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    CSV File Information

    The AMM provides different mechanisms to export information to CSV files and then re-import that data for various purposes (e.g. to configure multiple devices, share templates etc.). Alternatively, CSV files can be created from scratch and then imported. This topic provides details about the fields and requirements of the various CSV files that the AMM can process.


    • The content of a CSV file includes one “header row” containing the column names, and then one or more rows of data.
    • Some CSV files include comments above the header row, each preceded with the “#” character, that provide additional information.

    Configuration Template CSV

    Configuration Template CSV

    The download template icon in the Deploy a Template section of the configuration template wizard allows you to export WAN, WiFi, and VPN settings for multiple devices.

    Note: Prior to AMM 2.17, the AMM included specific menus for exporting/importing WAN, WiFi, and VPN settings. For more information see the AMM 2.16.2 Operation and Configuration Guide available on

    The Configuration Template CSV file must adhere to the following rules:

    • The header of the first column must be set to “ESN”.
    • The CSV file must contain at least one import key in the header row, and it must apply to the selected templates for deployment.
    • The CSV file must contain at least one valid gateway ESN in the “ESN” column, and it must be in the affected list of the deployment.
    • Value(s) will be validated by the rules for the configuration template fields. See Validation for the list of field checks that the AMM will validate the CSV against.
    • The CSV file must contain at least one valid unique value. pg 89

    The CSV includes the following information for the respective platforms:


    • TAIP ID
    • LCI user password
    • WAN Device IP Address
    • WAN Device Initialization - User ID
    • WAN Device Initialization - Password
    • WAN Device WiFi Networks
    • WAN Device DHCP Host Name
    • LAN Segment IP Address
    • LAN Segment DHCP High Address
    • LAN Segment DHCP Low Address
    • WiFi Network IP Address
    • WiFi Network SSID
    • WiFi Network Pre-shared Key in hexadecimal
    • WiFi Network Certificate
    • WiFi Network DHCP Host Name
    • VPN Virtual IP Address
    • VPN Pre-shared Key
    • VPN Certificate
    • Certificate Common Name
    • Certificate Subject Alternative DNS Names
    • Certificate UPN in subject alternate name


    • TAIP ID
    • Dynamic DNS Service IP Manager Device Name

      Note: In 2.17, Device Name (Services -> Dynamic DNS) is not supported to be set via CSV import during template deployment.

    • WAN IP Address
    • Ethernet IP Address
    • Ethernet Starting IP
    • Ethernet Ending IP
    • Ethernet Static WAN IP Address
    • SSID 1
    • SSID 2
    • SSID 3
    • SSID 4
    • SSID Host IP
    • SSID Starting IP
    • SSID Ending IP
    • SSID 1 Pre-shared Key
    • SSID 2 Pre-shared Key
    • SSID 3 Pre-shared Key
    • SSID 4 Pre-shared Key
    • VPN 1 Pre-shared Key
    • VPN 2 Pre-shared Key
    • VPN 3 Pre-shared Key
    • VPN 4 Pre-shared Key
    • VPN 5 Pre-shared Key

    Multiple Device Import CSV

    Multiple Device Import CSV

    A device CSV can be created, or optionally exported from the Admin -> Gateways menu. This CSV can then be used for importing multiple devices into the AMM and contains the following information:

    • ID: the serial number of the device to import into the AMM.

    Note: For issues setting serial numbers for GX440 devices, see Adding GX440 Devices with Long Serial Numbers to an AMM .

    • Name (optional): the friendly name of the device as it is to appear in the AMM.

    Note: in AMM 2.16.2+, the Name field for an ALEOS device will be automatically populated with the value of MSCIID 5023 if no name has been assigned to the device during gateway creation or import into the AMM. For more information see Commonly Used MSCIIDs .

    Note: The name cannot contain < or > characters.

    • Groups: the names of one or more groups within the AMM to add the device(s) to.

    Note: The group name itself cannot contain < or > characters. The > character can however be used in between entity names to specify a parent-child hierarchy representing a group and a device name (e.g., CustomerA > Device1).

    • Vehicle Type: specifies the vehicle type definition (see Vehicles for a complete list).
    • Customer: The name of the customer to which the device belongs.
    • Location: The GPS (latitude/longitude) coordinates of the device’s location. Will be resolved to a geolocation/address as described in Setting Device Locations .
    • Contact: Information for contacting personnel associated with the device.
    • Notes: Generate notes for the device.
    • MSCIID: add one or more MSCIID columns to configure for the gateway where the column title is in the form of MSCIID= (e.g. MSCIID=5024). Then enter the device specific value(s) into the rows in that column for the device(s) being imported. For a list of values see Commonly Used MSCIIDs .

    Note: multiple device import is supported in oMM and above, and is only available to users who have administrative access to the Admin->Gateways screen.

    Warning: Some devices such as the GNX3 and GNX6 have serial numbers starting with leading zeros (e.g. 000036067998). However, some spreadsheet applications may be configured to treat cell values as numbers causing the leading zeros to be trimmed. Serial numbers that have been trimmed in this manner will not be accepted by the AMM, so it’s important to ensure that cell values are not being trimmed by your spreadsheet application.

    The following is a sample of a CSV file for VPN configuration. The first row of data shows a gateway being added to two folders, the second row of data shows a gateway being added to a single folder, and the third row shows a gateway being added to a subfolder.

    CSV for Device Import

    # This CSV file contains a header line followed by the data lines representing the gateways to be
    imported to the AMM.
    # -A comma (,) is required as a field delimiter.
    # -Double quotation marks (“) are required for any fields containing commas.
    # -A greater-than sign (>) is required as a delimiter for groups.
    # Example: CA10882023210,Unit 102,JT > AirLink,Default Vehicle Group > Gateway
    # -Groups that do not exist in the AMM will be created as defined by the structure in the CSV file.
    # -Duplicate IDs in the CSV file will be ignored except for the first instance.
    # -Options will be provided for user to decide how to deal with a gateway entry in the CSV file if its ID
    already exists in the AMM system.
    # -Users can choose to ignore the entry or instruct the AMM to modify the gateway name and group in
    the system according to the CSV file if these fields are not empty.
    # -Entries without group information which do not already exist in the AMM system will be populated
    with the group the user was assigned to in Admin->Users.
    # -All gateways being added/modified via CSV import will be logged in User Activity.
    # -ALEOS MSCI Configurations can be modified using this template by adding column headers in the
    form of MSCIID= and supplying values for each gateway row at the corresponding column’s position.
    Note that only configurations available in the initial import will be modifiable until the gateway
    reports in
    # -Location accepts latitude and longitude pair separated by comma (,). Example: 49.17172, -123.07035
    ID Name Groups Vehicle Type Customer Location Contact MSCIID=5024
    H111111G3111 Bob’s Gateway “Fleet1,Fleet2” Default Vehicle Group > Gateway Test Co. 49.1725, -123.071 8
    H241511G2191 Jon’s Gateway “Fleet 1” Default Vehicle Group > Heavy-Duty-Bucket-Truck 8
    H351511H3122 Mary’s Gateway “Fleet1 > Users > SuperUsers” DefaultVehicleGroup > Gateway 8

    The following rules must be adhered to when modifying and deploying CSV files which importing devices:

    • There must be one “header row” containing a contiguous set of columns with the following names: ID, Name, and Groups.
    • The value for the Groups column must be surrounded by double quotes when more than one group name is provided.
    • Device ID’s must be unique.

    Note: if a gateway listed in the CSV already exists on the AMM, it will be moved to the group(s) specified in the CSV, if they differ from those to which the gateways are assigned to on the AMM.


    The VPN CSV contains the following information:

    • ESN: the ESN of the gateway for which the settings apply to/should be applied to.
    • Pre-shared_key: the PSK to use for accessing the VPN.
    • VPN Name (optional): specifies the VPN for which the pre-shared key applies. If specified, the AMM will only import those rows whose VPN Name matches that of the selected VPN currently open on the provisioning screen. If left blank, the AMM will assume the settings for a row are relevant to the selected VPN currently open on the provisioning screen.

    The following is a sample of a .CSV file for VPN configuration:

    # This CSV file contains a header line followed by the data lines representing the selected ESNs and their configurations.
    # VPN Name column is for users who have multiple VPNs and want to consolidate upload data of all VPNs in one master CSV. Leave column empty if you do not use this feature.
    ESN Preshared_key VPN Name
    H111111G3111 ABC1234 Test-WPA2-PSK-AES(N) testvpn

    The following rules must be adhered to when modifying and deploying VPN CSV files: * There must be one “header row” containing a contiguous set of columns with the following names: ESN, Preshared_key, and VPN Name. * Each gateway must be remotely configurable. * Each selected gateway must have a corresponding row in the CSV. * Each tunnel name must be configured on each selected gateway. * Each configuration field must be configured on the selected gateways. * Values in the CSV must be present and must match those on the selected gateways. * Tunnel names must be unique. * Each selected gateway must be in sync with the AMM. * Each VPN profile must exist on the selected gateways, and each VPN profile from each selected gateway must be in the CSV. * Duplicate rows (i.e. rows with same values for each column) are forbidden. However, if duplicate rows are found, the last instance will be used.


    A WAN Wifi CSV file can be used for PSK rotation as described in CSV Import | Export .

    The WAN WiFi CSV file contains the following information:

    • ESN: the ESN of the gateway for which the settings apply to/should be applied to.
    • WiFiNetworkName: the name of the WiFi access point profile that the settings are for.
    • SSID: the SSID of the access point.
    • PSKKey: the PSK passphrase for the access point.
    • PSK: the pre-shared key for the access point.
    • CustomHostName: a custom host name to be sent with a DHCP request. Available in AMM 2.16.2+.
    • StaticIpAddress: a static IP address for the access point. Available in AMM 2.16.2+.
    • Network Mask: a network mask for the access point. Available in AMM 2.16.2+.
    • Gateway: the gateway IP address for the access point. Available in AMM 2.16.2+.

    The following is a sample of a .CSV file for WIFI configuration:

    # This CSV file contains a header line followed by the data lines representing the selected ESNs and their WiFi configuration.
    # The header line identifies the fields that are needed to configure the WiFi networks for an ESN.
    # For Import to work: the header must be complete and match the data lines that follow.
    # Each line must have the ESN followed by one or more WiFi networks.
    # Each WiFi network is defined by a set of fields: WiFiNetworkName SSID PSKKey PSK CustomHostName StaticIpAddress NetworkMask Gateway
    # You should only update the PSK, CustomHostName, StaticIpAddress, NetworkMask, or Gateway field. If any other field is modified, Import will not work.
    # The fields in a WiFi network must be positioned in the exact order without any additional field in the set.
    ESN WiFi
    PSK Custom
    NetworkMask Gateway
    H111111G0021 Test-WPA2-PSK-AES(N) Test-WPA2-PSK-AES(N) mypassphrase zzbbffddeeff112233445566ff ABC
    H111111G0765 Test-WPA2-PSK-AES(N) Test-WPA2-PSK-AES(N) mypassphrase aabbffddeeff112233445566ff

    The following rules must be adhered to when modifying and deploying WAN WiFi CSV files:

    • There must be one “header row” containing a contiguous set of columns with the following names: ESN, WIFINetworkName, SSID, PSKKey, PSK.
    • A valid value for each column must be specified for each data row.
    • Each ESN specified must be for a valid gateway connected to the AMM.
    • Each selected gateway must have a corresponding row in the CSV.
    • The configuration of each selected gateway must be in sync with the configuration on the AMM.
    • Each WIFINetworkName value in the CSV must be unique (i.e. different configurations for the same WIFINetworkName are forbidden).
    • Duplicate rows (i.e. rows with same values for each column) are forbidden. However, if duplicate rows are found, the last instance will be used.
    • The PSKKey value must contain a hex or passphrase and must match that configured on the specified gateway. Note that this value is automatically derived based on the PSK entered on the gateway.
    • The PSK must be either a hexadecimal value 64 bytes in length, or between 8 and 63 ASCII characters in length depending on the value of PSKKey.
    • The PSKKey, and SSID must match those configured for the specified WiFi access point profiles on the specified gateway(s).
    • Each gateway must be remotely configurable.
    • Each WIFINetworkName listed in the CSV must be configured as an access point profile for the specified gateway. Likewise, each access point profile configured on each gateway must be listed in the CSV.


    A WLAN Wifi CSV file can be used for PSK rotation as described in CSV Import | Export .

    The WLAN WiFi CSV contains the following information. Note that the information (excluding the ESN) is stored both for the physical WLAN and the three virtual BSSID’s.

    • ESN: the ESN of the gateway for which the settings apply to/should be applied to. Note: this field cannot be changed via the .csv file.
    • WLANDeviceName: the friendly name of the WLAN profile. Note: this field cannot be changed via the .csv file.
    • Channel: the WiFi channel (i.e. centre frequency) within the spectrum to be used.
    • NetworkType: the version of the 802.11 protocol to be used by this access point (either 802.11b/g or 802.11n).
    • Mimo: if set to “y”, multiple WAN antennas are enabled for Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) operation. If set to “n”, MIMO is disabled.
    • SecondaryChannel: the channel which is combined with the primary channel to provide a 40 MHz channel instead of a 20 MHz channel.
    • LanSegment_x: the name of the LAN segment assigned to the access point.
    • IsAutoSSID_x: if set to “y”, the SSID (Service Set Identifier) field for the WLAN has been auto generated by the gateway. If set to “n”, the SSID was manually entered.
    • SSID_x: the SSID. Can be auto generated or manually entered as indicated by IsAutoSSID above. Note: this field cannot be changed via the .csv file.
    • IsBroadcastSSID_x: if set to “y”, the WiFi device broadcasts its SSID. If set to “n”, the SSID is not broadcasted.
    • EnableWMM_x: if set to “y”, support for WMM (Wireless MultiMedia extensions) has been enabled for the device. If set to “n”, WMM has not be enabled.
    • Encryption_x: specifies the type of encryption used by the access point.

    Note: depending on the encryption selected, additional fields will be included specific to that encryption type.

    For more information on WLAN settings see the oMG Operation and Configuration Guide.

    The following are example fields of a .CSV file for WLAN configuration. Note that the large number of encryption specific parameters which normally follow the Encryption column have been left out due to space constraints:

    • ESN: H111614G1832
    • WLANDeviceName: Atheros WLM54AG @ mini-PCI Slot
    • Channel: 11
    • NetworkType: 802.11b/g
    • Mimo: n
    • SecondaryChannel: none
    • LanSegment_1: y
    • IsAutoSSID_1: y
    • SSID_1: $ESN
    • IsBroadcastSSID_1: y
    • EnableWMM_1: n
    • Encryption_1: WPA/CCMP

    The following rules must be adhered to when modifying and deploying VPN CSV files:

    • There must be one “header row” containing a contiguous set of column names.
    • Each gateway must be remotely configurable.
    • Each selected gateway must have a corresponding row in the CSV.
    • Each configuration field must be configured on the selected gateways.
    • Values in the CSV must be present and must match those on the selected gateways.
    • Each selected gateway must be in sync with the AMM.

    Duplicate rows (i.e. rows with same values for each column) are forbidden. However, if duplicate rows are found, the last instance will be used.
