able to use option WIP_WOPT_RCV_LOWAT provided by WIPSoft. WIPSoft 5.11
48245 Invalid error code returned for command
IP < AT+WIPCREATE=2,4,"",80 > .
WIPSoft 5.11
51164 Customer application is unable to use HTTP GET request using WipSoft, especially using small web pages. WIPSoft 5.11
51753 It is not possible to upload or download a file for the second time when the first trial returns an error in case of FTP protocol. WIPSoft 5.11
51756 “OK” response returned for the invalid AT+WIPDATA command eg: AT+WIPDATA=2,1, or AT+WIPDATA=1,1, WIPSoft 5.11
51815 “CME ERROR:800” is returned when trying to upload a file without specifying the path i.e. AT+WIPFILE = 4,1,2,"ftptest.txt" WIPSoft 5.11
50888 UDP continuous transparent mode is not in compliant with GR64 behaviour. WIPSoft 5.11
47765 No response is received if an attempt is made to exchange data for the second time for FTP/HTTP/SMTP/POP3 protocols. WIPSoft 5.11
41712 Data is lost while large chunk of data is sent/received for TCP and UDP protocol. WIPSoft 5.11
48061 Unsolicited responses are sometimes not attained in the external application until an unless addition AT command is executed. WIPSoft 5.11
44710 Add one new mode through +WIPCFG AT command to allow or not the “+++” escape sequence to be sent as data towards the remote IP device. WIPSoft 5.11
45535 Recreation of TCP client socket is unsuccessful when the URL is used instead of IP address. WIPSoft 5.11
37108 When creating a socket with the wip_create() (wiplib) or AT+WIPCREATE (wipsoft) just after the call of wipclose() (wiplib) or AT+WIPCLOSE (from wipsoft) of that socket (same address and port) , that created socket can not function properly as expected because the socket closing needs time and is not immediate.
Workaround: The socket open call should not be called just after a socket close call: After a call to wip_close() or AT+WIPCLOSE to close a socket, a delay of one second is necessary before calling again the wip_create() or AT+WIPCREATE to open a new socket. If due to that asynchronous process the socket open call is too close to the socket close call and that issue is encountered, another workaround is to close and reopen that socket.
WIPSoft 5.11
Data is lost while large chunk of data is sent/received for TCP and UDP protocol WIPSoft 5.01

4. Software Release Description

1. Software Identification

Software Identification

WIPLib 5.10
WIPSoft 5.11 or 5.12

2. Compatibility

Libraries compatibility
WIPLib library

without using NAT service

Open AT® OS 6.02 or upper
WIPLib library

using NAT service

Open AT® OS 6.10 or upper
WIPSoft library Open AT® OS 6.02 or upper

Application compatibility
WIPSoft executable Open AT® Firmware 7.3 or upper

Customer applications can subscribe to AT+WIP commands using WIPSoft Library API. Concurrent access to IP stack from WIPSoft and WIPLib libraries results in unpredictable events and behaviour. So it is not recommended to use WIPSoft library API and WIP library API at the same time.



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