DEVICES / AirLink / Telemetry

AirLink  Telemetry

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AirLink Vehicle Telemetry allows fleet management solution providers, developers, and system integrators to collect vehicle telemetry data to create rich applications and reports using ALMS or an MQTT server. AirLink Vehicle Telemetry is supported on select AirLink OS-enabled routers and ALEOS-enabled routers.

AirLink Vehicle Telemetry collects and transmits data from the following sources:

  • The vehicle diagnostic bus (CAN Bus) connected to the AirLink router
  • GNSS location, as reported by the router
  • Network connectivity data, as reported by the router

The data collected using AirLink Vehicle Telemetry provides data for Advanced Mobility Reporting (AMR). AMR is an ALMS offering that provides data analysis and historical reporting for your AirLink routers. AMR is available as part of AirLink Premium with supported devices. For better insight into your device status and vehicle behavior, AMR is an ideal low-cost, mobility-focused, cloud-based solution.

A CAN Bus connection is not required for all AMR reports. Routers can provide useful reports using location and network connectivity data. See the documentation linked above for more details.

AirLink OS Routers

Supported models include the AirLink XR90, XR80 and RX55 Wi-Fi. These routers can send telemetry data to ALMS and/or to your own MQTT server. The routers collect vehicle data through an OBD-II (J1979) or J1939 connection from the vehicle’s diagnostic port to the XR router’s Aux I/O port or the RX55 router’s RS-232 port.

Vehicle Bus Cables for both connection types are available separately from Semtech:

  • OBD-II Y-cable (6001204)
  • J1939 Y-cable (6001192)
  • RX55 Serial CAN Y-cable (6001479)



The Hardware User Guide describes how to connect the vehicle bus cable.


For router telemetry configuration, creating custom reports, and configuring MQTT, see the AirLink OS documentation

As well, see the ALMS Advanced Mobility Reporting page for a summary of configuration requirements and procedures.

AirLink Telemetry Protocol Specification

This document describes the AirLink Telemetry Protocol (ATP) data format and data points used for collecting vehicle telemetry data by AirLink routers running AirLink OS.

ALEOS Routers

Supported models include the AirLink MP70 and LX60WT. To start collecting vehicle telemetry data using the kit, you must download and install the AirLink Vehicle Telemetry Application (AVTA), available on ALMS or here. AVTA is an AAF application that is available with an AirLink Management Service (ALMS) account.

Semtech recommends installing AirLink Vehicle Telemetry Configuration (AVTC) alongside AVTA. AVTC allows convenient distribution of proprietary vehicle configuration information such as RPM, speed, relative odometer and emissions data. AVTC is available on ALMS or here.

The AirLink MP70 and LX60WT can be connected directly to the vehicle bus using a cable available from Sierra Wireless.


  • OBD-II Y-cable (6001204) or
  • J1939 Y-cable (6001192)


  • OBD-II cable (6001153) or
  • J1939 cable (6001154)



The following Hardware User Guides describe how to connect vehicle bus cables:


See the ALMS Advanced Mobility Reporting page for a summary of configuration requirements and procedures.

AirLink Telemetry Protocol Specification

This document describes the AirLink Telemetry Protocol (ATP) data format and data points used for collecting vehicle telemetry data by AirLink routers running ALEOS 4.9.0 or later.

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