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    The Thresholds panel allows users to specify threshold settings that can be applied to one or multiple gateways. It can also be useful to configure thresholds for groups of devices as described in Setting Thresholds for Sub-Groups or Specific Gateways . A threshold is configured for a Stat (e.g. a battery voltage level) and triggers an event when the threshold criteria is met. Thresholds can be created without warning or error conditions. Once created, a threshold is available for display on the Dashboard. To locate the Thresholds panel, select Admin > Devices > Thresholds.

    Thresholds Panel

    Thresholds Panel

    Adding a new threshold:

    Click on Add to open the Add a Threshold panel.

    Configure the Properties:

    • Label*: the name of the threshold.
    • Group or Gateway *: the group or gateway listed will be the one selected in the gateway tree.
    • Stats for gateway type: filters the Stat dropdown (see below) to show available stats for ALEOS, MG, GenX, or a mix of device types. This dropdown is only available when selecting a node in the Gateway Tree for which different types of stats may be applicable.
    • Stat: use the drop-down to select the stat. The available items will vary depending on the type of device (MG, ALEOS, or GenX) selected in the Gateway tree, or on the Stat for gateway type selection when a mixed fleet is selected. For a description of stats, see Stats
    • Default value: specifies a value for which reporting is not expected.
    • Display Filter: controls what is displayed for the threshold’s value on the dashboard using regular expressions.
    • Matching Labels: some stats use sub-keys (e.g. AssetTemperature) and the sub-key is the asset tag ID. This provides a way to limit the threshold to a specific asset (e.g. AssetTemperature: 1234567890 > 50C = error).
    • Dashboard group*: select the group on the dashboard where the threshold is to appear. Groups are displayed from left to right depending on their number. To avoid showing the group select Do not show on dashboard.
    • Threshold owner: allows a threshold to output using the settings of the specified user.
    • Show value as obsolete when: determines when to grey out a value to indicate that it is “stale” (obsolete). This can be set to go obsolete when the unit is powered off or a heartbeat is over an hour old.
    • Email warning and error actions to owner: sends an email containing error and warning information related to the threshold to the user specified by the Threshold owner field. The information included is dependent on the definition of a threshold but can include the ESN, timestamp, description, location and other information.
    • Only show warning and alert values on dashboard: when enabled, overrides the dashboard settings and only shows the threshold’s value when it meets the criteria for a warnings or error.
    • Do not trigger actions on clear: when enabled, actions are not sent for “clear” events (i.e. events indicating that a previously crossed threshold is no longer occurring).
    • Notes or instructions: enter the instructions that will be included in alerts and email messages.

    Set the Warning Conditions

    • Warning Criteria*: sets the criteria required for the stat’s value to trigger a warning (e.g. selecting greater than and then entering a value of 10 will generate a warning when the stat’s value exceeds 10). The meaning of the value is specific to each stat and its units of measurement.
    • Extra Criteria: enter up to four additional criteria (i.e. stats) that must be satisfied in order for a warning to be sent. Upon selecting a stat for each criteria, the condition and value fields will become visible for configuration.
    • Actions*: select the actions to be taken to report a warning:
      • Log Event: default action. It is recommended that this remain enabled so that all warnings are written to a log file.
      • Send Email: select to enter the email address(es) to which an email will be sent, advising of the warning condition. Up to two email addresses can be entered, separated by a comma.
      • SNMP Trap: when enabled, an SNMP Trap is sent by the AMM when a threshold is crossed. Enter the IP address to which the SNMP Trap is sent.
      • Trigger on all events: enable to set the threshold to trigger every time a value is reported to the AMM.

        Important: this option triggers the threshold to report each and every value to the stats selected. Therefore, it is recommended that it only be used for PNDError with the optional Nav application.

    • Hold time*: enter a value between 0 and 32767. This state will be held even if the value clears for the specified number of minutes.
    • Delay Time: enter a value between 0 and 32767. This specifies an amount of time (in minutes) during which an error threshold whose criteria has been met, should be ignored (e.g. if driving at a certain speed should trigger a speeding threshold error, but the user wants to allow a vehicle to be able to travel at that speed to pass other vehicles (e.g. for up to 1 minute), then setting a delay time allows that threshold to be ignored for the specified amount of time, without triggering the threshold error).

    Set the Error Conditions

    • Error Criteria*: sets the criteria required for the stat’s value to trigger an error (e.g. selecting greater than and then entering a value of 10 will generate an error when the stat’s value exceeds 10). The meaning of the value is specific to each Stat and its units of measurement.
    • Extra Criteria: enter up to four additional criteria (i.e. stats) that must be satisfied in order for an error to be sent. Upon selecting a stat for each criteria, the condition and value fields will become visible for configuration.
    • Actions*: select the actions to be taken to report a warning:
      • Log Event: default action. It is recommended that this remain enabled so that all warnings are written to a log file.
      • Send Email: select to enter the email address(es) to which an email will be sent, advising of the warning condition. Up to two email addresses can be entered, separated by a comma.
      • SNMP Trap: when enabled, an SNMP Trap is sent by the AMM when a threshold is crossed. Enter the IP address to which the SNMP Trap is sent.
    • Trigger on all events: enable to set the threshold to trigger every time a value is reported to the AMM.

      Important: this option triggers the threshold to report each and every value for the stats selected. Therefore, it is recommended that it only be used for PNDError with the optional Nav application.

    • Hold Time*: enter a value between 0 and 32767. The state will be held even if the value clears for the specified number of minutes.
    • Delay Time: enter a value between 0 and 32767. This specifies an amount of time in minutes during which a warning threshold whose criteria has been met, should be ignored (e.g. if driving at a certain speed should trigger a speeding threshold error, but the user wants to allow a vehicle to be able to travel at that speed to pass other vehicles (e.g. for up to 1 minute), then setting a delay time allows that threshold to be ignored for the specified amount of time, without triggering the threshold warning).

    Click on Save to create the new threshold.

    Thresholds can be deleted from the gateway by clicking in the checkbox next to the threshold label and then on Delete.

    * denotes a required field

    Below is an example email that is sent when a warning threshold is created for the “Ignition On” event (set to trigger when it equals 1).

    Example Email Triggered by Threshold

    Example Email Triggered by Threshold
