A group is a named collection of gateways which allows for groups of gateways to be managed throughout the AMM. Groups of gateways are shown in the AMM’s Gateway Tree:
Groups in the Gateway Tree
Groups can also be organized under other groups to form a hierarchical organization of gateways.
Group List Screen
Click on Add to open the Add a Group panel or click on the Name of an existing group in the list to edit it. The following fields can be set:
Group Administration Screen
Note: An error message will popup if invalid characters or any XSS scripts are used in the group name.
Parent Group (optional): select a Group from the Parent group dropdown to make the new group a child of that parent.
Use parent group authentication settings.: if enabled, the group will inherit the authentication settings from the parent group.
Password Composition Rules: enables/disables password composition rules. For Password Composition Rules definition, see Users
Password Rotation: enables/disables password rotation.
Rotation Days: number of days for the rotation policy.
Password History Check: enables/disables history check of user’s passwords.
History Count: number of unique passwords that must be used before a user can re-use his old password. Default is 3. Minimum is 1.
Multi-Factor Authentication: Multi-factor authentication is available from AMM 2.17.2+. Refer to Multi-Factor Authentication for more information..
Note: Any users that were already created in the group will automatically inherit the group level authentication settings.
A group can be edited by clicking on the name of the group
in the listing of groups.
Note: a group administrator is not able to use this edit feature to edit the authentication settings of the group that they are in. Instead, to edit the authentication settings of the group that the administrator is in, use the User Authentication button on the Admin > Groups page.
A group can be deleted by selecting it in the list of groups, then clicking on the Delete button.
Note: if a parent group is deleted, then the gateways and sub-groups contained in it will be automatically promoted one level up. A parent group cannot be deleted if there is a user assigned to it.
If there are users assigned to sub-groups, but none to the parent group, the parent group can be deleted.
Do not attempt to delete the All Gateways group.
A list of templates that are linked to a group are shown under the Linked Templates column.
When clicking on the name of the linked template
, a popup will appear.
A list of templates that are linked to the group will show. For each template it will show the number of gateways in the group that are linked to the template, and also the number of gateways in the group that are eligible but not yet linked to the template.
By selecting the template, you have the option to Unlink it from the group.
When a new gateway is added to a group with a linked template, the user has the option to deploy the template right away, or to not deploy it. If the user selects to not deploy the template right away, then the gateway will not be linked to the template. This will cause the group to have some gateways linked with the template, and other gateways in the group to not be linked. To synchronize all the gateways in the group to be linked to the template, do the following.
1. In the group list, select the group that needs to be synchonized with the templates.
2. Select the Deploy and Link button.
3. A popup will appear showing the templates that are linked to the group and its parent groups.
4. Select Deploy to gateways
5. The option Perform a version compatibility check is enabled by default. It is recommended that this option is left enabled to ensure that the deployment is checked and effective.
If a software version is found to be incompatible, an option will show that allows you to automatically upgrade the gateways. The option to upgrade immediately or schedule it can be selected. A scheduling panel will show if the option to schedule it is selected.
6. Select Submit. Upon submit, the AMM creates a workflow and operations per gateway. Scheduled software upgrade operations are automatically created for those incompatible gateways. The AMM will automatically redirect to the Configuration Control screen where you can monitor the status of the deployment(s).
Setting Multiple Group Authentication
To set multiple groups with the same authentication,
1. In the group list, select each group
that will have the same authentication.
2. Select User Authentication button
at the bottom of the screen.
3. A popup will appear, allowing you to set the authentication settings for the groups selected.
4. Press Save
when completed.
- If all authentication settings are disabled, then the users in the group can inherit settings from a parent group.
- If a remote user group is selected, then the authentication settings will not apply.