AirVantage Agent plugin for Open AT Application Framework

Oct 04, 2013 - Author: Sierra Wireless - 15238 Views

The AirVantage agent plugin for the Open AT Developer Studio is used to make Open AT embedded applications connect to AirVantage Enterprise Platform.


New and noteworthy

You can get the list of changes from the What's new page.


Installation instructions

Since the version 2.52, Open AT framework includes the AirVantage Agent.
  1. Install & launch Developer Studio with the Open AT AirVantage Plugin.
  2. Create your first application from a sample in the plugin by following this tutorial.
  3. Finally, make your device communicate to the M2M Cloud Portal by following this tutorial.


User Guide

For more information about the AirVantage Agent, you can read the User Guide.


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Tutorial - Develop a simple embedded M2M application in C with Open AT

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AirVantage Agent for Open AT Developer Guide

This developer guide describes the AirVantage Open AT agent concepts and describes how to use the AirVantage agent in your Open AT embedded application.

AirVantage Open AT Agent APIs

This reference document describes ReadyAgent APIs and gives examples in C, Lua and Java.

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