Enter a CSV file for bulk system import in AirVantage. Download templates:
GX450, ES450, MP, RV & LX template
GX, ES and LS families template
Raven & PinPoint families template
FX, GL, AR, Q, SL, WMP, & HL families template
For more information on how to fill in the csv file, please check below.
Click Start once the csv is selected
The file format is a .csv file (comma separated text file). Both comma ‘,’ and semi-colon ‘;’ are supported as separators.
GATEWAY[IMEI] | Mandatory for all device families | IMEI or ESN of the gateway to be created. If it is a GSM-based device enter the IMEI; if it is a CDMA device enter the ESN (hex value - 8 characters). Can be retrieved or scanned from the gateway. |
GATEWAY[SERIAL NUMBER] | Mandatory for device families GX, ES, LS, MP, RV and LX | Serial Number of the gateway to be created. The serial number begins with 2 letters and can be from 13 to 16 characters (skip the dash ‘-’ if there is one). Can be retrieved or scanned from the gateway. |
NAME | Optional | Name to be set for the system. |
LABELS | Optional | One or more label(s) to be applied to the created system. For provinding several labels, use the pipe ‘|’ separator. |
MSCI[HOST] | Optional | To be filled in for the server-initiated option. If you are currently able to initiate communications out to the gateway either by public static IP or domain name, enter public IP address or complete domain name. |
COMMUNICATION[PASSWORD] | Mandatory for devices communicating via MSCI | The password is required to allow ALMS to remotely change the ACEmanager password. Enter the ACEmanager password used to log in to this device directly. It is also used to enable the ALEOS server-initiated communication option. |
M3DA[PASSWORD] | Mandatory for establishing M3DA connection | The password is required for ALEOS Application Framework (AAF) applications. |
MQTT[PASSWORD] | Mandatory for establishing MQTT connection with a message broker | The password is required for running applications that report MQTT to AirVantage (AVTA, for example). |
GATEWAY[IMEI] | Mandatory for device families Raven, PinPoint, and for FX, GL, AR, Q, SL, WMP, & HL families only | IMEI or ESN of the system to be created. If it is a GSM-based device enter the IMEI, if it is a CDMA device enter the ESN (hex value - 8 characters). Can be retrieved or scanned from the device. |
GATEWAY[SERIAL NUMBER] | Mandatory for FX, GL, AR, Q, SL, WMP, & HL families only. | Serial Number of the system to be created. The serial number begins with 2 letters and can be from 13 to 16 characters (skip the dash ‘-’ if there is one). Can be retrieved or scanned from the device. |
NAME | Optional | Name to be set to the system. |
LABELS | Optional | One or more label(s) to be applied on the created system. For providing several labels, use the pipe ‘|’ separator. |
MSCI[HOST] | Optional | To be filled in for the server-initiated option. If you are currently able to initiate communications out to the gateway either by public static IP or domain name, enter public IP address or complete domain name. |
COMMUNICATION[PASSWORD] | Optional | The password is used as ACEmanager password for ALEOS server-initiated option, and also as M3DA password for ALEOS AF. Enter the ACEmanager password used to log in to this device directly. This will enable you to use the server-initiated option (currently able to initiate communications out to the gateway), to remotely change the ACEmanager password and also to use ALEOS AF. |