
Matching results


    The system is the core representation used in AirVantage to define and interact with a real system. A system is composed of:

    • a gateway: the physical module enabling the connectivity of the system
    • a subscription: a subscription is the configuration of the connectivity defined with the operator
    • one or several applications: an application defines a piece of logic executing on the system. It can be a firmware, a software, etc.

    Read only fields are computed by AirVantage and can only be seen on response fragments sent by find, create, or edit requests.

    Field Description Read Only Type
    uid System's unique identifier. true uid
    type System type. false string
    name System name. false string
    lifeCycleState Lifecycle state of the system. States are INVENTORY, ACTIVE, TEST_READY, SUSPENDED, RETIRED false string
    state [DEPRECATED] State of the system. States are INVENTORY, READY, DEPLOYED, MAINTENANCE false string
    activityState [DEPRECATED] Activity state of the system. States are ACTIVATED, SUSPENDED, ARCHIVED, PURGED true string
    creationDate Date when the system has been created true timestamp
    activationDate Date when the system has been activated true timestamp
    lastStateChangeDate Date when the life cyle state changed for the last time true timestamp
    lastCommDate Last communication date with the device true timestamp
    commStatus Communication status of the system. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, UNDEFINED. true string
    lastSyncDate Date when the system was synchronized for the last time. true timestamp
    syncStatus This status says whether the last synchronization is OK or not. Status values may be OK, ERROR, WARNING, and NOT_SYNC. true string
    labels Systems can be labeled with a list of labels.
    gateway Linked gateway. false object
    applications List of applications. false object array
    subscription Linked subscription. false object
    subscriptions [DEPRECATED] See subscription true object array
    data List of system data. See the list below. true string
    metadata List of system metadata false map
    communication.msci Necessary parameters to establish a server initiated connection. false object Host to be used for server initiated communication false string
    communication.msci.user User to be used for server initiated communication false string
    communication.msci.password Password to be used for server initiated communication false string
    communication.m3da Security parameters to establish secure communications with M3DA. false object
    communication.m3da.registrationPassword Only for systems which do not have a specific password. Used within the first communication to generate the password. false string
    communication.m3da.password false string Security parameters to establish secure communications with Rest API. false object false string
    communication.mqtt Security parameters to establish secure communications with MQTT. false object
    communication.mqtt.password false string
    heartbeat System heartbeat configuration true string
    statusReport Default status report based on device management values true string
    reports Advanced system reports created by the user. true string
    reports.dataset Dataset uid use by the advanced system reports true uid
    offer The Offer used to activate the system true object
    dataUsage Gives an overview of the usage consumption. true object
    dataUsage.bytesTotal Aggregation of the bytes consumption during the current calendar month. true long
    dataUsage.timestamp The dateTime in ms of the bytes total computation. If there is no usage in the current month then the timestamp is set to the dateTime of beginning of the current month. true timestamp
    dataUsage.status The status of the current consumption. true string
    dataUsage.pricePlan [DEPRECATED] See true string
    dataUsage.limit [DEPRECATED] See Offer.limit true long

    AirVantage extracts device management data from communications received from systems in order to have the same representation of it throughout the different supported protocols.
    The extracted data is listed below.

    Data Description Type
    apn The Access Point Name. string
    cellId The Cell ID. string
    sid (CDMA only) The System Identification Number. string
    nid (CDMA only) The Network Identification Number. string
    pnOffset (CDMA only) The PN Offset. string
    latitude The latitude (manually entered or provided by the GPS).
    Format: Signed degrees format (DDD.dddd).
    A latitude with 8 decimal places pinpoints a location to within 1 millimeter,( 1/16 inch):
    • Prefix South latitudes with a minus sign.
    • Latitudes range from -90 to 90.
    Example: 41.25
    longitude The longitude (manually entered or provided by the GPS).
    Format: Signed degrees format (DDD.dddd).
    A longitude with 8 decimal places pinpoints a location to within 1 millimeter,( 1/16 inch):
    • Prefix West longitudes with a minus sign.
    • Longitudes range from -180 to 180.
    Example: -120.9762
    rssi The Received signal strength indicator (between -70 and -100) double
    rssiLevel The level of RSSI computed from the raw value:
    • EXCELLENT (min : -70),
    • GOOD (min: -85, max: -70),
    • FAIR (min: -100, max: -85),
    • POOR (max: -100).
    ecio The signal quality (values between -5 and -15). double
    ecioLevel The level of Ec/Io computed from the raw value:
    • EXCELLENT (min: -5),
    • GOOD (min: -10, max: -5),
    • FAIR (min: -15, max: -10),
    • POOR (max: -15).
    rsrp (LTE only) The Reference Signal Received Power (dBm) - in 1/10 dBm. double
    rsrpLevel The level of RSRP computed from the raw value:
    • EXCELLENT (min : -90),
    • GOOD (min: -105, max: -90),
    • FAIR (min: -120, max: -105),
    • POOR (max: -120).
    rsrq (LTE only) The Reference Signal Received Quality (dB) - in 1/10 dB. double
    rsrqLevel The level of RSRQ computed from the raw value:
    • EXCELLENT (min : -9),
    • GOOD (min: -12, max: -9),
    • FAIR_TO_POOR (max: -12).
    signalBars The number of signal bars indicator. integer
    signalStrength The signal strength computed from the raw signalBar value: NO_REPORT(null), NO_SIGNAL(0), VERY_LOW(1), LOW(2), GOOD(3), VERY_GOOD(4), EXCELLENT(5) string
    networkServiceType Returns a string indicating the type of wireless service the device uses: "None", "GPRS", "EDGE", "UMTS", "HSDPA", "HSUPA", "HSPA", "1X", "EV-DO Rev.0", "EV-DO Rev.A", "LTE", "Unknown". string
    networkOperator The active link's operator. string
    bytesSent The number of bytes sent on the cellular link. integer
    bytesReceived The number of bytes received on the cellular link. integer
    packetsSent The number of packets sent on the cellular link. integer
    packetsReceived The number of packets received on the cellular link. integer
    boardTemp The temperature of the board in Celsius. integer
    radioModuleTemp The temperature of the radio module in Celsius. integer
    numberOfResets The number of system resets. integer
    roamingStatus The roaming status. string
    firmwareVersion Firmware version of the system. string
    firmwareComponents Legato firmwares are composed of several components. This value lists these components in a comma separated list of strings. string
    monthBytesTotal An aggregation of consumed bytes in the current calendar month. It is based on bytesSent/bytesReceived from the cellurar link. long
    monthBytesTotalTime The date time when the monthly bytes total were computed. timestamp
    usagesBytesTotal [DEPRECATED] An aggregation of consumed bytes in the current calendar month. It is based on consumptions sent by the provider. See dataUsage long
    lastCommFailureDate The last time the system failed to communicate. timestamp
    lastTemplateName The last template used to apply settings on the system. string
    alertState Says if the system has raised an alert on at least one alert rule (stateful) in the company. boolean
    alertStateChangeDate Says when this state has changed. timestamp

    This is a complete representation of a System. This fragment can be used for create or edit requests. Please refer to the fields section to know which fields can be modified.

       "uid": "any_uid_string",
       "name": "name",
       "type" : "type",
       "state": "state",
       "lifeCycleState": "lifeCycleState",
       "activityState": "activity_state",
       "commStatus": "comm_status",
       "creationDate": timestamp,
       "activationDate": timestamp,
       "lastStateChangeDate": timestamp,
       "lastCommDate": timestamp,
       "syncStatus": "sync_status",
       "lastSyncDate": timestamp,
       "labels":["label1", "label2", "and so on"],
       "gateway":    {
          "uid": "any_uid_string",
          "imei": "imei",
          "macAddress": "mac_address",
          "serialNumber": "serial_number",
          "type": "type"
       "subscription" : {
            "uid": "any_uid_string",
            "identifier" : "identifier",
            "mobileNumber": "mobile_number",
            "networkIdentifier": "network_identifier",
            "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
            "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
            "eid" : "eid",
            "operator" : "operator",
            "state" : "state",
            "appletGeneration" : "V4",
            "formFactor" : "2FF",
            "confType" : "LITE",
            "technology" : "4G",
            "orderId" : "order_id",
            "productRefName" : "LITE 2FF",
            "activationImei" : "imei",
            "imeiLock" : {
                "imeiLock": "true",
                "imeiLockDate": "timestamp",
                "imeiUnlockedDate": "timestamp"
        "applications" [{
            "uid": "any_uid_string",
            "name": "any_string",
            "revision" : "any_string",
            "type" : "any_string",
            "category" : "any_string"
       "metadata": {
          "name1": "value1",
          "name2": "value2"
       "data": {
            "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
            "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
            "rssi" : "rssi",
            "ecio" : "ecio",
            "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
            "roamingStatus" : "roaming_status",
            "networkOperator" : "network_operator",
            "latitude" : "latitude",
            "longitude" : "longitude",
            "bytesReceived" : "bytes_received",
            "bytesSent" : "bytes_sent",
            "usagesByteTotal" : "bytes_total",
            "lastTemplateName" : "last_template_name",
            "lastCommFailureDate" : timestamp,
            "apn" : "apn",
            "cellId" : "cell_id",
            "sid" : "sid",
            "nid" : "nid",
            "pnOffset" : "pn_offset",
            "rsrp" : "rsrp",
            "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
            "rsrq" : "rsrq",
            "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level",
            "packetsSent" : "packets_sent",
            "packetsReceived" : "packets_received",
            "boardTemp" : "board_temp",
            "radioModuleTemp" : "radio_module_temp",
            "numberOfResets" : "number_of_resets",
            "signalBars" : 3,
            "signalStrength" : "GOOD",
            "firmwareVersion": "firmware_version",
            "firmwareComponents": "firmwareComponents",
            "monthBytesTotalTime": timestamp
       "dataUsage" : {
            "bytesTotal" : long_value,
            "timestamp"  : long_value,
            "status"     : "Data usage status"
       "offer": {
            "uid"   : "1dbbb7dfeaf5481ba075190db16887d6",
            "name"  : "Offer's name",
            "limit" : long_value,
            "types" : ["TYPE1", "TYPE2"]
       "communication" :   {
          "msci" :    {
              "host"     : "string",
              "user"     : "string",
              "password" : "string"
          "m3da" :    {
              "password" : "string",
              "registrationPassword" : "string",
          "rest" :    {
              "password" : "string"
          "mqtt" :    {
              "password" : "string"
       "heartbeat" : {
          "state"      : "ON",
          "period"     : "15",
          "sla"        : {
             "error"   : "2",
             "warning" : "1"
          "serverOnly" : boolean
       "statusReport" : {
          "state"  : "ON",
          "period" : "20"
       "reports" : [{
          "period"  : "20",
          "dataset" : {
             "uid"  : "af2061ef883449ae845866672097d005",
             "name" : "string"

    The system usage data are aggregated by AirVantage and can be retrieve using the data APIs.

    Field Description Type
    DATA_SESSION The number of data sessions where the session start date is in the computed time range. integer
    DATA_DURATION The data sessions duration where the session start date is in the computed time range. long
    DATA_BYTES_SENT The number of bytes sent for data sessions where the session start date is in the computed time range. long
    DATA_BYTES_RECEIVED The number of bytes received for data sessions where the session start date is in the computed time range. long
    DATA_BYTES_TOTAL The number of exchanged bytes for data sessions where the session start date is in the computed time range. long
    INVOICED_DATA_BYTES_TOTAL The number of exchanged bytes rounded to billing increment for data sessions where the session end processing date is in the computed time range. long
    VOICE_IN_SESSION The number of incoming voice sessions where the session start date is in the computed time range. integer
    VOICE_IN_DURATION The duration of incoming voice sessions where the session start date is in the computed time range. long
    INVOICED_VOICE_IN_DURATION The duration rounded to billing increment of incoming voice sessions where the session end processing date is in the computed time range. long
    VOICE_OUT_SESSION The number of outgoing voice sessions where the session start date is in the computed time range. integer
    VOICE_OUT_DURATION The duration of outgoing voice sessions where the session start date is in the computed time range. long
    INVOICED_VOICE_OUT_DURATION The duration rounded to billing increment of outgoing voice sessions where the session end processing date is in the computed time range. long
    SMS_SENT The number of sent SMS where the date is in the computed time range. integer
    INVOICED_SMS_SENT The number of sent SMS where the end processing date is in the computed time range./td> integer
    SMS_RECEIVED The number of received SMS where the date is in the computed time range. integer
    INVOICED_SMS_RECEIVED The number of received SMS where the end processing date is in the computed time range. integer
    MSU The number of Message Signalling Unit where the date is in the computed time range. integer
    INVOICED_MSU The number of Message Signalling Unit where the end processing date is in the computed time range. integer


    Returns a paginated list of systems with their complete details.

    It is possible to filter out the result list using criteria parameters.

    Though system creation date is not publicly exposed, the default sort order is based on the creation date.
    More information about paging, filtering, and sorting here



    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
       "items":    [
             "uid": "3ed6cd7426604ee0bca9fe01f2521230",
             "name": "MySystem",
             "gateway":          {
                "uid": "12e4b922b0034b26a92e7f9934da13ae",
                "imei": null,
                "macAddress": null,
                "serialNumber": "458555527",
                "type": null,
                "creationDate": "1337948436603"
             "subscription" : {
                "uid": "bafd571985d641d7b159dc7ef3214f5d",
                "identifier" : "4569874563254156984",
                "mobileNumber": null,
                "networkIdentifier": null,
                "eid" : "eid",
                "operator": "UNKNOWN",
                "state" : "INVENTORY",
                "appletGeneration" : "V4",
                "formFactor" : "2FF",
                "confType" : "LITE",
                "technology" : "4G",
                "productRefName" : "LITE 2FF"
             "uid": "d2cbc9d8e7b8491ea3433e6c78f984e4",
             "name": "MySystem",
             "gateway":          {
                "uid": "225faa5714624dffb4ff997a026effbd",
                "imei": null,
                "macAddress": null,
                "serialNumber": "789654123",
                "type": null,
                "creationDate": "1337948436603"
             "subscription" : {
                "uid": "bafd571985d641d7b159dc7ef3214f5d",
                "identifier" : "4569874563254156984",
                "mobileNumber": null,
                "networkIdentifier": null,
                "eid" : "eid",
                "operator": "UNKNOWN",
                "state" : "INVENTORY",
                "appletGeneration" : null,
                "formFactor" : null,
                "confType" : null,
                "technology" : null,
                "productRefName" : "LITE 2FF"
       "count": 2,
       "size": 2,
       "offset": 0
    Name Description Use Default Type Operand
    uid Return system whose uid match with the specified id. optional null uid =
    labels Returns all systems labeled with the specified string. optional null string list in
    name Returns all systems whose name contains the given string. optional null string like
    states Returns all systems whose state is in the given list. States are INVENTORY, READY, DEPLOYED, MAINTENANCE optional null string list in
    lifeCycleStates Returns all systems whose lifeCycleState is in the given list. States are INVENTORY, ACTIVE, TEST_READY, SUYSPENDED, RETIRED optional null string list in
    activityStates Returns all systems whose activityState is in the given list. States are ACTIVATED, SUSPENDED, ARCHIVED, PURGED optional null string list in
    metadata Returns all systems with the given metadata. optional null string map with the following format: name1:value1,name2:value2,... = for the name and like for the value
    lastCommAfter Returns all systems with a last communication date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp >=
    lastCommBefore Returns all systems with a last communication date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp <=
    creationAfter Returns all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp >=
    creationBefore Returns all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp <=
    activationAfter Returns all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp >=
    activationBefore Returns all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp <=
    lastStateChangeAfter Returns all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp >=
    lastStateChangeBefore Returns all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp <=
    commStatus Returns all systems with the given communication status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, UNDEFINED. optional null string =
    lastSyncAfter Returns all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp >=
    lastSyncBefore Returns all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp <=
    syncStatus Returns all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string =
    lastAppliedTemplate Returns all systems with a last applied template name equals with the given template name. optional null string =
    lastConfigName Returns all systems with a last configuration name equals with the given configuration name. optional null string =
    type Returns all systems whose type contains the given string. optional null string like
    application Returns all systems which contain an application matching the specified criteria.
    The possible criteria are :
    • uid (exact match)
    • name (like)
    • revision (like)
    • type (like)
    optional null string map with the following format: uid:xxx,name:xxx,revision:xxx,type:xxx See description
    gateway Returns all systems linked to a gateway matching the specified criteria.
    The possible criteria are :
    • uid (exact match)
    • type (like)
    • imei (like)
    • macAddress (like)
    • serialNumber (like)
    optional null string map with the following format: uid:xxx,type:xxx,... See description
    subscription Returns all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified criteria.
    The possible criteria are :
    • uid (exact match)
    • operator (like)
    • identifier (like)
    • mobileNumber (like)
    • networkIdentifier (like)
    • ipAddress (like)
    • requestedIp (like)
    • eid (like)
    • appletGeneration (exact match)
    • formFactor (exact match)
    • confType (exact match)
    • technology (exact match)
    • imeiLock (exact match)
    optional null string map with the following format: uid:xxx,operator:xxx,identifier:xxx,... See description
    data Returns all systems whose data match the specified criteria.
    The possible criteria are :
    • rssiLevel (exact match)
    • ecioLevel (exact match)
    • networkServiceType (exact match)
    • signalStrength (exact match)
    • roamingStatus (exact match)
    • rsrpLevel (exact match)
    • rsrqLevel (exact match)
    • currentOperator (like)
    optional null string map with the following format: rssiLevel:xxx,ecioLevel:xxx,networkServiceType:xxx,signalStrength:xxx,roamingSatus:xxx,rsrpLevel:xxx,rsrqLevel:xxx See description
    company Set the context company. optional caller's company uid =
    usageStatus Returns all the systems with the given data usage status. Status are WITHIN_PLAN, NEARING_PLAN or EXCEEDING_PLAN. optional null string =
    offer Returns systems with the given offer. optional null uid =
    notOffer Returns systems with a different offer from the given one. optional null uid =
    options Returns systems having at least one active option among the given list of options. optional null uid list =
    notOptions Returns systems having no active options among the given list of options. optional null uid list =
    HTTP Method GET
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers None
    Order by name, creationDate, activationDate, lastStateChangeDate, lastCommDate, serialNumber, imei, identifier, ipAddress, requestedIp, data.rssi, data.ecio, data.rsrp, data.rsrq, data.bytesSent, data.bytesReceived, data.monthBytesTotal, dataUsage.bytesTotal, dataUsage.status
    Fields uid, name, state, lifeCycleState, activityState, creationDate, activationDate, lastStateChangeDate, lastCommDate, commStatus, gateway, subscription, labels, applications, metadata, communication, data, heartbeat, statusReport, reports, lastSyncDate, syncStatus, type, offer


    Creates a single system from scratch. For the associated gateway and the subscription, you can either create a new one on the fly or select an existing one by its uid.


    Content-Type: application/json
       "name": "MyFirstSystem",
       "type" : "my system type",
       "gateway":    {
          "serialNumber": "88545687",
          "creationDate": "1337948436603"
       "subscription" : {
            "identifier" : "4569874563254156984",
            "operator": "OPERATOR_NAME"
       "labels": ["labege"],
       "applications": [   {
          "uid": "171b9f022cd14c9b8e92d9ba6764db81"
       "metadata": {
          "name1": "value1",
          "name2": "value2"
       "communication" :   {
          "msci" :    {
              "host" : null,
              "user" : null,
              "password" : null
          "m3da" :    {
              "registrationPassword" : null,
              "password" : null
          "rest" :    {
              "password" : null

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
       "uid": "f88264cfec4a4fec9411fe59bc3c8637",
       "name": "MyFirstSystem",
       "state": "INVENTORY",
       "lifeCycleState": "INVENTORY",
       "type" : "my system type",
       "activityState": "ACTIVATED",
       "commStatus": "UNDEFINED",
       "creationDate": 1337948436603,
       "activationDate": null,
       "lastStateChangeDate": 1337948436603,
       "lastCommDate": null,
       "gateway":    {
          "uid": "4afd571029d641d7b159dc7ef5856469",
          "imei": null,
          "macAddress": null,
          "serialNumber": "88545687",
          "type": null,
          "creationDate": 1337948436603
       "subscription" : {
          "uid": "bafd571985d641d7b159dc7ef3214f5d",
          "identifier" : "4569874563254156984",
          "mobileNumber": null,
          "ipAddress": null,
          "requestedIp": null,
          "networkIdentifier": null,
          "eid": null,
          "operator" : "UNKNOWN",
          "state" : "INVENTORY",
          "appletGeneration" : "V4",
          "formFactor" : "2FF",
          "confType" : "LITE",
          "technology" : "4G",
          "productRefName" : "LITE 2FF"
       "labels": ["labege"],
       "applications": [   {
          "uid": "171b9f022cd14c9b8e92d9ba6764db81",
          "name": "The Application",
          "revision": "1.20.3",
          "type": "The type",
          "category" : "SOFTWARE"
       "metadata": {
          "name1": "value1",
          "name2": "value2"
       "heartbeat" : null,
       "statusReport" : null,
       "reports" : [],
       "data": {
          "lastTemplateName": null,
          "lastCommFailureDate": null,
          "rssi": null,
          "networkServiceType": "UNKNOWN",
          "roamingStatus": "UNKNOWN",
          "networkOperator": null,
          "ecio": null,
          "bytesSent": null,
          "bytesReceived": null,
          "packetsSent": null,
          "packetsReceived": null,
          "apn": null,
          "cellId": null,
          "sid": null,
          "nid": null,
          "pnOffset": null,
          "rsrp": null,
          "rsrq": null,
          "boardTemp": null,
          "radioModuleTemp": null,
          "numberOfResets": null,
          "latitude": null,
          "longitude": null,
          "ipAddress": null,
          "rssiLevel": "NO_REPORT",
          "ecioLevel": "NO_REPORT",
          "rsrpLevel": "NO_REPORT",
          "rsrqLevel": "NO_REPORT",
          "signalBars": null,
          "signalStrength": "NO_REPORT"
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the new systems will be created. optional caller's company uid

    The content must looks like the one specified in the overview.

    However, some fields have specific behaviors. Here you can find the list of these fields with detailed information.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    name The name of the system. If empty, the gateway identifiers will be used with this preferential order : serial number, imei, mac address optional see description string
    applications.uid Used to link the created system with an existing application identified by its uid. optional uid string
    gateway.uid Used to link the created system with an existing gateway identified by its uid. optional uid string
    gateway.{other_fields} Used to create a gateway on the fly and link it with the created system.
    If a gateway already exists in your company for the specified identifiers (IMEI or SERIAL or MAC) then only gateway identifiers will be updated.
    optional Gateway
    subscription.uid Used to link the created system with an existing subscription identified by its uid. optional uid string
    subscription.{other_fields} Used to create a subscription on the fly and link it with the created system. optional Subscription
    Name Description
    gateway.missing Raised when no gateway is specified.
    gateway.missing.identifiers Raised when missing gateway identifiers (IMEI or SERIAL or MAC).
    gateway.not.unique.identifiers Raised when more than one gateway exists for the specified gateway identifiers (IMEI or SERIAL or MAC).
    gateway.invalid.imei Raised when gateway IMEI is invalid.
    gateway.invalid.esn Raised when gateway ESN is invalid.
    gateway.invalid.meid Raised when gateway MEID is invalid.
    gateway.invalid.mac.address Raised when gateway MAC address is invalid.
    gateway.unknown Raised when gateway is unknown.
    application.missing Raised when application is missing.
    application.unknown Raised when application is unknown.
    system.missing.fields Raised when missing required fields on system.
    application.not.unique Raised when the application already exists.
    applications.protocol.conflicts Raised when more than one application on the system use the same protocol
    system.applications.type.not.unique Raised when application type is not unique
    system.communication.identifier.already.used Raised when communication identifier is aldready used
    subscription.assigned Raised when a subscription is already assigned to another system
    subscription.missing.identifier Raised when subscription identifier is missing.
    subscription.missing.operator Raised when subscription operation is not set.
    subscription.operator.and.operator.account.incompatible Raised when subscription operator and operator account are not compatibles
    operator.account.unknown Raised when operator is not found
    gateway.assigned Raised when a gateway is already assigned to another system
    system.invalid.m3da.registration.password Raised when the format of M3DA registration password is invalid
    system.invalid.m3da.password Raised when the format of M3DA password is invalid
    system.limit.exceeded" No more system can be created
    system.invalid.assignment Either the gateway or the subscription are already assigned to other systems.
    system.invalid.compatibility System components, gateway and/or subscriptions, cannot be assambled together.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Edits the system identified by the uid of the request.


    Content-Type: application/json
        "gateway" : {
            "uid" : "4afd571029d641d7b159dc7ef5856469"
        "applications" : [{
            "uid" : "12545710bcc641d79c9b2c7ef5c1c2c5"
        "subscription" : {
            "uid" : "85b45113632942c982325ac9abe6321c1"
        "labels" : ["labege", "working"]

    200 OK

    The descritpion of the system

    Name Description
    system.unknown Raised when no system matches the 'uid'.
    gateway.being.transferred Raised when gateway is being transferred to a partner
    gateway.missing Raised when no gateway is specified.
    gateway.missing.identifiers Raised when missing gateway identifiers (IMEI or SERIAL or MAC).
    gateway.not.unique.identifiers Raised when one of the gateway identifiers already exists (IMEI or SERIAL or MAC).
    gateway.invalid.imei Raised when gateway IMEI is invalid.
    gateway.invalid.esn Raised when gateway ESN is invalid.
    gateway.invalid.meid Raised when gateway MEID is invalid.
    gateway.invalid.mac.address Raised when gateway MAC address is invalid.
    gateway.unknown Raised when gateway is unknown.
    application.missing Raised when application is missing.
    application.unknown Raised when application is unknown.
    system.missing.fields Raised when missing required fields on system.
    application.not.unique Raised when the application already exists.
    applications.protocol.conflicts Raised when more than one application on the system use the same protocol
    system.applications.type.not.unique Raised when application type is not unique
    system.communication.identifier.already.used Raised when communication identifier is aldready used
    subscription.assigned Raised when a subscription is already assigned to another system
    subscription.unknown Raised when the subscription is unknown.
    gateway.assigned Raised when a gateway is already assigned to another system
    system.invalid.state Raised when system is in an invalid state
    system.invalid.m3da.registration.password Raised when the format of M3DA registration password is invalid
    system.invalid.m3da.password Raised when the format of M3DA password is invalid
    HTTP Method PUT
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Deletes a specific system from AirVantage. If needed, the user can delete the gateway and the subscription linked to the system.



    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Length: 0
    Name Description Use Default Type
    deleteGateway If true, the gateway linked to the system is also deleted optional false boolean
    deleteSubscription If true, the subscription linked to the system are also deleted optional false boolean
    Name Description
    system.unknown Raised when no system matches the 'uid'.
    HTTP Method DELETE
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers None


    Returns detailed information about the specified system.



    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "reports": [],
        "activityState": "ACTIVATED",
        "commStatus": "UNDEFINED",
        "creationDate": 1337948436603,
        "activationDate": null,
        "lastStateChangeDate": 1337948436603,
        "lastCommDate": 138647531400,
        "applications": [
                "category": "FIRMWARE",
                "revision": "",
                "uid": "3eb137e9ae784c2da393345eeda19a60",
                "type": "AirCard 341U",
                "name": "AC341U Firmware"
        "communication": {
            "msci": null,
            "m3da": null,
            "rest": {
                "password": "password"
            "mqtt": null
        "heartbeat": null,
        "statusReport": null,
        "lastSyncDate": null,
        "labels": [],
        "gateway": {
            "imei": "IMEI",
            "macAddress": null,
            "uid": "09d7a9a3c9a945dabb5771bea06e3745",
            "serialNumber": "SERIALNUMBER",
            "type": null
        "syncStatus": "NOT_SYNC",
        "subscription": null,
        "uid": "9b629cbdc71a4276bacec471e35b7edd",
        "metadata": {},
        "type": null,
        "data": null,
        "state": "DEPLOYED",
        "lifeCycleState": "ACTIVE",
        "name": "testtttt"
    Name Description
    system.unknown Raised when no system matches the uid.
    HTTP Method GET
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers None


    Returns the options of the specified system.
    A config field can be returned to indicate how the option is configured:

    • For LTE option, config=DATA_ONLY indicates the option is optimized for data only.
    • For APN option, config=STATIC_IP indicates the option is used to set a static IP address.



    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "type": "ROAMING",
        "uid": "43c9ea75020f4fa2b24ff4c9b8f4884c",
        "name": "AFRICA - Central"
        "type": "GENERAL",
        "uid": "82cc3cd327454992b847c4cc539fad70",
        "name": "LTE",
        "config": "DATA_ONLY"
        "type": "SERVICE",
        "uid": "47ada9be615b46b7bab606d39f1588bb",
        "name": "Data - APN internet.swir"
    Name Description
    system.unknown Raised when no system matches the uid.
    HTTP Method GET
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers None


    Gets the last datapoints of the system matching the unique identifiers - or the identifier prefix - of data defined in the url.
    If no parameters are set, the last datapoint for all data will be retrieved.



    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
       "Data1": [{
          "value": "value1",
          "timestamp": 1331906459440
       "Data2": [{
          "value": "value2",
          "timestamp": 1331906459440
       "Data3": [{
          "value": "value3",
          "timestamp": 1331906459440
    Name Description Use Default Type
    ids The list of data ids separated by a ','. optional string
    idPrefix The prefix of requested data ids. optional string
    Name Description
    system.unknown Raised when no system matches the 'uid'. Raised when data ID is invalid
    lastdata.incompatible.parameters Raised when both 'ids' and 'idPrefix' parameters are present
    lastdata.empty.parameters Raised 'idPrefix' parameter is present but empty (use no parameter instead)
    HTTP Method GET
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers none


    Gets the historical values of a raw data for a selection of systems and a list of data id defined in the url. Most recent datapoints are returned first.



    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "6500ee29f8ed4e3991dff484b3ce3e73": {
            "Data1": [{
                    "ts": 1331908459440,
                    "v": 1.36
                }, {
                    "ts": 1331908459441,
                    "v": 1.56
                }, {
                    "ts": 1331908459442,
                    "v": 2.89
            "Data2": [{
                    "ts": 1331908454540,
                    "v": "hard"
                }, {
                    "ts": 1331907459061,
                    "v": "smooth"
        "50cd2c2697e34fcbb5f61158d23fca52" : {
            "Data1": [{
                    "ts": 1331908459440,
                    "v" : 3.4
                }, {
                    "ts": 1331908459441,
                    "v" : 5.43
                }, {
                    "ts": 1331908459442,
                    "v" : 2.67
    Name Description Use Default Type
    from Inclusive timestamp representing the beginning of the period. optional Current time less 3 months timestamp
    to Exclusive timestamp representing the end of the period. optional current time timestamp
    size The result size per system/data pair. Max result size: 500. optional 100 int
    targetIds The list of system ids separated by a ','. It is only possible to request up to 5 ids. required - string
    dataIds The list of data ids separated by a ','. It is only possible to request up to 10 ids. required - string
    Name Description
    system.unknown Raised when no system matches the 'uid'. Raised when data ID is invalid
    system.invalid.timerange Raised when 'from' is bigger than 'to' Raised when too many data are requested for a single API call
    aggregation.too.many.targets Raised when too many systems are requested for a single API call
    HTTP Method GET
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers none


    Gets a temporal aggregation of data points for a selection of systems identified by a list of unique identifiers and a list of data ids in the url. Most recent datapoints are returned first.



    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "be6647d8c9a64dc6aa3c36d3c4a28cf1": {
            "dataId1" : [{
                   "ts": 1331908459440,
                   "v": 2.0
                }, {
                   "ts": 1331907459440,
                   "v": 7.2
                }, {
                   "ts": 1331906459440,
                   "v": null
            "dataId2" : [{
                   "ts": 1331908459440,
                   "v": 2.0
                }, {
                   "ts": 1331907459440,
                   "v": 7.2
                }, {
                   "ts": 1331906459440,
                   "v": null
        "5cdc94f3e0494087a6f0e0fc4fe30fb8": {
            "dataId1" : [{
                   "ts": 1331908459440,
                   "v": 2.0
                }, {
                   "ts": 1331907459440,
                   "v": 7.2
                }, {
                   "ts": 1331906459440,
                   "v": null
    Name Description Use Default Type
    interval Intervals are specified by a multiplier and a unit of time, i.e. 6hour or 1day. The supported time units are:
    • hour - Hours
    • day - Days
    • month - Months
    • year - Years
    The multiplier has to be lower than 50. Example: 1day
    optional 1hour string
    targetIds The list of system ids separated by a ','. It is only possible to request up to 50 ids. required - string
    dataIds The list of data ids separated by a ','. It is only possible to request up to 10 ids. It is also possible to request for system usage data. required - string
    from Timestamp used to select the start interval. This interval is included. optional null timestamp
    to Timestamp used to select the end interval. This interval is excluded. optional current time timestamp
    fn The folding function specifies how the datapoints are reduced within each interval. The default folding function is mean which returns the mean (average). The following folding functions are supported:
    • mean - Average of all datapoints.
    • sum - Sum of all datapoints.
    • min - Minimum value of all datapoints.
    • max - Maximum value of all datapoints.
    • stddev - Standard deviation of all datapoints.
    • ss - Sum of squares of all datapoints.
    • cnt - Number of datapoints. (only works on numbers)
    • occ - Number of occurrences of the set of values. Contrary to other functions, this one does not return a Double but a Map<String,Long>.
    optional mean string
    size Size of the list of values per system and data. Max result size: 500. optional 100 int
    Name Description
    aggregation.invalid.multiplier Raised when multiplier is lower than one or bigger than 50.
    aggregation.invalid.timescale Raised when timescale is not one of hour, day, month or year.
    invalid.timerange Raised when 'from' is greater than 'to'.
    aggregation.too.many.targets Raised when too many system are requested for a single API call. Raised when too many data are requested for a single API call.
    HTTP Method GET
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers none


    Gets a temporal aggregation of data points for a fleet of systems identified by a list of company identifier and a list of data id in the url. Most recent datapoints are returned first.



    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "bd5a888f0af546719d2895b254831f14": {
            "dataId1": [{
                   "ts": 1331908459440,
                   "v": 2.0
                }, {
                   "ts": 1331907459440,
                   "v": 7.2
                }, {
                   "ts": 1331906459440,
                   "v": null
            "dataId2" : [{
                   "ts": 1331908459440,
                   "v": 2.0
                }, {
                   "ts": 1331907459440,
                   "v": 7.2
                }, {
                   "ts": 1331906459440,
                   "v": null
        "e7deb45d8ad2484996a5ad0c7df3e154": {
            "dataId1" : [{
                    "ts": 1331908459440,
                    "v": 2.0
                }, {
                    "ts": 1331907459440,
                    "v": 7.2
                }, {
                    "ts": 1331906459440,
                    "v": null
    Name Description Use Default Type
    interval Intervals are specified by a multiplier and a unit of time, i.e. 6hour or 1day. The supported time units are:
    • hour - Hours
    • day - Days
    • month - Months
    • year - Years
    The multiplier has to be lower than 50. Example: 1day
    optional 1hour string
    targetIds The list of company ids separated by a ','. It is only possible to request up to 5 ids. mandatory - string
    dataIds The list of data ids separated by a ','. It is only possible to request up to 10 ids. It is also possible to request for system usage data. mandatory - string
    from Timestamp used to select the start interval. This interval is included. optional null timestamp
    to Timestamp used to select the end interval. This interval is excluded. optional current time timestamp
    fn The folding function specifies how each datapoints get reduced within each interval. The default folding function is mean which returns the mean (average). The following folding functions are supported:
    • mean - Average of all datapoints
    • sum - Sum of all datapoints
    • min - Minimum value of all datapoints
    • max - Maximum value of all datapoints
    • stddev - Standard deviation of all datapoints
    • ss - Sum of squares of all datapoints
    • cnt - Total number of datapoints in the DataSet (only works on numbers)
    optional mean string
    fleetFn The fleet folding function specifies how the fleet datapoints are reduced within each interval. The default folding function is mean which returns the mean (average). The following folding functions are supported:
    • mean - Average of all datapoints
    • sum - Sum of all datapoints
    • min - Minimum value of all datapoints
    • max - Maximum value of all datapoints
    • stddev - Standard deviation of all datapoints
    • ss - Sum of squares of all datapoints
    • cnt - Total number of datapoints in the DataSet (only works on numbers)
    optional mean string
    size Size of the list of values per company and data. Max result size: 500. optional 100 int
    Name Description
    aggregation.invalid.multiplier Raised when multiplier is lower than one or bigger than 50.
    aggregation.invalid.timescale Raised when timescale is not one of hour, day, month or year.
    invalid.timerange Raised when 'from' is greater than 'to'.
    aggregation.too.many.targets Raised when too many companies are requested for a single API call. Raised when too many data are requested for a single API call.
    HTTP Method GET
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers none


    Exports the historical data of one system to a CSV file.


    Content-Type: application/json
        "dataset" : "3ed6cd7426604ee0bca9fe01f2521230",
        "data" : ["_RSSI", "261"],
        "fromDate" : "1341093600",
        "toDate" : "1341180000"

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",,
        "dataset" : "dataset_uid",
        "data" : ["data_id", ... ],
        "fromDate" : "from_date",
        "toDate" : "to_date"
    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes optional boolean
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    dataset The uid of the dataset to export optional string
    data The list of data id or generated data to export
    See generated data
    optional string
    fromDate The historical data values created after a given date time will be exported optional timestamp
    toDate The historical data values created before a give date time will be exported optional timestamp

    At least 'dataset' or 'data' should be set.

    Name Description
    system.unknown Raised when no system matches the 'uid'.
    dataset.unknown The specified dataset is unknown Could not find data to read because dataset, data or both were missing or unknown.
    invalid.timerange toDate parameter is lower than fromDate parameter. Total number of selected data is greater than 200.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Gets list of data usage records for the given system. Most recent records are returned first.



    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
             "uid": "2c12547b613740adb686271bdc8f0978",
             "type": "DATA",
             "start": 1348836320150,
             "end": 1348836320250,
             "partial": false,
             "visitedNetwork": null,
             "visitedCountry": null,
             "visitedMnc": null,
             "visitedMcc": null,
             "servedImsi": null,
             "servedImei": null,
             "bytesSent": 512,
             "bytesReceived": 512,
             "bytesTotal": 1024,
             "roundedBytesTotal": 1024,
             "apn": "",
             "pdpAddress": null,
             "ratType": null
             "uid": "8006cc58ba2141f69161a78f1bfdea1d",
             "type": "VOICE_IN",
             "start": 1348836320088,
             "end": 1348836320189,
             "visitedNetwork": null,
             "visitedCountry": null,
             "visitedMnc": null,
             "visitedMcc": null,
             "servedImsi": null,
             "servedImei": null,
             "servedMsisdn": null,
             "phoneNumber" : "0606060606",
             "roundedDuration" : 60000
             "uid": "547b613740a006cc58ba2db686a2141f",
             "type": "SMS_SENT",
             "start": 1348836320070,
             "visitedNetwork": null,
             "visitedCountry": null,
             "visitedMnc": null,
             "visitedMcc": null,
             "servedImsi": null,
             "servedImei": null,
             "servedMsisdn": null,
             "phoneNumber" : "0606060606"
             "uid": "06cc5847b613540a07ba2db686a2141f",
             "type": "SMS_RECEIVED",
             "start": 1348836320030,
             "visitedNetwork": null,
             "visitedCountry": null,
             "visitedMnc": null,
             "visitedMcc": null,
             "servedImsi": null,
             "servedImei": null,
             "servedMsisdn": null,
             "phoneNumber" : "0606060606"
             "uid": "06cc58ba2db686547b613740a0a2141f",
             "type": "MSU",
             "start": 1348836320040,
             "visitedNetwork": null,
             "visitedCountry": null,
             "visitedMnc": null,
             "visitedMcc": null,
             "servedImsi": null,
             "servedImei": null
    Name Description Use Default Type
    from Inclusive timestamp representing the beginning of the period. optional Current time less 3 months timestamp
    to Exclusive timestamp representing the end of the period. optional current time timestamp
    size The result size. Max result size: 500. optional 100 int
    Name Description
    system.unknown Raised when no system matches the 'uid'.
    invalid.timerange Raised when 'from' is bigger than 'to'
    HTTP Method GET
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers none


    Gets a list of data usage for a selection of systems. Most recent records are returned first.



    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "3c12547b613740adb686271bdc8f097c" : {
            "SMS_RECEIVED": [{
                        "ts": 1385115215256,
                        "v": {
                    }, {
                        "ts": 1385115215253,
                        "v": {
            "DATA": [{
                        "ts": 1385115215254,
                        "v": {
                            "end": 1385115215300
        "e91c1fa4dbaa4367bdcf9b9f93afe564": {
            "SMS_SENT": [{
                    "ts": 1385115215255,
                    "v": {
            "VOICE_IN" : [{
                    "ts": 1385115215254,
                    "v": {
                        "end": 1385115215400
    Name Description Use Default Type
    from Inclusive timestamp representing the beginning of the period. optional Current time less 3 months timestamp
    to Exclusive timestamp representing the end of the period. optional current time timestamp
    size The result size. Max result size: 500. optional 100 int
    targetIds The list of systems ids separated by a ','. It is only possible to request up to 50 ids. required - string
    Name Description
    system.unknown Raised when no system matches any of the 'uid'.
    invalid.timerange Raised when 'from' is bigger than 'to'
    aggregation.too.many.targets It is only possible to request up to 5 targets.
    HTTP Method GET
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers none


    Gets details of a given record.



    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "uid": "3c12547b613740adb686271bdc8f097c",
        "type": "DATA",
        "visitedNetwork": null,
        "start": 1348836320150,
        "end": 1348836320250,
        "partial": false,
        "bytesSent": 450,
        "bytesReceived": 120,
        "bytesTotal": 570,
        "apn": ""

    Records contents depend on theirs type.

    Commons fields

    Name Description
    uid The unique identifier of the record. Record id shall be constant for a given session (same for all interim records).
    type The type of the usage: DATA, SMS_SENT, SMS_RECEIVED, VOICE_IN, VOICE_OUT or MSU.
    visitedNetwork The visited mobile network operator.
    visitedCountry The visited mobile network operator country.
    visitedMnc The Mobile Network Code.
    visitedMcc The Mobile Country Code.
    servedImsi The IMSI of the device to which the record is attached.
    servedImei The IMEI of the subscriber.
    servedMsisdn The MSISDN of the subscriber.


    Name Description
    start The start date of the communication session. It's a timestamp in milliseconds.
    end The end date of the communication session. This date is equal to the start date if it's an interim record. It's a timestamp in milliseconds.
    partial Partial is true if it's an interim record, false when the session has ended.
    bytesSent The volume of data sent by the system in bytes.
    bytesReceived The volume of data received by the system in bytes.
    bytesTotal The total volume of data in bytes for the communication session.
    roundedBytesTotal The total volume of data in bytes exchanged during the communication session, to which billing increments are applied.
    apn The access point name.
    pdpAddress The PDP context IP address.
    ratType The Radio Access Technology (RAT) at the session start.


    Name Description
    start The send date of the sms. It's a timestamp in milliseconds.
    phoneNumber The MSISDN of the peer entity involved in the communication. It is a SMS initiated by the subscriber (MO), the peer entitee is the callee.


    Name Description
    start The received date of the sms. It's a timestamp in milliseconds.
    phoneNumber The MSISDN of the peer entity involved in the communication. It is a SMS received by the subscriber (MT), the peer entity is the caller.


    Name Description
    start The start date of the voice session. It's a timestamp in milliseconds.
    end The end date of the voice session. It's a timestamp in milliseconds.
    phoneNumber The MSISDN of the peer entity involved in the communication. It is a call received by the subscriber (MT), the peer entity is the caller.
    roundedDurationThe duration of the call to which the billing increments are applied.


    Name Description
    start The start date of the voice session. It's a timestamp in milliseconds.
    end The end date of the voice session. It's a timestamp in milliseconds.
    phoneNumber The MSISDN of the peer entity involved in the communication. It is a call initiated by the subscriber (MO), the peer entitee is the callee.
    roundedDuration The duration of the call to which the billing increments are applied.


    Name Description
    start The date of the USSD message unit. It's a timestamp in milliseconds.
    Name Description
    system.unknown Raised when no system matches the 'uid'.
    record.unknown Raised when no record matches the 'uid'.
    HTTP Method GET
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers none
    Permissions entities.system.view


    Retrieves the list of past messages. The uid, timestamp, protocol and datapoints count are retrieved. Duplicate data are counted.



    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
       "next": "",
       "messages":    [
             "uid": "3c12547b613740adb686271bdc8f097c",
             "timestamp": 1348836320188,
             "protocol" : "MSCI",
             "nbDataPoints" : 3
             "uid": "8006cc58ba2141f69161a78f1bfdea1d",
             "timestamp": 1348836320566
             "protocol" : "MSCI",
             "nbDataPoints" : 2
    Name Description Use Default Type
    from Period to retrieve messages. optional Current time less 3 months long
    to Period to retrieve messages. optional Current time long
    fromDate Period to retrieve messages. Deprecated, use 'from' instead. optional Current time less 3 months long
    toDate Period to retrieve messages. Deprecated, use 'to' instead. optional Current time long
    size The result size. Max result size: 500. optional 100 long
    Name Description
    system.unknown Raised when no system matches the 'uid'.
    system.invalid.timerange Raised when 'toDate' and 'fromDate'parameters are invalid
    HTTP Method GET
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers none


    Gets message details which consist in its uid, timestamp, protocol, datapoints count and the data sent by the device during this message. Duplicate data are counted.



    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
          "uid": "3c12547b613740adb686271bdc8f097c",
          "timestamp": 1348836320188,
          "protocol" : "MSCI",
          "nbDataPoints": 8,
          "data":    {
              "10": [{"timestamp" : "1349907137", "value" : "NOTSET"}],
              "25": [{"timestamp" : "1349907137", "value" : "CA1200202571004"}],
              "261": [
                   "value": "-192",
                   "timestamp": 1348683054569
                   "value": "-97",
                   "timestamp": 1348503053478
                   "value": "-102",
                   "timestamp": 1348303057000
              "_rssi_level" : [
                 { "value": "NO_SIGNAL",
                   "timestamp": 1348683054569
                   "value": "FAIR",
                   "timestamp": 1348503053478
                   "value": "POOR",
                   "timestamp": 1348303057000
    Name Description
    system.unknown Raised when no system matches the 'uid'.
    HTTP Method GET
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers none


    Adds or removes labels to systems matching a given criteria. When no criteria are set, all systems in the company will be labelled.


    Content-Type: application/json
       "labels" : {
          "add" : ["france"]
       "criteria" : {
          "activityState" : ["ACTIVATED", "SUSPENDED"]

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": timestamp,
        "labels" : {
            "add" : ["Label1", ...],
            "remove" : ["Label2", ...]
        "criteria" : {
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "labels" : ["label1", ...],
            "name" : "name",
            "states" : ["state1", ...],
            "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
            "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
            "type" : "type",
            "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
            "lastConfigName" : "config",
            "commStatus" : "comm_status",
            "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
            "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
            "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
            "creationAfter" : timestamp,
            "creationBefore" : timestamp,
            "activationAfter" : timestamp,
            "activationBefore" : timestamp,
            "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
            "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
            "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
            "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
            "application" : {
                "uid" : "uid",
                "name" : "name",
                "revision" : "revision",
                "type" : "type",
            "gateway" : {
                "uid" : "uid",
                "type" : "type",
                "imei" : "imei",
                "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
            "subscription" : {
                "uid" : "uid",
                "operator" : "operator",
                "identifier" : "identifier",
                "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                "eid" : "eid",
                "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                "productRefName" : "product_ref"
            "data" : {
                "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "dependsOn" : {
            "operation" : "uid",
            "states" : ["FAILURE"]
        "identifiers" : {
            "name" : ["name1", "name2"],
            "gatewaySerialNumber" : ["serial1", "serial2"],
            "gatewayImei" : ["imei1", "imei2"],
            "gatewayMacAddress" : ["mac1", "mac2"],
            "subscriptionIdentifier" : ["iccid1", "iccid2"],
            "subscriptionNetworkIdentifier" : ["imsi1", "imsi2"],
            "subscriptionIpAddress" : ["ipAddr1", "ipAddr2"],
            "subscriptionEid" : ["eid1", "eid2"]

    Add or remove labels should be required
    Either 'criteria', 'dependsOn' or 'identifiers' should be set.
    If 'identifiers' is set, either 'name', 'gatewaySerialNumber', 'gatewayImei', 'gatewayMacAddress', 'subscriptionIdentifier', 'subscriptionNetworkIdentifier', 'subscriptionIpAddress' or 'subscriptionEid' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes optional boolean
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional timestamp
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    labels.add The list of labels to add required string
    labels.remove The list of labels to remove required string
    dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    identifiers List of identifiers to be used to identify systems. The understandable identifiers are : system name, serial number, IMEI, MAC address, ICCID, IMSI and IP address.
    A maximum of 5000 identifiers can be provided.
    optional string List of system name to be used to identify systems.
    A maximum of 5000 names can be provided.
    optional string
    identifiers.gatewaySerialNumber List of serial number to be used to identify systems.
    A maximum of 5000 serial numbers can be provided.
    optional string
    identifiers.gatewayImei List of IMEI to be used to identify systems.
    A maximum of 5000 IMEIs can be provided.
    optional string
    identifiers.gatewayMacAddress List of MAC address to be used to identify systems.
    A maximum of 5000 MAC addresses can be provided.
    optional string
    identifiers.subscriptionIdentifier List of subscription identifier (ICCID / ESN) to be used to identify systems.
    A maximum of 5000 subscription identifiers can be provided.
    optional string
    identifiers.subscriptionNetworkIdentifier List of subscription network identifier (IMSI / MIN) to be used to identify systems.
    A maximum of 5000 subscription network identifiers can be provided.
    optional string
    identifiers.subscriptionIpAddress List of subscription IP address to be used to identify systems.
    A maximum of 5000 subscription IP addresses can be provided.
    optional string
    identifiers.subscriptionEid List of subscription EID to be used to identify systems.
    A maximum of 5000 subscription EID can be provided.
    optional string
    criteria.uids Can contain no more than 100 system unique identifier. optional uid
    criteria.labels Labels all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Labels all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    criteria.states Labels all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    criteria.lifeCycleStates Labels all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    criteria.type Labels all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Labels all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    criteria.lastConfigName Labels all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    criteria.activityStates Labels all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    criteria.metadata Labels all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    criteria.lastCommAfter Labels all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    criteria.lastCommBefore Labels all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    criteria.creationAfter Labels all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    criteria.creationBefore Labels all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    criteria.activationAfter Labels all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    criteria.activationBefore Labels all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Labels all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Labels all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    criteria.commStatus Labels all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    criteria.application.uid Labels all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Labels all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    criteria.application.revision Labels all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    criteria.application.type Labels all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    criteria.gateway.uid Labels all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    criteria.gateway.type Labels all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    criteria.gateway.imei Labels all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    criteria.gateway.macAddress Labels all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    criteria.gateway.serialNumber Labels all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    criteria.subscription.uid Labels all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    criteria.subscription.operator Labels all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    criteria.subscription.identifier Labels all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Labels all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Labels all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    criteria.subscription.ipAddress Labels all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    criteria.subscription.requestedIp Labels all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    criteria.subscription.eid Labels all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Labels all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    criteria.subscription.formFactor Labels all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    criteria.subscription.confType Labels all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Labels all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Labels all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Labels all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Labels all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Labels all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Labels all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Labels all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Labels all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    Name Description Use Default Type Operand
    company Labels all systems available for the company. optional caller's company uid =
    Name Description
    label.missing The list of label to add or remove is empty.
    label.amount.exceeded The number of labels to add or remove is greater than 100.
    selection.empty There is no system matching the given criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. The possible causes are :
    • Only one of the following attributes has to be set : criteria, dependsOn, identifiers
    • 'dependsOn' is defined but 'dependsOn.operation' is not set
    • If 'identifiers' is set, only one of the following attributes has to be set : 'name', 'gatewaySerialNumber', 'gatewayImei', 'gatewayMacAddress', 'subscriptionIdentifier', 'subscriptionNetworkIdentifier', 'subscriptionIpAddress'
    selection.too.many.identifiers The list of identifiers contains more than 5000 elements.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers none


    Transfers a selection of systems to a partner company.


    Content-: application/json
      "destination" : "787ef34132fe89734acb9871",
      "systems" : {
         "uids" : ["sys1", "sys2"]

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback URL",
        "destination" : "xxx",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["SUCCESS"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "offerId" : "offer_uid"
    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes optional false boolean
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    destination The uid of the destination company required uid
    offerId Identifier of the target Offer. This offer has to exist in the destination company. optional uid

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context company. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description
    company.missing The destination company identifier is missing.
    partner.unknown The destination company is not a partner.
    system.unknown One of the specifed uid doesn't correspond to an existing system.
    selection.empty The given label or criteria selection returns no system.
    selection.invalid The given selection is either empty or defined both uids and label.
    selection.max.uid.reached The given selection contains more than 100 uids.
    system.limit.exceeded No more system can be created in the target company
    operation.transfer.system.incompatible.operator.account There is no compatible operator account in the target company
    operation.transfer.system.gateway.invalid.state The gateway linked to the system must be in inventory A system with private application(s) cannot be transfered
    operation.transfer.system.incompatible.offer The target offer is incompatible
    operation.transfer.system.missing.offer The target offer is missing
    operation.transfer.system.unknown.offer The target offer is unknown
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json
    Permissions (in partner)


    Swaps SIM between two systems.

    Returns the uid of the created operation.


    Content-: application/json
        "identifierType" : "uid",
        "systems" : {
            "sys1": "sys2"

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "identifierType" : "uid",
        "systems" : {
            "xxx": "yyy"
    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes optional false boolean
    callback The url that will be called when the operation state changes. The url has the following pattern : http(s)://(user:password@) optional string
    identifierType Identifier type used to identify the systems. (Could be uid, name, gatewaySerialNumber, gatewayImei, gatewayMacAddress, subscriptionIdentifier, subscriptionNetworkIdentifier, or subscriptionIpAddress) optional uid string
    systems A map of source:target systems identifiers to swap sim for required map
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context company. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description
    operation.system.swapsim.system.invalid.state The source or target system is in invalid lifeCycleState.
    Source system must be ACTIVE, SUSPENDED or TEST_READY.
    Target system must be INVENTORY.
    operation.system.swapsim.unsupported.operation The subscription doesn't not support SWAP SIM operation.
    operation.system.swapsim.system.unknown.subscription The source or target system is not linked to subscription.
    operation.system.swapsim.system.different.operator.accounts The source and target subscriptions must have the same operator account.
    operation.system.swapsim.system.linked.gateway The target system must not have gateway.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Register systems from a CSV file.
    Default applications and offer can be specified by attaching a JSON part to the request.
    While the name of the CSV part is free, the JSON part of the request must be named 'defaultValues'. See the CSV Header Section for more details about the CSV expected contents.


    Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="BoundaryUgix6QHMxLwJ4siU"
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="file.csv"
    Content-Type: text/csv
    // CSV attached
    // JSON attached
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="defaultValues"; filename="defaultValues.json"
    Content-Type: application/json
    "defaultApplications" : ["45aa62ac003841fb8fb5b3b21cdf7f86","45aa62ac003841fb8fb5b3b21cdf7f87"],
    "offerId" : "25aa92ac003841fb8fb5b3b21cdf7f17"

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the systems will be registered. optional caller's company uid
    Header Description Use
    NAME Gives the possibility to give a name to the registered system. optional
    TYPE Says which kind of device you are registering. optional
    LABELS List of labels for the registerd system. The list MUST be separated by a '|' character. optional
    GATEWAY[IMEI] The radio module's IMEI value. This value MUST be provided along with the Serial Number for devices without a registration code available. optional*
    GATEWAY[SERIAL NUMBER] The gateway's serial number. This value is required when registering gateways. It MUST be provided along with the registration code or the IMEI for devices without a registration code. optional*
    SUBSCRIPTION[IDENTIFIER] This is the SIM's ICCID value. If the subscription has already been provisioned in the company, then the corresponding system will be completed with the gateway information instead of registering a new system. In case the subscription is third party SIM, then the system will be created with this info. optional
    SUBSCRIPTION[OPERATOR] This value is required only when registering third party sims. If you do not know your SIM operator, then set the value 'UNKNOWN'. optional*
    REGISTRATION CODE The registration code is required along with the serial number for specific gateway products. required*
    MSCI[parameter] Necessary parameters to establish a server initiated connection. Paramaters are : host, user, password. optional
    M3DA[parameter] Security parameters to establish successful communications with the device. Parameters are : registrationPassword, password optional
    REST[password] Security parameter to establish successful communications with the device. optional
    MQTT[password] Security parameter to establish successful communications with the device. optional
        "defaultApplications" : ["app_uid1", ...],
        "offerId" : "offerId"
    Field Description Use Default Type
    defaultApplications The list of public or company owned applications optional uid string
    offerId The offer to assign on the system(s) optional uid string
    Name Description
    file.unreadable CSV File is unreadable
    file.header.missing CSV header is missing
    csv.header.unknown.column CSV header column is unknown File contains no data
    file.too.large Files cannot be more than 10MB
    offer.unknown No offer has been found with the given ID
    system.limit.exceeded No more system can be created
    gateway.not.unique.identifiers Raised when one of the gateway identifiers have already been registered (IMEI or SERIAL).
    subscription.not.unique.identifiers Raised when the subscription has already been registered.
    application.not.unique Raised when the application already exists.
    applications.protocol.conflicts Raised when more than one application on the system use the same protocol
    system.applications.type.not.unique Raised when application type is not unique
    system.communication.identifier.already.used Raised when communication identifier is aldready used
    subscription.assigned Raised when a subscription is already assigned to another system
    gateway.assigned Raised when a gateway is already assigned to another system
    system.invalid.m3da.registration.password Raised when the format of M3DA registration password is invalid
    system.invalid.m3da.password Raised when the format of M3DA password is invalid
    system.invalid.assignment Either the gateway or the subscription are already assigned to other systems.
    system.invalid.compatibility System components, gateway and/or subscriptions, cannot be assambled together.
    system.invalid.registration.code When a registration code is expected but none or an invalid code was provided.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: multipart/form-data


    This API has been deprecated. Use Register instead. Creates systems from a CSV file.
    Default type and default applications can be specified by attaching a JSON part to the request.
    While the name of the CSV part is free, the JSON part of the request must be named 'defaultValues'.


    Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="BoundaryUgix6QHMxLwJ4siU"
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="file.csv"
    Content-Type: text/csv
    // CSV attached
    // JSON attached
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="parameters"; filename="parameters.json"
    Content-Type: application/json
    "defaultApplications" : ["45aa62ac003841fb8fb5b3b21cdf7f86","45aa62ac003841fb8fb5b3b21cdf7f87"],
    "defaultType" : "myType"

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the new systems will be created. optional caller's company uid
    Header Description Use
    NAME The name of the new system optional
    TYPE The value of the type attribute of the new system. optional
    LABELS The labels of the new system, separated by a '|' character. optional
    GATEWAY[gatewayHeader] The new values of the gateway that will be part of the new system.
    System labels are inherited by the new gateway.
    The gatewayHeader must be one of the headers available for gateways import (See Import of gateways.).
    Gateway columns with empty values are not ignored. They will try to set the null value into the new gateway. When a gateway is to be created, at least one of the gateway identifiers (Imei, Mac Address, Serial number) is expected.
    GATEWAY_REF[gatewayId] The UID of an existing gateway that must be linked to the new system. optional
    SUBSCRIPTION[subscriptionHeader] The new values of the subscription that will be part of the new system.
    System labels are inherited by the subscription.
    The subscriptionHeader must be one of the headers available for subscriptions import (See Import of subscriptions.).
    Subscription columns with empty values are not ignored. They will try to set the null value into the new subscription. When a susbcription is to be created, at least one of the subscription identifiers (Identifier, Mobile Number, Network Identifier) is expected.
    SUBSCRIPTION_REF[subscriptionId] The UID of an existing subscription that must be linked to the new system. optional
    METADATA[metadataName] Metadata for the new system.
    metadataName is used as name of the metadata.
    MSCI[parameter] Necessary parameters to establish a server initiated connection. Paramaters are : host, user, password. optional
    M3DA[parameter] Security parameters to establish successful communications with the device. Parameters are : registrationPassword, password optional
    REST[password] Security parameter to establish successful communications with the device. optional
    MQTT[password] Security parameter to establish successful communications with the device. optional
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "defaultApplications" : ["app_uid1", ...],
        "defaultType" : "myType"
    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional false boolean
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    defaultApplications The list of public or company owned applications optional uid string
    defaultType The default type of the new systems.
    This parameter is ignored if you specify the 'TYPE' column in the CSV file.
    optional string
    Name Description
    file.unreadable File is unreadable
    file.header.missing CSV header is missing
    csv.header.unknown.column CSV header column is unknown File contains no data
    file.too.large Files cannot be more than 10MB
    system.limit.exceeded No more system can be created
    gateway.missing.identifiers Raised when missing gateway identifiers (IMEI or SERIAL or MAC).
    gateway.not.unique.identifiers Raised when one of the gateway identifiers already exists (IMEI or SERIAL or MAC).
    gateway.invalid.imei Raised when gateway IMEI is invalid.
    gateway.invalid.esn Raised when gateway ESN is invalid.
    gateway.invalid.meid Raised when gateway MEID is invalid.
    gateway.invalid.mac.address Raised when gateway MAC address is invalid.
    gateway.unknown Raised when gateway is unknown.
    application.not.unique Raised when the application already exists.
    applications.protocol.conflicts Raised when more than one application on the system use the same protocol
    system.applications.type.not.unique Raised when application type is not unique
    system.communication.identifier.already.used Raised when communication identifier is aldready used
    subscription.assigned Raised when a subscription is already assigned to another system
    gateway.assigned Raised when a gateway is already assigned to another system
    system.invalid.m3da.registration.password Raised when the format of M3DA registration password is invalid
    system.invalid.m3da.password Raised when the format of M3DA password is invalid
    system.invalid.assignment Either the gateway or the subscription are already assigned to other systems.
    system.invalid.compatibility System components, gateway and/or subscriptions, cannot be assambled together.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: multipart/form-data


    Edits a list of systems from a CSV file.
    Default type and default applications can be specified by attaching a JSON entity part to the request.
    While the name of the CSV part is free, the JSON part of the request must be named 'defaultValues'


    Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="BoundaryUgix6QHMxLwJ4siU"
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="file.csv"
    Content-Type: text/csv
    // CSV attached
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="parameters"; filename="parameters.json"
    Content-Type: application/json
    // JSON attached
    "defaultApplications" : ["45aa62ac003841fb8fb5b3b21cdf7f86","45aa62ac003841fb8fb5b3b21cdf7f87"],
    "defaultType" : "myType"

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the systems will be updated. optional caller's company uid
    Header Description Use
    UID The uid of the system to update required
    NAME The name of the system optional
    TYPE The value of the type attribute of the new system. optional
    LABELS The labels of the system, separated by a '|' character. optional
    GATEWAY[gatewayHeader] The values of these columns will either create a new gateway and assign it to the system or update values if the gateway is already assigned to the system.
    The gatewayHeader must be one of the headers available for gateways import (See Import of gateways.).
    Gateway columns with empty values are not ignored. They will try to set the null value into the new gateway. When a gateway is to be created, at least one of the gateway identifiers (Imei, Mac Address, Serial number) is expected.
    GATEWAY_REF[gatewayId] The UID of an existing gateway that will be linked to the system. optional
    SUBSCRIPTION[subscriptionHeader] The values of these columns will either create a new subscription and assign it to the system or update values if the subscription is already assigned to the system.
    The subscriptionHeader must be one of the headers available for subscriptions import (See Import of subscriptions.).
    Subscription columns with empty values are not ignored. They will try to set the null value into the new subscription. When a susbcription is to be created, at least one of the subscription identifiers (Identifier, Mobile Number, Network Identifier) is expected.
    SUBSCRIPTION_REF[subscriptionId] The UID of an existing subscription that will be linked to the system. optional
    METADATA[metadataName] A metadata for the system.
    metadataName is used as name of the metadata.
    MSCI[parameter] Necessary parameters to establish a server initiated connection. Paramaters are : host, user, password. optional
    M3DA[parameter] Security parameters to establish successful communications with the device. Parameters are : registrationPassword, password optional
    REST[password] Security parameter to establish successful communications with the device. optional
    MQTT[password] Security parameter to establish successful communications with the device. optional
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "defaultApplications" : ["app_uid1", ...],
        "defaultType" : "myType"
    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    defaultApplications The list of public or company owned applications. optional uid
    defaultType Set the default type to use for all systems of the CSV file.
    This parameter is ignored if you specify the 'TYPE' column in the CSV file.
    optional string
    Name Description
    file.unreadable File is unreadable
    file.header.missing CSV header is missing
    csv.header.unknown.column CSV header column is unknown File contains no data
    file.too.large Files cannot be more than 10MB
    system.unknown Raised when no system matches the 'uid'.
    gateway.missing.identifiers Raised when missing gateway identifiers (IMEI or SERIAL or MAC).
    gateway.not.unique.identifiers Raised when one of the gateway identifiers already exists (IMEI or SERIAL or MAC).
    gateway.invalid.imei Raised when gateway IMEI is invalid.
    gateway.invalid.esn Raised when gateway ESN is invalid.
    gateway.invalid.meid Raised when gateway MEID is invalid.
    gateway.invalid.mac.address Raised when gateway MAC address is invalid.
    gateway.unknown Raised when gateway is unknown.
    application.not.unique Raised when the application already exists.
    applications.protocol.conflicts Raised when more than one application on the system use the same protocol
    system.applications.type.not.unique Raised when application type is not unique
    system.communication.identifier.already.used Raised when communication identifier is aldready used
    subscription.assigned Raised when a subscription is already assigned to another system
    gateway.assigned Raised when a gateway is already assigned to another system
    system.invalid.m3da.registration.password Raised when the format of M3DA registration password is invalid
    system.invalid.m3da.password Raised when the format of M3DA password is invalid
    system.invalid.assignment Either the gateway or the subscription are already assigned to other systems.
    system.invalid.compatibility System components, gateway and/or subscriptions, cannot be assambled together.
    subscription.cannot.update.activation.imei.lock.exists Activtion IMEI can not be updated while IMEI lock exists on subscription.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/octet-stream


    Deletes several systems. As this operation may be long, depending on the number of systems to delete, it is done asynchronously. Gateway and subscription linked to a system could be deleted at the same time.


    Content-Type: application/json
       "systems" : {
          "uids" : ["16199496f6d24f0691fa006ef53e5592"]
       "deleteGateways" : "true",
       "deleteSubscriptions" : "false"

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where systems will be deleted. optional caller's company uid
       "notify" : "true|false"
       "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "deleteGateways" : "true|false",
        "deleteSubscriptions" : "true|false"

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional false boolean
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    deleteGateways True indicates that the gateway linked to the systems will be deleted. optional false boolean
    deleteSubscriptions True indicates that the subscription linked to the system will be deleted. optional false boolean
    Name Description
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Retrieves data from a set of systems defined by a label, a list of uids, or criteria.


    Content-Type: application/json
        "systems" : {
           "uids" : ["0fda23be05fc4edaa8d92c4091dd7f93"]
        "data" : [

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "requestConnection" : "request_connection",
        "protocol" : "protocol_name",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "data" : ["data1", ...]

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    requestConnection True if you want AirVantage to notify the system (if possible). optional false boolean
    protocol When this attribute is set, the settings message will be send thought this protocol. Otherwise, definitions will be collected from applications declared on systems. optional string
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    data The list of data to retrieve identified by their id. required string
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the retrieve operation is performed. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown The list of data to retrieve is empty The data is not defined for a system. All specified data are not defined for a system.
    operation.on.system.missing.comm.identifiers The system do not have any communication identifiers declared.
    operation.protocol.not.found.on.system.for.encoding The protocol is not supported by the system.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Applies a list of settings on a set of systems defined by a label, a list of uid, or criteria.


    Content-Type: application/json
        "protocol" : "m3da",
        "systems" : {
           "label" : "labege"
        "settings" : [
              "key" : "car.engine.speed",
              "value" : 120
              "key" : "car.engine.boost",
              "value" : true
              "key" : "car.engine.fuel",
              "value" : "diesel"

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "requestConnection" : true|false,
        "reboot" : true|false,
        "protocol" : "protocol name",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "settings" : [
                "key" : "key",
                "value" : "value"
        "templateId" : "uid"
        "templateName" : "template_name"

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    requestConnection True if you want AirVantage to notify the system (if possible). optional false boolean
    reboot True if you want AirVantage to reboot the system after a successful apply settings operation. optional true boolean
    protocol When this attribute is set, the settings message will be send thought this protocol. Otherwise, definitions will be collected from applications declared on systems. optional string
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    settings.key The key is the path/ID of the variable to be configured through this operation. required uid
    settings.value The value to be set in the variable. IMPORTANT. Typing will be taken from the JSON type.
    For example, the following JSON fragments
    "value" : true will be a BOOLEAN
    "value" : 1.0 will be a DOUBLE
    "value" : 1 will be an INTEGER
    "value" : "string" will be a STRING
    required uid
    templateId The identifier of the template where settings are defined. When this value is specified, settings defined in the `settings` field will be overwritten with the values defined in this template. A template can be created using Settings API. optional uid
    templateName The name of the template where settings are defined. This field is purely informative and will not try to load any settings from a template with this name. It may be overwritten when `templateId` is specified. optional Custom string
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the apply setting operation is performed. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown.
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown.
    operation.missing.settings The list of settings to apply is empty.
    operation.all.settings.undefined All specified settings are unknown.
    settings.unknown The specified template name does not exist.
    operation.on.system.missing.comm.identifiers The system do not have any communication identifiers declared.
    operation.protocol.not.found.on.system.for.encoding The protocol is not supported by the system.
    operation.invalid.multiple.entries.for.same.key The same setting key can't be used more than 1 time.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Reboots a selection of systems.


    Content-Type: application/json
       "action"   : "ALEOS_REBOOT",
       "systems"  : {
           "uids" : ["0fda23be05fc4edaa8d92c4091dd7f93"]

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "requestConnection" : "request_connection",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming_status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "action" : "action"

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    requestConnection True if you want AirVantage to notify the system (if possible). optional false boolean
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    action Implemented action of type REBOOT. Example: ALEOS_REBOOT. When this action is missing, AirVantage will try to reboot using the first firmware answering. optional string
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the reboot operation is performed. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown
    reboot.invalid.action The specified action is not a REBOOT action The specified action is not defined by any installed application or there is no REBOOT action defined by any installed application. The system do not communicate through this protocol.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Resets a selection of systems to factory defaults


    Content-Type: application/json
       "action"   : "MIHINI_DM_RESET",
       "systems"  : {
           "uids" : ["0fda23be05fc4edaa8d92c4091dd7f93"]

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "requestConnection" : "request_connection",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
         "action" : "action"

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    requestConnection True if you want AirVantage to notify the system (if possible). optional false boolean
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    action Implemented action of type RESET. Example: MIHINI_DM_RESET. When this action is missing, the platform will try to reset using all the RESET actions found on the system. optional string
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the reset operation is performed. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown
    reset.invalid.action The specified action is not a RESET action The specified action is not defined by any installed application or there is no RESET action defined by any installed application. The system do not communicate through this protocol.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Wakes up a communication application deployed on a selection of systems in order to force this application to communicate with the Operating Portal


    Content-Type: application/json
        "action"  : 'READYAGENT_DM_CONNECT',
        "systems" : {
           "uids" : ["0fda23be05fc4edaa8d92c4091dd7f93"]

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
         "action" : "action"

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    action Implemented action of type CONNECT. Example READYAGENT_DM_CONNECT. When no action is specified, the AirVantage will try to connect with all communicating applications in the system. optional string
    Name Description Use Default Type Operand
    company Set the context where the wakeup operation is performed. optional caller's company uid =
    Name Description The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown
    wakeup.invalid.action The specified action is not a CONNECT action The specified action is not defined by any installed application or there is no CONNECT action defined by any installed application. The system do not communicate through this protocol. The specified schedule date parameter is unexpected.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Synchronizes systems with fresh information sent by remote devices. Actions can be set to synchronize information for specific applications.


    Content-Type: application/json
        "action"  : "READYAGENT_DM_SYNCHRONIZE",
        "systems" : {
           "uids" : ["0fda23be05fc4edaa8d92c4091dd7f93"]

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "requestConnection" : "request_connection",
        "action" : "action"
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    requestConnection True if you want AirVantage to notify the system (if possible). optional false boolean
    action Implemented action of type SYNCHRONIZE. Example: ALEOS_SYNCHRONIZE. When this action is missing, the AirVantage will try to synchronize all firmware answering. optional string
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the operation is performed. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown
    synchronize.invalid.action The specified action is not a SYNCHRONIZE action. The specified action is not defined by any installed application or there is no SYNCHRONIZE action defined by any installed application. The system do not communicate through this protocol.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Sends a text SMS to a selection of systems.


    Content-Type: application/json
        "systems" : {
           "label" : "labege"
        "content" : "this is an sms"

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "content" : "content"

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    content The sms text content. optional string
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the operation is performed. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Handles inbound Offnet MTs via HTTP.


    Content-Type: application/json
        "msisdn": "14048800630",
        "message": "Test Message!",
        "sourceTransactionId": "1000007"

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "msisdn": "14048830631",
      "unique_id": "7cm02ROE?8JfznPF",
      "result_message": "Message to mobile AVSMSDB.Models.AVXNetMobileID: 1, MSISDN: 14048830631, companyId: 1, mobile_status_id: 3, last_successful_msg_id : 32 - validations passed"  
        "msisdn": "msisdn",
        "message": "message",
        "sourceTransactionId": "trans Id"

    Field Description Use Type
    msisdn The destination address. required string
    message The SMS message. required string
    sourceTransactionId The source transactional Id. optional string
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Sends a command to a set of systems defined by a label, a list of uid, or criteria.


    Content-Type: application/json
        "systems" : {
           "label" : "labege"
        "commandId" : "myAsset.engine.start",
        "parameters" :
              "speed" : "105",
              "oil" : "full"

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "requestConnection" : "request_connection",
        "protocol" : "protocol_name",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "commandId" : "command_id",
        "parameters" : {
            "param1" : value1,
            "param2" : value2,

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Command Id is available in the application model of selected application.
    The list of command parameters can be empty, undefined parameters are ignored.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    requestConnection True if you want AirVantage to notify the system (if possible). optional false boolean
    protocol When this attribute is set, the settings message will be send thought this protocol. Otherwise, definitions will be collected from applications declared on systems. Required if the server cannot infer the protocol to use (e.g. command not defined in the applications linked to the system). optional MSCI, AWTDA2, M3DA, OMADM, REST, MQTT, LWM2M
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    applicationUid The id of the application which describes the command. This parameter is necessary for the command name to be displayed in the Operation, inside the web UI optional string
    commandId The id of the command to send. The command id must be the full path of the command on the following format: `.*.` required string
    parameters A key/value map of parameters. required string
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the send command operation is performed. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown Command is not defined in the given application.
    operation.command.missing.parameter Missing command parameters.
    operation.command.bad.parameter.value Value is not included in the specified range of values for the given parameter.
    operation.command.bad.parameter.type Value data type does not match with the expected type.
    operation.on.system.missing.comm.identifiers The system do not have any communication identifiers declared.
    operation.protocol.not.found.on.system.for.encoding The protocol is not supported by the system.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Activates a selection of systems.
    If possible, the susbcription linked to the system will be activated.
    Upon activation success, the lifecycle state of the system will be ACTIVE or TEST_READY.


    Content-Type: application/json
        "systems" : {
            "uids" : [
        "operatorParameters" : [
                "account" : "5c3a642f60514e01a9a4b4734ff60dde",
                "parameters" : {
                    "PricePlan" : ["Primary"]

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
       "operation" : "1cb5e5fc9bc14fa584bfe417a91e7881"
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "operatorParameters" : [
                "account" : "operator_account_uid",
                "parameters" : {
                    "key1" : ["value1"],
                    "key2" : ["value2", "value3"]
        "offerId" : "offer_uid"

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    operatorParameters.account Uid of the Operator account for which some parameters need to be set in order to activate the subscription linked to the system. optional uid
    operatorParameters.parameters List of key/value parameters needed by the operator account to activate the subscriptions.
    These parameters are described by the Operator connection related to this account.
    optional string
    offerId The unique identifier of the Offer to be used to activate the systems.
    This parameter is required if several offers are defined in the company.
    optional uid
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the systems will be activated. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown
    operation.subscription.prov.operator.account.unknown.connection The operator associated to the operator account is unknown.
    operation.subscription.prov.operator.account.unsupported.operation The operation is not supported by the operator associated to the operator account.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.invalid.type The type of the parameter value is invalid. See the description of the operator connection.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.invalid.constraint The constaints of the parameter value are invalid. See the description of the operator connection.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.invalid.cardinality The cardinality of the parameter value is invalid. See the description of the operator connection.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.missing A required provisioning parameter is missing. See the description of the operator connection.
    operation.subscription.prov.missing.operator.account No operator account is defined for the subscription.
    operation.subscription.prov.unknown.operator.connection The operator linked to the subscription is unknown.
    operation.subscription.prov.unsupported.operation The operation is not supported by the operator of the subscription.
    operation.subscription.prov.invalid.subscription.state The state of the subscription does not allow to launch the provisioning action. The communication identifier (Identifier, MobileNumber or NetworkIdentifier) is not set on the subscription. The current lifecycle state does not allow the activation of the system.
    operation.changestate.system.activate.failed The system cannot be activated.
    operation.changestate.unknown.offer The specified offer does not exist.
    operation.changestate.missing.offer An offer is required to activate the systems.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Suspends a selection of systems.
    If possible, the susbcription linked to the system will be suspended.
    Upon suspension success, the lifecycle state of the system will be SUSPENDED.


    Content-Type: application/json
        "systems" : {
            "uids" : [
        "operatorParameters" : [
                "account" : "5c3a642f60514e01a9a4b4734ff60dde",
                "parameters" : {
                    "PricePlan" : ["Primary"]

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
       "operation" : "1cb5e5fc9bc14fa584bfe417a91e7881"
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "operatorParameters" : [
                "account" : "operator_account_uid",
                "parameters" : {
                    "key1" : ["value1"],
                    "key2" : ["value2", "value3"]

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The endpoint URL to call when the operation state changes. The callback is done using HTTP 'POST' method. optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    operatorParameters.account Uid of the Operator account for which some parameters need to be set in order to suspend the subscription linked to the system. optional uid
    operatorParameters.parameters List of key/value parameters needed by the operator account to suspend the subscriptions.
    These parameters are described by the Operator connection related to this account.
    optional string
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the systems will be suspended. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown
    operation.subscription.prov.operator.account.unknown.connection The operator associated to the operator account is unknown.
    operation.subscription.prov.operator.account.unsupported.operation The operation is not supported by the operator associated to the operator account.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.invalid.type The type of the parameter value is invalid. See the description of the operator connection.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.invalid.constraint The constaints of the parameter value are invalid. See the description of the operator connection.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.invalid.cardinality The cardinality of the parameter value is invalid. See the description of the operator connection.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.missing A required provisioning parameter is missing. See the description of the operator connection.
    operation.subscription.prov.missing.operator.account No operator account is defined for the subscription.
    operation.subscription.prov.unknown.operator.connection The operator linked to the subscription is unknown.
    operation.subscription.prov.unsupported.operation The operation is not supported by the operator of the subscription.
    operation.subscription.prov.invalid.subscription.state The state of the subscription does not allow to launch the provisioning action. The communication identifier (Identifier, MobileNumber or NetworkIdentifier) is not set on the subscription. The current lifecycle state does not allow the suspension of the system.
    operation.changestate.system.suspend.failed The system cannot be suspended.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Resumes a selection of systems.
    If possible, the susbcription linked to the system will be resumed.
    Upon resume success, the lifecycle state of the system will be ACTIVE or TEST_READY.


    Content-Type: application/json
        "systems" : {
            "uids" : [
        "operatorParameters" : [
                "account" : "5c3a642f60514e01a9a4b4734ff60dde",
                "parameters" : {
                    "PricePlan" : ["Primary"]

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
       "operation" : "1cb5e5fc9bc14fa584bfe417a91e7881"
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "operatorParameters" : [
                "account" : "operator_account_uid",
                "parameters" : {
                    "key1" : ["value1"],
                    "key2" : ["value2", "value3"]

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The url that will be called when the operation state changes. The url has the following pattern : http(s)://(user:password@) optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    operatorParameters.account Uid of the Operator account for which some parameters need to be set in order to reactivate the subscription linked to the system. optional uid
    operatorParameters.parameters List of key/value parameters needed by the operator account to reactivate the subscriptions.
    These parameters are described by the Operator connection related to this account.
    optional string
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the systems will be resumed. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown
    operation.subscription.prov.operator.account.unknown.connection The operator associated to the operator account is unknown.
    operation.subscription.prov.operator.account.unsupported.operation The operation is not supported by the operator associated to the operator account.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.invalid.type The type of the parameter value is invalid. See the description of the operator connection.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.invalid.constraint The constaints of the parameter value are invalid. See the description of the operator connection.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.invalid.cardinality The cardinality of the parameter value is invalid. See the description of the operator connection.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.missing A required provisioning parameter is missing. See the description of the operator connection.
    operation.subscription.prov.missing.operator.account No operator account is defined for the subscription.
    operation.subscription.prov.unknown.operator.connection The operator linked to the subscription is unknown.
    operation.subscription.prov.unsupported.operation The operation is not supported by the operator of the subscription.
    operation.subscription.prov.invalid.subscription.state The state of the subscription does not allow to launch the provisioning action. The communication identifier (Identifier, MobileNumber or NetworkIdentifier) is not set on the subscription. The current lifecycle state does not allow the reactivation of the system.
    operation.changestate.system.resume.failed The system cannot be resumed.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Terminates a selection of systems.
    If possible, the susbcription linked to the system will be terminated.
    Upon terminate success, the lifecycle state of the system will be RETIRED.


    Content-Type: application/json
        "systems" : {
            "uids" : [
        "operatorParameters" : [
                "account" : "5c3a642f60514e01a9a4b4734ff60dde",
                "parameters" : {
                    "PricePlan" : ["Primary"]

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
       "operation" : "1cb5e5fc9bc14fa584bfe417a91e7881"
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "operatorParameters" : [
                "account" : "operator_account_uid",
                "parameters" : {
                    "key1" : ["value1"],
                    "key2" : ["value2", "value3"]

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The url that will be called when the operation state changes. The url has the following pattern : http(s)://(user:password@) optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    operatorParameters.account Uid of the Operator account for which some parameters need to be set in order to terminate the subscription linked to the system. optional uid
    operatorParameters.parameters List of key/value parameters needed by the operator account to terminate the subscriptions.
    These parameters are described by the Operator connection related to this account.
    optional string
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the systems will be terminated. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown
    operation.subscription.prov.operator.account.unknown.connection The operator associated to the operator account is unknown.
    operation.subscription.prov.operator.account.unsupported.operation The operation is not supported by the operator associated to the operator account.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.invalid.type The type of the parameter value is invalid. See the description of the operator connection.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.invalid.constraint The constaints of the parameter value are invalid. See the description of the operator connection.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.invalid.cardinality The cardinality of the parameter value is invalid. See the description of the operator connection.
    operator.connection.account.parameters.missing A required provisioning parameter is missing. See the description of the operator connection.
    operation.subscription.prov.missing.operator.account No operator account is defined for the subscription.
    operation.subscription.prov.unknown.operator.connection The operator linked to the subscription is unknown.
    operation.subscription.prov.unsupported.operation The operation is not supported by the operator of the subscription.
    operation.subscription.prov.invalid.subscription.state The state of the subscription does not allow to launch the provisioning action. The communication identifier (Identifier, MobileNumber or NetworkIdentifier) is not set on the subscription. The current lifecycle state does not allow the termination of the system.
    operation.changestate.system.terminate.failed The system cannot be terminated.
    operation.changestate.system.under.contract.on.terminate Termination is not allowed until contract period is over.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Changes the offer on a selection of systems.


    Content-Type: application/json
        "systems" : {
            "uids" : [
        "offerId" : "1eb5e5fc9bf14fa584bfe417a91e7951"

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
       "operation" : "1cb5e5fc9bc14fa584bfe417a91e7881"
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "offerId" : "offer_uid"

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The url that will be called when the operation state changes. The url has the following pattern : http(s)://(user:password@) optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    offerId The unique identifier of the Offer to set on the systems.
    required uid
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the company where the operation will be launched. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown
    operation.system.changeoffer.invalid.system.state This operation cannot be performed on an INVENTORY system.
    operation.system.changeoffer.unknown.offer The specified offer does not exist.
    operation.system.changeoffer.missing.offer An offer is required to launch this operation. The selected offer cannot be used to change the offer of the systems The offer on the system cannot be changed
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Changes the options on a selection of systems.


    Content-Type: application/json
        "systems" : {
            "uids" : [
        "add" : ["a36db6247e3e4ca696e6af7afad3f74b"],
        "remove" : ["7b6425d4f0914f7e93f21e7ac9582c27"]

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
       "operation" : "1cb5e5fc9bc14fa584bfe417a91e7881"
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "add" : ["option_uid", ...],
        "remove" : ["option_uid", ...]

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The url that will be called when the operation state changes. The url has the following pattern : http(s)://(user:password@) optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    add The list of option uids to add
    required uid array
    remove The list of option uids to remove
    required uid array
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the company where the operation will be launched. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown
    operation.system.changeoptions.missing.options At least one option must be specified as input of this operation.
    operation.system.changeoptions.unknown.options At least one of the specified options is unknown.
    operation.system.changeoptions.invalid.system.state This operation is only available on ACTIVE ou TEST_READY system.
    operation.system.changeoptions.unsupported.operation The associated subscription does not allow a change of the options.
    operation.system.changeoptions.incompatible.options.for.offer At least one of the options to be added is not compatible with the offer of the system.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Sends an AT command to a set of systems defined by a label, a list of uid, or criteria.
    The result of the AT command sent for a system is returned in the messages of the task associated to this system with the following format : "result [result_AT_command]". (See Get tasks API)


    Content-Type: application/json
        "systems" : {
           "label" : "labege"
        "atcommand" : "AT+CGMR",
        "action" : "OPENAT_AT_COMMAND"

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "requestConnection" : "request_connection",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "atcommand" : "at_command",
        "action" : "action"

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The url that will be called when the operation state changes. The url has the following pattern : http(s)://(user:password@) optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    requestConnection True if you want AirVantage to notify the system (if possible). optional false boolean
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    atcommand The AT command to send. required string
    action Implemented action of type AT_COMMAND. For instance OPENAT_AT_COMMAND. When no action is specified, the AirVantage will use the first AT_COMMAND action found on the system. optional string
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company Set the context where the send AT command operation is performed. optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown AT command is not specified. The specified action is not an AT COMMAND action The specified action is not defined by any installed application or there is no AT COMMAND action defined by any installed application. The system do not communicate through this protocol.
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Installs or upgrades an application on a set of systems defined by a label, a list of uids, or criteria.


    Content-Type: application/json
      "application" : "1cb5e5fc3562a09584bfe417a91e7881",
      "systems": { "label":"france" }

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "requestConnection" : "request_connection",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "application" : "uid"

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The url that will be called when the operation state changes. The url has the following pattern : http(s)://(user:password@) optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    requestConnection True if you want AirVantage to notify the system (if possible). optional false boolean
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    application The unique identifier of the application to install required uid
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company The company in which the application has to be installed optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.
    selection.max.uid.reached The list of system uids contains more than 100 uids.
    label.unknown The specified label is unknown
    operation.unknown The specified 'dependsOn' operation is unknown
    application.unknown The specified application is unknown.
    application.invalid.state Application state is invalid. Only PUBLISHED application can be installed. Application manager defined by the aplication does not support INSTALL action There is no INSTALL action defined by any installed application. The system do not communicate through this protocol.
    applications.protocol.conflicts The protocol used by the application to install is used by an application already installed on the system
    HTTP Method POST
    Requires Authentication Yes
    Rate Limited Yes
    Headers Content-type: application/json


    Uninstalls an application on a set of systems defined by a label, a list of uids, or criteria.


    Content-Type: application/json
      "application" : "1cb5e5fc3562a09584bfe417a91e7881",
      "systems": { "label":"france" }

    200 OK

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "notify" : true|false,
        "callback" : "callback_url",
        "scheduledTime": "scheduled_time",
        "timeout" : "timeout",
        "requestConnection" : "request_connection",
        "systems" : {
            "label" : "label",
            "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
            "dependsOn" : {
                "operation" : "uid",
                "states" : ["FAILURE"]
            "criteria" : {
                "uids" : ["uid1", ...],
                "labels" : ["label1", ...],
                "name" : "name",
                "states" : ["state1", ...],
                "lifeCycleStates" : ["state1", ...],
                "activityStates" : ["activity1", ...],
                "type" : "type",
                "lastAppliedTemplate" : "template",
                "lastConfigName" : "config",
                "commStatus" : "comm_status",
                "syncStatus" : "sync_status",
                "lastCommAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastCommBefore" : timestamp,
                "creationAfter" : timestamp,
                "creationBefore" : timestamp,
                "activationAfter" : timestamp,
                "activationBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastStateChangeBefore" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncAfter" : timestamp,
                "lastSyncBefore" : timestamp,
                "application" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "name" : "name",
                    "revision" : "revision",
                    "type" : "type",
                "gateway" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "type" : "type",
                    "imei" : "imei",
                    "macAddress" : "mac_address",
                    "serialNumber" : "serial_number"
                "subscription" : {
                    "uid" : "uid",
                    "operator" : "operator",
                    "identifier" : "identifier",
                    "mobileNumber" : "mobile_number",
                    "networkIdentifier" : "network_identifier",
                    "eid" : "eid",
                    "ipAddress" : "ip_address",
                    "requestedIp" : "requested_ip_address",
                    "appletGeneration" : "V1|V2|V3|V4",
                    "formFactor" : "2FF|3FF|4FF|MFF|COMBO|WLCSP|DFN6",
                    "technology" : "2G/3G|4G",
                    "productRefName" : "product_ref"
                "data" : {
                    "rssiLevel" : "rssi_level",
                    "ecioLevel" : "ecio_level",
                    "networkServiceType" : "network_service_type",
                    "roamingStatus" : "roaming status",
                    "signalStrength" : "signal_strength",
                    "rsrpLevel" : "rsrp_level",
                    "rsrqLevel" : "rsrq_level"
        "application" : "uid"

    Either 'label' or 'uids' or 'dependsOn' or 'criteria' should be set.

    Field Description Use Default Type
    notify Send an email notification to the user calling this method when the operation finishes. optional caller's company boolean
    callback The url that will be called when the operation state changes. The url has the following pattern : http(s)://(user:password@) optional string
    scheduledTime Date time when the operation will be launched.
    If null, the operation starts immediately.
    The date must be lower than 90 days.
    optional null timestamp
    timeout The date for which the operation is considered as expired.
    If null, the operation will expire in 7 days.
    optional null timestamp
    requestConnection True if you want AirVantage to notify the system (if possible). optional false boolean
    systems.label Label name. All systems linked to the label will be incorporated to the operation required string
    systems.uids List of system uids to be used to launch the operation required uid array
    systems.dependsOn.operation Identifier of the operation to be used to launch this operation
    In other words, the tasks of the new operation will start only when the tasks of specified operation will be finished.
    required if 'dependsOn' set uid
    systems.dependsOn.states States of the tasks which will be used as input of this operation.
    Possible values are : SUCCESS, FAILURE and CANCELLED.
    If null or empty, all tasks from the parent operation will be used as input of this operation.
    optional SUCCESS,FAILURE,CANCELLED string array
    systems.criteria.uids Selects all systems matching the specified identifiers. optional uid
    systems.criteria.labels Selects all systems which have one of the specified label. optional string Selects all systems whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.states Selects all systems matching the specified states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.lifeCycleStates Selects all systems matching the specified lifecycle states.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.type Selects all systems whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastAppliedTemplate Selects all systems with last applied template name matching the specified template value. optional string
    systems.criteria.lastConfigName Selects all systems with last configuration name matching the specified configuration value. optional string
    systems.criteria.activityStates Selects all systems matching the given activity state.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.metadata Selects all systems matching the specified metadata optional string
    systems.criteria.lastCommAfter Selects all systems with a last communication date after the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastCommBefore Selects all systems with a last communication date before the given date.
    The specified date is included.
    optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationAfter Selects all systems created after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.creationBefore Selects all systems created before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationAfter Selects all systems activated after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.activationBefore Selects all systems activated before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeAfter Selects all systems whose state changed after the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastStateChangeBefore Selects all systems whose state changed before the given date. The specified date is included. optional timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncAfter Label all systems with a last synchronization date after the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.lastSyncBefore Label all systems with a last synchronization date before the given date. The specified date is included. optional null timestamp
    systems.criteria.commStatus Selects all systems with the given communication status.
    optional string
    systems.criteria.syncStatus Label all systems with the given synchronization status. Status are OK, ERROR, WARNING, NOT_SYNC. optional null string
    systems.criteria.application.uid Selects all systems which contain the application having the specified uid. optional string Selects all systems which contain an application whose name contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.revision Selects all systems which contain an application whose revision contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.application.type Selects all systems which contain an application whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.uid Selects all systems linked to the gateway having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.gateway.type Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose type contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.imei Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose imei contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.macAddress Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose MAC address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.gateway.serialNumber Selects all systems linked to a gateway whose serial number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.uid Selects all systems linked to the subscription having the specified uid. optional uid
    systems.criteria.subscription.operator Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified operator. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.identifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.mobileNumber Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose mobile number contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.networkIdentifier Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose network identifier contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.ipAddress Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.requestedIp Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose requested IP address contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.eid Selects all systems linked to a subscription whose eUICC-ID contains the given string. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.appletGeneration Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM applet generation. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.formFactor Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM form factor. optional string
    systems.criteria.subscription.confType Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM configuration type. optional string Selects all systems linked to a subscription matching the specified SIM technology. optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rssi level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified ecio level optional string Selects all systems matching the specified network service type optional string Selects all systems matching the specified roaming status optional string Selects all systems matching the specified signal strength value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrp level value optional string Selects all systems matching the specified rsrq level value optional string
    application The unique identifier of the application to uninstall required uid
    Name Description Use Default Type
    company The company in which the application has to be uninstalled optional caller's company uid
    Name Description The specified schedule date is invalid (greater than 90 days). The specified timeout is less than schedule date.
    selection.empty The list of system uids is empty or no system found for the specified label or criteria.
    selection.invalid The selection is invalid. Only one of the following attributes has to be set : label, uids, dependsOn, or criteria.