Open AT OS 6.31 Release note

Apr 04, 2012 - Author: Sierra Wireless - Version 6.31 - 3833 Views

2.1. Software Identification.
2.2. Compatibility.


1. New Features

No new features have been added to the Open AT® OS v6.31.

2. Software Release Description

2.1. Software Identification

Software Identification 06.31

2.2. Compatibility

Applications built with this Open AT ® OS runs over
Open AT® Firmware 7.4a or upper

3. Known Restrictions

Id Description (What / When) Impacted Domain Impacted Sub Domain Submitted Date
ANO47661 "+CME ERROR: 841" is received if invalid FTP server name is given while establishing FTP session. Ideally "+CME ERROR: 842" should be received if invalid FTP server name is provided. AT OTHER 4/23/2008 14:29
ANO52198 FTP Control session will be closed when the file socket meets an error AT OTHER 12/11/2008 9:54
ANO54615 When AT+WIPBR command is issued with "invalid value" for the option WIP_BOPT_LOGIN, OK response is received instead of +CME ERROR: 801. Note that this command is given after starting the stack (AT+WIPCFG=1) and opening the particular bearer (AT+WIPBR=1, 6). AT OTHER 6/12/2009 12:57
ANO54984 The user cannot retrieve the IP address values set through +WIPBR command, before or after starting the bearer. Ideally, the user should be able to retrieve the IP related values after starting the bearer. AT OTHER 7/10/2009 13:36
CUS55050 Using WIPSoft, the unsolicited indications +WIPDATA, +WIPACCEPT, +WIPFILE and +WIPREADY are not received on all the ports opened (USB, CMUX and UARTS). Ideally, these unsolicited indications should be received at all open ports. AT OTHER 7/15/2009 19:46
ANO46574 WIP_COPT_SND_LOWAT option value gets reset after data transfer through TCP socket. WIP_COPT_SND_LOWAT option value should not change after data transfer through TCP socket. DATA OTHER 3/7/2008 9:39
DEV50806 If an UART is switched to DATA mode with wip_fcmCreate() then switched back to AT mode with "+++" escape sequence, no further subscription to that FCM port succeeds. DATA OTHER 10/7/2008 17:10
CUS53515 It is not possible to send data through UDP client socket in the continuous data mode, using WIPSoft application compiled on RVDS compiler. The Wireless CPU gets reset. Ideally, user should be able to exchange data over UDP socket using application compiled on any of the compilers: ADC/GCC/RVDS. DATA OTHER 3/19/2009 11:19
ANO48818 After opening a PPP bearer using WIPSoft and transitioning in data mode and +++ escape sequence is issued to go back to AT command mode, then it is not possible to return in data mode again and ATO returns ERROR. OTHER OTHER 6/19/2008 13:59
ANO49267 While sending data (large file) from the TCP server (public network) to the 8 TCP clients (private network) a reset is observed on Wireless CPU. Customer may be limited on the number of connection that can be simultaneously handled. OTHER OTHER 7/10/2008 16:53
ANO52193 Customer can't set a specific ethernet link configuration before starting ethernet bearer. OTHER OTHER 12/10/2008 17:52
ANO52249 The "+WIPPEERCLOSE" unsolicited indication is not received when the FTP channel is closed by the server due to time out. OTHER OTHER 12/12/2008 16:16
ANO52586 Unable to compile the TCP_CLIENT sample application in Microsoft Visual C++. Following error is received "undefined reference to `min`". OTHER OTHER 1/12/2009 14:51
ANO53459 When wip_putfile () API is provided with invalid file path for FTP protocol, the event WIP_CEV_OPEN followed by WIP_CEV_WRITE event are received in the file data handler. The ideal behavior should have been receiving WIP_CEV_ERROR in file data handler. Note that, this behavior is observed only in passive mode of FTP and not in case of active mode FTP. OTHER OTHER 3/16/2009 15:48
CUS53549 The "WIP_BEV_STOPPED" event is not received when Ethernet bearer is stopped using wip_bearerStop () API. OTHER OTHER 3/23/2009 8:11
CUS54010 The WIP_CEV_PEER_CLOSE event is never received after wip_list API. After calling wip_list API, the WIP_CEV_PEER_CLOSE event must be received at the end of the exchange of data. OTHER OTHER 4/27/2009 10:16
ANO54436 On giving the command AT+WIPBR=2, 6, <opt num>, <value> where <opt num>=12/13/14/20 and value=alphabet/negative, user receives +CME ERROR: 800 instead of +CME ERROR: 801. OTHER OTHER 6/1/2009 9:52
CUS54452 After activating PDP context with CID 1 with WIP bearer APIs, then the dialing ATD*99**2# with CID 2 freezes the dialing process. It is not possible to open another PDP context when bearer is started using Open AT WIP Plug-In. OTHER OTHER 6/2/2009 8:30
CUS54671 It is not possible to perform operations such as set or get options through an Open AT application, compiled with RVDS compiler. The error -998 is received from WIP Library. Ideally user should be able to perform the above operations on RVDS also, as already being able to successfully perform on other two compilers: GCC and ADS. OTHER OTHER 6/18/2009 17:20
ANO54982 User will not be able to create a socket after starting the Ethernet bearer, when DHCP is disabled. Ideally, user should be able to create a socket for both the cases: DHCP enabled or disabled. OTHER OTHER 7/10/2009 12:25
ANO55021 It is not possible to start the Ethernet bearer with DHCP enabled. Also with DHCP disabled, the Ethernet bearer does not get unsubscribed on removing the Ethernet cable. OTHER OTHER 7/14/2009 12:34
ANO55022 It is not possible to create a socket after starting the ethernet bearer, "+CME ERROR: 803" is attained. Ideally the user should be able to create a socket after starting Ethernet bearer, irrespective whether DHCP is enabled or disabled. OTHER OTHER 7/14/2009 12:38
ANO56164 The Wireless CPU® resets when network connection is lost during GPRS bearer stop. There should not be any reset on Wireless CPU®, if network connection is broken during bearer stop. OTHER OTHER 10/15/2009 12:34
ANO56278 Changes done for WIPSoft architecture are not available on latest WIPSoft branch.
WIPSoft changes need to be replicated on 5.30.2000.
OTHER OTHER 10/29/2009 15:17

4. Interface Modifications

This section lists the interfaces that have been modified from the Open AT® OS v6.30.

API Comment

5. Corrections & Improvements

Id Description (What / When) Impacted Domain Impacted Sub Domain Fixed in
ANO53097 The Remote_terminal sample application provides incorrect usage of API adl_fcmSendDataExt(). DEVICE FCM 6.31
ANO56110 When the user switches from AT mode to DATA mode using WIPSoft, sometimes CONNECT indication is received in between the data. If any application specifically checks for CONNECT after switching from OFFLINE to ONLINE, this will result in a failure. For the correction, a new ADL interface has been opened and called by WIPSoft 5.21 DEVICE FCM 6.31
CUS53480 Attempt to establish GPRS connection fails, after the execution of ATV0 command using FW R73 and WIP Plug-in 5.10.2050. GPRS OTHER 6.31
CUS56151 With WIPSoft 5.21, on some network operators any attempt to establish a GPRS connection using AT command AT+WIPBR+4,6,0 fails. GPRS OTHER 6.31
ANO45300 rand() returns systematically 0 when the application is compiled with ADS OTHER OTHER 6.31
ANO51011 When adl_flhGetUsedSize() is called and if "StartID" and "EndID" parameters have the same value then the Open At® task which called this API is blocked. OTHER OTHER 6.31
ANO51198 Reaction of 1.8V only, MEs on SIM type recognition failure, or MEs on type recognition of 3V SIMs, immediately after the ATR only the two commands "SELECT GSM" and "STATUS/GET RESPONSE" shall be sent by the ME. The ME shall then deactivate the SIM/ME interface within 5 seconds and reject the SIM. However, ME sends a Select command instead of Status command and doesn’t deactivate the SIM. OTHER OTHER 6.31
ANO51229 VCC voltage in 3V_5V mode is not managed correctly. OTHER OTHER 6.31
ANO51233 SIM keeps switching on after OSA unsubscription as no power off request is sent to chipset to switch off SIM. OTHER OTHER 6.31
ANO51441 As describe in ADL user guide "No TCU service API should be called from Low Level IRQ handler". It should be better that APIs return ADL_RET_ERROR_SERVICE_LOCKED error code. OTHER OTHER 6.31
ANO52425 Memory leak in ADL library when application calls adl_atSendResponseSpe() function OTHER OTHER 6.31
ANO53082 Whenever UART3 will be opened using UART_access application, port will not get opened and error message will be received. OTHER OTHER 6.31
ANO54558 Reaction of 1.8V only, MEs on SIM type recognition failure, or MEs on type recognition of 3V SIMs, immediately after the ATR only the two commands "SELECT GSM" and "STATUS/GET RESPONSE" shall be send by the ME. The ME shall then deactivate the SIM/ME interface within 5 seconds and reject the SIM. However, ME sends a Select command instead of Status command and doesn’t deactivate the SIM. OTHER OTHER 6.31
CUS50716 With the activation of OSA on sending APDUs, the Wireless CPU® resets with a backtrace. This is due to the SIM frame buffers not being reallocated. OTHER OTHER 6.31
CUS52437 The Wireless CPU® reset is observed when UART Access sample application tries to open UART2 when UART2 is not free or tries to open UART2 in DCE mode. The application should not reset the Wireless CPU®, but instead should return ADL_RET_ERR_BAD_HDL error. OTHER OTHER 6.31
CUS53190 The extintSubscribe () API returns -13 (i.e. ADL_RET_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED) when the sensitivity level is set “ADL_EXTINT_SENSITIVITY_HIGH_LEVEL” or “ADL_EXTINT_SENSITIVITY_LOW_LEVEL”. Support for sensitivity level “ADL_EXTINT_SENSITIVITY_HIGH_LEVEL” or “ADL_EXTINT_SENSITIVITY_LOW_LEVEL” is not provided yet. Documentation tracker is to be raised to mention the same in the ADL User Guide. OTHER OTHER 6.31
CUS53196 In Telemetry sample, before writing into flash, the flash handle is not subscribed (there is no usage of "adl_flhSubscribe()"), this causes problem while saving the parameter via custom command +IOSET and +TEL. OTHER OTHER 6.31
CUS53423 The GPRS subscription fails on first usage of the ADL API adl_gprsSetupExt(). On using the API again (i.e. 2nd time) the GPRS subscription passes. OTHER OTHER 6.31
CUS54718 If the result of adl_memGet() is not checked against NULL value, the Wireless CPU® resets when we try to write to the NULL pointer. The return value of function adl_memGet() needs to be checked against NULL in order to avoid the reset on Wireless CPU® before write operation. OTHER OTHER 6.31
CUS55539 When USB UART is used, successful asynchronous write will return CH_STATUS_NORMAL instead of CH_STATUS_PENDING. OTHER OTHER 6.31



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