AirVantage provides, as a chargeable option, a VPN between AirVantage and the infrastructure in which the devices are, be it your own infrastructure or a private APN.
If you want to set up a VPN with AirVantage, please contact your Sierra Wireless Partner or Regional Sales Manager (RSM).
In order to finalise the set up process, you are required to fill out a VPN Option application form and provide the following information:
Once this form has been reviewed by AirVantage operation team, you will be provided with the public end point IP address of the tunnel on AirVantage side and the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) and you can set up the VPN endpoint.
- The VPN tunnel is only meant to be used for device traffic. All access to the AirVantage web UI and APIs must be performed through a public Internet endpoint.
- Server initiated communications are not supported inside the VPN.
In order for devices to communicate with AirVantage, you will have to:
You have to set up DNS that will resolve several Host Names to the AirVantage IP addresse inside the VPN:
You will also need to configure your network or devices in order to make the devices use this DNS.
The DNS is mandatory in order to allow a number of key features of AirVantage such as firmware upgrades, to work properly.
You have to route the following protocols through the VPN: