Module checks Argument type checking API.

This library declares a checks() function and a checkers table, which allow to check the parameters passed to a Lua function in a fast and unobtrusive way.

checks (type_1, ..., type_n), when called directly inside function f, checks that f's 1st argument conforms to type_1, that its 2nd argument conforms to type_2, etc. until type_n. Type specifiers are strings, and if the arguments passed to f don't conform to their specification, a proper error message is produced, pinpointing the call to f as the faulty expression.

Each type description type_n must be a string, and can describe:

Moreover, types can be prefixed with a "?", which makes them optional. For instance, "?table" accepts tables as well as nil values.

A "?" alone accepts anything. It is mainly useful as a placeholder, to skip an argument which doesn't need to be checked.

Finally, several types can be accepted, if their names are concatenated with a bar "|" between them. For instance, "table|number" accepts tables as well as numbers. It can be combined with the question mark, so "?table|number" accepts tables, numbers and nil values. It is actually equivalent to "nil|table|number".

More formally, let's specify conform(a, t), the property that argument a conforms to the type denoted by t. conform(a,t) is true if and only if at least one of the following propositions is verified:

The above propositions are listed in the order in which they are tried by check. The higher they appear in the list, the faster checks accepts aconforming argument. For instance, checks("number") is faster than `checkers.mynumber(x) return type(x)=="number" end; checks("mynumber")`.

Usage examples

require 'checks' -- Custom checker function -- function checkers.port(p) return type(p)=='number' and p>0 and p<0x10000 end -- A new named type -- socket_mt = { __type='socket' } asocket = setmetatable ({ }, socket_mt) -- A function that checks its parameters -- function take_socket_then_port_then_maybe_string (sock, port, str) checks ('socket', 'port', '?string') end take_socket_then_port_then_maybe_string (asocket, 1024, "hello") take_socket_then_port_then_maybe_string (asocket, 1024) -- A couple of other parameter-checking options -- function take_number_or_string() checks("number|string") end function take_number_or_string_or_nil() checks("?number|string") end function take_anything_followed_by_a_number() checks("?", "number") end -- Catch some incorrect arguments passed to the function -- function must_fail(...) assert (not pcall (take_socket_then_port_then_maybe_string, ...)) end must_fail ({ }, 1024, "string") -- 1st argument isn't a socket must_fail (asocket, -1, "string") -- port number must be 0-0xffff must_fail (asocket, 1024, { }) -- 3rd argument cannot be a table


checks(level, varargs) check whether the calling function's argument have the expected types.
error(level, narg, expected, got) Generate and throw an error.
matches(actualType, expectedTypes) Return true iff actualType occurs in expecteTypes, the later being a list of type names separate by '|' chars.

Type checkers

Type checks


checks(level, varargs)

check whether the calling function's argument have the expected types.
checks( [level], t_1, ..., t_n) causes an error if the type of argument #i in stack frame #level isn't as described by t_i, for i in [1...n]. level is optional, it defaults to one (checks the function immediately calling checks).


Return value

nothing on success, throw an error on failure.

error(level, narg, expected, got)

Generate and throw an error.


Return value

never returns (throws a Lua error instead)

matches(actualType, expectedTypes)

Return true iff actualType occurs in expecteTypes, the later being a list of type names separate by '|' chars.
If WITH_SUM_TYPES is disabled, the expectedTypes list must have one element, i.e. no '|' separator character.


Return value

whether actualType is listed in expectedTypes.

Type checkers

Table of custom type-checkers.

This table contain type-checking functions, indexed by type name. If an argument a is expected to be of type t, and neither type(a) nor getmetatable(a).__type return t, but checkers[t] contains a function, this function will be called, with a as its only argument. If the function returns true, then a is considered to be of type t.


-- Create the type-checking function -- function checkers.positive_number(x) return type(x)=='number' and x>0 end -- Use the `positive_number` type-checking function -- function sqrt(x) checks('positive_number') return x^(1/2) end

Type checks