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Use the links below to download installation files for HL781x (HL7810 / HL7812) firmware release, plus related Customer Release Notes.
For image installation instructions, refer to the HL78 Series Firmware Update Methods.
Note: HL78xx modules use variant-specific firmware images.
Note: To ensure your firmware downloaded successfully, calculate its sha256sum checksum and compare it to the linked file beside the firmware in the above table.
This document describes the AT command set used with the HL78xx series of embedded modules.
Available HL781x and HL7845 Firmware Releases:
HL781x / HL7845 Firmware
HL781x / HL7854 Firmware
HL781x and HL7845 Release 3.3
HL781x and HL7845 Release 3.4
HL781x and HL7845 Release 4.1
HL781x and HL7845 Release 4.2
Note: If you require access to older releases, contact your Sierra Wireless representative.
This is the HL781x (HL7810, HL7812) and HL7845 Customer Release Notes download.