The Bandwidth Coverage Map report shows a map indicating where bandwidth was consumed for one or more gateways.
Bandwidth Coverage Map
Basic Configuration Fields
Gateway(s)*: by default this is set to the gateway(s) selected in the gateway tree. Enter the name(s) manually to modify this field. Click on Filter to open the subfilter options.
Report time range*: use the drop-down menu to select from Previous Months, Previous Weeks, Previous Days or Range. Enter the numeric value in the field. When Range is selected, use the calendar pop-up to select the dates. Alternatively, enter the date and time manually (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm).
Perform statistics on: select Rx (Received Data in MB) to calculate bandwidth consumption only on data downloaded to the gateway, Tx (Transmitted Data in MB) to calculate bandwidth consumption only on data uploaded to the gateway or Rx+Tx (in MB) to calculate bandwidth consumption using both downloaded and uploaded data.
Limit to map area: select Not Limited to include data from any geographic location. Select Manually defined area to create a temporary zone for the analysis – only data from inside this zone will be included in the report. Select One or more zones to limit the analysis to one or more predefined zones (see the AMM Operation and Configuration guide for more information about zones).
Exclusion Zones: allows the report to exclude data from one or more predefined zones (see the AMM Operation and Configuration guide for more information about zones). Leave this option checked (default setting) to include data from any geographic location. Uncheck this option to specify zones to exclude data from.
Color Ranges: defines the percentage of total usage (MBytes/day) to associate with the colored blocks on the map. This information visually highlights on the map where the most bandwidth was consumed. Four values must be specified, corresponding to the four map colors: red, orange, yellow, and green respectively, or this field must be left blank to accept the defaults (0, 33%, 66%, 100%).
Limit to Network types: filters the results to only show consumption from links which contain the specified text.
Time Interval (CSV Only): specifies the number of intervals in hours or days to generate the CSV report results with.
Output Format: select HTML to generate the report in the browser window. Select Excel to display the generated report in Microsoft Excel. Note that the Excel option only works for reports which produce data in a table format.
Advanced Configuration Fields
Map resolution: defines the size of colored “blocks” presented in a map. The default resolution is auto.
Map range colors: defines the different colors used on the map to represent strengths of coverage areas (used on some coverage related reports). Click on each color to access the color picker and to change the color.