Security Library 1.02 Release note

Jan 01, 2010 - Author: Sierra Wireless - Version 1.02 - 2740 Views


4.1. Software Identification.
4.2. Compatibility.

1. New Features

No new feature has been added in this last version.

2. Known restrictions

Id Description (What / When) Impacted Domain Impacted Sub Domain
47945 The following options of the GetOpts function don't work correctly or provide unintelligible results: WIP_COPT_PUB_KEY, WIP_COPT_EXT_CRITICAL, WIP_COPT_PUB_KEY_ALGO and WIP_COPT_SIG_ALGO.
It is recommended not to use these options.
48185 TLS Ciphers are being used while SSLV3 version is used during channel creation. Though, the channel is created successfully as the client is able to handshake properly with the server but the underlying protocol used is not correct.
50375 In case of big transfer, customer should use smaller buffers or increase the internal SSL write buffer size to send its data

3. Corrections & Improvements

Id Description (What / When) Impacted Domain Impacted Sub Domain Fixed in
Data corruption is possible in first data exchanged between client and server using SSL channel Security 1.02
44486 If you are using an SSL socket and if an event WIP_CEV_ERROR is generated, the memory resources used by the SSL socket are not released even if a wip_close() is called.
If there is not enough available memory, the trace "ADL Get memory error" and RESET is sent, when a try to open another SSL session is made. To avoid the RESET, use the adl_errSubscribe function to trap the error (however a reset is necessary to reopen an SSL session).
Security 1.01
48105 When you are getting an HTTPS page through the GPRS bearer, It is possible to receive two WIP_CEV_PEER_CLOSE events instead of one. Security 1.01
48633 Customer cannot create their own WIP channel classes Security 1.01
48115 It is impossible to connect to a SSL server if WIP_COPT_ENCRYPTION and/or WIP_COPT_AUTHENTICATION are/is set to WIP_SSL_NULL. Security 1.01

4. Software Release Description

4.1. Software Identification

Software Identification Security 1.02

4.2. Compatibility

Libraries compliant with
Open AT® OS 6.20



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