On appliance AMMs only (i.e. not hosted AMMs), the User Activity panel provides the following information about user activities:
The date and time of the activity.
The user who performed the activity (user ID).
The host address.
The node/group ID.
The action performed.
User Activity Panel
Activity can be filtered by text and time and date. Use the drop-down menu
to select a time period: All, Last Hours (default), Previous Days, Previous Months and Range.
The AMM can update a configured name server with the address of the currently active WAN link for a gateway. When a change of active link is reported to the AMM, the name server is updated with the address of the new active link. Before assigning a DNS server to the gateways, it must first be created.
Note: this feature is only available for MG devices.
Panel Listing DNS Servers
Adding a new DNS server:
Add or Edit DNS Server Panel
It is possible to define multiple server names with the same IP Address/hostname but with different domain names.
Deleting a new DNS server:
Panel Listing DNS Servers
To delete a DNS server, select it from the main DNS Server panel and click on Delete
. Alternatively, click on Delete from the editing panel.
Note: a DNS server cannot be deleted if there are gateways associated with it.
* denotes a required field
Debug is an administrative panel showing all of the actions which were performed on a gateway. The output can be used when contacting Support to diagnose issues.