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    How to Work With and Create Trips Reports

    The Trips report provides a series of views that display the location of a selected router and shows the route that they have taken based on GPS data, for a selected time frame. The Trips report plots the router’s location as a continuous line on the map. This report is most useful for a single AirLink router over a relatively short period of time (for example, one trip) and can be used to validate where a device was, and determine its behavior at a specific point in time.

    The Trips report has the following views:

    • The Summary Report provides Stops, Network Status and Speeding
    • The Stops Report focuses on the details of vehicle stops.

    Trips reports are limited to a maximum of 10 routers for a period of up to 31 days. Single and Multi-Radio routers are supported.

    Summary Report

    The Summary Report combines a grid and map view of the trips made for the selected routers over the report period. The map view displays a plot of the trips made, with color-coded segments identifying the speed of the vehicle relative to your configured thresholds. A secondary option plots the network status (up/down) over the course of the trip for the router’s WAN interfaces, including Cellular, Wi-Fi and external modem/HPUE (if connected). The grid below the map provides a list of all trips, with the distance since the last stop, stop durations and end addresses.

    Viewing a Summary Report

    To view Trip Reports:

    1. From the Reporting dashboard, select a Trips report from the main list, or filter the list by Type > Trips.
    2. Click the desired report.
    3. On the next screen, which shows the report template and recently run reports, click the instance of the report you’d like to view. The full report appears.

    The controls on the right side of the map let you view either vehicle speed (Low/Average/Speeding) or the network status for the trips.

    You can click on a trip segment to view a summary of that segment. The summary window has two links that allow you to zoom in on the segment (showing the segment’s start and finish) or view the trip for that segment.

    The summary reports the Carrier and Technology if the device had a cellular connection during the trip, or Wi-Fi if the device was connected to Wi-Fi. If both Wi-Fi and cellular values are reported during a segment, only the latest one is shown. For example, if the device was connected to Wi-Fi and then switched to the cellular network, the summary will report the cellular carrier and technology for the whole segment.

    The columns displayed below the map can be organized, resized and configured to show the parameters you want to see:

    The Telemetry Data column identifies the method used to calculate the speed. Vehicle Speed is speed calculated from vehicle telemetry data, and is generally the most accurate. GPS Speed is speed calculated from GPS data, and is a fallback method when telemetry data is not available.

    To return to the full summary report, clear the Segments, Trips, Systems and Zone boxes at the top of the map.

    Stops Report

    The Stops Report combines a grid and map view of the stops made on the trips made for the selected routers over the report period. The map view displays Short, Medium and Long stops along the trip route(s) based on the report criteria you have defined. The slider lets you dynamically filter the stops based on duration. The grid below the map provides a list of all trips with the trip distances and durations, stop durations and trip start and end addresses.

    Zones Display

    The Zone selection at the top of the map lets you select a zone to view all trips that travelled within (in whole or in part) that zone for all selected vehicles during the reporting period.

    If no zone is selected in the report definition, the Zone selection does not appear in the Trip Report.

    Creating a Trips Report

    To begin, from the Reporting dashboard, click the Create a New Report icon.

    An empty report screen appears.

    Select a Template

    Choose how often you’d like this report to be run. Click:

    • Single for a one-time report

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    • Yearly

    Under Report Properties, you can complete the scheduling for your new report. The section below describes how to configure the time and the day on which you’d like your report to run.

    To run a report immediately, click Run Report.

    Define the Report Properties

    The required fields for creating a valid report are Type, Name and Range.

    Select the Report Type

    Select Trips Report from the Type menu.

    Enter a Name and Description

    Give your report a brief, descriptive name. You may want to use a driver’s name, a vehicle model, and/or the AirLink router model, depending on the type of report you run.

    Below the Name field, you can enter a longer report description. You may want to include the report’s schedule and reporting zone.

    Select the Reporting Range

    The Range menu lists the options for the reporting period. You can select a predefined Reporting Range, or configure a Custom range.

    If scheduling a recurring report, select one of the relative date ranges (Yesterday or Last 7 Days, for example). Selecting an absolute range will generate the same results each time.

    If you click Custom, a calendar appears, allowing you to select a start date/time and an end date/time for your report.

    Select Recipient Email Addresses

    Click the Recipient Emails field to select who you would like to be notified when the report is run.

    You can also manually enter email addresses in this field.

    Select a Zone

    Click the Zones fields to select a zone that you want to include in (or exclude from) the report.

    Select the Export File Formats

    Reports can be exported as PDF, Excel (.csv) or KML files.

    To select export file formats, click the appropriate buttons.

    Select Units, Tolerance and Thresholds

    You can choose to render your reports in metric or imperial units.

    You can optimize your report results by entering:

    • Speeding Thresholds: fine tune the speed levels (low/high) that are indicated in the trips report

    • Stop Thresholds: fine tune the stop durations (short/medium/long) that are indicated (or excluded) in the trips report

    Select the Systems

    Select the systems for which you want to run your new report. Select checkboxes for the desired system(s), or filter the list to narrow down your choices. You do not need to use the checkboxes to select specific systems. Selecting the checkboxes will override general filters.

    Select Advanced Settings: Start and End Dates

    The Advanced settings are strictly optional. If you enable these settings, you may want to set a reminder (external to ALMS) to notify yourself of the start and end dates.

    Click the Advanced button to display options for selecting start and end dates for your reports. For example, you can configure a weekly report to run for two months starting one week from today.

    Clicking Start Time or Run Until displays a calendar on which you can define a start date/time and end date/time.
