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This page describes in detail the components included with the Firmware Release, how to build your own custom device image based on Release 16.1/17 components and how to download it on your product.
The Firmware and its components are mapped into the flash as follows:
WP8548 & WP75xx Firmware Release 16.1/17 combined image
Note: If your carrier is not listed and you are unsure which Generic to use, check with your carrier.
In case where you need to rebuild either the Linux Distribution or Legato or both, you can use the following resources:
The instructions to rebuild Legato are available on
The instructions to rebuild the Linux Distribution through Yocto project are available here.
Once you have customized one or several of the components from source, or once you have created your own Base Legato System, it is time to assembly the components in one Device Image.
you need to launch the following command line:
swicwe -o custom-firmware.spk -c modemFW.spk mcuFW.cwe boot-yocto.cwe legatoz.cwe
Note 1: You may decide to generate a custom Device Image without the full list of components (e.g. without Modem Firmware or without the Linux Distribution). If you do so, when you will flash this image later, only the components included within the custom Device Image package will be updated, the others will remain untouched. By doing this, you shall insure that the untouched components are compliant with the ones you are updating through the custom Device Image.
Note 2: If your custom Device Image is including a Base Legato System, when you will flash this image later, the Overlay Legato System will be erased and reinitialized with the same content as the Base Legato System.
After having created your own Device Image, you can load it on your target.
fwupdate download <combined_image_file>
In case of failure after having downloaded within the product an unstable custom device image, you can launch a Recovery Procedure to restore a stable firmware.
This page describes the procedure to update WP8548 & WP75xx with the Firmware Release 16.1 / 17.
Available WP8548 & WP75xx Firmware Releases:
WPx5xx Firmware Release 16.1/17
WPx5xx Firmware Release 16
WPx5xx Firmware Release 15