Every AMR report starts with a report definition. This page gives you general guidelines on how to create a new report template.
For more details on working with and creating templates for the each type of reports that AMR supports, see the Reporting How-Tos .
To begin, click the Create a New Report icon.
An empty report screen appears.
Choose how often you’d like this report to be run. Click:
Single for a one-time report
Under Report Properties, you can complete the scheduling for your new report. The section below describes how to configure the time and the day on which you’d like your report to run.
To run a report immediately, click
. If no valid systems are available (no systems with AVTA installed and in the READY and DEPLOYED state) then the report will not run.
The required fields for creating a valid report are Type, Name and Range.
The Type menu lists the available report types. Some of the report fields and other settings will vary according to the type of report you select. For more information, see Driver Behavior reports , Vehicle reports , Vehicle Utilization reports , Engine Fault Summary reports , Trips reports , Odometer reports , Seat Belt reports , Zone Summary reports , and Trip Replay .
Give your report a brief, descriptive name. You may want to use a driver’s name, a vehicle model, and/or the AirLink gateway or router model, depending on the type of report you run.
Below the Name field, you can enter a longer report description. You may want to include the report’s schedule and reporting zone.
The Range menu lists the options for the reporting period. You can select a predefined Reporting Range, or configure a Custom range.
If scheduling a recurring report, select one of the relative date ranges (Yesterday or Last 7 Days, for example). Selecting an absolute range will generate the same results each time.
If you click Custom, a calendar appears, allowing you to select a start date/time and an end date/time for your report.
Please note that event datapoints are pre-processed in AirVantage on an hourly schedule before becoming available for AMR report purposes. Because of this, events occurring within the hour before the report execution time (scheduled or on-demand) may not be included in the report.
Click the Recipient Emails field to select who you would like to be notified when the report is run.
You can also manually enter email addresses in this field.
Reports can be exported as PDF, Excel (.csv) or KML files, depending on the type of report you are generating.
To select export file formats, click the appropriate buttons.
Exported KML files are available only for reports with a geographic, map-based component.
Select the systems for which you want to run your new report. Select checkboxes for the desired system(s), or filter the list to narrow down your choices. You do not need to use the checkboxes to select specific systems. Selecting the checkboxes will override general filters.
The system list is automatically filtered to display systems that are running AVTA and are in the READY and DEPLOYED state. Reports will not run if no valid systems are available.
The Advanced settings are strictly optional. If you enable these settings, you may want to set a reminder (external to ALMS) to notify yourself of the start and end dates.
Click the Advanced button to display options for selecting start and end dates for your reports. For example, you can configure a weekly report to run for two months starting one week from today.
Clicking Start Time or Run Until displays a calendar on which you can define a start date/time and end date/time.