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    Configuring Telemetry

    Vehicle telemetry allows you to collect and transmit data about a vehicle’s performance and operation, so that it can be remotely monitored and analyzed.

    Under Services > Telemetry, you can configure the AirLink OS Telemetry settings as shown below:

    Initializing Table Of Contents...


    The following settings can be configured for AirLink OS Telemetry.

    SERVICE Configure telemetry service to be enabled or disabled On/Off Off
    CLEAR TELEMETRY DATA AT NEXT REBOOT Erases all telemetry data at next reboot Off/Pending Off
    PERSIST TELEMETRY DATA NOW Saves telemetry data to flash storage. This is also automatically done at shutdown Off/Pending Off
    TELEMETRY DATA LAST CLEARED AT Shows the date and time that all telemetry data was last cleared. Read only. N/A N/A
    TELEMETRY DATA LAST SAVED AT Shows the date and time that all telemetry data was last saved. Read only. N/A N/A

    Vehicle Settings

    Vehicle settings are a subset of telemetry. If vehicle ignition status reporting is desired, then the following settings must be set to specify how the router has been installed in the vehicle.

    DATA COLLECTION Enables or disables data collection On/Off On
    MODE OF OPERATION Configures when data collection will be active
    • Active always (Ignition status ignored)
    • Active when Ignition is ON

    Active always (Ignition status ignored)
    VEHICLE IGNITION WIRING This setting determines which input line the router monitors for ignition status. Select the option that matches how the vehicle ignition line has been connected to the router.
    • Not connected to AirLink gateway
    • Connected to AirLink gateway Ignition Sense input line
    • Connected to AirLink gateway GPIO input line

    Not connected to AirLink gateway
    VEHICLE IGNITION STATUS Current vehicle ignition status. Read only. On/Off N/A

    Vehicle Odometer

    Odometer is not a standard OBD-II data point. On heavy duty vehicles and some selected light duty vehicles, it can be read from the CANBUS. However when it is not available, it can be derived from speed and distrance travelled. Setting the derived odometer configures the starting point from which to calculate further distance from.

    SET DERIVED ODOMETER (KM) Sets the derived odometer with a starting value from which to calculate further distance from. 0 to 1000000 0
    ENTERED AT Date and time that the SET DERIVED ODOMETER was updated. Read only. N/A N/A
    CURRENT ODOMETER (KM) Current physical odometer reading. Read only. N/A N/A
    CURRENT ODOMETER TIMESTAMP Date and time that the CURRENT ODOMETER was read. Read only. N/A N/A

    AMR Reports

    The complete telemetry data set can be sent to AirVantage allowing for the viewing of all Advanced Mobility Reports(AMR).

    ENABLE When enabled, the full telemetry data set is sent to AirVantage so that all Advanced Mobility Reports(AMR) can be viewed. Only displays when Telemetry is enabled. On/Off On

    Custom Reports

    Custom reports allow you to tailor your reports to better suit your needs. Initially you would define the report with specific data content and then you would assign it to the trigger event.


    Define reports with your specific data requirements that can be sent to ALMS and/or an MQTT broker.

    REPORT TITLE Name of the report used to reference this report in the trigger definitions section. Report Title is not sent as part of the report.

    Destination of where reports will be sent to. The MQTT configuration will only display if the REPORT MODE is set to an MQTT option. Options are

    • ALMS
    • MQTT
    • ALMS and MQTT

    MQTT TOPIC REPORT NAME Name of the report that will be included in the MQTT TOPIC.
    REPORT CONTENT List of all telemetry data points that will be used to generate a report. It is possible to select more than one of these data points for each report.
    GENERATE THIS REPORT AT POWER ON Report that will be generated when the device powers on. Note: Only one report can be selected.
    GENERATE THIS REPORT AT POWER OFF Report that will be generated when the device powers off. Note: Only one report can be selected and in situations where there is an abrupt power disconnect a report may not be generated.

    PERIODIC TRIGGERS (Generate reports at fixed intervals)

    Reports can be generated at fixed time intervals using Periodic Triggers.

    ENABLE When enabled, the configured report will be generated at each configured interval. Default is On. Options are On/Off.
    GENERATE THIS REPORT… List of reports that have been defined. Only one report can be selected.
    EVERY …(SECONDS) Number of seconds between each report interval

    UNCONDITIONAL TRIGGERS (Generate reports upon every data sample)

    Reports can be generated when a data sample changes using Unconditional Triggers.

    ENABLE When enabled, the configured report will be generated at each data sample. Default is On. Options are On/Off.
    GENERATE THIS REPORT… List of reports that have been defined. Only one report can be selected.

    When the data item sampled has changed from the last sample, the configured report will be generated.

    Options are

    • GPIO Input Cumulative
    • WAN Ready
    • Ignition Status
    • Primary WAN

    Example 1 : GPIO Input Cumulative

    GPIO Input Cumulative is calculated using the following :

    • Primary GPIO Input
    • GPIO Input 2
    • GPIO Input 3
    • GPIO Input 4
    • GPIO Input 5

    The GPIO Input Cumulative will concatenate these five values in the above order. Any change in a GPIO Input will affect the GPIO Input Cumulative and therefore generate a report.

    Example 2 : WAN Ready

    A WAN Ready sample is generated when WAN connectivity of the router switches between up or down.

    • Time A: XP1 Cellular is UP. XP2 Cellular is UP.
    • Time B: XP1 Cellular is UP. XP2 Cellular is DOWN.

    No sample is generated because the WAN connectivity for the device is still UP through XP1 Cellular.

    • Time A: XP1 Cellular is UP. XP2 Cellular is UP.
    • Time B: XP1 Cellular is DOWN. XP2 Cellular is DOWN.

    A WAN Ready sample is generated because there are no interfaces with WAN connectivity UP.

    Example 3 : Ignition Status

    • Time A: Ignition is DOWN.
    • Time B: Ignition is UP.
    • Time C: Ignition is DOWN.

    Two Ignition Status samples are generated because the Ignition Status changed.

    Example 4 : Primary WAN

    A PRIMARY WAN sample is generated whenever there is a switch in which interface is evaluated as primary.

    • Time A: XP1 Cellular is UP and designated PRIMARY WAN. XP2 Cellular is also UP.
    • Time B: XP1 Cellular is UP. XP2 Cellular is DOWN.

    No PRIMARY WAN sample is generated in this example.

    • Time A: XP1 Cellular is UP and designated PRIMARY WAN. XP2 Cellular is also UP.
    • Time B: XP1 goes down. The PRIMARY WAN designation is re-evaluated to see if XP1 is still the PRIMARY WAN, and it is not. XP1 – Down. XP2 – New PRIMARY WAN.

    A PRIMARY WAN sample is generated in this example.

    DELTA TRIGGERS (Generate reports at minimum change in value or maximum elapsed time)

    Reports can be generated using Delta Triggers when the sampled value has changed at least the configured amount since the last sample or a configured maximum time has passed.

    ENABLE When enabled, the configured report will be generated when the sampled value has changed at least the configured amount since the last sample or a configured maximum time has passed. Default is On. Options are On/Off.
    GENERATE THIS REPORT… List of reports that have been defined. Only one report can be selected.

    Options are

    • Absolute Throttle Postion (%)
    • Ambient Air Temp (degrees C)
    • Battery Voltage (V)
    • Calc Engine Load (%)
    • Distance Traveled with MIL on (km)
    • Driver Seatbelt
    • Engine Coolant Temp (degrees C)
    • Engine Fuel Rate (mL/h)
    • Engine Oil Temp (degrees C)
    • Engine RPM
    • Fuel Level input (%)
    • GNSS DR Calibration
    • GNSS Heading (degrees)
    • GNSS Trip Odometer (m)
    • GPIO Input 2
    • GPIO Input 3
    • GPIO Input 4
    • GPIO Input 5
    • Hybrid/EV battery - remaining charge (%)
    • Ignition Status
    • MAF Sensor air flow rate (mg/s)
    • Manifold Surface Temp (degrees C)
    • Odometer (km)
    • Primary GPIO Input
    • PTO Status
    • Run time since DTCs cleared (minutes)
    • Run time with MIL on (minutes)
    • Time since Engine Start (seconds)
    • Transmission Fluid Temp (degrees C)
    • Trip Fuel (liters)
    • Trip Odometer (km)
    • Vehicle Speed (km/h)
    • WAN ready

    CHANGE BY THIS AMOUNT SINCE LAST REPORT… Range from 0 to 1000000

    LEVEL TRIGGERS (Generate a report for each monitored data sample that meets the trigger condition)

    Reports can be generated when a configured condition is true.

    ENABLE When enabled, the configured report will be generated when the configured condition is true. Default is On. Options are On/Off.
    GENERATE THIS REPORT… List of reports that have been defined. Only one report can be selected.

    Options are

    • Absolute Throttle Postion (%)
    • Ambient Air Temp (degrees C)
    • Battery Voltage (V)
    • Calc Engine Load (%)
    • Distance Traveled with MIL on (km)
    • Driver Seatbelt
    • Engine Coolant Temp (degrees C)
    • Engine Fuel Rate (mL/h)
    • Engine Oil Temp (degrees C)
    • Engine RPM
    • Fuel Level input (%)
    • GNSS DR Calibration
    • GNSS Heading (degrees)
    • GNSS Trip Odometer (m)
    • GPIO Input 2
    • GPIO Input 3
    • GPIO Input 4
    • GPIO Input 5
    • Hybrid/EV battery - remaining charge (%)
    • Ignition Status
    • MAF Sensor air flow rate (mg/s)
    • Manifold Surface Temp (degrees C)
    • Odometer (km)
    • Primary GPIO Input
    • PTO Status
    • Run time since DTCs cleared (minutes)
    • Run time with MIL on (minutes)
    • Time since Engine Start (seconds)
    • Transmission Fluid Temp (degrees C)
    • Trip Fuel (liters)
    • Trip Odometer (km)
    • Vehicle Speed (km/h)
    • WAN ready


    Options are

    • > (greater than)
    • >= (greater than or equal)
    • == (equal)
    • <= (less than or equal)
    • < (less than)
    • != (not equal)

    THIS THRESHOLD VALUE Range from -1000000 to 1000000

    Example : LEVEL Trigger

    If you define a LEVEL trigger that reports vehicle speed when vehicle speed >= 55 KPH, then each sample at and above the red line would generate a report. These samples represent the moments when the configured level threshold for vehicle speed was true. (i.e. Samples C, D, E, F, G, H, L, M are all >= 55 KPH).

    EDGE TRIGGERS (Generate one report when monitored condition becomes true)

    A single report can be generated when a monitored condition crosses the configured edge threshold.

    ENABLE When enabled, the configured report will be generated when the configured condition is true. Default is On. Options are On/Off.
    GENERATE THIS REPORT… List of reports that have been defined. Only one report can be selected.

    Options are

    • Absolute Throttle Postion (%)
    • Ambient Air Temp (degrees C)
    • Battery Voltage (V)
    • Calc Engine Load (%)
    • Distance Traveled with MIL on (km)
    • Driver Seatbelt
    • Engine Coolant Temp (degrees C)
    • Engine Fuel Rate (mL/h)
    • Engine Oil Temp (degrees C)
    • Engine RPM
    • Fuel Level input (%)
    • GNSS DR Calibration
    • GNSS Heading (degrees)
    • GNSS Trip Odometer (m)
    • GPIO Input 2
    • GPIO Input 3
    • GPIO Input 4
    • GPIO Input 5
    • Hybrid/EV battery - remaining charge (%)
    • Ignition Status
    • MAF Sensor air flow rate (mg/s)
    • Manifold Surface Temp (degrees C)
    • Odometer (km)
    • Primary GPIO Input
    • PTO Status
    • Run time since DTCs cleared (minutes)
    • Run time with MIL on (minutes)
    • Time since Engine Start (seconds)
    • Transmission Fluid Temp (degrees C)
    • Trip Fuel (liters)
    • Trip Odometer (km)
    • Vehicle Speed (km/h)
    • WAN ready


    Options are

    • > (greater than)
    • >= (greater than or equal)
    • == (equal)
    • <= (less than or equal)
    • < (less than)
    • != (not equal)

    THIS THRESHOLD VALUE Range from -1000000 to 1000000

    Example : EDGE Trigger

    If you define an EDGE trigger to generate a report when vehicle speed >= 55 KPH, then samples C and L would each generate a report. These samples represent the moments when the configured EDGE threshold for vehicle speed was true. (i.e. Sample B is < 55 KPH and Sample C is >= 55 KPH; Sample K is < 55 KPH and Sample L is >= 55KPH).

    Vehicle Behavior Reports

    Vehicle behavior reports are data reports generated by the telemetry system that provide information about the driving behavior of a vehicle and its driver. These reports are based on various data points collected by the telemetry system, such as GPS location, acceleration, braking, and other driving-related data. The following settings can be configured to help identify abnormal events from which a vehicle behavior report would be generated.

    ENABLE Enables vehicle behavior reports On/Off On
    REPORT MODE Destination of where reports will be sent to. The MQTT configuration will only display if the REPORT MODE is set to an MQTT option.
    • ALMS
    • MQTT
    • ALMS and MQTT]

    EXCESSIVE ACCELERATION THRESHOLD(MILLIG) Maximum acceleration allowed before notification is triggered 100 to 1000 250
    EXCESSIVE ACCELERATION QUALIFICATION TIME Length of time in milliseconds, over which acceleration data is collected and analyzed to determine whether an excessive acceleration event has occurred 250 to 1000 500
    EXCESSIVE BRAKING THRESHOLD(MILLIG) Maximum braking allowed before notification is triggered 100 to 1000 350
    EXCESSIVE BRAKING QUALIFICATION TIME Length of time in milliseconds, over which braking data is collected and analyzed to determine whether an excessive braking event has occurred 250 to 1000 500
    EXCESSIVE CORNERING THRESHOLD(MILLIG) Maximum cornering allowed before notification is triggered 100 to 1000 350
    EXCESSIVE CORNERING QUALIFICATION TIME Length of time in milliseconds, over which cornering data is collected and analyzed to determine whether an excessive cornering event has occurred 250 to 1000 500
    SUM THRESHOLD(MILLIG) Vector sum of 3 dimensions(forward/backward, left/right, up/down) 100 to 2000 800
    SUM QUALIFICATION TIME Amount of time that harsh movement was detected. In milliseconds 250 to 1000 250


    The MQTT section will only display if a custom report or a vehicle behavior report has the REPORT MODE set to an MQTT option.

    A destination MQTT broker can be configured using the following settings.

    BROKER HOSTNAME Hostname of MQTT broker IPV4 localhost
    PORT Port that the MQTT broker is listening for incoming connections Default port normally used is 1883. See your MQTT broker administrator. N/A
    CLIENT ID Unique vehicle id

    AUTHENTICATION Authentication information used to connect to MQTT broker
    • None
    • Username and Password


    Used to identify the subject of a message.
    For example, when the MQTT Topic Report Name is configured as test and the TOPIC is as default, then on the subscriber end, the following is received:

    6Q1099009902AC24/test {
      “atp.ser” :
            “t”: 1693258321.3640001,
            “v” : “6Q1099009902AC24”
            “ts” : 1693268920.464

    <serialno>,<usbmac>,<ethernetmac>,<clientid>,<reportname>, or user defined. <serialno>/<reportname>
    QOS LEVEL Quality of Service level

    0 : At most one-time delivery. Your data can be lost. No retransmission outside of TCP.
    1 : At least one-time delivery. Your data will be retransmitted if needed. The message can be received more than once.
    2 : Exactly one-time delivery. The message will be delivered exactly once but the communication overhead is high (multiple acknowledgement messages).

    KEEPALIVE PERIOD Maximum time that can elapse between two messages 0 to 3600 s 1 MIN
    TX REPORT BURST Maximum number of reports to send before rate limiting 0 to 1000 0
    TX REPORT RATE [REPORTS/MINUTE] Maximum number of reports to send per minute 0 to 6000 0
    ACKNOWLEDGE TIME Time to wait for acknowledgement 1 to 600 s 10 s
    MAX PENDING REPORTS Maximum number of pending reports before it will start to purge the oldest 100 to 100000 100
    DATA FORMAT Format of data sent to MQTT broker.
    • ATP FORMAT - ATP FORMAT will use an atp prefix on the data sent to the MQTT broker, for example : atp.GLON
    • NON-ATP FORMAT : uses least amount of data over the air, for example : GLON

    TIMESTAMP FORMAT Format of timestamp used in report sent to MQTT broker.
    • Individual Timestamp - Timestamp of each sample collected.
    • Report Timestamp - Timestamp of when the report is generated. Least amount of data used.
    • Report and Individual Timestamp

    Individual Timestamp

    More information about MQTT can be found here.
