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    How to import systems from Inventory?

    • Go to Inventory > Systems and click on Import.
    • Enter a CSV file for bulk system import in Airvantage. Download template here . For more information on how-to fill the csv file, please check below.
    • Click on Start.

    Import CSV file format

    To import systems, you need first to create a system that will serve as a template. The firmware and applications set on this template system will be reused to create further systems. The template system is identified through a UID (Unique Identifier) which is available in Inventory > Systems > Details:

    You can format your bulk import file depending on your needs. The portal server uses the file header to interpret the different lines. Here are the fields that can be part of the CSV header with their meaning and use.

    The file format is a .csv file (comma separated text file). Both comma ‘,’ and semi-colon ‘;’ are supported as separators.

    All fields are optional. Empty columns will set null to that field. When a gateway is to be created, at least one of SERIAL NUMBER, IMEI must be specified. When a subscription is to be created, at least one of IDENTIFIER, NETWORK IDENTIFIER must be specified.

    NAME Name to be set to the system
    TEMPLATE uid of the template system. Is mandatory if you create a system with a firmware or application.
    LABELS One or more label(s) to be applied on the created system. For provinding several labels, use the pipe ‘|’ separator.
    GATEWAY[IMEI] IMEI of the Gateway to be assigned to the new system. If the gateway does not exist a new one will be created.
    GATEWAY[SERIAL NUMBER] Serial Number of the be assigned to the new system. If the gateway does not exists a new one will be created. Can be retreived or scanned from the Gateway or module.
    GATEWAY[MAC ADDRESS] MAC address of the gateway to be created.
    GATEWAY[TYPE] Type of the gateway to be created. Can be values such as GX400, ES440 or FXT009 for AirLink gateways/modems or SL8080T, HL8548 for AirPrime modules.
    GATEWAY[LABELS] One or more label(s) to be applied on the created gateway. For provinding several labels, use the pipe ‘|’ separator.
    GATEWAY_REF[UID] In case you want to reuse a pre-created gateway, you may use its unique identifier UID.
    SUBSCRIPTION[IDENTIFIER] ICCID/ESN of the subscription to be assigned to the new system. If the subscription does not exist a new one is created.
    SUBSCRIPTION[MOBILE NUMBER] MSISDN (telephone number) of the subscription to be created.
    SUBSCRIPTION[NETWORK IDENTIFIER] IMSI of the subscription to be created.
    SUBSCRIPTION[IP] IP address of the subscription to be created.
    SUBSCRIPTION[OPERATOR] Subscription operator. This field is mandatory for creating a system with a subscription.
    SUBSCRIPTION[OPERATOR ACCOUNT] uid of the operator account for the subscription to be created. This is required to use subscription management functionalities.
    SUBSCRIPTION[LABELS] One or more label(s) to be applied on the created subscription. For provinding several labels, use the pipe ‘|’ separator.
    SUBSCRIPTION_REF[UID] In case you want to reuse a pre-created subscription, you may use its unique identifier UID.
    MSCI[host] To be used for AirLink gateways, as they use MSCI as a communication protocol. To be filled in for the server initiated option. If you are currently able to initiate communications out to the gateway either by public static IP or domain name, enter public IP address or complete domain name.
    MQTT[password] If you use MQTT as a communication protocol, you will want to provide the MQTT password.
    MSCI[password] To be used for AirLink gateways, as they use MSCI as a communication protocol. To be filled in for the server initiated option and to be able to remotely change the AceManager password. If you are currently able to initiate communications out to the gateway either by public static IP or domain name, enter the AceManager password used to login to this device directly.
    M3DA[password] If you use M3DA as a communication protocol, you will want to provide the M3DA password. This is especially the case for ALEOS AF and AirPrime MC series.
    REST[password] If you use REST as a communication protocol, you will want to provide the REST password.

    Import CSV file examples

    The following examples show you how to format headers depending on whether gateways and subscriptions are already created in the AirVantage.

    Creating systems with a gateway referenced by its serial number



    Creating systems with a gateway referenced by its uid, a subscription, and system labels



    Creating systems with a new gateway, server initiated capabilites and labels for gateway and system



    Creating systems with a new gateway and a new KPN subscription

