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    Geographical cost management using Roaming Templates


    Always wanted to tie the roaming capabilities to costs and avoid the Rest of the World zone?

    This is now possible! Roaming templates have been created to help you better manage your costs. Instead of stacking up Roaming Zones, you’ll now have to pick one single Roaming Template. Roaming Templates are matching one or a combination of pricing zones. And if you want to avoid the Rest of the World zone where prices can be up to 100 times more expensive than other pricing zones, there is especially a template for that purpose. 

    From roaming zones to roaming templates

    Roaming zone templates have been created in order to better align with the pricing zones as per defined on your contract. As such, they ease the geographical based cost management. Roaming zone templates can be different between different versions of contracts and also for different products (Essentials vs Advanced for example).

    The roaming zone template can either cover a geographical area corresponding to:

    • one single pricing zone
    • a combination of pricing zones
    • the World to the exception of the countries located in the Rest of the World zone (RZT - WORLD Cost limited - xxx)
    • the World (RZT - WORLD)

    Some roaming zone templates are generic to every product: they correspond to a pricing zone for which the countries don’t change and also, they can be used on all Smart Connectivity offers. This is for example the case of: RZT - EU, RZT - EU + Switzerland, RZT - US, etc…

    Some other roaming zone templates are specific to a version of the contract and to a product. In that case the naming convention specifies the product and creation date. For example, RZT - WORLD cost limited - Advanced 2018-03 is valid for Smart Connectivity Advanced offers that have been signed after March 2018.

    For convenience, you can check the countries that are enabled using a roaming zone template in the roaming capabilities widget in System>Details, or when changing options by using the map view or list view aside of the selected roaming template.

    Compatible templates have already been added to each of your offers, and we invite you to start configuring your fleet using roaming zone templates. Existing roaming zones can still be used, but are going to be deprecated on June 30, 2021.

    To update your fleet to roaming zone templates, please refer to How-to change provisioning options?


    Among the benefits of roaming zone templates: 

    • Roaming templates matching the pricing zones, meaning less concepts to manipulate, closer to contract
    • Avoid expensive geo accidental roaming
    • Capability to roam everywhere but in the Rest of the World zone with WORLD Cost Limited RZT
    • One single template to select, rather than combination of roaming zones today
    • Map view and list view of the roaming template


    The API to be used to configure a Roaming Zone Template is still the Change Options API

    The RZT are only new options with new identifiers that have been added to each offer. To retrieve the list of options associated to an offer it is also the same API as before i.e. Get Options of an offer


    How have Roaming Zone Templates been added to my offers?

    Each of your offer has been updated to enable the use of the Roaming Zone Templates that are aligned with the pricing zones as per defined in your contract.

    For example, if you have an Advanced contract signed in early 2018, we’ve added to your offer all generic template and also all templates matching the Advanced pricing zones from early 2018. The pricing zones were defined in April 2017 so the compatible roaming zone templates that have been added are named RZT - xxx - Advanced 2017-04. To be noted that for Lite SIM cards, the pricing zones are the same as for Advanced and the RZT to be used are therefore named

    For trial offers, as there is no contract signed yet, only Generic RZT are available.

    For legacy MobiquiThings offers, as in most cases the Rest of the World pricing zone was inexisting and there was no synergy among all the contracts, we could not create dedicated Roaming Zone Templates. We’ve therefore added all Generic RZT to those offers.

    How to change the default template used for new activations?

    Once you’ve tested the roaming templates, and you are satisfied with the ones you’ve tested, you can request that your offers are updated to use a roaming zone template by default at activation. For this purpose, please contact the support to request the update and provide the activation roaming zone template.

    Can I revert the changes back to RZ?

    Before switching to roaming zone templates, you may want to export the list of options on your fleet to track the roaming configuration from which you start.

    Once you’ve set a roaming zone template on one or on a set of systems, you still have the capability to revert back to roaming zones. To do this, in the single change provisioning options popup, simply remove the RZT by clicking on the cross on the right and add the roaming zones in the provisioning option section. In the bulk change provisioning options, use the (-) section to select the roaming zone template to be removed and add back the roaming zones in the (+) section.

    Remember though that the roaming zones are going to be deprecated on June 30, 2021.
