Add your Apps in Base Legato System with Developer Studio

May 30, 2017 - Author: Sierra Wireless - Version 1 - 6130 Views

Sierra Wireless is delivering default Base Legato System including Legato Application Framework and several native apps (such as modemService app, positioningService app...). You could customize this Base Legato System by adding your own apps inside

  • either to create a factory image to be loaded into your units during your manufacturing process
  • or to create a nested image for resetting OTA your units with one configuration {Application Framework + apps}

This page describes the procedure to add your own apps inside a default Base Legato System using Developer Studio.

1. Open the Projects Perspective:
      Click on  or Select in menu Windows > Perspective > Open Perspective > Projects

2. Click on  then Select "Legato System"

3. Fulfill the name of the Legato System to be created, then click "Next"

4. Select the Target Platform and version, then click "Next"

5. Select the Legato System sample that will be used as starting point for you, then click "Next"

 6. Select project dependencies (if any), then click "Finish" to terminate the Legato System project creation

7. In the Project Explorer windows, Click on the .SDEF file to edit the system definition file

8. Add your apps in the list of apps constituting the Legato System as follow, then save the .SDEF file

9. Click on  to build the Legato System

10. In the "Target_Legato_Debug" directory, you obtain:

  • The Base Legato System file legatoz.cwe
  • And the associated Overlay Legato System <project_name>.<module>.update

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Developer Studio

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Legato

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