HL78xx (HL7800/HL7800-M/HL7802) Firmware Release

Sep 21, 2020 - Author: Sierra Wireless - 3017 Views

Use the links below to download installation files for HL7800, HL7800-M and HL7802 firmware release, plus related Customer Release Notes.

For image installation instructions, refer to the HL780x Firmware Update Methods Application Note.

Note: HL78xx modules use variant-specific firmware images.

Module Windows One-click sft Standalone XMODEM Customer Release Notes Approvals / Comments
Download (SHA256)
Download (SHA256)
Download (SHA256)
GCF, PTCRB, AT&T             
Download (SHA256)
Download (SHA256)
Download (SHA256)
Download (SHA256)
Download (SHA256)
Download (SHA256)

Note: To ensure your firmware downloaded successfully, calculate its sha256sum checksum and compare it to the linked file beside the firmware in the above table.

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