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The AirVantage agent plugin for the Open AT Developer Studio is used to make Open AT embedded applications connect to AirVantage Enterprise Platform.
The Open AT Application Framework is a complete software package for embedded M2M application development. It offers a range of readily available building blocks which accelerate the application development process, allowing you to bring connected products to market faster and reduce development costs.
This step by step tutorial shows how to develop a simple embedded application using C and Open AT. This development case monitors a temperature sensor and send data and alerts to the AirVantage cloud platform. The application can also receive commands to set up the monitoring period and the alert threshold.
Video tutorial on new software package installation (e.g. new Open AT Application Framework release, new partner libraries, ...) in Developer Studio.
This developer guide describes the AirVantage Open AT agent concepts and describes how to use the AirVantage agent in your Open AT embedded application.
This reference document describes ReadyAgent APIs and gives examples in C, Lua and Java.