The main user interface used throughout the AMM consists of the following key features:
General Layout of the AMM
Gateway Tree: displays a hierarchical view of the gateways and groups of gateways currently managed by the AMM.
Filter Field and Nav Icons: provides tools for filtering the list of gateways and refreshing the list.
Main Tabs: displays the available views for both built-in applications/features and any optional applications which are installed.
Product Specific Logo: a customizable logo.
Option Tabs: provides tools for filtering items and information.
User Name: displays the name of the user currently logged into the AMM and if the user has administrator privileges or not.
Node Selection: selects all nodes currently displayed in the Gateway Tree. In combination with the filter options (described below), this can be useful for selecting a certain group of devices for which you want to invoke an operation (e.g. to run a report on).
Filter Options: displays a popup allowing you to filter the Gateway Tree based on Heartbeat (i.e. devices that the AMM communicated with, within the last X minutes, hours, days, or months), the type of device Platform and by Cellular Capability.
Refresh: forces the Gateway Tree to refresh the list of nodes.
Collapse All Groups: collapses all groups in the Gateway Tree including sub groups.
Expand All Groups: expands all groups in the Gateway Tree including sub groups.
The Dashboard view, shown above, is the default view.
These features are described in more detail in the following sub-sections.
The logo at the top of the AMM’s screen is changed by Support to match the installed product (AMM or AM).