WP85xx & WP75xx Firmware Packages - Release 12.2

Nov 25, 2016 - Author: Sierra Wireless - Version 12.2 - 3722 Views

We've simplified the firmware software upgrade process. Images now include carrier PRI, module FW, MCU, Yocto, and Legato in a single file. The combined image is the only file needed if you're NOT rebuilding Yocto or the Legato framework.

We also provided the individual component files so you can use the swicwe tool to build custom combined images.

The provided combined images are available in both Windows .EXE and Linux .SPK format, and are applicable to all SKUs. The EXEs are for those upgrading using Windows. The Binaries are for those upgrading using Linux.


Combined Images

Download the applicable combined image file:

Carrier Configuration Firmware MCU Yocto Legato Windows EXE Binaries
Generic        001.026_000 SWI9X15Y_07.11.11.00 001.005 SWI9X15Y_07.11.09.00 16.07.0 download download
Sprint        001.012_000 SWI9X15Y_07.11.09.00 001.005 SWI9X15Y_07.11.09.00 16.07.0 download download
AT&T        001.021_000 SWI9X15Y_07.11.11.00 001.005 SWI9X15Y_07.11.09.00 16.07.0 download download


A new swicwe tool is also now available to build combined images. This is only needed if you're building a custom Yocto or Legato framework. See AirPrime WP Series Flash Guide and swicwe tool docs for more information.

Component Revision Binaries
Firmware-Generic SWI9X15Y_07.11.11.00 / 001.026_000 download
Firmware-Sprint SWI9X15Y_07.11.09.00 / 001.012_000 download
Firmware-AT&T SWI9X15Y_07.11.11.00 / 001.021_000 download
MCU 001.005 download
Yocto SWI9X15Y_07.11.09.00 download
Legato 16.07.0 download

Release Notes

For Firmware release notes, see the WP8548_WP750x_Release12.2_CRN.pdf

For Legato upgrade info, see Upgrade Notes

For details on migrating to UBIFS, see AirPrime WP UBIFS Migration Guide

For MangOH information, see mangOH

For the Legato Linux source distribution download, see Legato Linux dist

Upgrade Instructions on Windows

1. Download the appropriate Windows EXE file.

2. Connect to your target device

3. Run the EXE to upgrade the target.

Update Instructions on Linux

1. Build a combined image with swicwe tool (optional) See swicwe tool docs for details.

2. Connect Device:

Connect your target device to your host PC through USB.

Check that a /dev/ttyUSBX serial port is mounted on your system; this will be the DM port that's necessary to handle the download. If this serial DM port isn't mounted, enablement must be forced for the DM port and the module needs to be switched to bootloader mode.

3. Install and download using the swiflash tool. See swiflash docs for details.

Not Enumerating as DM Port?

If the target is enumerating as an ECM device only (i.e., Ethernet over USB), use the command configEcm off in a Linux shell to allow DM to enumerate in the USB port.

If ECM-only enumeration is preferred, access the A5 console via UART, Ethernet, or USB (ADB), and run command configEcm on. Alternatively use configEcm to list optional parameters for the ECM configuration.

After upgrading to this release, using configEcm should no longer be required for future upgrades.


Download Windows driver for Build 4581.

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SWI9X15Y 7.0 Release 12.2 CRN

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