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2.1. Software Identification. 2.2. Compatibility.
1. New Features.
This section lists the features added from the previous Open AT® OS 6.32.
Open SIM Access for Q26 Extreme: As well as other 2G products, the Q26 Extreme is now supporting Open SIM Access feature.
EABI compilation: Open AT® OS and plug-ins are compiled in EABI. This library format allows any Developer Studio user to compile either with latest GCC or RVDS compiler and benefit from our RVDS performances for OS and plug-ins (code size, code speed).
Software Identification
Applications built with this Open AT® OS version
Firmware 7.4a or higher
Description (What / When)
Impacted Domain
Impacted Sub Domain
When DTR signal control is enabled by AT&D2, OK response is not received for call disconnection when the call is dropped using DTR signal. This incorrect behavior is seen when any embedded application is running in the background.
When FCM service is running with call and/or SIM services, commands ATA, ATD, ATH, AT+CGANS, AT+CGACT, AT+CGDATA, ATO and AT+CPIN cannot be filtered using the API adl_atCmdSubscribe().
Subscription to commands beginning with "ATA", "ATD" or "ATH" using the API adl_atCmdSubscribe () fails in case Call service is subscribed prior to subscribing to the commands from the embedded Application.
When an embedded application release credit one by one by using the adl_fcmReleaseCredits() API, credit are not release and at a moment the transfer could be stop like the sender never received the resume indication sent by the FCM when credits are released.
While using Open Uart Interface, Parity is always returned as UART_PARITY_NONE when user tries to get the current line coding settings even if parity is set to UART_PARITY_ODD or UART_PARITY_EVEN. When parity is set other than UART_PAR_NONE_CAP then it should return the correct value whenever user is extracting the line coding settings.
Whenever the user tries to register a new device using API adl_odRegister() and then tries to open the newly registered device, the embedded module resets.
If a command with type ADL_CMD_TYPE_PARA is subscribed by using the adl_atCmdSubscribe() API, the handler provided is also called while issuing the test command i.e. "AT+<xxxx>=?". Command handler should be called after confirming that '?' is not given after '='.
When API adl_osaSendResponse() returns ADL_RET_ERR_PARAM, many times on successive calls to the API adl_osaSendResponse() ADL_RET_ERR_BAD_STATE is returned even when all the parameters are correct. ATR or APDU responses could not be post back to the Firmware successfully after this. OK response should be received when API adl_osaSendResponse() is called with correct parameters.
On issuing a pre subscribed command from an Embedded application, through the 'adl_atCmdSendExt()' API, an OK and ERROR is received alternatively, i.e. the command is sent to the command handler and the firmware alternatively. Ideally, the command should always be sent to the command handler and OK should be received.
When we issue commands "AT+READ" and "AT+WRITE" using embedded sample application “external storage I2C”, OK response is received even though no external I2C device is connected.
When Using %I64 format specifier for displaying u64/s64 variable through API adl_atSendresponse() in TARGET mode it always prints only "%I64d" instead of the value of the variable. Workaround: use %lld instead of %I64
With the embedded application running in RTE mode, subscribed to call services. When data call is received with auto answer enabled, it causes RTE to crash.
If adl_eventClear() API is used in RTE mode of execution the embedded module resets.
Enabling FIQ mode (using API adl_extintSetFIQStatus) on INT0 disables the other interrupts also for e.g. the interrupt is not detected for any toggle in value of INT1.
When GPRS service is used in other task than main task, then it doesn't work.
When user sends the AT+CPIN command through the embedded application using the adl_atCmdSend() of command service API without providing the Notification identifier, the sim state in the ADL is not updated and it remains in the Wait state. The SIM related services like Call, GPRS become unavailable through the OPEN AT®. Whereas in the ideal scenario, the sim state should be updated appropriately.
This section lists the interfaces that have been modified from Open AT® OS 6.32.
Fixed in
ARM exception is received in case an embedded application tries to recompact the A&D area by adl_adRecompact() API. Issue is reproduced if adl_adRecompact() API is used for recompacting without subscription to any A&D cell.
OK response is received when trying to write in flash memory even when there is not enough flash memory left to write. In case when not enough flash memory is left to write, ADL_FLH_RET_ERR_MEM_FULL response should be received instead of OK response, while trying to write in flash memory.
When an audio stream is played on speaker for an infinite duration, then after some time, a reset is observed and the audio stream stops playing.
The Remote_terminal sample application provides incorrect usage of API adl_fcmSendDataExt().
When the user switches from AT mode to DATA mode using WIPSoft, sometimes CONNECT indication is received in between the data. If any application specifically checks for CONNECT after switching from OFFLINE to ONLINE, this will result in a failure. For the correction, a new ADL interface has been opened and called by WIPSoft 5.21
Attempt to establish GPRS connection fails, after the execution of ATV0 command using FW R73 and WIP Plug-in 5.10.2050.
With WIPSoft 5.21, on some network operators any attempt to establish a GPRS connection using AT command AT+WIPBR+4,6,0 fails.
rand() returns systematically 0 when the application is compiled with ADS
When adl_flhGetUsedSize() is called and if "StartID" and "EndID" parameters have the same value then the Open At® task which called this API is blocked.
Reaction of 1.8V only, MEs on SIM type recognition failure, or MEs on type recognition of 3V SIMs, immediately after the ATR only the two commands "SELECT GSM" and "STATUS/GET RESPONSE" shall be sent by the ME. The ME shall then deactivate the SIM/ME interface within 5 seconds and reject the SIM. However, ME sends a Select command instead of Status command and doesn’t deactivate the SIM.
VCC voltage in 3V_5V mode is not managed correctly.
SIM keeps switching on after OSA unsubscription as no power off request is sent to chipset to switch off SIM.
As describe in ADL user guide "No TCU service API should be called from Low Level IRQ handler". It should be better that APIs return ADL_RET_ERROR_SERVICE_LOCKED error code.
Memory leak in ADL library when application calls adl_atSendResponseSpe() function
Whenever UART3 will be opened using UART_access application, port will not get opened and error message will be received.
Reaction of 1.8V only, MEs on SIM type recognition failure, or MEs on type recognition of 3V SIMs, immediately after the ATR only the two commands "SELECT GSM" and "STATUS/GET RESPONSE" shall be send by the ME. The ME shall then deactivate the SIM/ME interface within 5 seconds and reject the SIM. However, ME sends a Select command instead of Status command and doesn’t deactivate the SIM.
With the activation of OSA on sending APDUs, the Wireless CPU® resets with a backtrace. This is due to the SIM frame buffers not being reallocated.
The Wireless CPU® reset is observed when UART Access sample application tries to open UART2 when UART2 is not free or tries to open UART2 in DCE mode. The application should not reset the Wireless CPU®, but instead should return ADL_RET_ERR_BAD_HDL error.
The extintSubscribe () API returns -13 (i.e. ADL_RET_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED) when the sensitivity level is set “ADL_EXTINT_SENSITIVITY_HIGH_LEVEL” or “ADL_EXTINT_SENSITIVITY_LOW_LEVEL”. Support for sensitivity level “ADL_EXTINT_SENSITIVITY_HIGH_LEVEL” or “ADL_EXTINT_SENSITIVITY_LOW_LEVEL” is not provided yet. Documentation tracker is to be raised to mention the same in the ADL User Guide.
In Telemetry sample, before writing into flash, the flash handle is not subscribed (there is no usage of "adl_flhSubscribe()"), this causes problem while saving the parameter via custom command +IOSET and +TEL.
The GPRS subscription fails on first usage of the ADL API adl_gprsSetupExt(). On using the API again (i.e. 2nd time) the GPRS subscription passes.
If the result of adl_memGet() is not checked against NULL value, the Wireless CPU® resets when we try to write to the NULL pointer. The return value of function adl_memGet() needs to be checked against NULL in order to avoid the reset on Wireless CPU® before write operation.
When USB UART is used, successful asynchronous write will return CH_STATUS_NORMAL instead of CH_STATUS_PENDING.
In RTE mode, When application calls adl_regGetHWDataChunk() functions with ByteCount parameter set to null, then a WCPU reset occurs
Wrong parameters during ATR command sending procedure in OSA sample.Workaround:Data must be a pointer instead of a variable
In RTE mode , adl_bus_read() is not functional.adl_busRead() call resets Target (backtrace).
Wireless CPU resets when adl_bus_read() and adl_bus_write() API's are used in RTE mode.
With the activation of OSA on entering the SIM PIN code, the WCPU resets with a backtrace.
With the activation of OSA on removing the remote SIM before +WIND: 4 indication, the WCPU resets.
When using adl_eventWait and setting a timeout of n seconds the timeout will effectively occurs after n*4 seconds
When the application opens a device with Open Device services, for example an UART, and close it, there is a memory leak
When the "UART_access" sample application tries to open UART2, when it's not free or to open it in DCE mode then the WCPU resets. Application should exit gracefully and proper error handling should be implemented in the application.
Using IDS services, an Open AT application can subscribe to monitoring mechanism in order to make report to the IDS server with application data.In the subscription, a configuration is required. When the application init is made several times, the configuration is overwritten each time in flash. Any update from the IDS server on a parameter configuration is then lost and a desynchronisation appears between the device and the IDS server. When a configuration is already present in flash for the Open AT application parameter, the FW should not overwrite the configuration in flash
Embedded RDMS
When sample application tries to open UART2 when it's not free or to open it in DCE mode then a WCPU reset occurs. Application should return an error.
Second FAX call cannot be handled due to there is no terminal response send from ATI to OAT. Due to this AT commands initiate by ADL are saved in the stack waiting for the answer of first ATA command. ATI should send a terminal response to OAT with a new flag, so that OAT can unblock the queue and the terminal response will not be displayed in the terminal.
RI doesn't function for setting +WRIM=1,2,1000 (i.e. RING [bit:1]) and Open AT application is enabledANO525
If application have set ASYNCHRONOUS mode for I2C or SPI bus, then there is a memory leak when application unsubscribe to the I2C or SPI bus.
Backtrace while FCM subscription, Outgoing data call and 30 tasks running.
The stack size in "adl_InitTasks_t" cannot be declared more than 64K
Application is not able to subscribe to AT commands that are subscribed by ADL, ref : "Inner AT commands Configuration" paragraph in ADL Documentation.
Flash operations take too long time
Signal Generator example does not work.adl_tcuStart() or adl_tcuStop() API doesn't works in low IRQ handler, as described in ADL user guide
Sample Sound Demo adaptation.There is a change in Audio service behaviour about the note definitions. Since Open AT® Software Suite v2.10 there is a change on frequency range according to note scale. For a same note scale, now frequency range is lower. So melody which has been defined in Open AT application before Open AT® Software Suite v2.10 could be now too low in frequency, so it could not be heard.
Unsubscribe the OSA is impossible when an APDU request is unanswered.
RI signal is not pulsed for unsolicited response chosen with +WRIM AT command if an Open AT® application is running.
When some ADL functions are called in Open Uart callback functions, then a WCPU reset occurs. ADL_RET_ERR_SERVICE_LOCKED error code should be returned
IDS Sample not functional with ADS or RVDS compilation.
Timeout of Event is not functional.
"ADL_SIM_EVENT_PIN_NO_ATTEMPT" is only received for pin code sent with adl_simSubscribe() or adl_simEnterPIN() but not with pin code sent from external.
After OSA service subscription with adl_osaSubscribe() function, if the application tries to unsubscribe to the OSA service without posting back an ATR request to the Sierra Wireless firmware (after an ADL_OSA_EVENT_ATR_REQUEST or ADL_OSA_EVENT_ADPU_REQUEST event), then the unsubscription will fail, so the OSA service is never closed and it's not possible to subscribe again to it.
Problem occurs when trying to activate a context with adl_gprsAct (), ADL_GPRS_EVENT_ACTIVATE_OK is not associated with the good cid number
When up to 2000 A&D cells are created by an application (whatever are the cells' sizes), the adl_adGetCellList function will lead to a Wireless CPU® watchdog reset.
ADL is not currently supporting the ATQ1 mode; this mode is mandatory to keep an ascendant compatibility with old external applications using only some basic AT commands.
The adl_fcmUnsubscribe () API returns an incorrect value of FCM flow when called immediately after adl_fcmSubscribe() API.
Even if ADL manages the ATQ command mode, there is no way for the application to internally control the current value of the quiet mode.
When "ADL_TMR_TYPE_100MS” timer is subscribed, if "TimerValue" parameter is superior to "0x5E9182" value, the timer will not be set with the required value. Accordingly there is a limitation when "ADL_TMR_TYPE_100MS” timer is used.
When an application subscribe to the SIM service with a correct PIN code (with adl_simSubscribe() function ), if it unsubscribes to this service and tries to subscribe it again a second time with an other SIM and PIN code , then "ADL_SIM_EVENT_PIN_ERROR” event will be raised. User cannot change the SIM card with another one which has a different PIN code.
ADL SIM service is not informed that a PIN code is entered when the AT+CPIN command is sent with the adl_atCmdCreate() function. And then the other services depending on the SIM state do not work properly (SMS, CALL & GPRS services)
This error happens when an unsubscribe request occurs exactly between 2 timer cycles. During this period, an unsubscribe request of the cyclic timer can be done but returns an error message. It’s because the timer is restarting. Increasing the TimerValue reduces strongly the probability of getting this error. To get an accurate time measure, the SCTU service must be used.
If IRQ Low and High handlers are subscribed and DTMF detection is started with adl_audioStreamListen API, when an IRQ occurs the Wireless CPU® will reset
Some special strings used in ADL can't be sent by SMS (OK, CONNECT, ERROR
Open AT® application is now correctly informed of port opening.
When adl_atCmdCreate API is used with ADL_PORT_NONE parameter, then AT command is sent to the Wireless CPU® on the ADL_PORT_OPEN_AT_VIRTUAL_BASE port
The customer application will be informed of a call release event by toggling DTR.
Starting from a too big DOTA volume size (e.g. AT+WOPEN=6,2624) adl_adRecompact starts correctly but does not generate any events.
ADL badly handles the AT+WOPEN=6 mode when safe mode service is subscribed (size systematically set to 123)
When a task has been interrupted by an ISR, adl_ctxGetState returns ADL_CTX_STATE_SUSPENDED instead of ADL_CTX_STATE_PREEMPTED.
"+CMS ERROR: 539" will now be handled so that the reading of the current SMS is discarded (since invalid) and the SMS service is ready to process further incoming SMSs.
when an application uses adl_smsSend() API to send a SMS, if the phone number parameter is a NULL string so the SMS is not sent but the SMS service enters in an invalid state. The application is not be able to send again another SMS.
The Signal Replica sample HTML documentation for AT+SIGNAL command is not coherent with the real command behavior.
During an interrupt routine, it is impossible to use adl_extintConfig.
When an application unsubscribe to a timer which have been already deleted, ADL can delete another timer handler subscribed. So this last timer handler is not notified when the timer expired.
A reset occurs when a try is made to unsubscribe the bus during a read or write.
The sample Sms_Automaton does not check if the starting tag and the ending tag are the same.