The Dashboard provides the main management view of the fleet. There are three views available: List View, Graph View, and Threshold View.
Dashboard Buttons
List View
List View: the List View is the default view for the dashboard. Each parameter is presented in columns, with each gateway appearing as a single row.
Graph View
Graph View: The Graph View displays the same parameters as the List view but represented in graphical form. Gateways are represented on the Y axis, with the parameter value on the X axis.
Threshold View: the Threshold view provides a summary for each parameter, including:
Threshold View
Auto-refresh (clock icon): when enabled, the browser page is automatically updated (default is 30 seconds).
Export to Excel: exports the dashboard information to an Excel file.
Manual Refresh: manually refreshes the AMM with the latest gateway information.
Table Grid: toggles table grid on and off.
Columns: customizes the columns displayed on the dashboard. Clicking this button provides the following options:
The List view is the default view for the dashboard. Each parameter is presented in columns, with each gateway appearing as a single row.
List View Showing Various Parameters
The Dashboard items are made available by creating thresholds (see Thresholds for more information). These are listed as parameters in the column headings, and descriptions for each row’s fields can be displayed by hovering the mouse over them.
The default parameters are:
Note: in AMM 2.16.2+, the Name field for an ALEOS device will be automatically populated with the value of MSCIID 5023 if no name has been assigned to the device during gateway creation or import into the AMM. For more information see Commonly Used MSCIIDs .
Additional parameters that can be useful on the dashboard are:
- The available parameters may vary depending on the type of device(s) selected in the Gateway Tree.
- CallUp Link is not supported for ALEOS devices. Battery, temp check, and calluptime are not shown for ALEOS devices.
- The values for columns: Name, Vehicle Type, Group, Update DNS Servers, Customer, Location, and Contact are truncated to a configurable length of characters (the default is 40 characters).
Color coded icons indicate the status of parameter values in relation to their defined thresholds:
Note that the colored icon next to the name/serial number in the gateway list panel indicates the overall health of the gateway. The color will be based on the worst case threshold value from amongst the gateways thresholds displayed on the Dashboard.
Color Coded Icons
For example, the threshold for the 12V battery in a vehicle is typically set up to generate a warning threshold (yellow) for voltages less than 10.8V or greater than 14.7V. The error threshold (red) is set for voltages less than 10.5V or greater than 15.0V. If all other parameters are within the thresholds set (i.e. green) but the battery falls at 10.7V, then the colored icon next to Battery will be yellow. A yellow icon will also be present next to the gateway name/serial number. Note that voltage readings are subject to cable length and will always be slightly lower than the voltage measured at the source.
Data displayed in the list view columns can be sorted by clicking on the column header:
Column Headings with Arrow Indicating Sort Order
The triangle indicates which column is being sorted. When the triangle is pointing up, data is in ascending order and when pointing down, it is in descending order. By default, rows are sorted by the Name (ID).
The Graph view displays the same parameters as the List view but in graphical form. Gateways are represented on the Y axis, with the parameter value on the X axis.
Values within defined thresholds appear green. Any values that are outside of defined thresholds appear as yellow (warning state) or red (error state).
Graph View
The Threshold view provides a summary for each parameter, including:
This view is beneficial because it provides a quick view of the parameters that are out of a threshold.
Values Exceeding Thresholds
To display additional information about the status of the gateways, click on a numeric value in a column.
Additional Threshold Details
To see how a particular parameter is configured, click on the ellipsis (…) beside the parameter name to open the Edit Threshold panel. This will open the panel in a new browser window and allow parameter changes to be saved (for more information see Thresholds ).