Developer Studio 3 Getting Started

Nov 19, 2015 - Author: Sierra Wireless - 51317 Views

Getting started with Developer Studio

Check out our new IDE: 
Legato Plug-in for Visual Studio Code 

Developer Studio is the Sierra Wireless IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Open AT and Legato Application Frameworks.
This document describes how to setup a new Developer Studio installation, whatever you are using a Linux or a Windows system.


Hardware requirements
Please make sure the following hardware requirements are fulfilled by the system where Developer Studio aims to be installed.

  • System performances

    • Minimum:
      CPU: Dual Core @ 2,6GHz
      RAM: 4Go
      Note: This configuration has been identified as the minimum to run Developer Studio in normal conditions, but some latencies should be experienced when perspectives are loaded for the first time, or when heavy traffic load is received from the target.

    • Recommended:
      CPU: Dual Hyperthreaded or Quad Core @ 2,8GHz
      RAM: 6Go

    • Ideal:
      CPU: Quad Hyperthreaded Core (8x) @ 3,4GHz
      RAM: 8Go
      Note: This configuration has been identified as the recommended one to run Developer Studio in comfortable conditions, with high performances & reduced latencies.
  • System display

    • Minimum:
      19" display (e.g. 1280x1024px)

    • Recommended:
      24" display (e.g. 1920x1080px)

Software requirements
Developer Studio requires Java 7 to be installed on the host system in order to function properly.
Please pay attention to the use the Java version (32 bits / 64 bits) consistent with the one you chose for Developer Studio.

On Linux hosts: Java is automatically installed as dependency of Developer Studio. Both 64 bits and 32 bits architectures are supported.
On Windows hosts:

  • For Legato Application Development Kit only 64 bits hosts are supported, and a 64 bits Java version is required.
  • For Open AT Application Framework a 32 bits Java version has to be installed, even on 64 bits systems.

First time install

Windows hosts

Legato Application Development Kit

Please use the provided installer for Legato Application Development Kit

Open AT Application Framework

Please use the provided installer for Open AT Application Framework

  • In all cases, if you plan to install Developer Studio or Software Packages in the Program Files directory, you'll need to update the launch shortcut in order to run Developer Studio in Administrator mode.

Linux hosts

Using Debian packets (recommended; for Debian/Ubuntu distributions, or any other compatible with APT repositories)

Please just execute the following commands in a terminal, in order to reference the Developer Studio APT repository:

     wget -O - | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/devstudio.list
     wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
     sudo apt-get update

Once this is done, the repository is referenced and Developer Studio packets can be installed. Please use the following commands, according to the feature you want to install:
  Legato IDE   sudo apt-get install devstudio-legato
  Legato Software Package Manager   sudo apt-get install devstudio-legato-spm
  Open AT IDE   sudo apt-get install devstudio-openat
  GCC toolchain for Open AT applications   sudo apt-get install devstudio-openat-gcc

A Developer Studio launcher will be automatically added to the desktop environment.

Note concerning proxy settings: If the installation needs to be performed through a proxy server, additional steps have to be followed before the installation:
  • Ensure that both http_proxy and https_proxy variables are set in the environment (e.g. export https_proxy="";export http_proxy="")
  • Use sudo -E instead of simply sudo in order to execute the apt-get commands

Using archives (alternative method)

Please download one of the following archives, and extract it to a directory where your user has always complete write permissions: Developer Studio base product doesn't provide any feature; you'll need to install the appropriate IDE to start using Developer Studio:
  1. Go to Help > Install New Software menu.
  2. Select the main Developer Studio update site in the combo box (
  3. Use the Developer Studio: IDE category to select which IDE you want to install in Developer Studio, targeting Open AT or Legato frameworks.
  4. Once the features are selected, click Finish and follow the steps. Once Developer Studio is restarted, new features are available.


  • If you're using Unity desktop environment former than 14.04, Developer Studio menu bar should not be displayed correctly.
    In order to workaround this issue, the UBUNTU_MENUPROXY environment variable shall be set to an empty string before starting Developer Studio (it can be set either in a shell script, or in the shortcut used to launch Developer Studio).
  • Open AT Target Management handling on Linux supposes to check some requirements on the system: on some distributions, the user running Eclipse/Developer Studio has to belong to dialout group.
  • Concerning projects build, some native tools (including compilers) are bundled with Developer Studio, and aim to run on 32 bits architectures. On 64 bits architectures, 32 bits libraries support package are required in order to allow these tools to run correctly
    These libraries are automatically installed as dependencies when installing Developer Studio through apt-get.
    Otherwise, they need to be installed manually (on Debian-like distributions: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs or the suggested equivalent libraries on Ubuntu 14.04 and higher).
  • Moreover, some packages are mandatory for build handling. These packages are often installed by default on distributions, but in case of troubles, it can be needed to check they are correctly installed:
    • zip
    • python

Choosing a workspace When you'll start Developer Studio for the first time, you'll be prompted to choose a workspace.
Some important things about that:
  • You can't reuse a workspace from Developer Studio 2.X; you have to start a fresh new one.
  • It is not recommended to locate your workspace on a network drive, for obvious performances reasons.

Upgrade from old versions/Handling of legacy features

Updates are automatically checked at each Developer Studio launch, and it is possible to upgrade to the new version just by following the instructions.
It is also possible to start the updates checking job by using the Help > Check for Updates menu.

Important notes concerning existing workspaces/projects compatibility and upgrade:
  • Developer Studio upgrade
    It is not possible to upgrade from Developer Studio 2.X or older to Developer Studio 3.6; in this case Developer Studio 3.6 has to be installed in a separated new directory.
    Developer Studio 3.X can be upgraded to 3.6 version by simply performing a Check for Updates operation.

  • Workspace compatibility (since 2.X)
    Workspace metadata have changed in Developer Studio 3.X release, introducing incompatibilities with workspaces used with former Developer Studio releases.
    A workspace created with any Developer Studio 3.X version can be used with Developer Studio 3.6, but it is not recommended to start Developer Studio 3.6 with a workspace created by a former 2.X version. A fresh new workspace should be created instead, and legacy projects should be imported.

  • Project compatibility (since 2.X)
    Projects metadata have not changed since Developer Studio 2.X release (2011), and projects created with theses versions can be imported and used in Developer Studio 3.6
    Projects created with older versions (1.X) are not supported in Developer Studio 3.6; new projects will have to be created using the project creation wizard.

  • Legacy features
    Some legacy features have been removed from Developer Studio 3.
    Removed features are the ones which were tagged as [deprecated] in Developer Studio 2.3.2 release note

Installation over an Eclipse platform

It is possible to install Developer Studio as a set of plug-ins over an existing Eclipse platform.

  • Prerequisites: Developer Studio 3.6 requires Eclipse Mars (4.5.0) version. Download it from
    (Best choice to start is Eclipse for C/C++ Developers)
    Developer Studio plug-ins can be installed on Windows and Linux (32 or 64 bits) platforms
  • Go to Help > Install New Software
  • Add the following URL as new update site (drag'n drop the URL to the Eclipse dialog box):
  • Make your choice regarding the features you want to be installed on top of your Eclipse:
    • Developer Studio: IDE category: choose the Application Framework you need to support in Developer Studio
    • Developer Studio: Toolchains category: choose the toolchain you want to install among the proposed ones (Open AT only)
    • Miscellaneous category: for advanced users only, allowing to choose Developer Studio components more precisely.
      e.g. if you only want the Target Management for Open AT devices features (without the development environment)
  • Click Install and follow the steps.

Installation of Developer Studio source code (advanced users only)

Developer Studio source code is available for Eclipse developers.
Please follow the steps above to install Developer Studio plug-ins over an Eclipse SDK.
Developer Studio source code can be retrieved by checking the whole Source code category, before selecting the Install button.


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Open AT Application Framework

The Open AT Application Framework is a complete software package for embedded M2M application development. It offers a range of readily available building blocks which accelerate the application development process, allowing you to bring connected products to market faster and reduce development costs.

Open AT Developer Studio Release notes

This page lists all releases notes of Open AT Developer Studio

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