With AirVantage Alert features, you can monitor all your systems by defining rules.
These rules are made up of conditions which check attributes of your systems.
A condition is built with an operator and a list of operands. Details can be found here.
Attributes are information related to your systems:
- system attributes like the name, the communication status, the gateway serial number, etc.
- system data coming from the device communications,
- and usage data coming from the operator.
When all the conditions of a rule are met for a specific system:
- If the rule is stateless, an alert is generated. It is accessible from the Find history API.
- If the rule is stateful and the state changed, an alert state is created/updated. It gives you the current state (true or false) of a system against a rule. It is accessible from Find current API. You can also access the state history with Find history API.
A rule defines the conditions under which a target becomes in alert or not.
This is a complete representation of an AlertRule.
{ "targetType": "", "name": "", "message": "", "stateful": true|false, "active": true|false, "emails": [""], "notifMode": "", "conditions": [{ "operator": "", "operands": [{ "attributeId": { "targetId": "", "name": "", "filter": { "": } }, "function": "", "functionParam": "", "valueStr": "", "valueNum": , "valuesStr": [""] }] }], "readOnly": true|false }
Field | Description | Type |
targetType | The type of target for which the rule applies: SYSTEM | OFFER | string |
name | The name of the rule | string |
message | The message used in the Alert event in case of alert. | string |
stateful | Indicates if the rule is stateful (ie. generates and maintains states) or not (ie. only generates events): true | false. Default value to true. | boolean |
active | Indicates if the rule is enabled or not: true | false | boolean |
emails | The list of emails to send notifications to. | string array |
notifMode |
string |
conditions | The list of conditions to be checked. | array of conditions |
conditions.operator | The operator. | string |
conditions.operands | Functions of the chosen operator, you have to define one or more operands. | array of operands |
conditions.operands.attributeId | An attributeId is composed of a targetId and an attribute name. | attributeId |
conditions.operands.attributeId.targetId | The id of the target: systemId, companyId or null to consider the current target (the one responsible for the rule evaluation) | string | | The name of the attribute to consider | string |
conditions.operands.attributeId.filter | The criteria to filter the data for aggregation.
Criteria to select a sub-set of usage records:
map |
conditions.operands.function | The aggregation function to use in case of an aggregated attributeId (for instance
string |
conditions.operands.valueStr | A string value to compare with the attribute value functions of the selected operator. | string |
conditions.operands.valueNum | A numeric value to compare with the attribute value functions of the selected operator. | number |
conditions.operands.valuesStr | An array of strings to compare with the attribute value functions of the selected operator. | array of strings |
readOnly | Indicates if the rule is read only or not: true | false. | boolean |
Here is a picture explaining how the notification mode works.

An attributeId is made up of a name and an optional targetId. If targetId is set, the condition only apply on the corresponding target, if not, the conditions applies on all targets of the company.
"attributeId": { "targetId": "", "name": "" }
Here is the list of all attribute names available when creating alert rules. Some names are dynamic and use the following parameters:
- {dataId}: the id of the data sent by the system or a data generated by the platform.
- {timeScale}: for aggregated data, H (hourly), D (daily), M (monthly)
System attributes:
- system.labels
- system.state
- system.activityState
- system.lifeCycleState
- system.commStatus
- system.commStatus.changeDate
- system.lastCommDate
- system.heartbeat.state
- system.heartbeat.period
- system.heartbeat.errorSLA
- system.heartbeat.warningSLA
- system.offerId
- system.defaultStatusReportState
- system.defaultStatusReportPeriod
- gateway.imei
- gateway.mac.address
- gateway.serial.number
System communication:
- system.comm.protocol
- DATA.{dataId}: raw data, for instance
- DATA._LON_LAT: the GPS position of the system, used by geofencing operators
- AGG.{dataId}/{timeScale}: aggregated data, for instance
Offer attributes:
- offer.poolBytesLimit: the pool size limit of the offer. It is updated every month according to the current number of active systems.
- offer.poolWarnLimit: 80% of the offer pool size limit by default.
System usage attributes:
- system.usage.status
- system.usage.record.imei
Aggregated usage data:
- AGG.{usageDataId}/{timeScale}: see description of the usage data
- AGG.VOICE_* attributes, only available for monthly timescale because voice usages are received from carriers few days after consumption: AGG.VOICE_*/M.
A condition is built with an operator and a list of operands. The first operand of all operators has to define the attribute to check on systems. Details about attributes can be found here
For each operand, one of the following field must be used.
{ "attributeId": {}, "valueStr": "", "valueNum": , "valuesStr": [""] }
Geofencing operators use Well-Known-Text format to define shapes (POLYGON or POINT).
Here is the list of all operators with the operand fields available.
Name | 1st operand | 2nd operand | 3rd operand |
CHANGE | attributeId | ||
EQUALS | attributeId | attributeId/valueStr/valueNum | |
NOT_EQUALS | attributeId | attributeId/valueStr/valueNum | |
GREATER_THAN | attributeId | attributeId/valueNum | |
LESS_THAN | attributeId | attributeId/valueNum | |
EXISTS | attributeId | ||
NOT_EXISTS | attributeId | ||
IN | attributeId | attributeId/valuesStr | |
NOT_IN | attributeId | attributeId/valuesStr | |
CONTAINS1 | attributeId | attributeId/valueStr | |
NOT_CONTAINS | attributeId | attributeId/valueStr | |
STARTS_WITH | attributeId | attributeId/valueStr | |
ENDS_WITH | attributeId | attributeId/valueStr | |
GEO_WITHIN | attributeId(name=DATA._LON_LAT) | valueStr: a POLYGON described with WKT format | |
GEO_NOT_WITHIN | attributeId(name=DATA._LON_LAT) | valueStr: a POLYGON described with WKT format | |
GEO_DISTANCE_TOO_FAR | attributeId(name=DATA._LON_LAT) | attributeId(name=DATA._LON_LAT) or a valueStr containing a POINT in WKT format | valueNum corresponding to the distance in km |
GEO_DISTANCE_TOO_CLOSE | attributeId(name=DATA._LON_LAT) | attributeId(name=DATA._LON_LAT) or a valueStr containing a POINT in WKT format | valueNum corresponding to the distance in km |
1The value of the right operand must be contained in the value of the left operand for the rule to trigger (this is to support cases like the left operand being “systemAttribute: labels” and the right operand being the string value of the label that the rule is checking for). Note: this differs from other containment operators such as IN or GEO_WITHIN where the space/set that must contain the value is specified as a left operand instead.
An alert gathers all the information required to understand what happened on a target for a specific rule.
This is a complete representation of an Alert
{ "companyId": "", "targetId": "", "targetType": "", "ruleId": "" "state": , "stateChangeTs": , "attributes": [{ "id": { "name": "" // the name of the attribute }, "value": { // the value of the attribute "valueStr": "", "valuesStr": [""], "valueNum": , "valueAgg": { "min": , "max": , "cnt": , "sum": , "mean": } }, "refTime": }] }
Field | Description | Type |
companyId | The id of the company the target belongs to | string |
targetId | The id of the target | string |
targetType | The type of the target: SYSTEM | OFFER | string |
ruleId | The id of the rule | string |
state | True/False to indicate if the specified target is in alert for the specified sateful rule, or null if the rule is stateless | boolean |
stateChangeTs | The timestamp when the state changes | timestamp |
attributes | The list of attributes that brought to the current alert state | list of Attribute | | The name of the checked attribute | string |
attributes.value | The value of the attribute that triggered the alert. The value depends on the type. It can be a string, a list of string, a number or an aggregated value. When it is an aggregated value only the function used to generate the value is provided. For instance if the 'min' function has been used then only the 'min' attribute value is returned. | Attribute value |
API Methods
Create rule
Creates a new alert rule
POST Content-Type: application/json ... { "targetType": "SYSTEM", "name": "Daily usage exceeded", "message": "Daily usage exceeded", "active": true, "emails": [""], "conditions": [{ "operator": "GREATER_THAN", "operands": [ { "attributeId": { "name": "AGG._DATA_BYTES_TOTAL_DELTA/D" }, "function": "SUM" }, { "valueNum": 1024 } ] }] }
200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json ... { "id": "0f3919fd1ac0403ab9e70ae2c3729a21", "targetType": "SYSTEM", "name": "Daily usage exceeded", "message": "Daily usage exceeded", "active": true, "emails": [""], "conditions": [{ "operator": "GREATER_THAN", "operands": [ { "attributeId": { "name": "AGG._DATA_BYTES_TOTAL_DELTA/D" }, "function": "SUM" }, { "valueNum": 1024 } ] }], "readOnly": false }
Name | Description | Use | Default | Type |
company | Set the context company. | optional | caller's company | uid |
Name | Description |
alert.rule.missing.operator | A condition must have an operator |
alert.rule.multiple.operand.type | An operand can only be one of attributeId/valueStr/valueNum/valuesStr |
alert.rule.invalid.number.of.operands | Wrong number of operands for the chosen operator |
alert.rule.invalid.operand.type | An operand is not using the proper value for the chosen operator |
alert.rule.geo.invalid.wkt | The given WKT is not valid | | The geofencing rule is not using the right attributeId (DATA._LON_LAT) |
alert.rule.invalid.function | The given function is not available |
alert.rule.missing.attr.operand | First operand must be an attributeId |
alert.rule.too.many | The number of rules per company is greater than 75 |
alert.rule.condition.too.many | The number of conditions per rule is greather than 10 | | The target type is missing or invalid |
alert.rule.bad.voice.agg.usage | AGG.VOICE_* attributes can only be used with monthly timescale |
HTTP Method | POST |
Requires Authentication | Yes |
Rate Limited | Yes |
Headers | None |
Permissions | entities.alerts.rule.create.edit.delete |
Retrieve all rules
Retrieves all rules of your company sorted by name.
200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json ... [ { "id": "0f3919fd1ac0403ab9e70ae2c3729a21", "targetType": "SYSTEM", "name": "Daily usage exceeded", "message": "Daily usage exceeded", "active": true, "emails": [""], "conditions": [{ "operator": "GREATER_THAN", "operands": [ { "attributeId": { "name": "AGG._DATA_BYTES_TOTAL_DELTA/D" }, "function": "SUM" }, { "valueNum": 1024 } ] }], "readOnly": false }, ... ]
Name | Description | Use | Default | Type |
company | Set the context company. | optional | caller's company | uid |
HTTP Method | GET |
Requires Authentication | Yes |
Rate Limited | Yes |
Headers | None |
Permissions | entities.alerts.rule.view |
Get rule details
Returns detailed information about the specified rule.
200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json ... { "id": "0f3919fd1ac0403ab9e70ae2c3729a21", "targetType": "SYSTEM", "name": "Daily usage exceeded", "message": "Daily usage exceeded", "active": true, "emails": [""], "conditions": [{ "operator": "GREATER_THAN", "operands": [ { "attributeId": { "name": "AGG._DATA_BYTES_TOTAL_DELTA/D" }, "function": "SUM" }, { "valueNum": 1024 } ] }], "readOnly": false }
Name | Description | Use | Default | Type |
company | Set the context company. | optional | caller's company | uid |
HTTP Method | GET |
Requires Authentication | Yes |
Rate Limited | Yes |
Headers | None |
Permissions | entities.alerts.rule.view |
Update rule
Updates the specified alert rule. All alert rule fields are exepected in the body, not only the ones you want to modify.
PUT Content-Type: application/json ... { "targetType": "SYSTEM", "name": "Temperature exceeded", "message": "Temperature exceeded", "active": true, "emails": [""], "conditions": [{ "operator": "GREATER_THAN", "operands": [ { "attributeId": { "name": "" } }, { "valueNum": 38 } ] }], "readOnly": false }
200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json ... { "id": "0f3919fd1ac0403ab9e70ae2c3729a21", "targetType": "SYSTEM", "name": "Temperature exceeded", "message": "Temperature exceeded", "active": true, "emails": [""], "conditions": [{ "operator": "GREATER_THAN", "operands": [ { "attributeId": { "name": "" } }, { "valueNum": 38 } ] }], "readOnly": false }
Name | Description | Use | Default | Type |
company | Set the context company. | optional | caller's company | uid |
Name | Description |
---|---| | A rule id must be specified. | | The specified rule is unknown. |
alert.rule.missing.operator | A condition must have an operator |
alert.rule.multiple.operand.type | An operand can only be one of attributeId/valueStr/valueNum/valuesStr |
alert.rule.invalid.number.of.operands | Wrong number of operands for the chosen operator |
alert.rule.invalid.operand.type | An operand is not using the proper value for the chosen operator |
alert.rule.geo.invalid.wkt | The given WKT is not valid | | The geofencing rule is not using the right attributeId (DATA._LON_LAT) |
alert.rule.invalid.function | The given function is not available |
alert.rule.missing.attr.operand | First operand must be an attributeId |
alert.rule.too.many | The number of rules per company is greater than 75 |
alert.rule.condition.too.many | The number of conditions per rule is greather than 10 | | The target type is missing or invalid |
alert.rule.bad.voice.agg.usage | AGG.VOICE_* attributes can only be used with monthly timescale |
alert.rule.invalid.operation.for.readonly | Operation is invalid for read only rule |
HTTP Method | PUT |
Requires Authentication | Yes |
Rate Limited | Yes |
Headers | None |
Permissions | entities.alerts.rule.create.edit.delete |
Delete rule
Deletes the specified alert rule
200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json "success"
Name | Description | Use | Default | Type |
company | Set the context company. | optional | caller's company | uid |
Name | Description |
---|---| | A rule id must be specified. | | The specified rule is unknown or read only. |
HTTP Method | DELETE |
Requires Authentication | Yes |
Rate Limited | Yes |
Headers | None |
Permissions | entities.alerts.rule.create.edit.delete |
Find current alerts
Finds current alerts
Returns a paginated list of alerts sorted by 'stateChangeTs' field.
It is possible to filter out the result list using criteria parameters. Note that all combinations of criteria are not possible. Here are all the possible combinations:
- by target: GET /api/v3/alerts/current?company= &targetId= &offset= &size=
- by target and rule: GET /api/v3/alerts/current?company= &targetId= &ruleId= &offset= &size=
- by state: GET /api/v3/alerts/current?company= &state= &offset= &size=
- by state and targetType: GET /api/v3/alerts/current?company= &state= &targetType= &offset= &size=
- by state, targetType and rule: GET /api/v3/alerts/current?company= &state= &targetType= &ruleId= &offset= &size=
More information about paging here
200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json ... { "items": [{ "companyId": "74e52f0379ec3b4e75f91b4750824c22", "targetId": "91b74e52f04750824c22379ec3b4e75f", "targetType": "SYSTEM", "ruleId": "e52237824c29ecf003b4e7745f91b475" "state": true, "stateChangeTs": 1469446036000, "attributes": [{ "id": { "name": "" }, "value": { "valueNum": 45 }, "refTime": 1466859976000 }] }], "count": 1 }
Name | Description | Use | Default | Type |
targetId | Search alert states by target id. | optional | null | string |
ruleId | Search alert states by rule id. Must be used together with targetId or targetType filter. | optional | null | string |
state | Search alert states by state. | optional | null | boolean |
targetType | Search alert states by target type. Must be used together with state filter. | optional | null | string |
company | Set the context company. | optional | caller's company | string |
HTTP Method | GET |
Requires Authentication | Yes |
Rate Limited | Yes |
Headers | None |
Permissions | entities.alerts.view |
Find alerts history
Finds stateful and stateless alerts between two dates.
Returns a maxium of 500 alerts sorted by 'ts' field.
200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json ... { "items": [{ "companyId": "74e52f0379ec3b4e75f91b4750824c22", "targetId": "91b74e52f04750824c22379ec3b4e75f", "targetType": "SYSTEM", "ts": 1466859977000, "ruleId": "0f3919fd1ac0403ab9e70ae2c3729a21", "state": null, // null because the rule is stateless "attributes": [{ "id": { "name": "" }, "value": { "valueStr": "true" }, "refTime": 1466859976000 }] },{ "companyId": "74e52f0379ec3b4e75f91b4750824c22", "targetId": "91b74e52f04750824c22379ec3b4e75f", "targetType": "SYSTEM", "ts": 1466859967000, "ruleId": "04e70a0fb9ace2c3729a3919fd103a21", "state": true, // not null because the rule is stateful (can be true or false) "attributes": [{ "id": { "name": "" }, "value": { "valueNum": 45 }, "refTime": 1466859966000 }] } ] }
Name | Description | Use | Default | Type |
targetId | Search alerts for the specified target id. | optional | string | |
ruleIds | Search alerts for the specified rule ids. | optional | string (ruleId separated by ",") | |
from/to | Search alerts whose timestamp is between 'from' and 'to'.
optional | to: now, from: now - 90 days | timestamp |
asc | If true, sort alert by ts in ascending order, otherwise in descending order. | optional | false | boolean |
size | Page size | optional | 100 | number |
company | Set the context company. | mandatory | string |
Name | Description |
---|---| | 'company' parameter is mandatory. |
system.invalid.timerange | 'from' paramter needs to be lower than 'to' parameter. |
HTTP Method | GET |
Requires Authentication | Yes |
Rate Limited | Yes |
Headers | None |
Permissions | entities.alerts.view |
Configure Notification Hooks
Configures notification hooks when the alert rule is triggered.
When a rule get trigged, a callback is invoked with the content
described in Subscriber API tab below
POST Content-Type: application/json ... { "callback" : "" }
200 OK
{ "uid" : "48d03fbec5350c18eedcda0dce0fb479" "callback" : "" }
Field | Description | Use | Default | Type |
callback | The url that will be called when the alert rule get triggerd. The url has the following pattern : http(s)://(user:password@) | mandatory | - | string |
POST Content-Type: application/json ... { "name":"event.alert.rule.triggered", "date":1385718100163, "content": { "alert.uid":"f04a77e306de463e919ec39c387fa016", "rule.uid":"7316ee643b17473381b61b8ac0afa824", "target.uid":"da687e2c39d54bc391633fa9c8d4c0da" } }
Name | Description |
alert.rule.unknown | The specified uid does not match with any alert rule. |
notification.endpoint.missing.uri | The callback url was missing. |
notification.endpoint.invalid.uri | The callback url format isn't well formed or invalid. |
notification.endpoint.unsupported.protocol | Only HTTP protocols are supported. |
notification.endpoint.unauthorized.for.readonly.alert.rule | Notification hooks cannot be configured for read only alert rule. |
HTTP Method | POST |
Requires Authentication | Yes |
Rate Limited | Yes |
Headers | Content-type: application/json |
Permissions | entities.alerts.rule.subscribe or entities.alerts.rule.create.edit.delete |
Get Notification Hooks
Gets the list of all notification hooks configured for a specific alert rule.
200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "callback" : "", "uid" : "b88c03b43db74cacaab266e5c4481559" }, { "callback" : "", "uid" : "68c2bf58c6ee4484a92927c7afa9aaf5" }, ... ]
Name | Description |
alert.rule.unknown | The specified uid does not match with any alert rule. |
HTTP Method | GET |
Requires Authentication | Yes |
Rate Limited | Yes |
Headers | Content-type: application/json |
Permissions | entities.alerts.rule.subscribe or entities.alerts.rule.view |
Delete Notification Hooks
Removes a specific notification hook for an operation.
200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 0
Name | Description |
alert.rule.unknown | The specified uid does not match with any alert rule. |
HTTP Method | DELETE |
Requires Authentication | Yes |
Rate Limited | Yes |
Headers | Content-type: application/json |
Permissions | entities.alerts.rule.subscribe or entities.alerts.rule.create.edit.delete |