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    How to install Open AT Developer Studio?


    This standalone tutorial explains how to install the OpenAT Developer Studio with the AirVantage MQTT Connector plugin to develop an embedded application in C for your communication device.

    Check minimum PC Requirements

    As minimum PC requirements, your computer must run a Windows or Linux environment and have Java and a compatible browser installed to be able to run the Open AT Developer Studio used in the context of this development case. Make sure that your PC meets the minimum following configuration:

    Minimum PC requirement Version
    Operating System Windows 7, XP (32-bit and 64-bit)
    Web Browser



    Internet Explorer 8,9, Firefox 3.6, 4.0.

    Firefox 3.6, 4.0



    1 Gb


    Download and install one of the Open AT Application Framework Software Suite Installer (light or full) from the from the developer zone. The following procedure shows you how to do so.

    Install the Open AT Application Framework

    To develop an Open AT application, we recommend you to use the Open AT Application Framework:

    Download the Open AT Developer Studio

    • Run the installer to install the Developer Studio. The installation wizard’s introduction step opens.

    Software Selection

    • Click on Next. The Software Selection step appears.
    • Check the This package checkbox and select the following seven elements:

      • Developer Studio / Target Management
      • Developer Studio / Open AT projects management
      • Developer Studio / ARM EABI GCC Toolchain
      • Open AT Embedded Software Suite package / Firmware package
      • Open AT Embedded Software Suite package / Open AT OS Package
      • Open AT Embedded Software Suite package / Internet Library Package
      • Windows PC Drivers / USB driver for Windows XP/Vista/Seven Make sure all other checkboxes are unchecked.
    • Click on Next. The Destination Path step appears.

    Destination Path

    • Enter a path in the Developer Studio installation path field: for example, C:\AirVantage\DevStudio
    • Enter a path in the Open AT Embedded Software Suite installation path field: for example, C:\AirVantage\EmbeddedSoftware

    Paths must not contain any blank space, dash or underscore, as in proposed examples.

    • Click on Next. The Identification step appears.

    License Acceptance

    • Enter your personal information
    • Click on Next. The License Acceptance step appears
    • Select one item
    • Read and accept the terms and conditions of the license by checking the corresponding checkbox
    • Click on Install

    Installation in progress

    • When the installation begins, a tooltip appears
    • After a few minutes, the installation may need a confirmation to install a software (Network card). Click on Yes.

    • After a few minutes, the installation asks you to create a restore point
    • Click on No
    • If you have never installed the Studio before, it will be asked a confirmation to install the Sierra Wireless modems. Click on Yes.

    • After a few minutes, the Installation Completed step appears
    • Check boxes as needed
    • Click on Finish

    The Open AT Developer Studio is now installed. You can start developing your C embedded application in the Open AT Developer Studio…

    Install software & firmware plugins

    • At the final step of the studio installation, if the Launch Developer Studio checkbox is checked, the studio is automatically launched. Otherwise, launch the studio manually.
    • Confirm the launching if necessary:

    A Workspace Launcher window opens:

    • Select a workspace with no blank space, no dash and no underscore: for example: C:\workspace.
    • Check the Use this as the default and do not ask again checkbox.
    • Click on OK. The Open AT Developer Studio opens on a welcome page.

    • Close the welcome page

    • Click on the Open perspective button:

    • Select the Package Manager perspective

    The Open AT Developer Studio switches to the Packages Manager perspective and a quick access is added in the right upper corner:

    For OASIS packages lesser than 2.52, it is required to install a new repository for the AirVantage MQTT Connector plugin. Otherwise, go on the next item Install the plugin.

    Add a new repository

    For OASIS packages lesser than 2.52, add a new package repository including AirVantage MQTT Connector package:

    Install the plugin

    • Expand the new repository
    • Right-click on the package and select Install selected packages. An Install Packages window opens.
    • Select the package.
    • Check the agreement checkbox if applicable.
    • Click on Install.

    Add a new firmware

    • Expand the Default Sierra Wireless Repository.
    • Select the Open AT Framework package (for example Select the correct Open AT Framework package according to your device.
    • Right-click on the package and select Install selected packages. An Install Packages window opens.
    • Select the package.
    • Check the agreement checkbox if applicable.
    • Click on Install.

    Now the Open AT Developer Studio is installed with the AirVantage MQTT Connector plugin, you can create an AirVantage application to make your Open AT device communicate with the AirVantage M2M cloud.
