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    Features Supported for ALEOS Devices

    This section lists the features of the AMM that are available for ALEOS devices.



    Main tabs:

    • Dashboard
    • Events
    • Map
    • Stats
    • Tracker
    • Configuration
      • Deployment > Copy
      • Deployment > Configuration Control
      • Templates
    • Reports (For more information see: Reports )
    • Admin - all sub menus are supported except for DNS Servers. See Admin Tab for more information. Note that some features may be platform specific.

    For more information see: Main Tabs .

    Additional Tabs:

    • Logout
    • Zoom
    • Options - all options are supported
    • Help

    For more information about tabs see Option Tabs .

    Gateway Tree Menu Context Menus

    Gateway Tree Menu Context Menus

    When right-clicking on ALEOS devices, the following menus/functionality are supported:

    • Delete
    • Details
    • Access console
    • Access ACEmanager
    • Request Reboot
    • Browse log files
    • Copy Configuration
    • Generate Configuration Template

    For more information about these features see: Changing Gateway Details .

    When right-clicking on a fleet of ALEOS devices, the following menus/functionality are supported.

    • Delete group
    • Rename group
    • Create group
    • Move group here
    • Move gateways here
    • Browser log files

    Note: when a fleet of mixed ALEOS and MG devices is selected, additional menus applicable only to MG devices may also be shown. For customer fleets consisting of only ALEOS devices, these additional menus will be disabled. If MG devices are added and selected, these menus will become enabled.

    For more information on these features see: Groups and Sub-Groups .

    Stats Reported by ALEOS Devices

    Stats Reported by ALEOS Devices

    This section lists some of the commonly used stats that can be reported by ALEOS devices. Note that ALEOS devices may not report stats with every communication, and stats related to hardware not supported by a device will not be reported (e.g. if a device does not support GPS, then it will not report GPS stats).

    Note: MGOS devices report more stats than ALEOS devices, some of which are not reported by ALEOS devices.

    • ACEmanagerTemplate: latest ACEmanager template applied.
    • ACEmanagerTemplateChange: date/time of when ACEmanager template was applied.
    • ACEmanagerTemplateInSync: status of template applied between ACEmanager and device.
    • ApplicationVersion: lists software versions of AVTC, ammer and uploadlog. e.g. AVTC-;ammer-;uploadlog-
    • CallUp: indicates if there is an active link up.
    • ConfigSyncedStatus: status of configuration synchronization between AMM and device. Indicates whether the gateway and the server copies of the configuration files are the same or not.
    • ConfigTemplate: latest template applied.
    • ConfigTemplateChange: date/time of when latest template was applied.
    • ConfigTemplateInSync: status of latest template applied between AMM and device.
    • ConfigurationState: the overall configuration sync status determined by status of msciconfig, ammerconfig and uploadlogconfig.
    • IMEI: imei code.
    • LastConfigurationChange: used in conjunction with ConfigTemplateChange and ACEmanagerTemplateChange to determine whether the last config applied to the device is an AMM template or an ACEmanager template.
    • Platform: the type of platform (e.g. MP70, GX400, RV50, etc.).
    • RemoteSocketAddress: the remote socket address reported by Airlink.
    • ReportIdleTime: represents the device’s heartbeat.
    • SoftwareVersion: the version of the device’s software.

    Communication Stats

    Note: The stats below are repeated for each possible WAN interface configured in the system, identified by the mount point of the device. Possible values for LinkLocation for ALEOS devices are CellLink, WiFiLink and LinkX. LinkX indicates the current active WAN interface and provides the same data for whichever is the current default route.

    • [LinkLocation]-Active: indicates whether the current default route is accessbile.
    • [LinkLocation]-CallUpTime: length of time that the current data call has been in place.
    • [LinkLocation]-IPAddress: the ip address of the link.
    • [LinkLocation]-RSRP: the average power received from a single reference signal. Typical range is around -44dbm(good) to -140dbm(bad).
    • [LinkLocation]-RSRQ: indicates quality of the received signal. Typical range is around -19.5db(bad) to -3db(good).
    • [LinkLocation]-SINR: signal to noise ratio of the given signal.
    • [LinkLocation]-RSSI: represents the entire received power present in the received signal.
    • [LinkLocation]-rxBytes: total number of received bytes for the current data call.
    • [LinkLocation]-TotalrxBytes: total number of received bytes in a 24-hr period, resetting at GMT daily.
    • [LinkLocation]-TotaltxBytes:total number of transmitted bytes in a 24-hr period, resetting at GMT daily.
    • [LinkLocation]-txBytes: total number of transmitted bytes for the current data call.
    • [LinkLocation]-Up: if the current link is connected.
    • [LinkLocation]-ECIO, [LinkLocation]-ICCID: information about the WAN link.
    • [LinkLocation]-WANSignalStrength: signal strength as calculated by the configuation in the cellular wan link; by default a rolling average of the last 10 samples. The number of samples used and the threshold required for the device to report a new value are configurable in the WAN link configuration.

    VPN Stats

    • IPsecVPNTunnel: if the VPN tunnel is up or not.
    • IPsecVPNTunnelUpTime: how long the VPN tunnel has been up for.
    • VPNIndividualTunnelDownTime: how long an individual tunnel has been down.
    • VPNIndividualTunnelState: the state of an individual tunnel.
    • VPNIndividualTunnelUpTime: how long an individual tunnel has been up.

    GPS Stats

    • GPS AntennaStatus: the status of the GPS antenna. Possible values are OK, Unknown, Open circuit, Short circuit.
    • GPS Location-altitude / GPS Location-latitude / GPS Location-longitude: the device’s current GPS coordinates at time of reporting.
    • GPS Location-miles: the miles traveled on a given day.
    • GPS Location-speedmph: the speed, in miles per hour at the time of the reporting.
    • GPS Location-zone: the zone in which the gateway traveled. See Zones for more information. This stat is calculated by the server based on existing Zones and the device’s coordinates at a given time.
    • GPS Satellites: the number of satellites that are in view. Not useful for location troubleshooting since it is based on archival data and anticipated location.
    • GPS Satellites In Use: indicates whether there are sufficient satellites currently in use to support a particular fix-dimension (2 or 3).
    • GPSFix: the time since the last 2D or 3D GPS fix.

    Note: the AMM converts the metric GPS data obtained from ALEOS devices into miles. The AMM will then display the data in the units set by the user in the AMM’s preferences.

    Telemetry Stats

    If you are using telemetry, the following lists some of the most commonly used stats. For more information about telemetry, see Telemetry Tab.

    • AmbientAirTemperature: ambient air temperature reported by the ECU sensor.
    • BarometricPressure: barometric pressure as reported by the ECU sensor.
    • Battery: vehicle battery voltage as reported by the OBD-II connection.
    • CatalystTemperature1-1: reported temperature of the catalytic converter sensor.
    • DiagnosticTroubleCode: diagnostic trouble code.
    • DistanceSinceCodesReset: the distance travelled since the last DTCs were cleared by a scan tool.
    • DistanceSinceMILOn: distance since the last time the MIL was on.
    • EngineCoolantTemperature: temperature of the coolant system as reported by the ECU sensor.
    • EngineRPM: current engine RPM as reported by the ECU sensor.
    • FuelLevelInput: shown as a percentage of the tank.
    • IntakeAirTemperature: temperature of the air intake as reported by the ECU sensor
    • MilOn: check engine light status (Malfunction Indicator Lamp).
    • OBDScannerConnected: indicates if the scanner is currently connected (a value of 1) or is disconnected (a value of 0).
    • Odometer: shows odometer reading of the vehicle. Note: This parameter is dependent on the Distance since codes cleared (DSCC) PID. If “DSCC” is not available on the vehicle, then this parameter will not be reported.
    • TimeAtIdle: the amount of time spent idling.
    • TimeSinceCodesCleared: length of time since the most recent trouble codes were cleared.
    • TimeSinceEngineStart: length of time since the engine was last started.
    • TimeSinceMilOn: length of time since the last time the MIL was on.
    • VehicleSpeed: the last recorded velocity of the vehicle. Measured in kilometers per hour.
    • VIN: vehicle Identification Number. Unique 17 digit serial number assigned to the vehicle by the manufacturer.

    Stat FAQs

    • What does “LinkX-ActiveLink” mean?

      “LinkX-ActiveLink” is the active WAN link that AMM is tracking.

    • What is the purpose of LinkX?

      LinkX allows a threshold to be set on the WAN active link, irrespective of whether it is on WiFi or cell.
