WP76xx Firmware Release 16

Aug 24, 2020 - Author: Sierra Wireless - Version 16 - 45872 Views

WP76xx firmware is available:

  • As pre-built images ready for installation on Windows or Linux hosts. See Installing Firmware Release 16 Updates, below.
  • As separate components for developers that wish to build custom Linux Distribution or Base Legato System images.
    See WP76xx Firmware Release 16 Components to create custom firmware packages.

Installing Firmware Release 16 Updates

The following methods can be used to install pre-built images on WP76xx modules:
'One-click' tool
 1. If not already done, download the latest USB driver and launch the executable.
 2. Download the Firmware 'one-click' (.exe) file for your carrier (Note: If your carrier is not listed and you are unsure which Generic to use, check with your carrier.):
         R16 (Generic — GCF & PTCRB) — WP7601, WP7603, WP7607, WP7610, WP7611
         R16 (AT&T — PTCRB) — WP7603, WP7610, WP7611
         R16 (Sierra Wireless — GCF) — WP7603, WP7607, WP7610, WP7611
         R16 (Sprint — GCF) — WP7611
         R16 (T-Mobile — PTCRB) — WP7611
         R16 (Verizon — GCF) — WP7601, WP7610, WP7611

 3. Connect the target's (e.g mangOH) USB cable to your host
 4. Launch the firmware executable (.exe file) and follow the instructions.
(Linux QMI SDK)   1. Download the Firmware .SPK file according to your carrier (Note: If your carrier is not listed and you are unsure which Generic to use, check with your carrier.):
      R16 (Generic — GCF & PTCRB) — WP7601, WP7603, WP7607, WP7610, WP7611
      R16 (AT&T — PTCRB) — WP7603, WP7610, WP7611
      R16 (Sierra Wireless — GCF) — WP7603, WP7607, WP7610, WP7611
      R16 (Sprint — GCF) — WP7611
      R16 (T-Mobile — PTCRB) — WP7611
      R16 (Verizon — GCF) — WP7601, WP7610, WP7611

 2. Follow instructions from the user guide:
      Linux QMI SDK Application Developer's Guide

Legato Plugin for Visual Studio Code (Linux)
The Legato Plugin for Visual Studio Code connects the Legato tools into an IDE to ease the learning curve of Legato, and provides a map of the definition system for you to easily build systems for your smart module.

  1. Download and install Visual Studio Code for Linux.
  2. In the Visual Studio Marketplace, search for "Legato" and install the plugin.
  3. Install Leaf on your dev machine if not already installed.
  4. Install the SDK for the latest stable WP76xx package:
    1. Use the Leaf menu to add filters (@wp76xx and @stable) to find all stable WP76xx packages.
    2. Select the latest package (the first one in the Available list).
    3. Install the SDK to a profile — click Add to profile..., name your profile and then follow any prompts in the terminal window.

Note: All images are contained within the SDK and can be updated from the Target menu using the Flash .cwe/.spk to a target(via swflash) option.
Leaf Workspace Manager
On the Legato Application Development Kit page, follow the Leaf Workspace Manager instructions to download and install Leaf and set up your CLI development environment. 

Important: In the 'Search for a package' step, use the following to search for the latest WP76 packages: leaf search -t wp76xx -t stable -t latest
Instructions with AirVantage IoT Cloud
 1. On AirVantage, monitor the system to be updated.
 2. Select More > Install Bundle.
 3. Select the desired firmware bundle.
 4. Start the install procedure. The operation will now be "In progress" state and visible in the System Operations widget.

Release Information

For details about this firmware release, refer to the WP76xx Release 16 Customer Release Notes.

For Information, this Firmware Release contains the following software components:

Carrier Approval
Modem Firmware MCU Firmware Linux Distribution Base Legato System
Generic — GCF & PTCRB      
SWI9X07Y_02.37.03.00 / 002.095_000 002.015
SWI9X07Y_02.37.07.00 19.11.2
AT&T — PTCRB SWI9X07Y_02.37.00.00 / 002.098_000 002.015 SWI9X07Y_02.37.07.00 19.11.2
Sierra Wireless — GCF
SWI9X07Y_02.37.03.00 / 001.060_000 002.015 SWI9X07Y_02.37.07.00 19.11.2
Sprint — GCF SWI9X07Y_02.37.02.00 / 001.027_000 002.015 SWI9X07Y_02.37.07.00
T-Mobile — PTCRB SWI9X07Y_02.35.02.00 / 001.017_000 002.015 SWI9X07Y_02.37.07.00 19.11.2
Verizon — GCF SWI9X07Y_02.37.06.00 / 002.107_000 002.015 SWI9X07Y_02.37.07.00 19.11.2


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