The XR series router provides a serial interface that allows it to easily interface with other devices.
The XR series router has a RJ45(8 pin) RS-232 (DCE) connector. The connector can be either:
If you have a DCE device, you need to use a null modem (cross-over) cable.
For serial port hardware specifications including pinout, see the XR Series Hardware Guide .
The following serial interface settings can be used to configure the serial port:
MODE | When Packet Assembler/Disassembler(PAD) mode is enabled, additional settings appear for that port. See Configuring PAD Settings | Disabled(default), PAD |
BAUD RATE | Configures port speed | 115200 (default), 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400 |
DATA BITS | Number of bits used to represent each character of data | 8 (default), 7 |
PARITY | Additional bit used for error checking | None (default), Odd, Even |
STOP BITS | One or more bits that indicate the end of a data frame | 1 (default), 2 |
Flow control enables the receiving device to control the data flow. This is useful if the receiving device has a heavier traffic load or less processing power than the sending computer.
When MODE is set to PAD, the following settings will appear and can be configured:
PAD MODE | Sets the protocol used to send messages | TCP (default), UDP |
LISTEN FOR CONNECTIONS (AUTO-ANSWER) | When set to the DISABLED state, the router functions as a client. When in the ENABLED state, the router can function as a client or accept incoming connections and act as a server | Off (default), On (makes LISTENING PORT available) |
LISTENING PORT | The port on the AirLink router used for incoming TCP communication | 1–65535, 5001 (default) |
DESTINATION PORT | The destination port that TCP/UDP communication is sent to | 1 to 65535, 6001 (default) |
DESTINATION ADDRESS | IP address TCP/UDP communication is sent to | n/a |
MTU | The serial maximum transmit unit (PAD payload) | 256 to 4096, 1304 (default) |
The Data Forwarding Timeout feature causes AirLink OS to send a new PAD packet if the timeout has expired since it last received data on the serial port. |
0–255, 100 ms (default) |
IDLE TIMEOUT | Specifies a time interval during which, in the absence of any inbound or outbound traffic through a TCP connection, the connection will be terminated | 0 to 255, 5 min (default) |
CONNECT TIMEOUT | Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a TCP connection to be established when dialing out | 0 to 255, 30 s (default) |
START [ONLY] WHEN WAN AVAILABLE | When On, only start connection attempt when a WAN link is available. The connection will be closed when WAN is unavailable | Off (default), On |
The additional following settings will appear if PAD MODE is set to TCP.
TCP RECONNECT ON DISCONNECT | When On, the router attempts to maintain the TCP connection by automatically reconnecting after the connection to the server is closed for any reason. A back-off mechanism will try to reconnect with an increased waiting period between each retry (maximum wait time is 30 minutes). This is disabled when LISTEN FOR CONNECTIONS (AUTO-ANSWER) is ON | Off (default), On |
TCP KEEPALIVE | When On, the device sends keepalive probe packages when the connection is idle in order to maintain the connection. You can configure a Keepalive Time, Keepalive Interval and the number of Keepalive Probes | Off (default), On |
KEEPALIVE IDLE SECONDS | Sets the interval between the last data packet sent and the first keepalive probe | 0 to 65535, 30 (default) |
KEEPALIVE PROBE INTERVAL | Sets the interval (in seconds) between keepalive probes | 0 to 65535, 10 s (default) |
KEEPALIVE PROBE COUNT | Sets the number of unacknowledged probes to send before considering the TCP connection dead | 0 to 65535, 3 (default) |