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    Configuring the router for the Tracker Widget

    This page shows you how to configure an AirLink router so that it will provide location data for display in the Tracker widget. For more information about Tracker itself, see How to Use the Tracker Widget.

    Tracker uses GPS data from the AirLink router, so you must:

    • connect a compatible GNSS antenna. For information about antennas, see the Semtech Antennas page and the Hardware User Guide for your router. You can find product documentation on The Source.
    • Enable Location Services on the router.

    Enabling Location on the router

    In AirLink OS, go to Services > Location > General, and ensure that GNSS ENABLE is On. GNSS is enabled by default and begins working when the router is powered on with a GNSS antenna connected.

    Your router’s AirLink OS Location settings may not include all the settings shown in the AirLink XR60 example below.

    To configure communication frequency in ALMS, you can either:

    Additional Router Configuration

    Configuring a smart reporting rule with an On Change trigger enables the router to record location changes and forward location data to ALMS.

    Location data is not forwarded immediately. By default, the router has a minimal 10 seconds delay. The delay can be reduced to 2 seconds using the second template in later section.

    Semtech recommends configuring these settings on a single router, and then creating a configuration template that can be applied to a fleet of routers. These routers must be the same model and running the same AirLink OS router software version as the router on which you created the configuration template.

    If you are configuring the router in ALMS, first locate the router and view its configuration.

    1. Go to Monitor > Systems.
    2. In the Systems grid, click the name of the desired router.
    3. On the System detail page, click Configuration.

    4. The AirLink OS configuration interface opens.

    Create a Dataset

    1. In AirLink OS, go to System > ALMS > Smart Reporting.
    2. Under the DATASETS table, click CREATE FROM SCRATCH.

      AirLink OS enters Dataset mode.

    3. Go to Status/Monitoring > Services > Location.

    4. Select LATITUDE and LONGITUDE.

    5. In the progress bar at bottom, click SAVE.

    6. Save the dataset with a name like Location_data_for_tracker.

    Create a Smart Reporting Rule

    1. Go to System > ALMS > Smart Reporting.
    2. Under the REPORTING RULES table, click CREATE RULE.

    3. In the Create rule window, create a rule with the following settings:

    4. Enter a name for the rule, such as “Report location update for Tracker”.

    5. Under “Trigger, click CREATE to create a new “On Data Change” trigger.

      The Create on Change window appears.

    6. Enter a Name for the trigger.

    7. Under DATASET, select the dataset created earlier (the “Location_data_for_tracker” for example).

    8. Click CREATE.

    9. In the Create Rule window, do not select any FILTERS.

    10. Under “Action”, click “Create” to create a new “Action”.

      The Create Send To ALMS window appears.

    11. Name the Action such as “Store and forward location data for Tracker”.

    12. Under STORAGE POLICY, select Store And Forward.

    13. Under DATASET, select the dataset created earlier (Location_data_for_tracker, for example).

    14. Click CREATE.

    15. In the Create Rule window, click “Create” to finish creating the Smart Reporting Rule.

    16. Confirm that the new new rule is enabled in the REPORTING RULES table.

    17. Click SAVE to save the configuration change on the router.

    Create a Configuration Template

    To apply the new reporting rule to multiple routers, you can create an AirLink OS configuration template containing the new Smart Reporting rule.

    See How to create a template for an overview of templates in ALMS.

    To create the configuration template in ALMS:

    1. In ALMS, go to Configure > Templates.
    2. Click + in the action bar.
    3. The Create template window appears.
    4. Select the system from which you created the template. Leave the default option “Empty” selected.
    5. Click Continue. The AirLink OS UI opens in Template mode.
    6. Go to System > ALMS > Smart Reporting.
    7. Select the Smart Report Rule you created earlier (“Report location update for Tracker”, for example).
    8. Click EXPORT.

    9. Select “Export to my ALMS account” to save the template, and give it a name such as “Smart_reporting_rule_for_Tracker”.

    10. Click SAVE to finish creating the template.

    Configuring Data Report Latency

    AirLink OS has a default data report latency of 10 seconds, which is not optimal for reporting Tracker data. Although the latency can be configured to a minimum of 2 seconds, this setting is not currently available in the AirLink OS user interface. Because of this, Semtech has provided templates that will configure latency to 2 seconds.

    Templates Available For Import

    The latest AirLink OS release (at time of this writing) is 5.0.86. The required JSON templates are created for 5.0.86, and can be downloaded from the Source. You can then import the template to your ALMS account.

    EU RX55 5.0.86 eu_configure_data_report_latency_rx55_5.0.86.json
    EU XR60 5.0.86 eu_configure_data_report_latency_xr60_5.0.86.json
    EU XR80 5.0.86 eu_configure_data_report_latency_xr80_5.0.86.json
    EU XR90 5.0.86 eu_configure_data_report_latency_xr90_5.0.86.json
    NA RX55 5.0.86 na_configure_data_report_latency_rx55_5.0.86.json
    NA XR60 5.0.86 na_configure_data_report_latency_xr60_5.0.86.json
    NA XR80 5.0.86 na_configure_data_report_latency_xr80_5.0.86.json
    NA XR90 5.0.86 na_configure_data_report_latency_xr90_5.0.86.json
    CAD RX55 5.0.86 cad_configure_data_report_latency_rx55_5.0.86.json
    CAD XR60 5.0.86 cad_configure_data_report_latency_xr60_5.0.86.json
    CAD XR80 5.0.86 cad_configure_data_report_latency_xr80_5.0.86.json
    CAD XR90 5.0.86 cad_configure_data_report_latency_xr90_5.0.86.jso

    Import the Configuration Template

    Do not edit the template. The template contains custom information such as non-visible fields that are not supported in the AirLink OS UI. These values may not display correctly. If you edit an imported template, its non-visible fields will revert to their default values.

    1. In ALMS, go to Configure > Templates.
    2. Click the Import button at the top right corner.
    3. In the Import Template window, click + Select a JSON.

    4. Locate your .json file and click Open.

    5. Click Start to import the template.

      After the import is complete, the new template will appear in the Templates list.

    Apply the Configuration Template

    You can apply the two templates to a fleet of routers using an ALMS Workflow. For an overview see How to configure systems using Apply Workflow(s).

    A configuration template is associated with a specific firmware release. Change to device will be rejected if firmware release versions mismatch.

    1. Go to Monitor > Systems.
    2. Select the target system(s) to receive configuration changes.
    3. At top right corner of the systems table, click Apply Workflow(s).

    4. In the Apply Workflow(s) window, create two “Apply Template” steps with the required templates. Ensure that the data reporting latency template is the second of the two steps.

    5. Click Launch. The Operation Dependencies window appears.

    6. Cick Setup dependencies and continue to launch the configuration change operations.

      You can go to Monitor > Operations to monitor the progress.

    Adding the Tracker in ALMS

    To add the Tracker widget:

    1. Edit the dashboard. The initial dashboard cannot be edited, but you can edit the dashboard under Monitor > Systems or edit any dashboards you create. For more information, see the main Dashboard page.
    2. Search for “Tracker”.
    3. Select Tracker and click Save.

    Using the Tracker Widget

    Refresh and Auto Refresh

    Auto refresh is disabled by default. When enabled, Tracker auto refreshes every 5 seconds.

    Tracker displays devices that have updated their location within the last 15 minutes by default. This default setting is configurable (see Filtering Results and Time Range below).

    Filtering Results

    Tracker gives you the following options for filtering results.

    • System Name: To find the desired systems, enter a search word.

    • Time Range: You can filter systems by selecting a time range from the Reporting Within list on the Map toolbar.

    The map displays systems whose last reported location time is within the selected time range. By default the time range is the last 15 minutes, to limit the display to only devices that have been active recently. Set the duration longer to see devices that have not been active recently.

    Viewing the Tracker

    Tracker has various controls for viewing the data you want to see.

    Viewing Clusters

    When several vehicles are so close together that they can’t be viewed separately, Tracker presents them in a cluster.

    Click a cluster to zoom in and view the individual vehicles, or smaller clusters.

    Viewing System Info

    When looking at a vehicle on the map, you can view system information. To view system information, click the location icon.

    The system name, last recorded position coordinates and the time of the last recorded position are displayed. Click x to close the system information bubble.

    Map Options

    The map options include:

    • Traffic view
    • Satellite view
    • Full screen view

    You can switch between Google Maps standard Map view and Satellite view. You can also display Google Maps traffic layer.

    Expected Performance

    AirLink OS-based devices stream data to ALMS in a near real-time fashion. In its default configuration, AirLink OS will not stream location data at a high enough resolution for the Tracker widget to provide a near real-time experience. If you follow the configuration instructions provided in Enabling Location in AirLink OS, then you can expect that the device location will update approximately every 5 seconds.
